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Vesuvius - Diego, I wanted a moment of your time. Diego Alvarez - Not interested. Diego tries to step passed Vesuvius and Vesuvius blocks him. Vesuvius - Now, now, don't be that way. See, tonight you're fighting Rated R. If you harm him badly tonight, you could be paid off handsomely. Diego Alvarez - *smiles* I don't make deals with sleaze like you, Vesuvius. Alvarez then shoves Vesuvius out of the way and continues towards his dressing room. Vesuvius is clearly unimpressed with this and storms off. No doubt he will soon cast down a judgment against Diego. He's so very new and already has a target on his back. We then see the opening credits with images of Simon, Rated R, Halloween Jack, Tommy Purr, Nameless, Bombshell, Gerard Angelo, and Dwayne Irving Carter Kingston before we head to ringside where Ricky Simms and Henry Lesher are all set to call the action. The Bomb Shelter The camera heads to the arena where we see a pink carpet set up in the ring. The ring is decorated with red, pink, and white ribbons and bows hung up on the turnbuckles and on the ropes. In the corners of the ring are stuffed animals and pillows while in the center sits a nice plush bed with red satin sheets and plenty of matching pillows. The lights are dimmed down to violet and red colors … when suddenly “I Am the Body Beautiful” by Salt N’ Pepa’ begins to play over the P.A. The crowd responds with a deafening amount of boos as Bombshell makes her way out to the ring, smirking and holding her Superior Title over her shoulder. Bombshell makes way down to the ring, strutting her stuff. Once she gets to the ring, Bombshell does her split-legged entrance and gets inside the ring. Taking a microphone from Kelly Buchanan, Bombshell waits for her music to fade out. Bombshell: Ladies and gentlemen … welcome to the first edition of “The Bomb Shelter.” The number one-rated talk show in Professional Wrestling today … replacing that other show … oh … what was it called … “Tommy Time”? “Parker’s Panto”? “Hoshi’s Haven”? Oh yes … all those boring talk shows hosted by boring, washed-out, washed-up haggard has-been’s. The crowd boos and begins chanting “Slut! Slut!” Bombshell: C’mon guys, just because you’re chanting for her doesn’t mean Myst is going to come out, so don’t bother. The crowd boos again. Bombshell: My first guest on “The Bomb Shelter” is a man who was given an ultimatum last week. Choose either between Rated R. or Vesuvius. The man I speak of is Tommy Purr. The crowd cheers as Bombshell rolls her eyes. Bombshell: Now, Tommy can either do the logical thing and side with Vesuvius … and continue having a relationship with our children … or he can join Rated R. and have his career ended early on his life. The choice is his and his alone. The ETA for Tommy’s decision was one week ago today … so let’s bring out the man of the hour, too weak to have power … Tommy Purr! The crowd erupts as the arena blacks out and “Lovefurypassionenergy” by Boy Hits Car begins to play throughout the arena. Tommy makes his way out to the stage … no taunting, no posing, and calmly makes his way down to the ring. Tommy climbs up the steel stairs and steps in through the middle-rope and immediately stands nose-to-nose with Bombshell as his music fades to black. Bombshell: When you side with Vesuvius, you do realize that you’ll have to stop changing your theme every week, right? The crowd laughs slightly at Bombshell’s comment … and Tommy grabs the mike from Bombshell’s hand. Tommy Purr: You know what? I’ve thought long and hard about it … at first, the decision was easy; I chose Vesuvius. But … Ryan had a good point too … I would never want to set an example for my kids that submitting to bullies was okay, submitting to people who abuse power is not something I want to teach my kids. Even if the person abusing that power is their own mother. So I thought about it … thought about how you would keep my kids away from me. Tula and Christopher mean more to me than my pride, my ego, my own dignity … I would whore myself out worse than Kelly Buchanan if it meant keeping my children safe and healthy. The crowd cheers and laughs as Kelly looks offended at ringside. Bombshell yells at Tommy for insulting her friend. The audience begins chanting “She’s Got Herpes!” towards Kelly. Tommy Purr: And then, as I scanned my autobiography, I realized that I’ve always had to overcome adversity … that’s what’s always made me appealing to the fans; no matter what the odds, I always wind up on top … just like I did with YPM at “Battle of the Warriors,” just like I did with Simon at “Imperial Conquest,” just like I did with Jake Matthews last week … and just like I’m going to do tonight with The Nameless. The crowd cheers ecstatically. Tommy Purr: I’m not scared of Vesuvius, I’m not scared of Nameless, and I’m sure as hell not scared of … YOU! The crowd starts chanting “GWO, GWO!” Tommy Purr: Actions speak louder than words, Yvonne … so I’m going to show you which side I chose. Payback’s a Bitch … Kick! Before Bombshell puts two and two together, Tommy swings his leg up and knocks Bombshell out with his own Bitch Kick much to the crowd’s delight! The crowd begins chanting “Tommy, Tommy” but then starts booing as Gerard Angelo comes running out from backstage. Tommy slides out of the ring as Gerry rushes to the side of an unconscious Bombshell, cursing at Tommy as “Lovefurypassionenergy” begins to pick up over the chorus once again. Tommy stands on the ramp and does a cocky pose as Bombshell begins to stir in the ring. Tommy heads backstage as the fans cheer him on. Ricky Simms: I can’t believe it … Tommy knocked out Bombshell … Tommy has chosen Team GWO over Team Anarchy! Henry Lesher: I fear this will come back to haunt Tommy … but I like the idea of him no longer having those pesky roommates anymore. Ricky Simms: Those were his children, Lesher! Henry Lesher: Eh, whatever … that means poor lonely Tommy has that big house all to himself. Perhaps I should pay him a visit one of these days. Ricky Simms: Argh … let’s just act like you didn’t say that. 6Pac Dudley vs Antichrist "Southtown" by POD plays as 6Pac Dudley starts making his way towards the ring. The crowd cheers as he high fives them and approaches ringside. He has just reached ringside when Jackson Rayge attacks him from behind with a clothesline to the back of the neck that sends him face first to the floor. Jackson then picks 6Pac up and runs him face first into the steel corner post. Jackson then rolls 6Pac into the ring before rolling himself into the ring as well. Ricky Simms - Jackson is doing all of this and Demitri Lucian is just now arriving to watch this. Henry Lesher - Lucian is a genius. He has two finely tuned animals set to destroy people on his command. The bell sounds to start the match, if that's what you call it, when Rayge rolls into the ring. Rayge grabs 6Pac around the throat, picks him up and choke slams him to the mat. Rayge then looks around briefly at the crowd before again grabbing 6Pac around the throat and then choke slamming him to the mat. Rayge then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Jackson Rayge remains unbeaten in AW. Ricky Simms - That was a mugging more than it was a match. Henry Lesher - I think it's great. Injure some Canadians. We don't need them anyway. Ricky Simms - Of course, I now apologize to our Canadian fans. Henry Lesher - Apologize for what? Most of them don't have televisions and the rest don't know I insulted them. They're not bright. As medics come out to take care of 6Pac, we hear "Tear In My Beer" by Hank Williams Sr. and we see Dwayne Irving Carter Kingston making his way towards the ring, tipping his hat once before he rolls himself into the ring. He shakes his head and grabs the microphone from Kelly Buchanan. Kingston - I gots me a win this week! Ya know how? That yella fella Matthews ain't gone and showed up this week! How do ya like that, a yella champ?! Now I done all there is a man is ta do around here and I gots ta know if'n there's a point. I tells ya, I ain't leavin' this ring till I get somethin' for next week! Dwayne lowers the microphone and waits as the crowd mostly boo him, though some are apparently warming up to him as the weeks go by. Ricky Simms - I missed some of that. Henry Lesher - He wants something for all his success. I think it's the least he can ask for. "She Sells Sanctuary" by The Cult plays as Jason Knight emerges from backstage with a smile on his face and a microphone in his hand. Jason Knight - Kingston, you have impressed management. We have been impressed with your little winning streak and we intend to reward it. See, we know what it's like to.... Kingston - Hey, you gots a few seconds before I comes up there and give ya what for. Stop two steppin' around the point! Jason Knight - *sighs* I was getting to that. Next week at Bloodbath, because you won by forfeit over an esteemed champion like Jake Matthews, you get yourself a shot at Renske and his Xtreme title. Enjoy that. Knight exits while Kingston nods and throws down the microphone. As he leaves the ring, we look backstage and find Shannon pacing in his locker room. His son Noah then enters the picture. Noah Skanes - Dad, I don't agree with this. You know you cannot trust him. Shannon Skanes - Kiddo, this is what we have to do. Jack has said a lot of things and tonight he pays for the things he has said. The man is a liar and a cheat. He's also a backstabber. Noah Skanes - Yes, but that also describes the man you're trusting here as well. Shannon Skanes - Look, I know what I am doing. Shannon then exits the locker room and Noah simply stands there and shakes his head. Halloween Jack vs Shannon Skanes "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva plays as Halloween Jack comes out to a very strong and negative reaction from the fans. Jack simply bows before them and then shows off his Team AW T-shirt to the camera. He then makes his way towards the ring with his nose in the air. Jack reaches ringside and has a few words with one fan sitting there. He then grabs the young fan by his shirt and starts to pick him up when his music abruptly stops and then we hear "The Hand That Feeds" by Nine Inch Nails and Shannon Skanes runs down to ringside where he and Jack start brawling. Shannon gives Jack a series of knife edge chops that drive him backwards and into the railing. Shannon then slams Jack's head onto the steel railing and then onto the steel ring steps. Shannon then rolls Jack into the ring. Shannon goes over to the fan that Jack was about to rough up and hands him a GWO T-shirt. The kid looks happy and Shannon shakes hands with the kid's father. Jack gets to his feet inside the ring while this is going on. Ricky Simms - Nice gesture there by the former GWO boss. Henry Lesher - Whatever, the kid might have learned something about respect from Jack. As Shannon rolls himself into the ring, he finds Jack waiting for him and takes a series of kicks to the back of the head from Jack. Jack then stands Shannon up, whips him off the ropes and backdrops him over the top rope and back out to the floor. Jack smiles, but that smile quickly fades when "Come with Me" by Puff Daddy starts playing and the crowd is shocked to see Tony Parizi making his way towards the ring. Ricky Simms - Well look who's out of prison. Henry Lesher - This isn't his fight. As Parizi takes his place at ringside, Sal Clemenzo rolls into the ring behind Halloween Jack, wearing a referee's shirt and all. The crowd is exploding and Jack knows someone is behind him and winces, clearly not wanting to look. Sal taps him on the shoulder, but Jack still chooses not to look. Sal then grabs Jack by the arm and turns him around and the two start arguing while a groggy Shannon Skanes gets to his feet. Ricky Simms - Sal's the ref! There was a lot of speculation on who Shelia signed. Apparently two people got signed. Henry Lesher - Maybe it was neither of these two. They're connected. It doesn't matter if anyone signs them to anything. Who would try to stop them? Ricky Simms - Good point. Shannon rolls himself into the ring and Sal Clemenzo calls for the bell. Jack turns and finds Shannon on his feet. Shannon lands a series of rights and lefts to the jaw on Jack, then whips him into the corner buckle. Shannon then hip tosses Jack to the mat from there. Shannon then asks Sal where's he's been and it almost looks like these two could have a fight as well. Shannon then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and clotheslines him down to the mat. Shannon then leg drops Jack and goes for the pin. 1...2... Jack manages to kick out. Ricky Simms - Halloween Jack claims to have run Lethal Weapon out of town a year ago. Both Shannon Skanes and Sal Clemenzo have their reasons for believing they ran him out of town. Henry Lesher - I don't care who ran him out of town. I thank God every day he's gone. Shannon stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in for a shoulder block only to find no one home when Jack side steps it. Jack then picks Shannon up and power slams him to the mat. Jack then stands Shannon up, whips him off the ropes and dropkicks him back down to the mat. Jack then takes to the ropes, makes his way to the top and then poses once there while glaring at Sal. Jack manages to land a knee drop to the forehead on Shannon and then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Shannon Skanes. Jack has a few words for Sal and Sal just smiles. Jack stands Shannon up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline as Shannon ducks it and then backslides Jack for the pin attempt. 1...2...3! Sal counts the pin fast and Shannon gets the win and rolls out of the ring. Ricky Simms - Fast count there by Sal. Henry Lesher - Does he plan to run Jack out of town? Ricky Simms - I imagine the score they have to settle just got a little more personal. Jack quickly gets to his feet and has some words with Sal while Tony Parizi walks Shannon towards the back. Sal then sucker punches Jack in the nose and then throws him over the top rope and out to the floor. Sal spits in his direction and then turns away from him. Jack retreats towards the back, but repeats over and over again that he will get revenge for this. We then see Sal leaving the ring and exiting through the crowd. Ricky Simms - Those two will meet again soon. Henry Lesher - Notice there was no interaction between Sal and Tony. I guess turning state's evidence causes the silent treatment. Ricky Simms - A fan appears to be jumping over the railing here. He's... oh wait. Lesher turns and comes face to face with Emo Shmelky. Emo Shmelky - *heard through Lesher's microphone* Doc, you've gotta help me. The bears tracked me here. There's no hiding from them. Henry Lesher - Emo, we went over this. You need to kill yourself and then they'll leave you alone. Emo Shmelky - Dammit, Doc, this is no time for jokes! Henry Lesher - I know that. I am not joking. Emo Shmelky - I need you to help me, Doc. I am going to be wrestling the week after Bloodshed and I need you to be my manager. Henry Lesher - You need to go away. Emo Shmelky - *leans in close and whispers* You see, the government knows everything, Doc. They may have followed me with the bears. They could be working together. I don't know yet. Henry Lesher - You know how you get away from them? Put a pillow over your face. Hold it there until you're the world champion. Emo Shmelky - I'll be in touch. Emo then heads off through the crowd while the fans cheer the cousin of the albino twins, Ingee and Shengee. Ricky Simms - That was touching. Henry Lesher - Shut up. Hoshi/Bart vs Air Canada "Surfing with the Alien" by Joe Satriani starts to play as Hoshi Yakamoto and Bart Phillips make their way out towards the ring, bringing the crowd to their feet. Bart and Hoshi roll into the ring together and then pose on the ropes in opposite corners as the crowd snaps pictures of them and cheers them on. Their music then fades and we hear "T.O. Party Anthem" by Maestro and PB FUBU comes out first, Lightning trailing behind him. FUBU has the title belt raised high and is smiling for the cheering crowd while Lightning has his head down and the title belt is simply around his waist. FUBU hands his title belt to the timekeeper while Lightning slowly takes his and throws it onto the floor. He even goes as far as to glare at FUBU while FUBU stands on the apron and poses for the crowd. FUBU steps into the ring and Lightning takes his place in the corner. Ricky Simms - I get the feeling Lightning's heart isn't into it. Henry Lesher - I'm amazed you figured that out. FUBU and Hoshi circle each other inside the ring as the bell sounds and the match is underway. Hoshi and FUBU lock up. FUBU then gives Hoshi a standing dropkick to break that and then kips up to his feet as she kips up to hers. FUBU nods and locks up with her for a moment again. He breaks it and places her in a standing side headlock. Hoshi backs FUBU into a neutral corner and then whips him to the opposite corner and gives him a monkey flip out of there. Hoshi then kips up to her feet and FUBU kips up to his feet. This time, she nods and they lock up again. FUBU knee lifts Hoshi in the gut and then gives her a series of elbows to the chin, driving her into the ropes. He then whips her off the ropes and gives her a lariat to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. Ricky Simms - Good, fast pace to start the match here. This is a non title match. Henry Lesher - Cowards fight in those. Lightning looks less interested in this than I am. Ricky Simms - There is definitely something wrong with him. FUBU stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and goes for a dropkick, but Hoshi grabs the ropes and then tags in Bart while FUBU falls on his back to the mat. Bart charges into the ring and clotheslines FUBU down, then picks him up over his shoulder and tries to run him into the buckle. FUBU slides off of Bart's shoulders and shoves him face first into the neutral corner and then gives him a German suplex to the mat. FUBU then looks for the tag as Lightning looks down at him. Lightning leans back as FUBU tries to tag him in. Bart then gets to his feet, turns FUBU around and the two start trading punches. Ricky Simms - Lightning avoided the tag there. Henry Lesher - He doesn't know where FUBU's hand has been. FUBU whips Bart off the ropes, then backdrops him to the mat. He then turns to tag in Lightning and Lightning instead gives him a right hook to the jaw. Bart Phillips then rolls a shocked FUBU up for the pin attempt. 1...2...3! Bart and Hoshi score an upset win this week over the tag team champions! Ricky Simms - Lightning punched his own partner! Henry Lesher - Good, good for him. As Bart and Hoshi exit the ring, we look backstage where Ariel and Athena, known as the Anarchy Angels, are checking their make up and hair in the mirror. Shengee Shmelky and Salty Tom walk into the shot. Shengee Shmelky - Girls, may we have a moment of your time? Ariel - Make it quick, midget. Shengee Shmelky - For the past two weeks, you two have scouted out Hoshi Yakamoto. Tonight you haven't and she just won the match. Athena - Bart won it. Lightning made it happen. Don't give that girl credit. Shengee Shmelky - Why the issues with Hoshi? Ariel - *smiling and turns to face Shengee* Why? Look, Shmelk, my issue with Hoshi is because she fashions herself as this sensation and the only female sensations are myself and Athena here. Athena - She'll find out the hard way. Ariel - Bloodshed won't be kind to her. Shengee Shmelky - You have a match with her at Bloodshed? Athena - You don't miss a trick, do you midget? Now, get out of our room. Shengee and Tom leave, Tom downing a packet of salt as he leaves the shot. We then head back to the ring. Myst vs Bombshell "I Am the Body Beautiful" by Salt N Pepa plays as Bombshell makes her way out onto the stage. She stands there and shakes her head as the crowd starts chanting "Slut" at her. She's sporting a black eye as she makes her way towards the ring and she's clearly in a foul mood. Ricky Simms - Bombshell sporting a shiner after the shot that Tommy gave her. Henry Lesher - That's why I stay away from women. They're trouble. Bombshell jumps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes. Referee Steve Blake looks at her eye and asks if she is okay to fight tonight. She nods and shoves Blake away from her. Her music fades and then we hear "Sonne" by Rammstein and White Myst comes out dressed in white trunks, a white shirt and white boots. She smiles for the crowd and quickly makes her way to the ring. Inside the ring, Bombshell paces. White Myst pulls herself onto the apron and Bombshell greets her with a spear that sends her back to the floor. Ricky Simms - Bombshell's in a bad mood. Henry Lesher - Getting kicked in the face does that to a person. Bombshell rolls herself out of the ring and stands Myst up, then gives her a series of forearm smashes to the jaw. Myst then slams Bombshell's face into the apron and then whips her shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Myst then rolls her into the ring before rolling herself into the ring and referee Mark Davis calls for the bell. Myst applies a hammer lock on Bombshell and the referee checks for a submission as the crowd starts a chant for the current Monarch of AW. Myst breaks the hold on Bombshell, stands her up and whips her off the ropes. Myst then clotheslines Bombshell to the mat and then gives her a knee drop to the forehead and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell. Myst then stands Bombshell up, whips her into the corner buckle and then gives her a double under hook suplex to the middle of the ring. Myst then climbs to the second rope and poses once there for the crowd before landing a double axe handle smash across the back of Bombshell. Myst rolls Bombshell into a school boy pin fall attempt. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell and she then rolls herself out of the ring to regroup. Ricky Simms - Myst having a good night so far tonight. It's looking good for her. Henry Lesher - Enough of the drooling, Rick. You're making me ill. Ricky Simms - Both of these women are title holders in AW, further proof of the overall equality here. Henry Lesher - Yes, if you sleep with the right people, you get titles. Ricky Simms - You're awful. Myst rolls herself out of the ring to follow Bombshell. They start trading punches there. Bombshell then gives Myst a knife edge chop to the chest and follows that up with a round house kick to the chest, sending Myst falling backwards into the guard railing. Bombshell then rolls Myst into the ring before rolling herself into the ring as well, barely beating the ten count by Mark Davis. Bombshell quickly gets to her feet and then boot chokes Myst in the ropes. Bombshell stands Myst up, whips her off the ropes and then dropkicks her to the mat. Bombshell then climbs to the top rope and poses once there before going for a five star frog splash. Myst rolls out of the way and Bombshell winds herself when she hits the mat. Ricky Simms - Myst was able to roll out of the way of that attack. Henry Lesher - Yes, we saw that. Myst gets to her feet, grabs Bombshell by the hair and picks her up, then slams her face first to the mat. Myst then stands on Bombshell's hair and pulls her up by the arms, causing Bombshell to cry out in pain. Myst releases that, stands Bombshell up and whips her off the ropes before then dropkicking her to the mat. Myst then heads to the ropes and makes her way to the top. She goes for a flying elbow smash from there, but this time Bombshell rolls out of the way. Ricky Simms - Myst hits the mat the same as Bombshell did moments ago. Henry Lesher - Neither of them are very bright. Bombshell gets to her feet and comes face to face with Myst. They start trading punches and Myst whips Bombshell into the corner. Bombshell clotheslines Myst to the mat from there. Bombshell then stands Myst up, whips her off the ropes and ducks her head for a back drop. Myst instead gives her a swinging neck breaker to the mat and then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... Bombshell kicks out. Myst then stands Bombshell up, whips her into the corner and then gives her a hip toss to the center of the ring. Bombshell lands on her feet and gives Myst the bitch kick and goes for the pin. 1...2... Myst gets her foot on the bottom rope. Bombshell has a few words with the referee and he shrugs, holding up two fingers before Bombshell. We then see Kathy Smith in the crowd watching the action. Bombshell yells something at Kelly Buchanan and points out Kathy. Ricky Simms - What the hell is she doing here? Henry Lesher - Figuring out who's marriage to end next? Kelly moves over to Kathy and takes a chair shot to the face for her trouble. Bombshell protests to the referee inside the ring and Myst rolls her up from behind. 1...2...3! Myst gets the win with an assist from the most unlikely of sources. Myst then rolls herself out of the ring and starts for the back while Kathy Smith is taken away from ringside by security. Ricky Simms - Kelly gets knocked out a lot. Henry Lesher - When you spend as much time on your back as she does, it becomes a natural position. Backstage we see Vesuvius pacing in his office, Jason Knight in the background. Jason Knight - Why are you nervous, boss? Vesuvius - We have worn Rated R down and yet Simon is the one that bothers me even more. Now, he doesn't have a match next week. I have to remedy that problem. Jason Knight - Well, Bombshell could... Vesuvius - No, I have someone for her to take apart after his disrespect for me. Jason Knight - Maybe Jack could... Vesuvius - No, Halloween Jack will destroy Sal Clemenzo next week. He'll wish Shelia Lavin never signed him. Jason Knight - Gerard could... Vesuvius - Gerard is going to destroy Tommy Purr next week for the attack on Bombshell. No, I have another idea. Jason Knight - Who? Vesuvius - The one he's planned to fight all along since he showed his face here for the first time a month ago. He then leaves the office and Jason Knight is left to sigh at how little he is shaping the card next week for Bloodshed. Why have a GM if Vesuvius is going to make all the matches himself? Simon vs Gerard Angelo "Unretrofied" by Dillinger Escape Plan plays as Gerard Angelo steps out from backstage and hears it from the crowd. He tells them to shut up as he makes his way to the ring. He then steps up onto the apron and has a few words for referee Francis Clarke before he steps into the ring. He then tests the ropes as his music fades and we hear "Sold You" by Seether and the crowd cheers as Simon makes his way out from the back. Simon makes his way towards the ring, not taking his eyes off of Gerard and Angelo stands in the center of the ring and nods his head, beckoning Simon on. Simon then rolls himself into the ring and Gerard rolls himself out. Gerard talks to himself at ringside as Simon gets to his feet and looks for Gerard. Simon shouts at Gerard and Angelo finally jumps up onto the apron and then steps into the ring, the bell going to get things started tonight. Ricky Simms - These two are no strangers to each other, but Gerard has to be somewhat distracted by the Bombshell incident. Henry Lesher - Why do the fans yell slut at Bombshell and cheer Kathy Smith? Ricky Simms - I have no idea. Henry Lesher - Asking you questions is as useful as asking a cat. Simon and Gerard lock up in the center of the ring. Simon backs Gerard into the corner where the referee asks for a break. Simon backs off and Gerard thumbs him in the eye, then knees him in the gut before dumping him through the ropes and out to the floor. Gerard then climbs the ropes in the corner and lands a double axe handle smash across the shoulders of Simon off the top rope. Gerard then stands Simon up and dumps him over the railing and into the crowd. He then turns to the camera and tells us that's Tommy Purr's future and smiles. Gerard then pulls Simon back over the railing and Simon greets him with a jawbreaker. Simon then rolls himself into the ring and then rolls himself back out to break up the count. Simon gives Gerard a series of rights and lefts to the jaw and then gives him an inverted atomic drop before clotheslining him over the railing and into the same section of crowd Gerard dumped him in. Simon the grabs Gerard by the hair and slams his face into the guard railing before dragging him back ringside. Simon then rolls Gerard into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Simon gives Gerard an elbow across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Gerard rolls a shoulder out. Ricky Simms - Almost a win there for Simon. Henry Lesher - Three years later and you still think almosts are important. Simon stands Gerard up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a round house kick to the chest, then clotheslines him to the mat. Simon elbows Gerard across the throat and again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Gerard. Simon then stands Gerard up, whips him into the corner and then charges into raised knees to the chest from Gerard. Gerard then climbs to the second rope and gives Simon a bionic elbow between the eyes from there, sending him down to the mat. Gerard then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Simon. Gerard stands Simon up, whips him off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting them both down as we see Vesuvius making his way out from the back. Ricky Simms - This is bad news for Simon. Henry Lesher - You mean like last week? Vesuvius takes his place at ringside as Simon gets up to his hands and knees. Gerard also reaches his hands and knee and then rolls himself out of the ring to the floor. Vesuvius makes his way over to Gerard as Simon also exits the ring. Gerard gets to his feet and Vesuvius gives him some advice for the match. He has one hand hidden behind his back. Simon then steps in between them and tells Vesuvius to mind his own business. Vesuvius hauls off to punch Simon in the face, but he ducks and Vesuvius instead clocks Gerard Angelo. Simon then rolls Gerard into the ring while Vesuvius screams protests from ringside. Simon enters the ring, picks Gerard up and gives him the 7th Sign and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Simon wins another one with an unintentional aid from Vesuvius. Simon leaves the ring and raises his arms in victory. Vesuvius rolls himself into the ring and explains himself to Gerard. Ricky Simms - Vesuvius is not impressed. Henry Lesher - Neither am I. Vesuvius - *grabbing the microphone from temporary ring announcer Kosmic Kitty* Simon! Let's finish this thing between us! Next Sunday at Bloodbath, you and me inside the ring! I also want to use this as a chance to announce a name change after Bloodshed. Assault is an old CWA term and I hate those. In two weeks, get ready for the first edition of AW's Insurgence! Vesuvius throws the microphone down and Simon is nodding in agreement to Vesuvius' challenge for Bloodbath. Ricky Simms - So next week these two renew their hostilities inside the ring! Henry Lesher - I hope Vesuvius destroys Simon once and for all. Myst is seen heading for the door backstage when Jason Knight heads her off. Jason Knight - I wanted a word with you. Myst - About? Jason Knight - First off, congratulations on the win tonight. Myst - Yeah, I see your security is as smart as ever on who to allow into the building. Jason Knight - Be that as it may, you have a big match next week as a reward to you. Myst - Oh, this should be good. Jason Knight - Dwayne was bitching about wanting his shot and we gave him Renske. We have decided to give you a shot at Renske as well. Myst - Pardon? Jason Knight - That's right, a triple threat match scheduled for two falls. The first fall wins the Xtreme title. The second fall become the AW Monarch. you could be a double champion.... *smiles* or a double loser. Myst - I won tonight against the odds. I am a new person. Jason Knight - *chuckles* Yeah, we'll see about that. She exits and Jason shakes his head as he returns to his office. Rated R vs Diego Alvarez "Clash of the Titans" by Cypress Hill plays as Diego Alvarez makes his way towards the ring. The crowd gives him a decent pop as he makes his way towards the ring. He high fives fans along the way and then steps up onto the apron. He says a few words to referee Steve Blake after he enters the ring and his music fades. We then hear "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R steps out to the loudest ovation of the night. He stops and looks around at the cheering crowd and seems to be taken aback by it, then continues on his way to the ring. Ricky Simms - Ryan is one of the few wrestlers I have ever seen go from most hated to most popular and not really change in the process. Henry Lesher - Oh, he's changed. Nameless will expose how much he has changed next week at Bloodshed. Rated R steps up onto the apron and then enters the ring. The bell sounds and we are underway. Diego locks up with Rated R. Rated R breaks that and shoves Diego into the corner and then gives him a sidewalk slam out of it. Rated R then goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Diego Alvarez. Rated R then stands Diego up, whips him off the ropes and leap frogs him, then gives him a dropkick when he comes back off the ropes again. Rated R then puts the boots to Alvarez and then stands him up, whips him off the ropes and Diego ducks a clothesline and then gives Rated R a stunner before he goes for the quick pin. 1...2... Rated R kicks out. Diego then stands Rated R up, whips him into the corner buckle and then backdrops him to the mat. Ricky Simms - This Alvarez kid impresses me more with every match. Henry Lesher - Yes, but he picked a fight with Vesuvius earlier tonight and apparently Vesuvius has plans. Diego stands Rated R up, gives him a series of forearm upper cuts, then whips him off the ropes and dropkicks him down to the mat. Diego then goes to the ropes and quickly makes his way to the top. He lands a flying head butt onto the chest of Rated R and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Rated R rolls a shoulder out. Diego shakes his head for a moment, then stands Rated R up. He whips Rated R off the ropes, Ryan ducks a clothesline and then gives Diego a series of forearm upper cuts for good measure. Rated R then whips Diego Alvarez into the corner buckle and then gives him an inverted atomic drop before shoving him through the ropes and out to the floor. Ricky Simms - The former GWO champ taking over now. Henry Lesher - This is working out great for both Nameless and Vesuvius. Vesuvius has been wearing Rated R down for weeks. This Spanish kid is just what the doctor ordered, too. He'll take that last bit of energy out of Ryan and then Nameless can run him out of town next Sunday. Ricky Simms - I doubt the accuracy of that claim, Doc. Rated R exits the ring and starts putting the boots to Diego. The lights then go out. The crowd screams as they hear a loud thud. Ricky Simms - What happened to the lights? Henry Lesher - They probably couldn't pay the bills. It is a rather rinky dink company. There is another thump heard and the lights finally come back on. Rated R is hanging, with wire around his throat, from the corner post. Diego Alvarez is inside the ring, but he's bleeding profusely from the forehead. He staggers and tries to get to his feet while referee Steve Blake sees Rated R and calls for the bell. He raises the bloodied Diego's arm and exits the ring, signalling for medics to attend to Rated R tonight. Ricky Simms - Diego wins by submission, I guess. Well, I guess they could call it knockout. Rated R's left choking to death by Nameless tonight. The man's a monster and a coward. Henry Lesher - How can you say it was him? Maybe Diego did it! Ricky Simms - And cut himself open? Henry Lesher - That's happened before. Ricky Simms - Medics are racing out to attend to Ryan, but the crowd has been hushed by this. He isn't moving. Henry Lesher - Maybe he won't make it to Bloodshed. Maybe that was the plan all along. As medics cut the sire to get Rated R down off the post, we look backstage where Bombshell is in Jason Knight's office. Bombshell - You wanted to see me before I go? Jason Knight - Next week, we have a task for you. Bombshell - Really? What is it? Jason Knight - That Diego kid thinks he can disrespect this cpmpany and get away with it. We want you to defend your Superior title against him and show him what he's up against. Bombshell - That's it? I'll make him wish he stayed out of AW. Jason Knight - That's the idea. She leaves and Jason smiles. Finally, he has made a match decision tonight. Tommy Purr vs The Nameless “Walk Idiot Walk” performed by The Hives begins to play as the arena darkens, the only light coming from the A-Tron as it displays Tommy Purr’s entrance video. Once the music begins picking up and the opening chorus starts, the arena brightens as blue and violet-colored lights begin to flash and shimmer throughout the arena, revealing a long red carpet leading from the stage down to the ring that was laid out by the ring crew as the lights were out. Tommy and Mrs. Robinson appear on the steel stage as faux paparazzi show up to snap a few photos. Tommy and Mrs. Robinson pose as they make their way down the ramp, pushing past the paparazzi and to the ring. The lights continue to flash as Tommy jumps up on the ring apron, leaning backward on the ropes and flipping over the top-rope and into the ring. Mrs. Robinson takes the traditional approach … climbing up the steel stairs and bending seductively over the second-rope and into the ring as Tommy jolts forward and points his finger into the air toward the crowd, eliciting cheers from the crowd. Tommy points to the crowd on each side of the ring as his music fades out. All the while, Mrs. Robinson has her hands placed on her hips, smiling proudly. He then poses in the corner as his music fades and "Pain Redefined" by Disturbed starts to play. Ricky Simms - After that lengthy entrance, here comes the champ. Henry Lesher - I love the fact Tommy has a asense of style when he makes an entrance. Simpletons like you could never understand him. Ricky Simms - Yeah, that has to be it. Nameless leads the way tonight and Emily Blackstone doesn't give any speech to Tommy. Instead, Nameless marches to ringside, up the ring steps and steps over the top rope. The bell sounds as Tommy charges straight into a big boot to the face from Nameless. Nameless then crouches over Tommy and gives him a two handed choke. Nameless releases the choke before referee Mark Davis can reach a five count, but just starts choking him again. Nameless again breaks the choke before the referee can reach a five count, then stands Tommy up. Nameless whips Tommy into the corner buckle and then charges in with a back elbow to the throat on Tommmy. Nameless then gives Tommy a DDT out of the corner and goes for the pin. 1...2... Tommy gets a foot on the rope. Ricky Simms - Nameless is really punishing Tommy tonight. Henry Lesher - He's sending Rated R a message. Ricky Simms - No, he already did that with the wire around the throat. Henry Lesher - I told you, we never saw him do that. Nameless stands Tommy up and whips him through the ropes to the floor. Nameless then casually drops and rolls out of the ring and then grabs Tommy by the throat and is clearly set to choke slam him through the announce table. Tommy eye gouges Nameless to break that up and then slams his face into the announce table and then whips him face first into the steel corner post. Tommy then rolls himself into the ring, Nameless entering the ring a moment later himself. Tommy puts a knee across Nameless' throat and uses the second rope for leverage to choke the champion. Referee Mark Davis counts towards the five count, but Tommy releases him before he can reach that count. Mrs. Robinson nods at ringside and applauds as Tommy stands Nameless up, sets for and then delivers a vertica; suplex on the Anarchy champ. Tommy then comes off the ropes and drills a punch to the throat on Nameless before hooking the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Ricky Simms - Tommy showing a lot of fight this week. Henry Lesher - He learned fight from a relationship with Bombshell. Watch for Gerry to go "Brokeback" after he's been with her for awhile. Tommy stands Nameless up, whips him off the ropes and spears him to the mat. Tommy again goes for the pin on Nameless. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Tommy then stands Nameless up, whips him into the corner and charges at the champ. Nameless grabs Tommy by the throat, picks him up and choke slams him down to the mat. Nameless then looks around at the crowd once and then he gives Tommy the Reaperdemption and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Nameless scores the win and the crowd is silenced as he rolls out of the ring and pulls out a length of wire from under the apron. He holds the wire high as Emily Blackstone follows him towards the back. Ricky Simms - That proves he did it! Henry Lesher - No, he's investigating who did it and that's a clue. You are so quick to judge. Ricky Simms - That was impressive. He basically took Tommy's head off at the end there. I'm sure Tommy will want a rematch. Henry Lesher - Once he remembers his name, he might. Ricky Simms - Next week, it's Bloodshed! Tune in next week and see what happens when that monster defends his title against the fans' choice, Rated R. Henry Lesher - Should be a quick one. We fade to black as the referee brings Tommy Purr back to consciousness. |