January 14th, 2007 Calgary, AB Calgary has packed the Saddledome in eager anticipation to watch the first full AW wrestling show in nearly a month, one which will se a wrestler awarded one million dollars at the end of the night. As the fans cheer and wait for the show to get going, we look backstage where Wyatt Gibson is sitting in his office looking intently at papers on his desk. The camera then pulls back to reveal that Olivia Maine, former GWO star and former manager of Team SOB in both the GWO and AW, is standing there across from him. Olivia Maine - I told you it would come to this when you told me you were buying AW. Wyatt Gibson - I love you letting me know you told me so. It makes me feel so much better. Olivia Maine - Hey, I just call it as I see it and you were not the man for the job. You want me to lie to you? Wyatt Gibson - Whatever, can I have a minute? Olivia Maine - Sure, do what you've got to do. We then see images of Tommy Purr, Rated R, Max Cameron, Myst, Van Wyld, Gerard Angelo, 6Pac Dudley, Halloween Jack, Sal Clemenzo, Jack Spade, Sven Watersford and De'Anton Maybon while "Home Sweet Home" by Motley Crue plays before we head to ringside where Henry Lesher and Ricky Simms are all set to call the action tonight. ROUND ONE Max Cameron vs. Gerard Angelo "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC plays as Max Cameron comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He stands on the stage for a few moments before he starts down the ramp towards the ring. He is half way down the ramp when Gerard attacks him from behind, giving him a chop block to the ramp and then slams his knee into the steel repeatedly while the crowd debates on whether they want to cheer for Angelo or not. Angelo then drags Max to ringside, stands him up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Referee Joe Davidson then calls for the bell to get the match officially underway. Ricky Simms - Gerry looks anxious to get Max eliminated and move along. Henry Lesher - That might be the first thing I have ever agreed with Gerard on. The key to this is the wrestler who can get through the night expending the least amount of energy before the finals. Angelo stands Max up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a shoulder block back down to the mat. Gerard then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. Gerard poses there towards the fans and then launches himself down, missing with an elbow smash as Max Cameron rolls out of the way. Max then quickly gets to his feet and starts putting the boots to Gerard Angelo. Max then stands Gerard up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick back down to the mat. Max then goes to the ropes in the corner and makes his way to the second rope. Max leaps off and lands a knee drop to the forehead on Gerard and hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Gerard Angelo. Ricky Simms - Max nearly had the win there. Henry Lesher - Nearly impresses me as much as almost does and almost counts for nothing. Max stands Gerard up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Max then waits for Gerard to stand before landing a la plancha through the ropes onto Gerard, crunching him into the steel guard railing. Max then stands Gerard up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Max again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Gerard Angelo. Max then stands Gerard Angelo up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. Max then stands Gerard up again, whips him into the corner buckle and then misses with a shoulder block when Gerard side steps it. Gerard then gives Max a German suplex to the mat and holds his shoulders down for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Ricky Simms - Nice counter there by Gerard Angelo. Henry Lesher - If you say so, I might just take a nap. Wake me when someone interesting comes out. Gerard Angelo stands Max Cameron up, whips him into the corner buckle and misses with a shoulder block when Max returns the favor by stepping out of the way. Max then picks Gerard up and gives him a shoulder breaker and then goes for the pin, hooking the tights out of the view of the referee as he does so. 1...2...3! Max Cameron secures the win and moves on to round two. Ricky Simms - I don't know if I agree with the way he did it, but Max moves on to the next round. Henry Lesher - It doesn't matter how you win. Just win. Max exits the ring with his hands held high. We then look backstage where we see Scavenger cleaning out what we assume is his locker when Hoshi Yakamoto walks into the picture. Hoshi Yakamoto - Scav, what are you doing? Scavenger - There comes a time in every man's life when the plants, the chairs and the lawn gnomes become less important. Hoshi Yakamoto - Are you even supposed to be here tonight? Scavenger - I just had to get a few things before I leave tonight. I mean, it's just the way things are going to have to be, I guess. Hoshi Yakamoto - Is that your stuff? Scavenger - My stuff? Of course it is. I am no thief! Scavenger zips up his gym bag and heads out the door, whistling to himself as he does so. Hoshi takes a closer look at the locker he cleaned out. Hoshi Yakamoto - He stole Gerard Angelo's stuff! Hoshi appears to be shocked, but then she shrugs and walks off. Kool McTotal vs. Jack Spade "Anarchy Don't Bother Me" by The Fresh Fruit starts to play as Kool McTotal comes out onto the stage where fans of his work cheer while those who hate his work boo. He is wearing a UCW T-shirt and appears to check himself out in his reflection from the camera lens before he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. He signs a CD at ringside for a young fan before he pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He paces inside the ring while his music fades and then we hear "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne and Jack Spade comes out to a solid ovation from the crowd. Jack then runs down the ramp and slides into the ring before jumping to his feet and then turning to his opponent as referee Mark Davis calls for the bell to get the action started. Ricky Simms - This is our first chance to see a UCW wrestler inside an AW ring. This should be fun to watch. Henry Lesher - As much fun as ripping off my eyelids with tweezers. This guy is in a boy band? Please keep those Shmelky idiots away from this one. McTotal locks up with Spade. Spade shoves McTotal into the ropes and then they start trading rights and lefts. McTotal then gives Spade a knee to the gut and then whips him into the corner buckle before giving him a hip toss to the mat. Spade gets to his feet quickly only to take an arm drag to the mat from McTotal. Spade then rolls himself out of the ring to the floor to regroup while Kool smiles inside the ring. Spade paces on the floor for a few moments and then pulls himself onto the apron. Spade then steps through the ropes into the ring where he is greeted with a series of forearm smashes to the jaw from McTotal who then whips Spade off the ropes and then gives him a spear to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Ricky Simms - That was close. Henry Lesher - This is great. All night I'll hear about how people almost win and get close. McTotal stands Spade up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Spade ducks it. Spade then gives McTotal a reverse neck breaker to the mat and then stands him up and whips him into the corner buckle. Spade then gives McTotal a monkey flip to the middle of the ring. Spade kips up to his feet. McTotal then kips up to his feet and nods towards Spade. They lock up again. McTotal breaks that with a knee lift to the gut on Spade and then sets for and delivers a vertical suplex on Jack Spade. McTotal stands Spade up and sets for another suplex, but Spade blocks it before Spade then gives Kool a vertical suplex to the mat. Spade then stands McTotal up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a lariat to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Kool rolls a shoulder out. Ricky Simms - I love the back and forth action between these two as we have great energy in this one. Henry Lesher - The winner gets a million dollars. Every match should have great action. People should be willing to sacrifice their mothers for a chance to win this thing. Jack Spade stands Kool McTotal up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Spade then lands a leg drop across the throat on Kool and hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... Kool kicks out. Spade stands Kool up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Kool ducks it. Kool then turns Spade around and sets for a DDT, but Spade puts his shoulder into Kool and sends him into the corner buckle with a shoulder block. Spade then gives Kool a backdrop to the mat. Spade then stands Kool up, whips him off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting them both down and then we see "Honest" Bill Masters making his way down the ramp which draws a mixed reaction from the crowd. Ricky Simms - What the hell is Masters doing out here? Henry Lesher - Who cares? Inside the ring, Jack Spade starts to stir and get to his feet. Bill Masters picks up a chair from ringside and then rolls himself into the ring. He quickly gets to his feet and then drills Jack Spade over the head with the chair, causing the referee to call for the bell. Masters then whips Spade through the ropes and out to the floor while Kool McTotal starts to get to his feet. Masters then exits the ring with a smile on his face as Kosmic Kitty announces that Kool has been disqualified. Ricky Simms - Bill Masters just cost a UCW wrestler their chance at a million dollars. Why is he smiling? Henry Lesher - I don't know, but I like him. Anyone who clubs that Spade kid over the head gets my vote. While Kool is shocked by the announcement and argues with the referee, we look backstage where Crystal Braun is with Tanja Michaels. Crystal Braun - Tanja, tonight you're in this tournament with a chance to possible face Tommy Purr. Do you have anything to say to him? Tanja Michaels - Yes I do. Tommy, I remember a year ago. I remember it well and it will be my revenge tonight. It's my chance tonight and I will not blow it. Crystal Braun - What about people who say you're too young to be inside the ring? Tanja Michaels - It's the new millennium. The rules have changed. Crystal Braun - Best of luck. Tanja Michaels - Thanks. 6Pac Dudley vs. Bill Masters A high school band off to the side of the stage starts playing "Hail to the Chief" and "Honest" Bill Masters steps out onto the stage which draws the ire of the crowd for his actions moments ago. His manager Monty Paulson comes out, apparently throwing pamphlets about Masters to the crowd. The two of them then laugh as they discuss what just happened to Kool McTotal and Bill tells the camera it's not his fault. He then pulls himself onto the apron before he steps through the ropes into the ring. He then smiles towards the fans as he gets ready for his match and his music abruptly stops. "Southtown" by POD then plays as 6Pac Dudley comes out onto the stage with a smile on his face. He then runs down the ramp and slides into the ring where Masters greets him with kicks to the back while referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - Masters is out here right after costing Kool McTotal his shot at being a millionaire tonight. Henry Lesher - It wasn't going to happen anyway. Master stands Dudley up, whips him into the corner buckle and then puts the boots to him in the corner. Masters then boot chokes 6Pac, using the ropes for added leverage. Masters then gives 6Pac a snap mare to the mat and then applies a sleeper hold on him while the fans start a chant for 6Pac. The referee checks for a submission, but 6Pac refuses to give up here. His arm remains raised despite Masters trying to tighten his grasp on Dudley. 6Pac then reaches out and manages to grab the middle rope to force the break. Masters maintains the hold for a few more moments before he finally complies and makes the break. Masters then stands 6Pac up, whips him to the opposite corner buckle and then gives him a knee to the gut and then a gut wrench suplex to the mat where he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac and Masters accuses the referee of a slow count. Ricky Simms - Masters has quite the go. Henry Lesher - Well, he is the next president of the United States. Ricky Simms - No he isn't. Henry Lesher - Look, he told me he was and his name is "Honest" Bill Masters. Are you calling the man a liar? Ricky Simms - I believe that I am, yes. Masters stands Dudley up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a dropkick when 6Pac holds onto the ropes. 6Pac then puts the boots to Masters and then pulls him to the middle of the ring where he quickly applies a Boston crab on the UCW superstar. Masters reaches for the ropes while refusing to submit to 6Pac. Masters then pulls himself up onto his elbows and crawls his way towards the ropes. He lunges and manages to snag the bottom rope which forces the break of the hold. Masters then rolls himself out of the ring to the floor and tries to call for a time out. 6Pac instead rolls himself out of the ring and eye gouges Masters before ramming his head into the guard railing. 6Pac then whips Masters shoulder first into the steel ring steps and then rolls him back into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Ricky Simms - Masters is finding out that Dudley is no push over. Henry Lesher - Well, not for him anyway. For Rated R he is. 6Pac picks Masters up and runs him shoulder first into the corner buckle and then gives him a slam to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Masters. 6Pac then stands Masters up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the mat. 6Pac then goes to the ropes in the corner and quickly makes his way to the top. He goes for a frog splash off the top, but Masters raises his knees and catches 6Pac in the ribs with them. Masters then quickly gets to his feet while 6Pac rolls around on the mat in pain. Masters gets to his feet and pulls something from his tights. He then drills 6Pac in the throat with it before tossing it out to the floor. Ricky Simms - Masters just struck 6Pac in the throat with a steel spike. Henry Lesher - Hey, he's got my vote. Masters then sets 6Pac up in the corner on the top rope before he climbs to the top rope as well. Masters then takes 6Pac to the mat with a superplex and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Bill Masters advances and eliminated 6Pac Dudley. The crowd boos as he stands over Dudley and takes a bow, his manager congratulating him and telling people to vote Bill in '08. Ricky Simms - Masters take a short cut to round two. Henry Lesher - Stop complaining about people doing what they have to do tonight. Backstage we see Wyatt Gibson writing notes on his desk when Tommy Purr enters the room. Wyatt Gibson - What do you want? Tommy Purr - So I hear I have a triple threat match in round one. Wyatt Gibson - It wasn't going to be, but someone made a special request and here we are. Tommy Purr - Everyone else has one opponent and I get two? Wyatt Gibson - Look, I know your new stable wants to assert its dominance. You have no Moose, no Vigilante and no Frank Merritt here tonight. I get it. Tommy Purr - Hey, if the heat's too much for them... Wyatt Gibson - I'm not changing the match. Tommy Purr - I hear you couldn't even if you wanted to. Wyatt Gibson - No comment. Tommy Purr - That's fine. I'll do what I have to do tonight then. I'm glad it appears the rumors are true since I never liked you anyway. Wyatt glares at Tommy as he exits the office and we return to the ring. Hoshi Yakamoto vs. De'Anton Maybon "Surfing with the Alien" by Joe Satriani plays as Hoshi Yakamoto makes her way onto the stage with Bart Phillips close behind her. She stands on the stage and takes in the crowd's energy and then she starts down the ramp, the fans cheering her on as they always do. Hoshi then jumps onto the apron and then leaps over the top rope into the ring. She then tests the ropes and waits while her music fades and then we hear "Creep" by Radiohead and De'Anton Maybon starts onto the stage to a very different reaction. Maybon then quickly makes his way down the ramp towards the ring on a mission and he tells the camera this is all about getting to round two. Maybon marches up the ring steps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring where referee Casey Braun then call for the bell. The two wrestlers circle each other, complete opposites in every way. Ricky Simms - This is an odd match up. Maybon appears to be psyched about the possibility of facing Bill Masters in the second round. Henry Lesher - That's how it would go if he won, so let's hope that's what happens. Maybon moves in to lock up with Hoshi, but instead gives her a kick to the ribs and then gives her a body slam to the mat. Maybon then gives her a knee drop to the forehead and then goes for the quick pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. Maybon then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and levels her with a shoulder block. Maybon then climbs the ropes in the corner and waits while Hoshi gets to her feet, turns and takes a vicious axe handle chop to the chest from there that sends her back to the mat where Maybon again tries for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi as Bart tries to get a chant started for her from ringside. Ricky Simms - Maybon starting off quick in this one, trying to get Hoshi out before she can get anything going. Henry Lesher - She has nothing going and she never does. Maybon stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and misses with a right hand as Hoshi side steps it and then she leaps to the top rope and then gives Maybon a head scissors take down that brings the crowd to their feet. Hoshi then holds the head scissors in an attempt to choke Maybon out while the referee checks for a possible submission. Maybon refuses to give up and then uses the ropes to force the break of the hold. Maybon then gets to his feet and tries to land punches on Hoshi, but she evades them all. Hoshi then gives Maybon a series of kicks to the ribs and then she gives him a bulldog to the mat before rolling him over for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Maybon. Bart is seen applauding from ringside as Hoshi then stands Maybon up. Hoshi whips Maybon off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick that sends him back down to the mat. Ricky Simms - Hoshi is coming back here against the much larger wrestler Maybon. Henry Lesher - Oh, he is toying with her. Hoshi goes to the ropes and leaps to the top. She then goes for a somersault splash onto Maybon only to have Maybon roll out of the way. He then uses the ropes to get to his feet, grabs Hoshi by the hair and sets for and delivers a Last Ride on Hoshi. He then stands her up, knees her in the ribs and then gives her another Last Ride to the mat before he goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Maybon wins in brutal fashion over a more than capable Hoshi tonight. Ricky Simms - Maybon's raw power there was too much for Hoshi at the end. Henry Lesher - There won't be a miracle run through half the roster tonight. Maybon leaves the ring with his arms in the air and tells us that Masters is next. We then look backstage where Shawna Miller is with Jack Spade. Shawna Miller - Jack, you took a wicked shot there from Bill Masters at the end of your match. Will you be okay to go in the second round? Jack Spade - I didn't come back tonight to let one cheap shot end my run. Masters will get his and I will give max Cameron the fight of his life. Shawna Miller - So you have no problem fighting a man you have been on the same side with before? Jack Spade - Hey, someone is winning a million dollars tonight. I'll fight whoever I have to for my chance. Shawna Miller - Your chance is now one in eight. Jack Spade - When I face Max Cameron, that changes to one in four. Sal Clemenzo vs. Sven Watersford The symphony of Clubbed to Death begins to play with various shots of Sven Watersford appearing on your television screen. As the symphony ends and the techno starts to play, out walks Claudia and Betty Badd, who both stand side by side. Sven Watersford then walks out and stands between them, a towel over his head. Sven looks down and then flips his head back, tossing the towel off and to the side. He points a finger to the crowd and talks some smack before making his dramatic walk to the ring. It literally takes forever, as he soaks up the boos of the lesser, common people that surround him. Sven climbs inside the ring and holds two fingers to his lips and then points them up in the air, then to the crowd. Betty clings to Sven's leg while Claudia rubs his shoulders, both acting totally submissive to him. His music then fades and we hear "Halls of Fear" by Nino Rota and Sal Clemenzo comes out to the cheers of the crowd. Sal wastes no time in making his way down the ramp and then jumps up onto the apron. He steps through the ropes into the ring and referee Joe Davidson calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - Two self-centered men in this one. Henry Lesher - I like that. We need more of that around here. Sal and Sven lock up in the middle of the ring. Sal backs Sven into the ropes. The referee asks for a clean break. Sal takes a step back and takes a thumb to the eye from Sven. Sven then rakes the eyes of Sal Clemenzo along the top rope. Sven follows that up with a punch to the throat on Sal and then gives him a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Sven then applies a full Nelson on the downed former CWA champion. The referee checks for a submission, but Sal manages to hook the bottom rope with his leg which means forcing the break. Sal then rolls himself out of the ring to the floor to regroup here. Ricky Simms - These matches are interesting as the AW and UCW guys don't know a lot about each other and these matches are wildly unpredictable. Henry Lesher - Sal will win. Sven will fall with phantom gunshot wounds to the knees and that will end it. Sven drops and rolls himself out to the floor. Sal greets him with a thumb to the eye and then whips him shoulder first into the steel corner post. Sal Clemenzo then gives Sven a fall away slam to the floor which draws cheers from the fans. Sal then rolls himself into the ring to break up the count and then rolls himself back out to the floor. Sal picks Sven up and slams him to the floor and then lands a knee drop to the forehead on Sven. Sal then stands Sven up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself in as well. Sal goes for the pin on Sven. 1...2... kick out by Sven. Ricky Simms - Things aren't looking good for the UCW representative here as we have one member of their company out of four so far in the second round. Henry Lesher - They might as well close up shop if they lose three of four against this band of misfits. Ricky Simms - Do you mean AW or UCW? Henry Lesher - Both. Sal stands Sven up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Sal then stands on the chest of Watersford for a few moments and then jumps to the side. Sal then glares at Sven's managers at ringside before he pulls Sven to his feet. Sal whips Sven off the ropes and Sven ducks a clothesline and then gives Sal a knee to the back and then gives him an inverted DDT to the mat where he tries for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Sal Clemenzo. Sven stands Sal up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges into raised knees from Sal who then gives Sven a clothesline to the mat. Sal then lands punches to the face on Sven while the fans cheer him on. Sal then stands Sven up and whips him through the ropes to the floor. Sal then climbs the ropes in the corner and waits for Sven to stand. Sven stands, turns and takes a flying body press to the floor from Sal Clemenzo. Sal then stands Sven up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring where he goes for the pin. 1...2... Sven gets a foot on the bottom rope. Ricky Simms - That could have been it had Sal gone for the pin in the middle of the ring. Henry Lesher - It probably would have been, but that's not the case. Sal stands Sven up, whips him off the ropes and Sven ducks a clothesline and goes for a reverse neck breaker, but Sal shoves him off and then gives him a knee to the gut before picking him up and slamming him to the mat. Sal then heads to the ropes and makes his way to the top. Sven gets to his feet, turns and takes a clothesline off the top from Sal. Sven's head hits the mat and Sal then lands a springboard somersault leg drop across the throat on Sven and hooks the leg for the pin, complete with feet on the ropes out of sight of the referee. 1...2...3! Sal Clemenzo gets the win over a very game Sven Watersford. Ricky Simms - He cheated to win, but Sal is into the second round. Henry Lesher - Look, he takes a short cut and that makes him wrong in your mind, but you're nothing anymore Simms. This is why. Sal understands you sometimes have to do this to win. Ricky Simms - Sal doesn't need to. That's my point. Sal leaves the ring and starts for the back while Sven appears distressed inside the ring while he and his managers explain how wrong the referee was. We then look backstage where Bill Masters is with Crystal Braun. Crystal Braun - Why did you cost a fellow UCW wrestler their chance for a million dollars tonight? Bill Masters - I didn't cost anyone anything. Crystal Braun - You hit Jack Spade and got Kool McTotal disqualified. Bill Masters - No, that's not what happened. Crystal Braun - We saw you. Bill Masters - I don't like the accusatory tone of this interview, so it's over. Remember to vote for me in '08. Masters ducks out and we head back to the ring. Van Wyld vs. Rated R "Wildside" by Motley Crue plays as Van Wyld steps out onto the stage where the crowd gives him a mixed response. He paces on the stage for a few moments, appearing to be deep in thought about his match tonight. He then starts down the ramp towards the ring. He slides under the bottom rope and jumps to his feet and raises his hands high which draws a mixed response from the crowd as well. His music then fades and we hear "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R steps out onto the stage to the loudest boos of the night. He shakes his head as he looks around at the crowd. Ricky Simms - Van Wyld here represents the last of the UCW entrants tonight, trying to become the second to reach the round of eight. Henry Lesher - He will fail. No one will stop Rated R. I can't wait to watch him win another million dollars here tonight. This is worth waiting through twelve months of crap to get to. Rated R makes his way down the ramp and then stops at ringside to look in at Van Wyld and he clearly isn't impressed. He again shakes his head as he pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. Referee Francis Clarke then calls for the bell and Rated R moves in to lock up with Van Wyld, only to give him a knee lift to the gut and then gives him a series of forearm upper cuts to the jaw. He then pulls the feet out from under Van Wyld and then applies a sharp shooter on him while the crowd starts a "Rated R sucks" chant. Van Wyld reaches for the ropes. The crowd seems to be pulling for the underdog from UCW now as he is fighting the most hated man within AW. Ricky Simms - Van Wyld is going to have to free himself from this hold or Rated R makes it to the second round without breaking a sweat. Henry Lesher - Just as I said he would. Van Wyld lunges for the ropes and manages to snag the bottom rope to force the break of the hold by Rated R. Ryan Yorke then stands Van Wyld up and whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a clothesline to the mat from there. Rated R then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Van Wyld. Rated R stands Van Wyld up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges into raised knees from Van Wyld. Van Wyld then gives Rated R a series of kicks to the ribs and then a series of rights and lefts to the side of the head. Van Wyld then gives Rated R a head butt to the mat where he then drops an elbow smash to the chest on Rated R. Van Wyld then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Rated R. Ricky Simms - Suddenly Van Wyld is making a good showing here. Henry Lesher - It doesn't matter. Van Wyld stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Van Wyld then gives Rated R a knee drop to the chest and then rains down punches to the face on the champion of AW. Van Wyld then stands Rated R up and then gives him a side Russian leg sweep to the mat before going for the pin again. 1...2... kick out by Rated R. Van Wyld slaps the mat and then stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and then both men clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting both men down. On the four count, Van Wyld starts shaking his fists and getting to his feet. Rated R then gets to his feet where Van Wyld starts landing punches on Rated R. Rated R answers with an eye gouge on Van Wyld and then gives him a knee to the gut and then a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Rated R then picks Van Wyld up and gives him a power slam to the mat. Rated R goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Van Wyld and Rated R asks the referee about the speed of the count. Ricky Simms - Ryan thought he had him there. Henry Lesher - He did, but officials in this company are lousy at counting. Rated R stands Van Wyld up, whips him off the ropes and Van Wyld ducks the clothesline and gives Rated R a backslide into a pin attempt. 1...2...3! Van Wyld scores the biggest upset of the night and the roof almost flies off the building as the fans celebrate. Ricky Simms - The AW champion and two time winner is out in the first round! Henry Lesher - Fast count! Fast count! Ricky Simms - I cannot believe we just saw that. Van Wyld leaves the ring with his arms raised and Rated R kneels inside the ring, completely at a loss for words here as it sinks in that he will not win this tournament for a third time. Rated R spits on the mat and then gets to his feet and smiles. He then sucker punches referee Francis Clarke in the jaw and then places him in a Boston Crab while security rushes to the ring. Security pulls Rated R off of the referee and Rated R starts throwing security members out of the ring to the floor. While more security rushes into the ring to try and get control of the situation, we look backstage where Shawna Miller is with Sal Clemenzo. Shawna Miller - Sal, when you won your match it was assumed that Rated R would face you in round two. Now we see that's not the case. Your reaction? Sal Clemenzo - Hey, you can't take a night off. You can't take any man lightly. Van Wyld goes down in round two. Shawna Miller - Your impression of the UCW wrestlers to this point? Sal Clemenzo - I have seen better. I plan to win this thing and prove that I am back and ready for anything. Shawna Miller - Best of luck. Sal Clemenzo - No need because I have actual talent. Sal walks off and we head back to the ring Halloween Jack vs. Myst "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva plays as Halloween Jack steps out onto the stage where the crowd gives him the standard mixed response he has learned to live with over the years. He then starts down the ramp and tells the camera that tonight will be his night as he reaches ringside. He then pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes and then he tests the ropes as his music fades and the we hear "A Place For My Head" by Linkin Park and Myst steps out to one of the loudest ovations of the night. She paces on stage for a few moments and then she runs down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope into the ring where Jack greets her with a leg drop to the back of the neck as referee Casey Braun calls for the bell. Jack tries for the immediate pin. 1...2... kick out by Myst. Jack then stands Myst up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a shoulder block to the mat. Ricky Simms - Jack is trying to get the quick pin here. Henry Lesher - Give the man credit. He knows he is against someone who cannot defeat him. Myst is not a champion anymore. She was exposed as a poser in GWO and this is another pathetic and failed attempt to get something back she never really had. Jack picks Myst up over his shoulder and gives her a running power slam to the mat beofre he again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Myst. Halloween Jack again stands Myst up and this time whips her through the ropes and out to the floor. Jack then drops and rolls himself out to the floor with a grin on his face. He stands Myst up, but she gives him a jawbreaker that sends him backwards into the ring steps. Myst then lands a series of kicks to the ribs on Jack and then whips him face first into the steel guard railing. Myst then slams Jack's face into the floor before she stands him up and rolls him into the ring, following close behind. Myst then tries to hook in the Mystifyer, but Jack grabs the bottom rope and then pulls himself back out to the floor. Ricky Simms - Jack felt the move coming and wisely got out. Henry Lesher - He can't back down against this ego freak. We'll never hear the end of it. Jack pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes back into the ring where Myst greets him with a dropkick to the chest that sends him right through the ropes and back out to the floor. Myst then climbs the ropes in the nearest corner and waits for Jack to stand. She then lands a Senton Bomb onto Jack, sending him crashing back to the floor. Myst then stands Jack up and rolls him into the ring, herself following before she goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Halloween Jack. Myst then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the chest that sends him back down to the mat. Myst then climbs the ropes in the corner and poses on the top rope for her fans. She then goes for a flying elbow smash off the top only to find no one home as Jack rolls out of the way. Jack then springs up to his feet and starts putting the boots to Myst. Jack then stands her up and then gives her a German suplex to the mat, then stands her up and gives her a second German suplex to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Myst. Ricky Simms - Jack really thought he had her there. Henry Lesher - Had her? Everyone has had her at least once. Jack stands Myst up, whips her off the ropes and misses with a big boot as she grabs the foot and pulls him to the mat. She then rolls Jack over and applies the Mystifyer on Halloween Jack. Jack reaches for the ropes, but is too far away as the crowd cheers Myst on. He reaches again and tries to pull himself to the ropes. He then is forced to tap out and the referee calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - Myst made Jack tap and she moves on to the second round! Henry Lesher - God no... Ricky Simms - That could be scored as another upset in the first round. This tournament is really wide open tonight. Henry Lesher - That's one thing you could call it. Myst exits the ring and starts for the back, giving fans high fives as she goes. We then look backstage where Wyatt Gibson has his jacket on and is heading for the door when he is headed off by Rated R. Rated R - We have to talk. Wyatt Gibson - Not anymore we don't. Rated R - Look, I need to get back into this tournament somehow. I am the champion. I need to win this. Wyatt Gibson - You know what, Ryan? I am tired of the whining and bitching around here. I am glad it's not my problem anymore. Wyatt exits the building and Rated R shakes his head, punches the door and heads in the other direction while we head back to the ring. Pyro vs. Tanja Michaels vs. Tommy Purr "Daylight Dies" by Killswitch Engage plays as Pyro comes out onto the apron where the crowd gives him a mixed response. He starts down the ramp with his head down, the crowd eager to witness this last of the first round matches. Pyro reaches ringside and then pulls himself onto the apron. He then steps over the top rope into the ring and then he paces inside the ring while his music fades and we hear "Teenage Kicks" by Busted as Kira Yakamoto walks Tanja Michaels out onto the stage where the fans greet them warmly. Kira leads the way as Tanja takes a few deep breaths, looking into the ring at Pyro. The two of them make their way around the ring before Tanja climbs onto the apron and then leaps over the top rope into the ring. Pyro takes a step towards her, but he stops when we hear "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives and Tommy Purr comes out and starts down the ramp towards the ring. He is on a dead run and slides into the ring, jumps to his feet and starts trading punches with Pyro as referee Mark Davis calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - This is our triple threat match tonight. Henry Lesher - It's Tommy and his opponent Jobber and his other opponent Jobber. Tommy whips Pyro into the corner buckle and then walks into a big boot to the face from Pyro. Pyro then grabs Tommy by the hair and slams his face into the corner buckle ten times while the fans count. Pyro then picks Tommy up and gives him a shoulder breaker before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Pyro then stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a vicious head butt that sends him back down to the mat. Pyro then lands a leg drop across the throat on Tommy before he turns and spots Tanja in the corner. Pyro then stands and takes a step towards Michaels. She gives Pyro a dropkick to the knees and then pulls the feet out from under him. Tanja then tries to lock in an ankle lock submission hold, but Pyro kicks her into the corner and then he gets to his feet where Michaels tries a series of rights and lefts to the chest on Pyro. Pyro simply gives her a vicious knife edge chop to the mat and then boot chokes her, using the ropes for added leverage. Ricky Simms - Tanja could be in trouble here. Henry Lesher - That little girl has no business being inside an AW ring. Pyro releases the choke and turns just in time to take a clothesline over the top rope and out to the floor from Tommy Purr. Purr then launches himself over the top rope and lands a flying cross body onto Pyro. Tommy then stands Pyro up and gives him a German suplex to the floor. He then stands Pyro up and rolls him into the ring where Tanja Michaels has regained her wits and lands a somersault leg drop on Pyro before going for the pin. 1...2... Tommy pulls Tanja off Pyro. Tommy then pulls Tanja to her feet and then gives her a clothesline back to the mat. He tells her she shouldn't have entered this ring with him and now she is going to pay the price for it. Ricky Simms - It all seems to come down to who can pin Tanja first tonight. Henry Lesher - Tommy will do it since Pyro simply can't defeat anyone. Tommy stands Tanja up, whips her into the corner and charges in at her but Pyro trips the feet out from under Tommy and Tanja then gives Tommy an elbow to the back of the neck before she rolls him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Pyro then grabs Tanja by the hair and stands her up and then flings her over the top rope and out to the floor. Pyro then drops and rolls himself out to the floor with her. He pauses the look around and sees Kira. He takes a step towards her and then turns back to Tanja and puts the boots to her while Tommy rolls himself out to the floor. Tommy then gives Pyro a clothesline to the floor and then stands Tanja up and rolls her into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Tommy picks Tanja up by the hair and then airplane spins her around before letting her go and watching her fall down hard to the mat. Ricky Simms - Tommy is tossing Tanja around like a rag doll in there. Henry Lesher - A rag doll would have a better chance. Pyro gets to his feet on the floor only to take a chop block to the floor from Kira Yakamoto out of sight of the referee. Pyro grabs at his knee as the referee then notices that he is still down. Inside the ring, Tommy whips Tanja into the corner buckle and then gives her a series of shoulder blocks while the referee administers a count on Pyro. Tommy tries to whip Tanja to the opposite buckle, but she manages to reverse it and send Tommy into the corner where she then gives him a dropkick to the chest. Pyro gets to his feet on the floor, but he is clearly favoring one knee and cannot maintain his balance. The referee calls for the bell and a confused Tanja and Tommy look towards the ring announcer. Kosmic Kitty - The referee has counted out Pyro. As a result, both Tommy Purr and Tanja Michaels will advance to round two where they will face Myst. Ricky Simms - Wow, that's huge. Henry Lesher - It's cheap is what it is. That sawed off runt Kira caused this. Ricky Simms - That puts Tanja into the quarter finals which further proves how wide open this tournament really is tonight. Henry Lesher - This tournament sucks! The crowd cheers as Tanja leaves the ring and Tommy just looks on in shock. We then look backstage where Myst is with Ray Dees. Ray Dees - So, beautiful, you get out of the first round and defeat Halloween Jack. Myst - I always said I could beat Halloween Jack and tonight I did. Ray Dees - In round two, you get a triple threat match. That must bother you, knowing you could be eliminated without being pinned. Myst - It would if I planned to fail. I didn't come here tonight to fail. I came here to win and that's what I am going to do. Just watch me. Ray Dees - Oh I will be watching you, all right. Myst walks off while Ray leers at her and we head to the ring for the second round. ROUND TWO Max Cameron vs. Jack Spade "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne plays as Jack Spade comes out for the second time tonight, the second round now officially set to begin as the brackets continue to get whittled down. Jack races down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope into the ring. He then jumps to the second rope in the corner and smiles as the crowd cheers him on. Jack then sits on the top rope in the corner as his music fades and then we hear "Hells' Bells" by AC/DC and Max Cameron comes out onto the stage, not quite to the same reception that Jack Spade got. Max then wastes no time in making his way down the ramp and then makes his way around the ring, finally pulling himself onto the apron as Jack jumps down off the top rope. Max then steps through the ropes into the ring and referee Joe Davidson calls for the bell to get things started. Ricky Simms - We move into the next round now, seven wrestler eliminated from a chance to win a million dollars. Henry Lesher - It's a complete joke so far tonight. I have lost all hope in AW. Max and Jack lock up in a test of strength. Max dominates the test early, starting to bend the hands of Jack Spade back. Jack then shows signs of coming back and the two are equal when Max gives Jack a knee to the gut and then gives him a tillt a whirl back breaker before going for the early pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Max then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Max then lands an elbow smash to the chest on Jack and then goes for the pin again. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Ricky Simms - This is some pretty intense action here as Max goes for the quick elimination. Henry Lesher - He seems to understand how this has to go. Max Cameron stands Jack Spade up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a round house kick that sends him back down to the mat. Max Cameron then goes to the nearest corner and climbs to the second rope. he then lands a double axe handle smash across the back on Jack Spade and then rolls him up for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Max then has a few words for the referee as he stands Jack up and whips him into the corner buckle. Jack then side steps a shoulder block by Max and then gives him an atomic drop into the corner where jack slams Max's face into the buckle before giving him a German suplex to the mat. Jack then stands Max up and whips him into the opposite corner and then gives him a dropkick in the corner. Jack then gives Max a hip toss to the mat and then applies an abdominal stretch on Max Cameron, looking for the submission here. Ricky Simms - Jack reverses the momentum in this one now. Henry Lesher - No one cares. I can't believe people are paying to watch this match. Max gets to his feet, still refusing to submit to Jack Spade's hold. he starts to power his way out. Instead, Jack releases Max and then places him in a headlock and then gives him a bulldog to the mat before rolling him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Jack Spade then stands Max Cameron up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick to the mat. Jack then goes to the ropes in the corner. He goes for a 360 splash onto the downed Max Cameron only to have Max roll out of the way. Max then quickly gets to his feet, picks Jack Spade up and delivers a tombstone piledriver on Jack before going for the pin. 1...2...3! Max Cameron advances to the semi-finals! He quickly rolls himself out to the floor and then celebrates there while the announcement is made. Ricky Simms - Max saw his opening and he took it. Henry Lesher - I will admit Max did this one right. Since all of the real wrestlers have been eliminated, maybe this will be his night. Max heads towards the back while we look backstage where Vesuvius is with Crystal Braun. Crystal Braun - How dies it feel watching this event as a fan and knowing you started this company up? Vesuvius - I just wish I was in there, but I have other fish to fry. Crystal Braun - So AW won't be seeing you inside an Anarchy Wrestling ring again? Vesuvius - It's highly unlikely. I want to say I am very proud of the work I see being done here, though. Crystal Braun - Who are you picking to win this tournament? Vesuvius - I think Maybon has a great chance. I also think Sal Clemenzo and Myst could emerge as the winners tonight. Crystal Braun - You don't give the two surviving members of team UCW a chance? Vesuvius - I want to, but I am going on what I know and those three have the best chance in my eyes. Anyone could prove me wrong, I guess. Crystal Braun - Well, all the best to you in your future endeavors, V-Man. Vesuvius - Thanks, I'll be around. Vesuvius exits the shot and then we head back to the ring Bill Masters vs. De'Anton Maybon "Creep" by Radiohead plays as De'Anton Maybon makes his way out onto the stage where the crowd gives him a mixed reaction considering he is against a wrestler that the fans don't particularly like either. Maybon then makes his way down the ramp and then jumps onto the apron before stepping through the ropes into the ring. He then paces inside the ring while his music fades and then the high school band once again gets fired up as "Hail To the Chief" starts to play. "Honest" Bill Masters comes out to resounding boos from the crowd yet he pays them no mind. He looks towards the ring and spots Maybon. He then runs to ringside, jumps onto the apron and then leaps over the top rope into the ring where he starts brawling with Maybon while referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - These two men have wanted a piece of each other and tonight they get their chance. Henry Lesher - Maybon is a real star, on the verge of being a huge draw in this company. Winning this tournament could be a large step in the right direction for him. Maybon eye gouges Masters and then gives him a series of double axe handle smashes across the back. He then picks Masters up and gives him a power slam to the mat. Maybon then slams Masters' head into the mat repeatedly while the fans cheer. Maybon then stands Masters up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a side walk slam out of the corner. Maybon then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bill Masters. Maybon then stands Masters up and tosses him over the top rope and out to the floor. Ricky Simms - This is the first real feud of the night that we have seen. Henry Lesher - I love hatred with my tournaments. It is finally adding some color to otherwise drab proceedings. Maybon exits the ring and starts putting the boots to Masters. Maybon then stands Masters up and gives him a whip into the guard railing. Maybon then picks Masters up and runs him towards the steel corner post, but Masters manages to slide down and shoves Maybon head first into the corner post instead. Masters the rolls himself into the ring and then bows to the crowd who clearly don't appreciate it. Maybon tries to get his bearings only to take a baseball slide from Masters before he can get back into the ring. Masters then gets to his feet and then picks Maybon up and drops him across the guard railing, the steel drilling into his throat. Masters then stands Maybon up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Masters hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Maybon. Ricky Simms - Maybon takes a lot of punishment here, but he refuses to stay down. Henry Lesher - I must say I like the tenacity shown here by Bill Masters. He's a villain after my own heart. Masters stands Maybon up, whips him off the ropes and Maybon ducks a clothesline and then gives Masters a knee to the gut and then gives him a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Maybon then stands Master up and rakes his eyes along the top rope and then gives him a face buster to the mat before rolling him over for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bill Masters and Maybon shakes his head. Maybon stands Masters up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in shoulder first to the buckle, finding no one home as Masters side steps it. He then gives Maybon a knee to the gut and then reaches into his tights and again bulls out a foreign object. This time, the referee catches it and Francis Clarke pulls the weapon from Masters' grasp. He turns and tosses it out of the ring as Masters then takes another weapon from his tights, places it on his right hand and then punches Maybon in the throat twice. Ricky Simms - Dirty tactics shown here by Bill Masters. Henry Lesher - Stop whining. Masters tosses brass knuckles from the ring and covers Maybon. 1...2...3! Bill Masters moves on to the semi-finals where he will face Max Cameron. Ricky Simms - Well, that's not the result we like to see. Henry Lesher - Speak for yourself. I enjoyed that a lot. Mastewrs rolls himself out of the ring and bows towards the fans and tells the camera that everyone needs to vote for an honest man in '08, then he winks before he starts up the ramp towards the stage. We then look backstage where Max Cameron is with Ray Dees. Ray Dees - This Masters guy is your next opponent. Max Cameron - I am not worried. I am going to win this thing tonight. Ray Dees - You've won two rounds. What makes you believe you can go two more? Max Cameron - Look, I am in the best shape of my life. I am winning that money and I am then getting a title shot. Ray Dees - I guess it pays to be confident. Max Cameron - It pays to be a winner, Ray and tonight I am a winner. Max exits the shot and we then return to the ring. Sal Clemenzo vs. Van Wyld "Wild Side" by Motley Crue plays as Van Wyld comes out onto the stage where the crowd gives him a warm greetings on account of him eliminating Rated R in the first round. Van Wyld then makes his way down the ramp quickly before sliding under the bottom rope into the ring. He then jumps to his feet, head bangs to the music and smiles for the camera before his music fades out and Nino Rota takes over, signaling the entrance of Sal Clemenzo. Sal wastes no time in coming oput and starting down the ramp. He even high fives a few of his cheering fans at ringside on account of them being dressed like mobsters and holding up signs declaring Sal will be the winner tonight. Sal then makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. Ricky Simms - This is an interesting match up. Henry Lesher - No, it would be interesting if Ryan were involved instead of this idiot with the mullet. The bell sounds as referee Mark Davis makes sure both men are ready to go. They lock up. Sal breaks it with a knee to the gut on Van Wyld and then gives him a snap mare to the mat where he applies a grapevine submission hold. Van Wyld refuses to submit when asked and quickly gets to his feet and powers his way out of the hold. He then lands a series of rights and lefts to the chin on Sal before giving him a head butt that sends him into the corner. Van Wyld then sets Sal for and delivers a vertical suplex to the center of the ring. Van Wyld then gets to his feet and lands a knee drop to the forehead on Sal. Van Wyld then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Sal Clemenzo. Van Wyld then stands Sal up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a big boot to the chest and then gives him a bulldog to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... again Sal manages to kick out. Ricky Simms - Van Wyld looks confident out there tonight and he is looking for another upset win. Henry Lesher - He is not getting it. Sal is the last person involved in this tournament that I respect. Van Wyld stands Sal up and then whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Van Wyld then drops and rolls himself out to the floor as well. He stands Sal up only to take a punch to the jaw from Sal who then slams Van Wyld's head into the steel ring steps. Sal then gives Van Wyld a side Russian leg sweep to the floor. Sal then stands Van Wyld up and whips him shoulder first into the guard railing. He follows that up by rolling Van Wyld into the ring and then rolls himself into the ring as well. Sal goes for the pin on Van Wyld. 1...2... kick out by Van Wyld. Sal then stands Van Wyld up and whips him into the corner buckle before giving him an arm drag to the mat from there. Sal then locks in the arms of Van Wyld and gives him a backslide to the mat for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Van Wyld. Ricky Simms - Sal is trying to put the underdog out, but he will not stay down. Henry Lesher - Yeah, but he will go down and stay down. Trust me. Ricky Simms - Trust you? Sal stands Van Wyld up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop over the top rope and out to the floor. We then see Rated R emerging through the crowd and stepping over the guard railing to ringside while the crowd boos. Sal spots him and rolls himself out of the ring and has words with Rated R. Van Wyld gets to his feet behind Sal and then gives him a German suplex on the floor, then stands him up and gives him another. Van Wyld then rolls himself into the ring where the referee tells Van Wyld to avoid those tactics. Rated R, meanwhile, grabs a chair from the front row and drills it into the face of Sal Clemenzo. Rated R then rolls him into the ring. Van Wyld then lands a splash on the fallen Sal and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Van Wyld gets the win into the semi-finals with a heavy assist from the AW champion! Ricky Simms - That bastard Ryan basically decided that if he couldn't win the tournament, neither could Sal Clemenzo. Henry Lesher - I admire that poor sportsmanship there. Fans could learn a lot from him. Rated R laughs as he disappears back into the crowd and an oblivious Van Wyld leaves the ring head banging to his music and giving fans high fives before he starts up the ramp towards the back. Medics are rushed to the ring to attend to Sal Clemenzo. We then look backstage where Ashlee Skanes is seen knocking on Wyatt Gibson's door. AW GM Hector Braun steps into the picture. Hector Braun - He's not here. Ashlee Skanes - He has to be here. The show isn't over yet. Hector Braun - It's over for him. What do you want? Ashlee Skanes - I just wanted to talk to him. Hector Braun - You;re too late. Maybe you can send him a postcard. Ashlee Skanes - What's going on here? Rather than answer, Hector whistles to himself and turns the other way. Myst vs. Tommy Purr vs. Tanja Michaels "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives plays as Tommy Purr comes out, but he comes out with Tanja Michaels in a headlock. He is dictating to her as he pulls her down the ramp. He then rolls her into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Tanja gets to her feet and appears to be pleading with Tommy as his music fades and then we hear "A Place For My Head" by Linkin Park and Myst comes out onto the stage. She looks at the scene inside the ring and she shakes her head, then she starts making her way down the ramp towards the ring. Ricky Simms - This is an odd match up. Henry Lesher - I imagine Tommy will let Myst pin Tanja and that will be it. Ricky Simms - That's an odd thing to say. Henry Lesher - Why? Myst slides into the ring and referee Casey Braun calls for the bell to make this match official. Tommy then says a few things to Myst and she simply nods her head. She then calls for a microphone, a smile crossing her face. Myst - So, Tommy wants me to take Tanja out of this match to teach her a lesson, get her counted out so the two of us can face Van Wyld in the semi-finals. See, I guess what you're saying Tommy is that you want me to help you beat the hell out of a teenage girl who might need to be taught a lesson. I really don't know or care, but why would I want to help you? The crowd cheers as Tommy shakes his head and continues to make his argument why they should team up to take out Tanja Michaels. Myst - Tommy, you already explained it to me. I am now answering you as I know how. See, I can think this over and we can bore these fans or we can do what is really the right thing to do in this match tonight. We can give these fans every penny of wrestling they came here to see. Myst throws the microphone out of the ring and then she kicks Tommy in the ribs and then gives him a series of forearm smashes to the jaw. She then whips Tommy off the ropes and then gives him a round house kick to the jaw that sends him down to the mat. Tanja Michaels then puts the boots to Tommy Purr and then lands an elbow across the throat on him. Tanja then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... Myst pulls Tanja off of Tommy. Myst then picks Tanja up and slams her to the mat. Myst then picks Tommy up and slams him to the mat, a feat of strength which brings the crowd to its feet. She then goes for the pin on Tommy. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Ricky Simms - Myst is dominating this match so far. Henry Lesher - She didn't do as Tommy said. She'll suffer for that. Myst stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and he ducks a clothesline and then gives her a forearm to the jaw. Tommy then whips Myst into the corner buckle and then he gives her a back forearm in the corner before he then gives her a hip toss to the mat. Tommy then takes a dropkick to the chin from Tanja Michaels who then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Tanja then goes to the ropes in the corner. Tommy gets to his feet and turns as Tanja launches herself towards the mat. Tommy grabs her out of mid air and then gives her a spinning power slam to the mat. Tommy then goes for the pin. 1...2... Myst pulls Tommy off Tanja. Myst then stands Tommy up and whips him through the ropes and out to ringside. Ricky Simms - Myst and Tommy are really battling here while Tanja picks away hoping for the upset. Henry Lesher - I am already upset. Myst stands Tanja up inside the ring, whips her off the ropes and both women clothesline each other to the mat. Tommy Purr gets to his feet on the floor and rolls himself into the ring. Tanja rolls herself to the ropes and starts to get to her feet. Tommy then gives her a knee to the ribs and then picks her up and gives her a power bomb to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Tanja gets a foot on the bottom rope and Tommy slaps the mat. Tommy stands Tanja up, whips her off the ropes and she does a cartwheel into a head scissors take down on Tommy that sends him right back out to the floor. Ricky Simms - Tommy is having a hard time staying inside the ring. Henry Lesher - It's that teenager interfering again. Myst waits for Tanja to stand and then gives her a super kick to the chin. Myst then applies the Mystifyer. Tommy gets to his feet on the floor and grabs the bottom rope. He pulls himself into the ring and hears the bell as Tanja Michaels taps out. Myst rolls herself out of the ring to the floor as Tommy protests to the referee. Ricky Simms - Myst moves on! Henry Lesher - My will to live takes another hit. As Myst heads towards the back, we look backstage where Van Wyld is with Crystal Braun. Crystal Braun - No one expected you to come this far and now you'll face Myst in the semi-finals. Van Wyld - My fans knew I would make it this far. UCW is proving itself tonight. I am proving myself. Rated R fell and so did Sal Clemenzo. Now I will move on to Myst. Crystal Braun - All of those names you have mentioned have been champions of this company before. Van Wyld - I don't care. I'm from UCW, the company of champions. Van Wyld then lets out a holler and heads off screen while Crystal looks baffled and we head back to the ring. ROUND THREE Max Cameron vs. "Honest" Bill Masters "Hail to the Chief" is played by the high school band again, but their playing stops when Bill Masters comes out already brawling with Max Cameron. Max picks Masters up and slams him to the stage and then puts the boots to him. Max then drags Bill by the hair down the ramp and then gives him a head butt at ringside. Max then slams Bill's face into the steep ring steps twice before rolling him into the ring. Max then rolls himself into the ring where referee Joe Davidson then calls for the bell. Max then stands Masters up, whips him into the corner buckle and then picks him up and gives him a sidewalk slam to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Masters. Ricky Simms - It looks like max has his way of dealing with Bill's cheating. He's not going to give him the chance to do it again. Henry Lesher - That's actually a good plan if he can carry it out. Max stands Bill up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of knife edge chops to the chest. Max then whips Bill to the opposite corner. Bill staggers out of the corner and then does a face plant to the mat. Max looks out towards the crowd and smiles, then stands Bill up and whips him off the ropes. Max then gives Bill a clothesline to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Bill again manages to kick out. Max asks the referee about the speed of the count which only draws a shrug from Joe Davidson. Max then stands Bill up and Bill gives max a series of punches to the gut. Bill then eye gouges Max and then picks him up and gives him a slam to the mat. Bill then applies a sleeper hold on Max Cameron as the momentum makes a shift in his favor. Ricky Simms - Nice comeback here by Bill Masters. Henry Lesher - Well, Bill is the most underhanded wrestler we have seen tonight so I am pulling for him. Max refuses to submit to the sleeper hold. Max reaches for the ropes while Bill tries to hold him in the middle of the ring. Max then gives Bill an elbow to the gut and then another and the third elbow causes Bill to break his hold. Max then gives Bill a snap mare to the mat and then Max gives Bill a knee to the back. Max then stands Bill up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Max drops and rolls himself out to the floor as well. Ricky Simms - This match won't be decided by wrestling. It's all brawling. Henry Lesher - That really is how it should be, Rick. Max starts trading rights and lefts on the floor with Bill Masters. Masters then slams Max's head into the steel guard railing and then whips him shoulder first into the steel corner post. Masters then slams Max's head into the ring apron before rolling him into the ring and then rolls himself into the ring as well where he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Bill then stands Max up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in and lands a shoulder block on Max. He then pulls Max from the corner and then gives him a snap suplex to the mat. Bill Masters then stands Max up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick to the mat. Bill then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. Max gets to his feet, turns and takes a flying dropkick to the chest from Bill who then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Ricky Simms - Another two count here. Henry Lesher - Just pin Max and move on, Bill. You can pin this jobber. Bill stands max up and then sets for and delivers a vertical suplex on Max Cameron. He then stands Max up and manages to give him a second vertical suplex. He then goes for the pin. 1...2... Max reverses the pin into a small package, grabbing the ropes for added leverage out of sight of the referee. 1...2...3! Max Cameron has advanced to the finals tonight! Ricky Simms - Bill got out cheated in this one. Henry Lesher - Max is in the finals? Wow, so many people will want their money back when they see this. Max leaves the ring, but is quickly attacked by Bill Masters, who is clearly not taking the loss well. We then look backstage while security tries to break them up and we see Moose with Ray Dees. Ray Dees - Moose, you are obvious to all by your absence tonight. Can you explain? The Moose - Look, I don't need to explain anything to anyone. Enemies of the State have pressing matters and life outside the ring affects life inside of it. Ray Dees - What about your feud with Leech. The Moose - Leech will be seeing me real soon. We'll shake AW to its foundations. This feud goes beyond all others I have ever had. Ray Dees - We look forward to seeing you two inside the ring again. The Moose - It will happen soon. Moose walks off and we return to the ring. Van Wyld vs. Myst "Wild Side" by Motley Crue plays as Van Wyld makes his way out onto the stage where the crowd gives him a hero's welcome now. He does some air guitar on stage, smiling for the camera and then he makes his way down the ramp to the ring. He then climbs up the ring steps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. His music then fades and we hear "A Place For My Head" by Linkin Park and Myst steps out onto the stage where the crowd gives her a decent ovation as well. She then starts down the ramp towards the ring and gives out a few high fives to the fans as she does so. Ricky Simms - Let the odd match ups continue. Henry Lesher - How the hell did this happen? Seriously, Max is waiting for the winner of this? Myst pulls herself onto the stage and then leaps over the top rope into the ring. Referee Casey Braun calls for the bell. Myst moves in with Van Wyld. He locks up with her and then tosses her into the corner buckle where he gives her a series of punches to the ribs and then he gives her a double under hook suplex to the mat. Van Wyld then gives Myst a knee drop to the forehead and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Myst kicks out. Van Wyld then stands Myst up, whips her into the corner buckle and then gives her a series of kicks to the ribs before giving her a hip toss to the mat. Van Wyld then places her in an arm bar. Myst gets to her feet quickly and then gives Van Wyld a series of knife edge chops to the chest that weakens his hold on her arm. She then gives him a monkey flip to the mat and then she goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Van Wyld. Ricky Simms - I have to admit that from the odd music choice to the hair to the name, I really didn't think Van Wyld was going anywhere tonight and yet here he is. He is one of three still capable of winning the million tonight. Henry Lesher - The further he goes, the fewer viewers we have for this farce of a show. Myst stands Van Wyld up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick that sends him falling through the ropes and out to the floor. Myst then gets to her feet and waits for Van Wyld to get to his feet and then she lands a baseball slide to the chest on Van Wyld, sending him falling backward into the guard railing. Myst then stands Van Wyld up and takes a head butt from Wyld. He then whips Myst into the guard railing before standing her up and rolling her into the ring. He then rolls himself into the ring and poses, but the fans are not on his side now that he's beating up Myst instead of Rated R or Sal Clemenzo. He ignores their reaction, picks Myst up and runs her face first into the corner buckle. He then slams her to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Myst. Ricky Simms - If he can keep using his power here, Van Wyld will be in the finals. Henry Lesher - Myst is overrated and a has been. Van Wyld stands Myst up, whips her off the ropes and she ducks a clothesline and then pulls herself out to the floor where she takes a chair shot from Rated R, who is standing in the front row and goes unnoticed by the referee. Van Wyld drops and rolls himself out to the floor and then rolls Myst back into the ring. He then rolls himself into the ring and goes for the pin on Myst. 1...2...3! Van Wyld is in the finals against Max Cameron! Ricky Simms - That damned Rated R! He made sure that neither Sal not Myst made it to the finals tonight. Henry Lesher - If he can't reach the end of the party, neither can his most hated enemies. Ricky Simms - Rated R is scum. Henry Lesher - He is also the champ. FINALS Van Wyld vs. Max Cameron As Myst is helped from the ring and referee Mark Davis makes his way down the ramp as the referee for the finals, Max Cameron races down the ramp and almost runs him over before sliding into the ring and chop blocking Van Wyld to the mat. Max then applies an ankle lock submission hold on Van Wyld as the referee calls for the bell and the final match is already underway. Ricky Simms - Max is again using the attack early plan. Henry Lesher - How did this become the finals? This is our main event? Ricky Simms - One man from UCW and one man from AW in the finals, battling it out here to win a million dollars! Max stands Van Wyld up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a shoulder block to the mat. Max then gives Van Wyld an elbow smash to the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Van Wyld. Max then stands Van Wyld up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a clothesline to the mat and then puts the boots to him. Max then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He poses there for a moment and then launches himself towards the mat. He tries for a leg drop off the top, but Van Wyld rolls himself out of the way. Van Wyld then uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Ricky Simms - Van would have been done if Max had connected with that move. Henry Lesher - Someone has to finish this loser off. In fact, someone has to put them both out. Van Wyld puts the boots to Max Cameron. Van Wyld then stands Max up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him an atomic drop from there. Van Wyld then picks Max up and gives him a gorilla press slam to the mat. He then gives Max a leg drop across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Van Wyld then stands Max up and whips him into the corner buckle. He moves in for a shoulder block, but instead takes a kick to the face from Max. Max then gives Van a Rock Bottom to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... Van kicks out at the last possible moment. Ricky Simms - Van's in trouble now. Henry Lesher - It's about time. He shouldn't have got out of the first round. Max stands Van up, whips him off the ropes and then both men clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting them both down while the crowd seems torn on which company's representative they are cheering for here in the final match of the night. On the four count, Max rolls himself to the ropes and uses them to start pulling himself to his feet. On the five count, Van does the same. The two of them then start trading punches. Max then thumbs Van in the eye and then rakes his eyes along the top rope. Max then gives Van a fall away slam to the mat. Max then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. Van gets to his feet, turns and catches Max in the middle of a flying cross body attempt and then power slams him to the mat. He goes for the pin, but Max uses the momentum to reverse the pin and hooks the leg. 1...2...3! Max gets the win and he gets the million! Ricky Simms - Max Cameron is tonight's big winner! Henry Lesher - I never thought I would see the day.... of course there is no Moose, no Vigilante, no Frank, no Leech, no Simon so that factors into it. Ricky Simms - Max Cameron won four matches tonight. He is full value for the win! Henry Lesher - Say what you want to help you sleep at night, Rick. Max rolls himself out of the ring and falls to his knees as he is announced the big winner tonight. We then see Rated R in the crowd and he doesn't look impressed with tonight's outcome. He shakes his head and walks towards the back while Max is handed a briefcase with his cash prize inside it. Max holds the briefcase high and then starts up the ramp while Van Wyld stays on his knees inside the ring, trying to figure out what cost him this match and his share of the money tonight. Ricky Simms - Van Wyld was full value for tonight's performance. I am impressed with the talent from UCW. Henry Lesher - We know how easily impressed you are. Max stands on the stage with the money in his hands, grinning ear to ear as we expect to fade to black. Max disappears into the backstage area and the crowd quiets down. The arena then turns dark. Ricky Simms - What?! What is that noise? |