"Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne plays as Jack Spade comes out to a huge ovation from the crowd. He then makes his way down the ramp, giving fans high fives as he makes his way down to the ring. He then rolls himself under the bottom rope into the ring and then goes to the corner, climbs to the second rope and poses for the cheering crowd. His music then fades and we hear "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry and Tommy Purr comes out onto the stage, led by Mrs. Robinson. He gets a mixed response from the crowd as he makes his way down to the ring. He shows the title belt to the camera and says that it's staying right here as long as he wants it. Tommy then makes his way up the ring steps and hands off the title belt to Mrs. Robinson. Ricky Simms - This is a great way to start what should be an amazing show. Henry Lesher - I actually agree with you on that. Mark that down, because it's not likely to happen again. Tommy steps through the ropes into the ring and the bell sounds to get the action started as Tommy and Jack circle one another. They lock up and Tommy shoves Jack into the corner buckle. Tommy then gives him a series of forearms to the chin and then gives him an arm drag to the middle of the ring where he applies an arm bar on Spade. Tommy smiles and nods as if this is too easy for him. Jack then surprises Tommy with an arm drag to the mat and then Tommy rolls himself out of the ring to regroup only to have Jack follow him. Jack slams Tommy's head into the ring apron and then gives him a series of knife edge chops to the chest. Jack then slams Tommy's head into the ring steps before rolling him back into the ring. Jack then rolls himself into the ring, stands Tommy up and whips him into the corner buckle before giving him a German suplex to the mat, holding his shoulders down for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Ricky Simms - Nice exchange between these two who are guaranteed to see each other again in tonight's main event. Henry Lesher - I am not sure why Jack wants to lose twice to Tommy in one night. Jack stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the canvas. Jack then lands a knee drop to the forehead on Tommy and again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out again by Tommy Purr. Jack then stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and Tommy ducks a clothesline and then gives Jack an inverted neck breaker before Tommy goes for the quick pinfall attempt. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Tommy then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then backdrops him to the mat. Tommy then goes to the ropes and climbs to the top. Jack gets to his feet only to take a missile dropkick to the chest that sends him right back down to the mat. Tommy again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Ricky Simms - Both wrestlers are very aware of the fact they have a lot of work ahead of them tonight. If they can make this quick tonight, they will. Henry Lesher - That's what your wife says about you, too, Rick. Tommy stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him an inziguri that takes him down to the mat again. Tommy then turns to the camera and informs us that he is the champ and this match is his. Tommy then stands Jack up only to take an eye gouge from Jack who then gives Tommy a slingshot suplex to the mat. Jack then goes to the ropes and quickly makes his way to the top. Tommy stands and takes a flying body press off the top from Jack Spade who then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy. Ricky Simms - I thought Jack had him there. Henry Lesher - You should have more faith in Tommy. Jack stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of punches and kicks in the corner for good measure. Jack then backs off a few steps and then runs at Jack, leaps and lands a Lasting Impression on Tommy before rolling Tommy into a small package for another pin attempt. 1...2...3! Jack Spade defeats Tommy Purr! Ricky Simms - That has to be considered an upset. Henry Lesher - I know that I'm upset. Ricky Simms - Great finisher there, a modified version of the Shining Wizard. Henry Lesher - He's going to get a whole lot more punishment later tonight for this. Tommy will make him suffer. Jack rolls himself out of the ring to the floor and then makes his way around the ring, again giving fans high fives and even stopping to give out a signature. He then comes face to face with Mrs. Robinson who still has the title belt over her shoulder. He stares into it as if it were a mirror, a grin crossing his face. He then walks away slwoly, and we can hear him laughing. Ricky Simms - Jack sees himself in the title belt. Henry Lesher - It's metal. It reflects. He's retarded.
Shengee Shmelky - Tonight, yo, tonight be da night for da Flava! I can feel it, yo! Adam West enters the picture, tonight wearing a business suit instead of his usual Batman garb. Adam West - Look, we need to talk about this. Shengee Shmelky - Yo yo yo, West, no be frontin' on me yo! Adam West - Look, stop talking like that. You are making a fool of yourself. I met you and your brother years ago on that fateful day backstage at Celebrity Jeopardy. Since then, I have considered you two my family. I don't like seeing my family humiliated. Shengee Shmelky - Flava gonna make da money yo! I be da bomb yo! Adam West - Look, it's a boy band right? It's you, your brother and this woman here. That hardly makes a boy band. Shengee Shmelky - I would love to talk yo, but we is on after the next match yo. He and Sarah Darling exit the dressing room while Adam shakes his head.
Adam West - I guess it's time for tough love then, Shengee. I
love that albino hero. "Southtown" by POD plays as 6Pac Dudley makes his way onto the stage and the crowd gives him a decent ovation. He then starts down the ramp only to take a chop block to the ramp from a charging Bombshell. She then slams 6Pac's face into the steel ramp and then she pulls him down to ringside where she then slams his face into the steel guard railing. Bombshell then rolls him into the ring before rolling herself into the ring. Referee Mark Davis calls for the bell to get the action officially underway while Bombshell is already going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac. Ricky Simms - No quick win for Bombshell here. Henry Lesher - That is truly a shame. How do you follow up Tommy Purr with this? Bombshell stands 6Pac up and takes a thumb to the eye from 6Pac. 6Pac then picks Bombshell up and dumps her over the top rope and out to the floor. 6Pac then climbs the ropes to the top of the nearest corner. Bombshell gets to her feet and sees 6Pac coming. He dives for a flying cross body, but she catches him in the chin with a super kick. Bombshell then stands 6Pac up and whips him shoulder first into the ring steps. She then gives him a running knee to the face that sends him down to the floor. Bombshell then stands 6Pac up and rolls him into the ring before rolling herself into the ring where she goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac. Bombshell slaps the mat and has a few words for the referee while she stands her ex-husband up. 6Pac catches her with a jawbreaker and then whips her off the ropes, giving her a clothesline to the mat. 6Pac then lands a knee drop to the chest on Bombshell. He goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell. Ricky Simms - Great back and forth action between these two who clearly don't have any love for one another. Henry Lesher - Well, it is always a disaster when you date someone from work. They got married. It's lucky they don't own guns. 6Pac stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a dropkick back to the mat. 6Pac then goes to the ropes in the corner. He makes his way to the top rope. He poses for the fans momentarily and then lands a 450 somersault splash onto Bombshell where he then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell and 6Pac has a few unkind words with the referee about the speed of his count. 6Pac then stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and then both wrestlers clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting them both down. On the four count, 6Pac manages to kip up to his feet. A moment later, Bombshell does the same and the two stand nose to nose. They then start trading knife edge chops to the throat while the crowd cheers. Ricky Simms - It's like Britney and K-Fed. Henry Lesher - Well, yeah, but Bombshell isn't bat shit crazy. Bombshell eye gouges 6Pac and then gives him a knee to the gut. 6Pac answers with a kick to the ribs on Bombshell and then gives her a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. He then goes to the ropes and goes for a lionsault only to land on the raised knees of Bombshell. Bombshell then quickly gets to her feet and then she puts the boots to 6Pac who rolls himself out to the floor to regroup. Bombshell waits for 6Pac to get to his feet and then she launches herself through the ropes and gives 6Pac a flying cross body to the floor. 6Pac then rains down punches to the head on 6Pac before she then stands him up and rolls him into the ring. She then rolls herself into the ring and goes for the pin on 6Pac. 1...2... reversed into a small package by 6Pac. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell who then quickly gets to her feet. 6Pac gets to his feet and turns towards her only to take a Bitch Kick right in the chin and then a spear to the mat from Bombshell who then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Bombshell wins the match! Ricky Simms - Bombshell wins round one! Keep in mind that later tonight they will square off in the aerial title match as well. This should develop into an even nastier exchange between these two. Henry Lesher - I don't know why we have to watch them reliving their past mistakes. From what Yvonne has told me, we just witnessed their wedding night re-enacted.
Kelly Buchanan - Lady Eagle, what can you tell us of your reason for not being inside the ring? Lady Eagle - I don't know what happened, Kelly. I was on my way and then Eugene stopped talking to me. Kelly Buchanan - Tough Eagle? Lady Eagle - Yeah and he was really helping me before. I don't know what happened. Tough Eagle - *as he steps into the picture* I may be able to answer that. Look, I can handle that I made a mistake. You were using me and I figured it out. Well, someone helped me figure it out. Steve Hawkins walks into the picture beside Tough Eagle. Lady Eagle - Steve? Steve Hawkins - You see, I never forget a face. I also never forget a dancer. You're Melody Chains. I remember you from the KitKat house in Chicago. Lady Eagle - You have me mixed up with someone else. Steve Hawkins - No, my dear, I don't. I also remember something else about you. Steve leans forward and whispers in Lady Eagle's ear. She smiles at first, then appears to be horrified. Steve shakes his head as he steps back. Steve Hawkins - I mean, the entire cucumber. That was different. Lady Eagle leaves, her face a bright shade of red. Tough Eagle then faces the camera. Tough Eagle - Next week, this bastard is back. Steve Hawkins - You see, we just weed out those who need to be weeded out. Kelly Buchanan - I don't know what to say. Steve Hawkins - My dear, if I weren't married, you could call out my name. As it is, just tell the good people that I am back and I am bringing friends to the party. Kelly Buchanan - *to the camera* Steve Hawkins is back.
Shengee Shmelky steps out onto the stage with a smile on his face. He has a microphone in hand. Shengee Shmelky - You ready for some Flava? The crowd cheers. Shengee Shmelky - Play my music, DJ yo! "Counting Bodies Like Sheep (to the Rhythm of the Drum)" by A Perfect Circle plays and Shengee looks to be confused. Shengee Shmelky - Yo yo yo, that not be my music. Ricky Simms - Damn it Shengee, get out of there! Henry Lesher - Stay right where you are, you albino idiot. Frank Merritt emerges from behind the curtain and gives a shocked Shengee a clothesline to the stage and then lands a leg drop across the throat on him while Adam West makes his way onto the stage. Adam has a microphone in his hand. Adam West - I hope you understand this, Shengee. I really do. Here's your money Frank. Frank Merritt - This one is on the house. Frank then makes his way down the ramp to the ring while Sarah Darling checks on Shengee and Adam West looks somewhat lost by Frank's refusal to take his money. Frank steps up onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring, the crowd booing him and throwing paper cups at him. Ricky Simms - Buffalo hates Frank Merritt. Henry Lesher - The feeling is probably mutual. Thank God for Frank Merritt. Frank's music fades and then we hear "Gentle Art of Making Enemies" by Faith No More and Dante steps out onto the stage to a pretty decent pop. He pauses to look down at the out cold Shengee Shmelky and shakes his head before he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. He then circles the ring while keeping his eyes on Frank and then makes his way up the ring steps. He steps through the ropes into the ring, again careful not to take his eyes off of his opponent. Referee Steve Blake calls for the bell and the two men have a few words in the center of the ring. Frank then shoves Dante. Dante answers with a kick to the knee on Frank then then pulls the feet out from under the CWA's monster before placing him in an ankle lock submission hold. Frank quickly turns and kicks Dante away and gets to his feet where the two men start trading rights and lefts. Dante kicks the knee cap of Frank again and dives, cutting the legs out from under Frank. Dante then tries to quickly apply a sharp shooter on Frank, but Frank again kicks him away and then Frank rolls himself out of the ring to the floor. Ricky Simms - Dante is an animal. He picks a body part and works it over until he gets the win. Henry Lesher - I love this match. Stop ruining it by talking. Ricky Simms - Now you sound like my wife. Dante waits inside the ring while Frank stumbles at ringside. Frank glares at Dante and then pulls himself onto the apron. Frank steps through the ropes into the ring where Dante gives him a series of knees to the gut and then gives him a snap mare to the mat where he then applies a sleeper hold. The referee checks for a submission, but Frank refuses to give up. Frank then struggles back to his feet and then gives Dante a series of elbows to the side. Frank then gives Dante a snap mare to the mat, releasing himself from the hold. Frank then steadies himself with the aid of the rope and then he levels Dante with a clothesline before landing a leg drop across the throat of the former CWA champ. He then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Dante. Ricky Simms - That was close. Henry Lesher - That's the whole talking rule again. Stop it. Frank stands Dante up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges at him, giving him a knee to the gut and then a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Frank then picks Dante up over his shoulder and gives him a running power slam to the mat where he again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Dante. Frank slaps the mat and gives the referee a dirty look. Frank then stands Dante up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Dante ducks it. Dante then gives Frank an eye gouge and then a series of knife edge chips to the chest that drive the monster into the corner. Dante then sets Frank on the top rope before climbing the ropes himself. He then sets for a superplex, but Frank blocks it and then shoves Dante to the mat. Frank then stands on the top while Dante gets to his feet. Frank leaps off and gives Dante an elbow to the forehead that sends Dante to the mat. Frank then stands over Dante and glares at the booing crowd. Ricky Simms - Frank is in his usual mood tonight. Henry Lesher - He is the monster of the CWA. He isn't here to be a nice guy. Frank stands Dante up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Frank then drops and slides himself out to the floor where Dante greets him with a chair shot to the skull, causing the referee to call for the bell. Dante ignores the bell, picking up the ring steps and then he charges and hits Frank in the head with the steps, sending him down to the floor. Dante then tosses the steps aside and puts the boots to Frank before he starts to make his way up the ramp. Ricky Simms - Well, Frank wins this one, but Dante is the one walking out. Henry Lesher - Frank will not take this well.
"Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva plays as Halloween Jack comes
out and the crowd lets him know how little they like him right away.
As their screams of hatred towards him get louder, Jack's grin gets
wider. He stops at ringside and tells the camera they hate him
because he did what any one of them would have done. He then makes
his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then pulls himself into
the ring. As he has a few words with a loud fan in the front row,
his music fades and we hear "I Hate Everything About You" by Three
Days Grace and Rated R makes his way out from the back. He walks
down towards the ring, looking to his left and to his right as if
paranoid that Vesuvius will show up to give his chosen one a leg up
in this match to punish Rated R for what happened earlier tonight.
The flashback is then over and we return to the ring. "Poundcake" by Van Halen plays as Hoshi Yakamoto comes out to one of the loudest ovations of the night. She takes a moment on the stage and bows for the cheering fans. She then starts to make her way down the ramp. Ricky Simms - That was quite the flashback we just watched, a memory from 2006. Henry Lesher - Things were better then. You weren't here and Ryan was. As Hoshi reaches ringside, Mrs. Robinson reaches out from the crowd and starts choking Hoshi. Ricky Simms - My God, she was dressed as a fan, complete with a blonde wig and a Hoshi T-shirt! Henry Lesher - Those are extreme lengths to go to. Mrs. Robinson climbs over the guard railing while not releasing the choke while referee Case Braun calls for the bell and gets the match underway. Hoshi breaks the choke with an eye gouge on Robinson and then gives her a clothesline to the floor. Hoshi then puts the boots to Catherine. Hoshi stands Catherine up and rolls her into the ring before rolling herself into the ring. Hoshi then stands Catherine up, whips her into the corner buckle and then gives her a dropkick in the corner before giving her an arm drag to the middle of the ring and then gives her a bulldog to the mat before going for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Catherine Robinson. Ricky Simms - Good start here for Hoshi after the sneak attack. Henry Lesher - No one cares. What happened to the tournament? Ricky Simms - There will be a triple threat final match to decide the million dollar winner later. Henry Lesher - I have to sit here, resisting the urge to slit my wrists until then? Hoshi stands Catherine up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a backdrop to the mat. Catherine manages to take the backdrop and lands on her feet. She then knees Hoshi in the back and then gives her an inverted DDT to the mat before trying for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. Catherine then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a dropkick to the mat. Catherine then goes to the ropes, makes her way to the top and then lands a leg drop from the top rope across the chest of Hoshi before she again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out again by Hoshi. Catherine then rolls herself out to the floor and grabs a table from under the ring. She then slides the table into the ring while she places a chair under her arm and she then rolls herself back into the ring. Catherine then gives Hoshi a chair shot across the back before she can get to her feet. Catherine then tosses the chair down and starts to set up the table. Ricky Simms - Hoshi didn't want to be in a drag out fight like this tonight. Henry Lesher - She has to learn that being a goody goody only goes so far. In her case, it gets her to curtain jerker. Hoshi slowly gets to her feet while Catherine finishes setting up the table. Catherine then turns and catches Hoshi with a knee to the ribs. Hoshi answers by picking Catherine up and giving her a spine buster right through the table. Hoshi then rolls away from Catherine instead of going for the pin, a little dazed and confused with the beating she has taken so far. Hoshi then uses the ropes to get to her feet and then she gives Catherine a clothesline to the mat. Hoshi then grabs the chair on the mat and holds it with both hands, still not looking completely certain of where she is. Catherine then rolls herself out to the floor, not wanting to take the business end of the chair from Hoshi. Ricky Simms - Catherine backing off there, which is a good move. Henry Lesher - Hoshi doesn't know what to do with a chair if she's not being asked to do a strip tease. Hoshi drops and rolls herself out to the floor where Catherine greets her with a kendo stick shot to the ribs. Catherine then breaks the kendo stick over the shoulder of Hoshi. Still holding the chair, Hoshi manages to swing and catches Catherine in the forehead with the chair. Hoshi then tosses the chair aside before she rolls Catherine into the ring. Hoshi then rolls herself into the ring. She picks Catherine up and slams her onto the remains of the table. She then goes for the pin. 1....2.... Bart Phillips pulls Hoshi off of Catherine. Hoshi then comes face to face with Bart and then levels him with a clothesline to the floor. Hoshi then rolls herself back into the ring with the fans solidly behind her. Hoshi then gives Catherine another clothesline, again sending her down into the remnants of the table. Hoshi then goes for the pin while a chair wielding Bart Phillips climbs to the top rope. 1...2... Hoshi rolls off of Catherine as Bart dives. Bart's chair shot connects with the skull of Catherine instead of its intended target. Hoshi then gives a stunned Bart a super kick that sends him through the ropes and out to the floor before Hoshi goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Hoshi gets the win this week. Ricky Simms - Hoshi outsmarted her ex there. Henry Lesher - That's not saying much.
An exhausted Hoshi rolls herself out to the floor and starts
towards the back while the fans cheer her on. "Hells Bells" by AC/DC plays as Max Cameron comes out to a solid pop from the crowd. He pauses on stage and takes in the atmosphere before he starts down the ramp towards the ring. Ricky Simms - That was another great flashback. Henry Lesher - I must admit I was very happy to see Sal win that match. I miss that gun toting low life. Max makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He then tests the ropes while his music fades and we hear "The Gentle Art of Making Enemies" by Faith No More for the second time tonight as Dante again makes his way out, this time to a rather heavy pop from the crowd. He shakes his head as he makes his way down the ramp and then he makes his way up the ring steps and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. Referee Mark Davis calls for the bell as Max and Dante lock up. Max shoves Dante into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of knee lifts to the gut. Max then gives Dante a vertical suplex to the middle of the ring. Ricky Simms - Max is the fresher wrestler here. That could make a difference. Henry Lesher - I would imagine that it could. Max does suck, though. I hear he retired three times backstage tonight. Ricky Simms - Stop it. Max stands Dante up and uses the ropes on Dante's eyes. Max then gives him a punch to the throat and then gives him a knee to the back followed by a snap suplex to the mat where Max then tries for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Dante. Max then stands Dante up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a clothesline to the mat. Max follows that up with an elbow across the throat. Max stands Dante up and then whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Max then rolls himself out to the floor and then pulls Dante by the hair towards the announce table. He sets Dante on the table, but Dante gives him a thumb to the eye and rolls off of the table. Dante then gives Max a clothesline to the floor and then stands him up and whips him shoulder first into the steel corner post of the ring before rolling him back into the ring, Dante then rolls himself into the ring and starts drilling Max with punches to the face and forehead while the fans cheer him on. Ricky Simms - Why are they cheering for Dante? Henry Lesher - They love what he did to Frank, I guess. Who cares? Fans are morons. Dante stands Max up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat and then lands a knee drop to the forehead on Max before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Dante then stands Max up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. Dante then stands Max up and then gives him a face buster back down to the mat. Dante then picks Max up and slams him down to the mat before giving him a knee to the chest. Dante then slams the back of Max's head into the mat before standing him up and whipping him into the corner buckle where he lands a series of kicks to the chest on Max. Ricky Simms - Dante is really taking it to Max here. Henry Lesher - I have never had an unkind word to say about Dante. He is a delicious form of evil. Dante pulls Max from the corner buckle and then gives him a vertical suplex down to the mat. Dante then stands Max up and then gives him a side Russian leg sweep back down to the mat before he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Dante then gets to his feet and sees Frank Merritt on the stage. The crowd boos Frank as Dante taunts him from the ring. We then see someone slide into the ring behind Dante. Ricky Simms - Who the hell is that? Henry Lesher - Horace Pinkerton! Ricky Simms - Who? Horace drills Max in the back of the head with a chair shot and then gives him a clothesline to the mat while the referee calls for the bell and Dante is announced the winner by disqualification. Frank then charges into the ring and he and Horace start putting the boots to Dante while the crowd boos. Max Cameron rolls himself out to the floor and he grabs a chair, then rolls himself into the ring. He clocks Horace with a chair and then he does the same to Frank. Both Horace and Frank then exit the ring and start to make their way up the ramp, smiles on their faces as they look at a bloodied Dante inside the ring. Ricky Simms - It looks like Frank came to. Henry Lesher - Dante messed where he shouldn't have and no one counted on Frank having back up here tonight. Max is upset inside the ring as he is informed by the referee what the decision was and he exits the ring, then climbs over the railing and makes his way out through the crowd. Ricky Simms - I guess Max will be wanting a rematch. Henry Lesher - I think he just retired again.
Ricky Simms - Stop that.
As Myst is helped from the ring and referee Mark Davis makes his
way down the ramp as the referee for the finals, Max Cameron races
down the ramp and almost runs him over before sliding into the ring
and chop blocking Van Wyld to the mat. Max then applies an ankle
lock submission hold on Van Wyld as the referee calls for the bell
and the final match is already underway.
With another flashback to Warriors past finished, we head back to
the ring for our next match. "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne plays as Jack Spade comes out for the second time tonight. He gets another loud ovation from the crowd as he quickly makes his way down the ramp and tells the camera that he is ready to win his million here tonight. He then tests the ropes while the crowd cheers him on. His music then fades and we hear "Piece of Me" by Britney Spears and Bombshell comes out, also getting a decent pop from the crowd for this appearance. She also quickly makes her way down the ramp towards the ring and we then wait. "Counting Bodies Like Sheep (to the Rhythm of the Drum)" by A Perfect Circle starts to play and we see Frank Merritt onstage yet again. The crowd is clearly upset with him still being in this tournament and he pays them no mind while being led by both Destiny and Horace towards the ring. Ricky Simms - What the hell is this, the blunt connection? Henry Lesher - Geez, you make them sound like Jay and Silent Bob or something. Dear God, they're not here tonight, are they? Ricky Simms - No, doc, relax. Frank steps up onto the apron and laughs when he sees Jack Spade and Bombshell standing in his way of a million dollars tonight. He then steps into the ring and referee Steve Blake calls for the bell to get things started. Frank shoves Bombshell down and then clotheslines Jack Spade to the mat. He then allows himself another laugh while both Bombshell and Spade kip up to their feet behind him. They give him a double dropkick to the back, sending him through the ropes and out to the floor. Frank is then helps to his feet by Horace only to have them both get decks by diving Jack and Bombshell, both landing somersault body presses over the top on Frank and Horace, sending them both down to the floor to the joy of the crowd. Ricky Simms - Bombshell and Jack Spade are showing that they are willing to work together to wipe out Frank here. Henry Lesher - They have to. He will crush either of them one on one. Bombshell and Jack Spade puts the boots to Frank and then stand him up and roll him into the ring before they roll themselves into the ring. Jack and Bombshell then have a few words about strategy against Frank. Jack shakes his head when Bombshell appears to state she is then the winner. Ricky Simms - Bombshell just told Jack that she will win the match and split the money with him. Henry Lesher - Like she split it with 6pac in the divorce? Frank gets to his feet while Bombshell and Jack Spade then argue amongst themselves. Frank climbs onto the apron and takes a dropkick from Jack Spade. Bombshell then takes advantage and lands a leg drop across the neck of Jack Spade before he can get back up and she goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Bombshell then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the mat. Bombshell then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. She leaps off and lands a flying elbow to the chest on Jack and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade while Frank finally rolls himself into the ring. Bombshell gets to her feet only to have the feet pulled out from under her by Frank Merritt. Frank then gets to his feet with a hold on one foot of Bombshell. He hangs her foot from the top and second rope, tangling them and then he starts putting the boots to her while the referee tries to free her. Jack Spade, meanwhile, has got to his feet and he kicks Frank in the back and then gives him a dropkick to the chest when he turns around. Frank slumps into the nearby corner where Jack tries for a monkey flip, but Frank shoves him off. Bombshell is then freed from the rope. Ricky Simms - Frank is like a bull in a china shop. Henry Lesher - No, he's more like napalm in a china shop. Bombshell rolls herself out to the floor while Frank moves over to Jack Spade. He gives Jack a head butt and then picks him up and gives him a power slam to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Frank then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Frank then turns and takes a flying cross body from a diving Bombshell. He catches her in mid-air and then manages to gives her a spinning power slam to the mat before he tries to pin her. 1...2... Bombshell gets a foot on the bottom rope. Ricky Simms - The element of surprise didn't quite work out for Yvonne there. Henry Lesher - Well, of course it didn't. Helicopters don't take down Godzilla. Flying tramps don't take down Frank Merritt. Frank stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a spine buster to the mat. He then sees Jack Spade charging at him and gives him a drop toe hold right onto the fallen Bombshell. Jack then seems dazed at he gets to his feet and then takes a Heart Punch from Frank Merritt before Frank goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Frank Merritt wins and is the million dollar man this year! Ricky Simms - Once Bombshell and Jack Spade became divided, it seemed like it was only a matter of time before Frank was going to win this. Henry Lesher - I agree. Frank is the damned man. Ricky Simms - The fans certainly hate this win and you wonder how much either he or Jack will have left for the title match later tonight.
Garth Rivers - What happened? Ingee Shmelky - Frank Merritt attacked Shengee. I don't know why. Why are people so mean to good people? Garth Rivers - Oh, dear Ingee, I know how you feel. The fact is, I feel bad for you. Ingee Shmelky - You do? Garth Rivers - Of course I do. Next week, I will give you a thousand dollars inside that very ring. Ingee Shmelky - *smiles* Really? Garth Rivers - I think you're a good kid. I really do. That's why you get the money. Ingee Shmelky - This is great. Garth Rivers - Of course, there is a small formality in you getting the money. Ingee Shmelky - What's that? Garth Rivers - You have to survive three minutes inside that ring with my friend Konnan here.
Garth laughs as he leads Konnan out of the room and Ingee looks
ready to cry, shaking his head. We return to the ring. "Southtown" by POD plays as 6Pac comes out onto the stage. He runs down the ramp towards the ring, Bombshell still dazed from Frank's attack moments ago. She may not even be aware that she lost her shot at the million dollars yet. 6Pac slides under the bottom rope into the ring and starts taunting his fallen ex-wife. He then stands her up and whips her into the corner buckle where he then gives her a double under hook suplex to the mat. He follows that up with a kick to the ribs and is completely unaware that Kira has slid into the ring behind him. She dropkicks 6Pac in the back as the bell sounds to get the match started and 6Pac falls right through the ropes and out to the floor. Ricky Simms - There are a lot of unresolved issues here. Henry Lesher - Oh, I have seen soap operas that were less sappy than this place. Kira puts the boots to Bombshell, then stands her up and whips her off the ropes before giving her a face buster to the mat. Kira then goes for the early pin on the exhausted Bombshell. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell. Kira then stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and then misses with a clothesline when Bombshell ducks it. Bombshell then picks Kira up and gives her a fall away slam to the mat while 6Pac rolls himself back into the ring. Bombshell then rolls herself out to the floor while 6Pac has a few words for Kira. Ricky Simms - 6Pac needs to be careful here. Henry Lesher - Yeah, I hear immigration wants to talk to Kira, so he had better not hurt her too bad. 6Pac stands Kira up, whips her into the corner and goes for a clothesline on her only to have her do the same, thus both wrestlers end up in a heap on the mat. The referee starts counting them both down while Bombshell rolls herself into the ring. She then kips up to her feet and then lands a leg drop on 6Pac Dudley. She then gets to her feet and gives Kira a kick to the ribs. Bombshell then whips Kira off the ropes and gives her a backdrop to the mat while 6Pac uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Bombshell then gives 6Pac a super kick to the chin and then she goes for the pin. 1...2... Kira pulls Bombshell off of 6Pac. Ricky Simms - This battle is heating up as Bombshell gets back into things. Henry Lesher - Bombshell is waste of space. Frank needs to come out here and make things interesting again. Kira stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a spear to the mat. Kira then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell. 6Pac then gets to his feet and then whips Kira through the ropes and out to the floor. He then stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a dropkick to the mat. 6Pac then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He leaps off for a 450 splash, but Kira pulls Bombshell out of his line of fire and to the floor. Kira then levels Bombshell with a clothesline to the floor before she rolls herself into the ring. Kira then takes a kick to the face from 6Pac who then gives her a DDT to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! 6Pac gets the win over Kira and Bombshell! Ricky Simms - A measure of revenge belongs to 6Pac in this one. Henry Lesher - Quick, ask me if I care. Ask me if I care even a little. 6Pac leaves ringside while Bombshell looks on in disbelief. She spits into the ring at Kira and then she starts making her way down the side of the ramp, not wanting to take the same exit as 6Pac had. Ricky Simms - Does this end the fight between Bombshell and 6Pac?
Henry Lesher - If there was a God, yes, so my vote is no.
"Open Road" by Bryan Adams plays as Stevie James makes his way to
the ring. He receives loud cheers and he has his wedding ring
hanging around his neck. Stevie high fives fans on his way down the
ramp and then steps up onto the apron and steps through the ropes
into the ring. He then tests the ropes as "Battle Without Honor or
Humanity" by Tomayasu Hotei plays as Q makes his way to the ring,
led by Shelia Lavin. The crowd boos Q and he nods as if that's the
reaction he is supposed to get.
Our flashback to Battle of the Warriors past ends there and we
head back to the ring. "Southtown" by POD again plays and the crowd cheers as 6Pac Dudley makes his way onto the stage and then makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. He then pulls himself onto the apron and then he poses on the second rope for the fans. He then jumps down inside the ring and smiles as his music fades and we hear "Piece of Me" by Britney Spears and Bombshell limps out onto the stage. She doesn't do so in her wrestling gear. She is instead in street clothes. She has a microphone in hand. Bombshell - You know what 6Pac? I am sick of this shit tonight. No, seriously, I am done. I don't care anymore. We have beaten each other twice tonight and I'll be damned if I am going to traumatize my child any further tonight. You want this Aerial title that badly? Take the damned thing. These fans don't want me to have the title anyway. They want you to be the champ and I say, so be it. Damn you, 6Pac. Damn you for taking it this far. Damn you for putting yourself ahead of whatever we once had. Be the champ. Live the high life. Leave me the hell alone. She tosses the microphone down and 6Pac looks confused inside the ring. Ricky Simms - What did Yvonne just do? Henry Lesher - She saved me from watching another match between her and Team Canada there. Maybe I like her after all. Ricky Simms - The fans aren't happy, but she is not coming back out here. The camera follows Bombshell backstage as Ray Dees tries to get a word with her while 6Pac is handed the title by default inside the ring. Ray Dees - Yvonne, how can you leave the show like this? Bombshell - How could I not? He wants to ruin my life. Way to go. He did it. I am going home. Ray Dees - But the fans wanted... Bombshell - Isn't it clear I couldn't care less what the fans want? They call me a slut all the time anyway. Should I then magically care when they don't get their way? No, I got beat up enough tonight. I am done. I am going home. She reaches her limo and the driver opens the back door for her. Ray Dees - But there's still matches to be fought tonight! Bombshell - Not by me, ray. I am done. Tell 6Pac to have a nice life and kiss my ass. The crowd boos as her limo then pulls away and we are denied a match to crown the CWA Aerial champ tonight. Ricky Simms - I have never seen this in all my years of wrestling. We expected a match and got something else instead.
Henry Lesher - I remember Leech and razorblade doing something
very similar. I mean, they had the best promos I have ever seen and
then the match was.... I expected bloodshed. I expected someone to
die in that ring. I expected the greatest wrestling moment ever and
instead.... I still have nightmares about it.
Leech is seen walking toward the ring for his match, when he
bumps into Razorblade. Leech quickly grabs a chair as the two stare
each other down. Ricky Simms - Such a cute little tale. Leech and Razor had a tea party. I think you're just mad because you weren;t invited. Henry Lesher - There was going to be bloodshed. I was denied bloodshed! Ricky Simms - My God, you whine a lot. Tag Title Match The crowd cheers as Max Cameron and Jack Spade make their way down the ramp towards the ring, "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC playing loudly. Max and Jack continue to talk as they steps through the ropes into the ring. Their music fades and then we hear "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry plays and Tommy Purr comes out with Frank Merritt. They aren't getting along either. Tommy makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring while Frank takes his spot in his team's corner. New Age Dogg Pound then make their way out, without the music that usually accompanies their entrance. They rush to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and referee Casey Braun calls for the bell as all six wrestlers brawl in the middle of the ring. Ricky Simms - Who decided Casey should call this match? Henry Lesher - Someone who just doesn't give a damn. I cannot say I blame them. Give Frank and Tommy the titles and then we move on to the main event. Rex Cooper and Frank brawl right through the ropes and out to the floor while Max Cameron and Jack Spade whip Dex Cooper off the ropes and give him a backdrop to the mat. Max then exits the ring and we have three men left inside the ring to become the legal brawlers at this point. Tommy clotheslines Jack Spade to the mat and then gives him a knee to the forehead. Tommy then follows that up with a series of kicks to the ribs on Jack Spade. Tommy then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and Jack ducks a clothesline only to run into a big boot to the chest from Dex Cooper. Dex then gives Tommy a clothesline to the mat and then picks him up and gives him a slam to the mat before tagging in Rex Cooper, who has just now reached their corner. Ricky Simms - Quite the showing here between these three teams. Henry Lesher - I haven't completely hated this so far, so shut up. Rex and Dex whip Tommy off the ropes and give him a double choke slam to the mat where Rex then goes for the pin. 1...2... Jack pulls Rex off of Tommy and then starts wailing on him with punches to the chin. Jack then pulls Rex to his corner where he tags in Max Cameron. Max and Jack then give Rex a double head butt that sends him down to the mat. Max then picks Rex up and runs him head first into the corner buckle in the one neutral corner this match has before slamming him to the mat where he goes for the pin. 1...2... Tommy pulls Max off of Rex Cooper. Tommy then whips Max off the ropes and ducks his head for a backdrop. Instead, Max kicks Tommy in the chest and then gives him a Rock Bottom to the mat. Max goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Ricky Simms - The pace is fast in this one. Henry Lesher - Frank will win this. Just get him into the ring. Max stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Tommy ducks it. Tommy then gives Max a knee to the back and then gives him a back cracker. Tommy goes for the pin while Rex Cooper tags in Dex. 1...2... Dex leg drops Tommy across the back, breaking up the pin. Dex then stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner where Rex gives him a punch to the jaw and then Dex gives Tommy an inverted atomic drop. Tommy staggers backwards and then dives towards his corner, tagging in Frank Merritt. Frank drops Dex with a clothesline and then gives a charging Rex a backdrop to the mat before giving Max Cameron a head butt that sends him down to the mat. Frank then gives Jack Spade a big boot to the chest that sends him off the apron and down to the floor. Ricky Simms - The CWA's newest millionaire shows the combatants here what he is made of. Henry Lesher - He is a pure monster. Frank stands inside the ring, a sadistic smile crossing his face as he watches the carnage around him. He then grabs Dex Cooper and whips him off the ropes and then gives him a spine buster to the mat. He then gets to his feet where Rex Cooper then gives him a spear to the mat. Rex then gives Max Cameron a head butt to the chest and then gives him a spine buster right onto Frank Merritt. He then picks up Rex Cooper and slams him onto Frank Merritt and the referee counts the pin. 1...2...3! The bell sounds and the New Age Dogg Pound has done it! Ricky Simms - Oh man, what a finish! That is what happens when four guys throw themselves together against a true tag team. Henry Lesher - Yes, it leads to a fluke loss for Frank. Let us all have a moment of solence for Frank. Ricky Simms - I am not having a moment of silence for Frank. Henry Lesher - I will tell him you said that.
Dex and Rex leave the ring and get their tag team title belts,
holding them high while they make their way up the ramp. The crowd
cheers and 6Pac comes out to celebrate with them, all three men now
holding title gold in the CWA. Ray Dees - Tonight has been another Battle of the Warriors for the ages. You seem to be very content. Shannon Skanes - We have witnessed people like 6Pac and Frank Merritt giving their all to win gold and win money. We have watched people like Jack Spade and max Cameron making multiple appearances while Dante has again shown he has never found a rule he didn't enjoy breaking. Now, I can tell you I have signed some people to contracts with this company this week. We have some serious talent coming in that will test all of these battle hardened folks. Ray Dees - That is good news. What happens to Bombshell? She walked out rather than fight 6Pac again tonight. Shannon Skanes - I feel for her. Hey, I have kids. I know how it feels to have your family torn apart. Look at the chaos Rated R caused for me and my family. Look at the crap Wren pulled over the years. Bombshell has my sympathy. In fact, I grant her the right to challenge 6Pac for the Aerial title anytime she wishes. Ray Dees - She's the number one contender? Shannon Skanes - I didn't say that. I said she can face him anytime she wants. If he loses that title, the offer goes out the window. Ray Dees - Who do you think will win the title match up next? Shannon Skanes - The best man will win. I don't really care who.
Shannon then walks off singing to himself as we head to the ring
for the main event. No music has to play as all three men are still inside the ring from their failed attempts to become the tag team champions moments ago. They all stop their bickering when "H" by Tool starts to play and the crowd cheers as Moose comes out as the referee for this fight. Moose gets a loud ovation from the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp and then makes his way around the ring. He shakes hands with fans and then makes his way up the ring steps before he steps through the ropes into the ring. He has a few words with each wrestler in this match and the crowd cheers as they anticipate a fight between the guest referee and the three men involved in this main event. Instead, Moose calls for the bell and all three men start brawling. Ricky Simms - There was no sign of Vigilante tonight and he was the one who wanted this title match. Henry Lesher - Apparently there is a streak of yellow in Vigilante. He may not have thought anyone would actually book this match and he took off when he realized he was taken seriously. Frank slams Jack and Tommy's heads together and then dumps Tommy through the ropes and out to the floor. Frank then grabs Jack around the throat, picks him up and gives him a choke slam to the mat before he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade and Frank argues about the speed of the count with Moose. Frank then stands Spade up and dumps him through the ropes and out to the floor while Tommy Purr slips back under the bottom rope into the ring. Frank stands Tommy up and whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a knee lift to the chest. Tommy answers with an eye gouge on Frank and then gives him an inverted atomic drop before pulling the feet out from under the monster. Tommy then sets him in a figure four leg lock. Ricky Simms - Finally someone has the upper hand on Frank tonight. Henry Lesher - Get Dante out here. He's not scared of this monster. Frank grabs the bottom rope before he can even be asked whether or not he gives up. Jack Spade climbs to the top rope while Tommy releases the hold and then picks Frank up. Tommy turns and takes a missile dropkick off the top rope from Jack Spade. Frank lands on top of Tommy which causes a count. 1...2... Jack Spade pulls Frank off of Tommy Purr, stands him up and whips him into the corner buckle. Jack then lands a series of kicks to the chest on Frank and then gives him a vertical suplex back to the middle of the ring while Tommy Purr gets to his feet. Jack stands and takes a running clothesline to the mat from Purr. Purr then picks Jack up and throws him over the top rope and out to the floor where he crashes into the guard railing. Purr then turns to Frank and gives him a series of elbows to the back of the neck before the monster can get up. Tommy then applies a sleeper hold on Frank. Frank straightens himself up and then backs into a corner buckle, slamming himself into Tommy in the process. Frank then turns and lands a series of body shots on the champ before giving him a gorilla press slam to the mat. Ricky Simms - There is the power of Frank again. Henry Lesher - He is magnificent. Jack Spade rolls himself into the ring and is greeted with a series of kicks to the ribs from Frank. Frank then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then ducks his head to give him a backdrop to the mat, but Jack stops himself and gives Frank an elbow to the back. Jack then picks Frank up and manages to give him a power bomb to the mat. Jack then gets to his feet where he is greeted with a super kick to the chin from Tommy Purr. Jack then falls back into the ropes where Tommy gives him a series of knife edge chops to the chest. Tommy then gives Jack a snap mare to the mat and turns into Frank who pulls Tommy off his feet and then picks him up. Frank gets to his feet with Tommy held high in an impressive feat of strength and then delivers an Alabama Slam on Tommy Purr only to take a flying clothesline to the mat from Jack Spade. Jack then lands a rolling thunder on Tommy and hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2...3! Jack Spade is the new CWA champion! Ricky Simms - Call his parents! Jack Spade has won the title for Canada! Henry Lesher - Frank softened Tommy up! That was Frank's win! Ricky Simms - Jack gets the win and his first ever world title in the CWA. Through the GWO and AW and now back within the CWA, Jack has fought and never been known to cause any issues within the company. Now he has scaled to the top of the mountain. Henry Lesher - This is foul. Frank in the champ! Ricky Simms - As the million dollar winner, Frank has the right to call for another shot at the title. I am sure he will call for it, too. Henry Lesher - This is wrong. I demand a recount. Jack rolls himself out to the floor where he is handed the title and then is embraced by fans at ringside. We then see Hoshi Yakamoto and 6Pac Dudley coming out from backstage and applauding. They high five the new champion and Max Cameron comes out to shake hands with him as well. Ricky Simms - The locker room is paying its respects to Jack Spade tonight. He is on top of the world. Henry Lesher - That's a long way to fall, Spade. Don't get too used to that feeling. It won't last! We fade to black as the crowd continues to cheer and a stunned Tommy Purr and Frank Merritt realize what has happened here tonight. Both will want another shot at Spade. |