January 29th, 2008

We see another full crowd as we get set for another edition of CWA's Overdrive. We hear "Coming Undone" by Korn as we see images of Max Cameron, Dante, Alexis Luciano, 6Pac Dudley, Hoshi Yakamoto, Tommy Purr, Frank Merritt and Jack Spade before we go to ringside where Henry Lesher and Ricky Simms are once again ready to call the action.

Kannon Invitational

" Money " By Pink Floyd as Mr. Rivers and Kannon makes their way down the ramp. Mr. Rivers smiles to the chorus of boos while Kannon keeps nothing but a serious face. Mr. Rivers gets a hold of a mic as he enters the ring, Setting down his breifcase of money.

Mr. Rivers- Last Week we saw the mark of something legendary and tonight you will watch as the legend grows when Kannon demolishes yet another opponent in under three minutes so we can get out of this crap hole of a town.

The crowd starts to boo once again as all Mr. Rivers and Kannon can do is smile.

Mr. Rivers- So does anyone think they can with stand three minutes with a behemoth. If so walk down the ramp and try for five thousand dollars in cold hard cash.

Mr. Rivers points towards the entrance way but no one comes out.

Mr. Rivers- What this? No takers.. No heroes.. Nobody greedy enough. Here I will step it up to ten thousand dollars.. No twenty thousand dollars.

Still no one comes out so Mr. Rivers starts to look around the ring, Only to spot Kelly Buchanan sitting by the announcer table. Mr. Rivers rolls out of the ring and starts to walk towards Kelly as Kelly shakes her head no.

Mr. Rivers- You? Oh yes! You have been voluntold!

Mr. Rivers drops the mic and grabs Kelly by the hair. Kelly fights back though and ends up slapping Mr. Rivers across the face. She goes to turn and run but she winds up running straight into Kannon. Kelly ends up in the grasps of Kannon as Kannon Military presses her into the air and tosses her through the middle ropes of the ring. Kannon slides in the ring after her as the ref starts the bell. Kannon lifts her straight up into a Crucifix position as Mr. Rivers tells Kannon to finish her.

Ricky Simms- This is a utter display of sick and senseless violence

Henry Lesher- You sure are in the wrong profession than

" Down with the Sickness " starts to play as Halloween Jack comes marching down the ramp. Kannon releases Kelly as she rolls out of the ring and out of harm's way. Mr. Rivers yells at Kannon to get out of the ring but Kannon ignores him as he readies himself for a brawl. The crowd rise up in excitement for the possible brawl, Only to watch Halloween Jack drop at the bottom of the ramp with a grinning Kira Yakamoto holding a lead pipe standing right behind him.

Ricky Simms- What is her purpose for doing that?

Henry Lesher- That was Kira's smartest move but that's not saying alot.

Mr. Rivers picks up the mic again and starts to laugh as Kannon rolls out the ring beside him, holding the briefcase. All three of them stand over the fallen Halloween Jack.

Mr. Rivers- Well that sure worked now didn't it! Mr. Hero.. I knew you would poke your nose in again eventually and for that I just showed you a very small example why you never poke your nose in my business. So next week You will face Kannon in the Kannon open invitational. Oh and one more thing Jack it's nothing personal, Just strictly business!

Mr. Rivers shakes hands with Kira in their newly formed alliance as they all laugh walking up the ramp as Halloween Jack lays there holding the back of his head.

We then look backstage where Shannon Skanes is with Charley MacAdam.

Charley MacAdam - So, you're not in a good mood tonight.

Shannon Skanes - Charley, I am tired of the disrespect this company gets. There has been no sign of Max Cameron, no sign of Dante and no sign of Bombshell tonight.

Charley MacAdam - Do you think this reflects on you?

Shannon Skanes - I think this reflects on the whole company. Terror in the Aisles... there is going to be a change.

Charley MacAdam - That is over a month away.

Shannon Skanes - That is when this ship will be righted. It will happen.

He marches off and we head back to the ring.

NADP vs. The Yakamotos

The New Age Dogg Pound comes out with the tag team belts raised high while their theme music blares throughout the arena. They receive a strong reception from the crowd as they make their way down the ramp and then Dex rolls himself into the ring while Rex takes his place in their corner. They then high five one another as their music fades and then we hear "Poundcake" by Van Halen and Hoshi and Kira Yakamoto step out onto the stage to a loud ovation from the crowd. They then rush down to the ring and both slide under the bottom rope into the ring. They have a few words while looking nervously at Dex Cooper and then they decide to allow Kira to start the match.

Ricky Simms - We are starting right into it this week.

Henry Lesher - Yes and it's another match full of crap.

Kira steps in and lands a standing dropkick on Dex. He staggers, but he doesn't fall down. He then levels Kira with a clothesline when she gets to her feet. He then stands her up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a backdrop to the mat before landing a leg drop across the throat on her and then going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kira Yakamoto. Dex Cooper then stands her up and pulls her to his corner where he tags in Rex Cooper. The two of them then gives her a double vertical suplex to the mat. Rex then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out again by Kira.

Ricky Simms - The Yakamoto sisters are wrestlers who have incredible ability to overcome tough odds.

Henry Lesher - In other words, they suck and sometimes they fluke into a win when someone gets lazy against them.

Rex stands Kira up and takes a thumb to the eye from Kira who then gives him a jawbreaker before she rolls to her corner and tags in Hoshi. Hoshi jumps to the top rope and gives Rex a flying head scissors to the mat where she rolls him into a small package pin attempt. 1...2.. kick out by Rex. Hoshi then gets to her feet and goes for a rolling thunder on Rex. He manages to bring his knees up and catches her in the chest with them. Rex then uses the ropes to get to his feet. He stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and then goes for a big kick to the head only to have Hoshi duck it. She then pulls the feet out from under Rex Cooper. She goes for an ankle lock submission, but he manages to kick her into the corner. Hoshi then comes out and lands a knee to the head on Rex Cooper before she tries for a roll into a pin. Rex catches her, gets to his feet with her across his back and then gives her a Samoan Drop to the mat before he goes for the pin. 1...2... Hoshi rolls a shoulder out at the last possible moment.

Ricky Simms - I thought that was it.

Henry Lesher - I had hoped, but it's that fluke thing you mentioned.

Rex stands Hoshi up, pulls her to his corner and then tags in Dex Cooper. They then give Hoshi a double side Russian leg sweep to the mat and Dex goes for the pin while Rex leaves the ring. 1...2... kick out again by Hoshi. Dex has a few unkind words for referee Mark Davis about the speed of his count. Dex then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and she ducks a clothesline before she rolls to her corner and tags in Kira. Kira charges into the ring and ducks a big boot from Dex and then gives him a knee to the back followed by a reverse neck breaker. Kira then goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. She leaps off and lands a flying leg drop across the throat of Dex Cooper and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Dex manages to roll a shoulder out. Dex then rolls himself out to the floor to regroup while Kira gets to her feet and she is greeted with a clothesline from Rex Cooper. The referee tries to regain order as Hoshi charges into the ring and gives Rex a clothesline. On the floor outside the ring, we see Tommy Purr landing a chair shot to the forehead on Dex Cooper. He then rolls Cooper back into the ring before disappearing into the crowd.

Ricky Simms - That was a cheap shot.

Henry Lesher - Hey, Tommy knows these guys are a sham as the tag champs. He has Frank backing him up.

Unaware of what happened, Kira Yakamoto rolls herself over for the cover on Dex Cooper. 1...2...3! The Yakamoto sisters have scored a win over the tag team champions!

Ricky Simms - You can bet the Coopers will be after Tommy tonight.

Henry Lesher - Like I said, he has Frank backing him up. He's well protected.

While the victorious sisters exit the ring, we look backstage where Lady Eagle is pacing as Ray Dees enters the picture.

Ray Dees - You look upset Rachel.

Lady Eagle - You know that phrase about being all dressed up and having nowhere to go?

Ray Dees - No sign of Yvonne?

Lady Eagle - None and I am choked. Tonight was my night. I could feel it.

Alexis Luciano then steps in with a smile on her face.

Alexis Luciano - Did I hear you right? You want a fight?

Lady Eagle - Yeah, I want a fight.

Alexis Luciano - My dance card is clear for next week.

Lady Eagle - *smiles* I'll see you then. Get ready to watch your momentum skid to a halt.

Alexis Luciano - I don't think so.

That said, we return to the ring.

Jack Spade vs. Steve Hawkins

"Cowboy" by Kid Rock plays as Steve Hawkins steps out onto the stage and he smiles for the camera, tipping his cowboy hat forward. He is followed closely by his wife while pointing to a T-shirt which proclaims "The U.N. Coming Soon."

Ricky Simms - What the hell does that shirt mean?

Henry Lesher - Maybe they're going to ship these wrestlers to Gitmo.

Ricky Simms - That doesn't even make sense.

Henry Lesher - Okay, so that's what I hope happens.

Steve makes his way to ringside, removes his T-shirt and then tosses it into the crowd before he rolls himself under the bottom rope into the ring. He then tests the ropes while his music fades and we hear "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne and Jack Spade steps out onto the stage while holding his CWA title belt high. Jack then rushes down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope into the ring where Hawkins greets him with kicks to the back while referee Steve Blake calls for the bell. Steve stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of knife edge chops to the chest and then gives him a hip toss to the mat. Steve smiles towards the booing crowd and then tells the camera that this is going to be even easier than he imagined. Steve then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Hawkins then perches himself on the second rope and then hits a double axe handle smash across the back of the champ before he then gives him a slam to the mat where he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Steve shakes his head as he stands Jack up and then whips him through the ropes and out to the floor.

Ricky Simms - This is classic Hawkins.

Henry Lesher - Well, it's about time someone exposed that Spade as the loser he is.

Steve rolls himself out to the floor and then stands Jack up. Jack eye gouges Steve and then rams his head into the apron ten times while the fans count the shots. Jack then gives Steve an inverted atomic drop and then a clothesline to the floor. Jack then stands Steve up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Jack then applies a side headlock on Steve. Steve gets to his feet and then backs Jack into the corner where the referee asks for a clean break. Steve backs off a step and then goes for a big kick to the chest on Spade. Spade steps out of the way and Steve's foot is hung up on the ropes. Spade then gives Steve Hawkins a series of kicks to the chest and then pulls him out of the corner rope to the center of the ring. Jack Spade then gives Hawkins a snap suplex to the mat and then gets to his feet before putting the boots to him.

Ricky Simms - It looks like the champ has his second wind here.

Henry Lesher - He's still a lucky loser. That's all he is.

Jack stands Steve up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. Jack then goes to the ropes in the corner and climbs to the top rope. Steve Hawkins gets to his feet as Jack goes for the flying cross body. Steve catches Jack in mid air and then gives him a spinning power slam to the mat. Steve then gets to his feet and nods his head while the fans boo him. Steve then stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a shoulder block in the corner followed by an attempt at a gut wrench suplex. Jack manages to stop his forward momentum and then gives Hawkins an elbow to the ribs and then gives him a power bomb to the mat. Spade then quickly goes to the top rope where he then lands a 450 splash onto Hawkins before going for the pin. 1...2...3! Jack Spade turns the match around and grabs another win this week while the crowd cheers wildly.

Ricky Simms - That was impressive as Jack keeps the momentum rolling this week.

Henry Lesher - That was lucky. There's no way he beats Hawkins again.

Ricky Simms - You have to admit Spade is good eventually.

Henry Lesher - I'll admit that when Pyro wins the CWA title.

Ricky Simms - Ouch.

Jack leaves the ring and grabs his CWA title belt before he starts to make his way up the ramp. We then look backstage where Crystal Braun is with a member of the security team.

Crystal Braun - I understand Tommy Purr has you guys watching for this masked attacker tonight.

Security Member - Well, tonight is the dreaded 1-29 that was pointed to.

Crystal Braun - Have you seen anything unusual?

Security Member - Well, this is wrestling. They're all freaks. That said, we haven't seen anyone here who isn't supposed to be here.

Crystal Braun - Though there is no guarantee that the attacker is not already a known member of the CWA.

Security Member - No, of course not. We don't have a clue really. We can only go on what little information we have. We know it isn't CellBlock, Lethal Weapon or Cross. That's how far we have gone into it.

Crystal Braun - Those people haven't been seen in this company for years.

Security Member - Right, so we know it's not them. We're pretty sure it isn't Mach or Cerberus either.

Crystal Braun - Oh Lord...

We head back to the ring on that sad note.

Tommy Purr vs. 6Pac Dudley

"Southtown" by POD plays as 6Pac Dudley makes his way towards the ring. He gets a loud ovation from the crowd. He makes his way down the ramp towards the ring and then pulls himself onto the apron before stepping through the ropes into the ring. 6Pac then hands off his Aerial Title belt to the time keeper outside the ring while his music fades and we hear "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry and Tommy Purr comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He looks a little paranoid and scans the crowd as he makes his way down to the ring. He even eyes the cameraman and asks him a few questions before he pulls himself onto the apron and takes another look around at the crowd.

Ricky Simms - He's paranoid right now. He didn't look so paranoid when he was attacking the tag team champs earlier tonight.

Henry Lesher - He wasn't expected to be out here then.

Tommy steps through the ropes into the ring and referee Casey Braun calls for the bell. Tommy and 6Pac then lock up in the middle of the ring. Tommy backs 6Pac into the corner buckle and then gives him a fireman's carry into a side slam to the mat where he goes for the fast pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac Dudley. Tommy then stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick to the mat. Tommy then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He goes for a flying elbow to the throat on 6Pac, but Dudley manages to roll himself out of the way.

Ricky Simms - It is way too early to go for that move. Tommy looks to be in a hurry.

Henry Lesher - Where is Frank? Where's Mrs. Robinson? Where the heck is Bombshell anyway?

Dudley uses the ropes to quickly pull himself to his feet. He then starts to land knees to the ribs on Tommy and then gives him a gut wrench back breaker. 6Pac then goes fore the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. 6Pac stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick to the mat. 6Pac then picks Tommy up and runs him intothe corner buckle head first before giving him a slam to the mat. 6Pac then lands an elbow across the throat of Tommy Purr before he again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr.

Ricky Simms - The pendulum has swung into the favor of 6Pac here.

Henry Lesher - Every moment Tommy spends in there gives his attacker time to get ready.

6Pac stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then misses a clothesline as Tommy side steps it. Tommy then gives 6Pac a series of knife edge chops to the chest and then gives him an atomic drop before then giving him a reverse neck breaker to the mat. Tommy then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac Dudley. Tommy stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and both men clothesline each other down to the mat. Referee Casey Braun starts counting them both down.

Ricky Simms - This match is taking its toll on both wrestlers.

Henry Lesher - No, Tommy is only toying with 6Pac.

On the four count, 6Pac kips up to his feet. On the five count, Tommy does the same and then ducks a clothesline from 6Pac before picking him up and giving him the Tommyknocker to the mat and then he goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Tommy Purr scores the win over 6Pac this week and has his arm raised in victory.

Ricky Simms - He pulled that out of thin air.

Henry Lesher - He is truly the man, Rick. He'll win that title back.

Tommy is in the ring, catching his breath, when all of a sudden something appears on the video screen above the entrance. Tommy is confused as he sees "FRANK MERRITT" on a dressing room door. A large forklift is in front of the door, and Frank, Destiny, Bombshell, & Mrs. Robinson are heard yelling through the door and banging on it. Tommy is confused when, all of a sudden, he's hit from behind with a steel chair!

Ricky Simms - It looks like security missed this one!

Henry Lesher - They're completely useless. Fire them all!

The crowd is going nuts with boos and jeers as KeepGuessing lifts Tommy up into the air with a Chickenwing Stretch, tossing him forward onto his face where he bangs into the chair! Tommy's nose gushes blood as the masked assailant grabs Tommy by the hair and stands him up, delivering a Swinging Leg DDT onto the chair ... knocking Tommy out. KeepGuessing stands up as the crowd throws things in the ring. The masked assailant reaches up and grabs the bottom of his ski mask and pulls the damn thing off ... revealing himself to be former Anarchy Wrestling Superstar and Tommy's ex-tag team partner and lover, Daniel McCoy! The crowd is in shock as McCoy has a sadistic grin on his face as the feed cuts out and goes to black.