July 22nd, 2006 It's a packed house watching tonight as the Staples Arena gets set to host the last Insurgence being held before Sunstroke. We take a look outside and see Moose with the title over his shoulder as he heads for the building, only to be cut off by Crystal Braun. Crystal Braun - Moose, tonight is your last match before you head to Sunstroke and there you will defend your CWA title against Krayne. Your thoughts? Moose - My thoughts? It's pretty simple. Krayne is a nobody. Krayne is overrated and I'll expose him as the fool he is when we face off in two weeks time. Crystal Braun - You sound confident. Moose - I have been a champion for years, Crystal. I have held a lot of title belts and I have seen them all come and go. I have outlasted Dizz, Vigilante, Q, the Flock, and any number of wanna bes in this business. I haven't met a challenge yet that I couldn't answer. I am the CWA... Moose is attacked from behind by a chair brandishing Krayne who then tosses the chair aside. Krayne puts the boots to Moose as Crystal Braun steps back and security rushes in to put a stop to this. We then see the opening credits of the show featuring images of Myst, Rated R, Max Cameron, Q, Tony Parizi, Leech, Vigilante, Wren SilverPhoenix, Slim Pickens, Gerard Angelo, 6Pac Dudley and Scavenger while "Coming Undone" by Korn plays before we head to ringside where Vigilante and Henry Lesher are all set to call the action tonight. Freak, Himself vs. Psycho Soldier "Suffocating Sight" by Trivium plays and the crowd cheers as they expect Freak to be coming out for his usual entrance to the ring. Instead, we see Rated R dragging Freak towards the ring. Freak's bleeding from the forehead and isn't moving on his own at all. Rated R has a wide smile on his face as he pulls Freak down to ringside and then rolls him into the ring. Rated R then rolls himself into the ring and grabs a microphone from Kosmic Kitty, doing so with a wink her way. Rated R - Sunstroke is next. I find it insulting that this company wants me to fight Freak... again and gift wraps a title rematch for Gerard Angelo? Where has he been lately? I mean, I am above Freak. We have determined that. I have run Myst down for less than this. I mean, Freak's here tonight fighting some nobody named Psycho? What is that? The booking in this company is a joke. Rated R then leans through the ropes and picks up a duffle bag off the floor and pulls it into the ring. He opens it and finds BLPW T-shirts inside it and starts throwing them out to the crowd, while the boos we have been hearing grow louder. Rated R - Look, you fans should at least look intelligent by wearing clothing of a company that knows how to run things. I mean, they have all time greats like Simon, Hammer and Matthew Bright there. We have a Freak and a Psycho? Come on, this is pathetic. Tommy Purr is AW champ? What did he do to deserve my title? I made this company great! I made it what it is today, a thriving concern in this business. I made it... Psycho Soldier tires of hearing this and slides into the ring and trips the feet out from under Rated R. Rated R then rolls out of the ring and escapes into the crowd while Psycho Soldier kicks the ropes and shakes his head. He tells the camera he will get him later and then looks down on the fallen and bloodied Freak. He shakes his head again and exits the ring and starts for the back with a smile on his face now. Vigilante - I guess Soldier had heard enough from Ryan there. Henry Lesher - The new guy needs to learn his place and it isn't challenging Ryan. Ryan's right, this company is screwing him over. Vigilante - That's a matter of opinion. Backstage we see Noah Skanes in his office going over what appears to be a Sunstroke card. There is a knock at the door. Noah Skanes - Max? Max Cameron - *as he steps into the office* Yeah, you're a smart one kid. Noah Skanes - Glad you found your way off the bus. Max Cameron - Yeah, I love the sense of humor you and your father have. I have a question for you. Noah Skanes - I'll get the sock puppets to explain the answer so you get it. Max Cameron - More of that Skanes wit. See, your family has had it out for me from day one. I challenged your father back in the old CWA days and ever since I have had you, him and your mother to deal with. I am done with it. Noah Skanes - How's BLPW treating you? Max Cameron - Shut up and listen to me for a minute. I want to face your father one last time. Noah Skanes - In BLPW? Max Cameron - I've had enough of this. Max turns to leave, but Noah stands from his desk. Noah Skanes - You want my father in a match at Sunstroke? Why would he agree to it? Max Cameron - He will agree to it because.... if he wins, I retire. Max then exits the office and leaves a surprised looking Noah in his wake. Corina vs. Cordelia Parizi "Buttons" by Pussycat Dolls plays as Corina starts making her way to the ring with the rest of the Glamour Girls behind her. Her entrance is halted, however, when Cordelia and Lydia Parizi come out with women of their own behind them and the brawl is on right on the ramp leading to the ring. Cordelia clotheslines Corina from behind, sending her face first to the steel ramp. Cordelia then drags Corina by the hair to ringside and then slams her face into the steel ring steps and then slams her face into the ring apron before rolling her into the ring. Cordelia then rolls herself into the ring and demands that referee Mark Davis ring the bell. He does call for the bell and Cordelia picks Corina up and body slams her to the mat. Vigilante - Cordelia asked Corina to take a dive this week. This should be an interesting development, regardless of who wins this match. Henry Lesher - Like getting a Glamour Girl to lie down is difficult? Half of them were strippers. Cordelia looks to ringside where her sister Lydia stands with a smile on her face, the rest of the divas still brawling on the ramp. Lydia tosses a chair into the ring to Cordelia. Cordelia smiles and looks out to the booing crowd. She then turns, the chair in hand and takes a van daminator from Corina who has recovered from the initial attack. Corina then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Corina gets a quick win and Lydia rolls herself into the ring and attacks Corina, taking her down with a chop block and then placing her in a headlock before giving her a DDT onto the chair now lying in the ring. Lydia then pulls Cordelia from the ring and then exit through the crowd while the other Glamour Girls enter the ring and check on their fallen partner. Henry Lesher - If Corina had just taken the fall, she wouldn't have got hurt like that. Never mess with a Parizi. Vigilante - Corina got the win, but at what cost? Henry Lesher - Losing a Glamour Girl or six is no loss. As Lydia and Cordelia leave the building, they are headed off by Casey Braun. Lydia Parizi - Out of the way. Casey Braun - See, I have been a referee here for awhile now and my sister has done her job as an interviewer well. Thing is, my father and your father never really saw eye to eye. Lydia Parizi - Because your father is a man who wants to be more than he is. Hector Braun is a loser. Casey Braun - Mine's a loser just as much as yours is an accountant. Cordelia Parizi - *as she becomes aware of where she is* You and Crystal were just pretty faces and nothing more. Lydia and I... we live the Mafia life. Casey Braun - No, see Crystal and I are here working for every penny we can get to earn our own money. We don't need our father around to borrow a personality from. Lydia Parizi - You girls don't have a personality between you. Casey Braun - *smiles* You know what? Sunstroke is in two weeks. You seem to have it for the Glamour Girls, so I have an idea. Corina gets a partner of her choice to face you two and myself and Crystal. Cordelia Parizi - So there will be four wrestlers and two Brauns? You got it. Casey Braun - See you in the ring. As the girls head in opposite directions, we see former GWO owner Hector Braun watching this from a distance, shaking his head. Xtreme Title Match "Halls of Fear" by Nino Rota plays as Sal Clemenzo comes out from the back and hears a mixed reaction from the crowd. We see no sign of Guido or Serena, but we do quickly see Gerard Angelo charging out from the back with a baseball bat in hand and he slams it across the back of Sal's neck, sending him down to the ramp. Gerard then tosses the baseball bat aside and pulls Sal to ringside while the crowd starts a "Gerry sucks" chant. Gerard tells them to shut up while he rolls Sal into the ring. Gerard then looks under the ring apron and pulls out a table and then slides it into the ring. Gerard smiles as he then slips into the ring and starts setting up the table. Sal uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Gerard grabs Sal, but Sal gets Gerard with a jaw breaker. Sal then gives Gerard a knee to the gut and then a vertical suplex that crashes him right through the table and down to the floor. Vigilante - These two are destroying each other, but I believe 6Pac Dudley has entered himself into this match as well. Henry Lesher - He doesn't matter. Sal has this match in the bag. Vigilante - That's funny because I was pretty sure we were watching Gerard Angelo kick his ass a few moments ago. Sal goes for the pin on Gerard, but referee Joe Davidson refuses to count the pin. Sal argues with the referee and then we see 6Pac rushing to the ring, picking up the baseball bat Gerard had been carrying along the way. 6Pac then slides into the ring and comes up face to face with Sal and the referee calls for the bell to get this match started. 6Pac goes for a shot to the ribs on Sal, but Sal blocks it and then gives 6Pac a series of forearm smashes to the jaw. He then whips 6Pac into the corner and charges in for a shoulder block only to take the butt end of the bat to the jaw. 6Pac then rolls Sal up for the pin. 1...2... Gerard pulls 6Pac off of Sal and they start trading rights and lefts on the mat. Vigilante - These two have a beef that extends back to Bombshell's match with 6Pac two weeks ago. Henry Lesher - I would have remembered, but I didn't care. Gerard stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and ducks a baseball bat swing from 6Pac and then catches him with a spinning heel kick that sends 6Pac to the mat and the baseball bat falls free from his grasp and out of the ring to the floor. Gerard then stands 6Pac up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor where 6Pac collides with the steel guard railing. Gerard then drops and rolls himself out of the ring to the floor. He then stands 6Pac up and takes a thumb to the eye from 6Pac who then sends Gerard shoulder first into the steel corner post while we see Sal rolling out of the ring. Sal catches 6Pac off guard wtih a clothesline and then reaches under the ring and draws out a garbage can lid. He then starts wailing 6Pac over the head with it while the crowd counts the number of shots he inflicts on him. At ten shots, Sal tosses the lid aside and then rams 6Pac and Gerard's heads together. Sal then picks Gerard up and body slams him onto the steel ring steps, Gerard screaming in pain as his back is wrapped around metal. Sal then goes for the pin. 1...2... Halloween Jack pulls Sal off of Gerard! Vigilante - What the hell? Henry Lesher - Comeback number forty. Quick, someone look for Pyro. Halloween Jack gives Sal an inverted atomic drop and then a clothesline to the floor where 6Pac goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Sal. Gerard gets up off of the steel ring steps slowly and winces as he reaches for his back. 6Pac gets to his feet and ducks a clothesline from Gerard and then gives him a head butt before rolling him into the ring. 6Pac then rolls himself into the ring. 6Pac picks Gerard up and power slams him to the mat. 6Pac then climbs the ropes in the corner while Halloween Jack puts the boots to Sal on the floor. 6Pac then lands a flying leg drop across the throat on Gerard and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! 6Pac wins and id the new Xtreme champion! Vigilante - There you have it. 6Pac wins the belt! Henry Lesher - Just what I wanted to see..... stupid Halloween idiot. 6Pac leaves the ring and grabs his Xtreme title and then starts for the back while Halloween Jack escapes through the crowd, a step ahead of security. We then look backstage where Hoshi Yakamoto is getting ready for her match against Moose when Ray Dees enters the picture, microphone in hand. Ray Dees - Hoshi, tonight you have the task of going against Moose. This has to be a large challenge for you. Hoshi Yakamoto - It is and it's hard without many allies in this company. I have pleaded for Sam to be there for me... I just don't know anymore. Ray Dees - If you beat Moose, do you demand a title shot? Hoshi Yakamoto - I don't work that way, Ray. You should know that by now. I just let the chips fall where they may. Ray Dees - Well, I wish you the best of luck as you may need it. Hoshi Yakamoto - Thanks. She exits the locker room and we head back to the ring. Rated R vs. Slim Pickens "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses plays as Slim Pickens makes his way out to a huge ovation from the crowd. He starts down the ramp towards the ring with a smile on his face and Kelli close behind him. He winks towards the camera and then jumps onto the apron and looks around at the crowd once before he steps through the ropes into the ring. He tests the ropes as his music fades and we then hear "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R comes out to the loudest boos we have heard tonight. He pays it no mind as he quickly makes his way down the ramp, slides into the ring and starts brawling on the mat with Slim, referee Francis Clarke calling for the bell to get things started. Vigilante - I don't think these two are going for technical ability right off the bat here. Henry Lesher - Slim is a lousy wrestler. He makes Mick Foley look as like a technical wonder. Slim and Rated R exchange rights and lefts on the mat. Rated R then elbows Slim in the gut, grabs him by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Rated R gives Slim a series of head butts that drive him into the corner and then gives him a knofe edge chop before delivering a hip toss to the mat. Rated R then applies an arm bar and tells the camera this is how a main event star defeats a jobber. He then turns the arm bar into a hammer lock and tries to get Slim to submit to no avail. Slim reaches for the ropes and then manages to snag the bottom rope to force the break. Rated R breaks the hold and Slim pulls himself out to the floor to catch his breath and regroup. Rated R rolls himself out of the ring and starts trading punches with Slim on the floor. Slim punches Rated R in the throat and then slams his face into the steel guard railing before rolling him into the ring. Slim rolls himself into the ring and applies a sleeper hold on Rated R. Vigilante - Slim is holding his own here. Henry Lesher - For now, until Ryan sees fit to beat him. Well, unless that idiot Halloween Jack isn't done attacking people tonight. Referee Francis Clarke checks for a submission, but the former AW champion refuses to give up and reaches for the ropes. Slim struggles to hold Rated R in the middle of the ring. Rated R reaches back for Slim's hair, gets a handful and then Francis Clarke knocks his hand away from Slim. Rated R gives the referee a dirty look and seems to gather strength from that and reaches for the ropes again, this time managing to snag the middle rope to force the break. Rated R gets to his feet, choking for breath and then kicks Slim square in the gut, sending him through the ropes and out to the floor. Rated R then has a few words with the referee and Francis Clarke shows no sign of backing down, but then turns to check on Slim who is slow to get to his feet. We then see Psycho Soldier sliding into the ring. He knees Rated R in the back, turns him around and then gives him the Bestial Devastation and then rolls out of the ring while Slim pulls himself into the ring. Vigilante - Looks like Psycho Soldier is holding a grudge. Henry Lesher - Well, attacking the man from behind will just enrage Ryan more and further prove his point. This company is beneath him. Slim sees that Ryan is down, so he climbs to the second rope and then lands the Slim Proposition on Rated R and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Slim Pickens scores what has to be seen as an upset with a win over Rated R while Psycho Soldier applauds from a chair he is sitting in at ringside, having put the time keeper out of his spot. Vigilante - Ryan won't take this well. Henry Lesher - I get the feeling the Freak against Rated R match just became a triple threat. Ryan will kill them both. Slim exits the ring and high fives the fans as he makes his way to the back while we look backstage where Leech is with Crystal Braun near the concessions stand. Crystal Braun - Leech, we hadn't seen you in some time and last week we hear you're the guest referee for a huge match between Krayne and Moose. How did that come about? Leech - You know why I haven't been inside a ring? I am too extreme for AW. I am too hardcore for this company. See, while I was showing the world what true hardcore was in the NPA, AW was carving out its safe place in the wrestling world. That keeps me out of the ring. I'm too unstable, they say. Crystal Braun - But if you're so dangerous, it doesn't make sense that you would be a referee in a title match. Leech - You know why? It's a glass chamber match and no one wanted it. The feud between Moose and Krayne has been brewing for over a month and no one wanted to touch it. No one wanted to be inside that glass tomb with two men who are clearly going to try to kill each other. That's why I am calling the match. Crystal Braun - Who has the advantage? Leech - *smiles* I do. I make the rules and break them. I could off them both if I really wanted to. Crystal Braun - That's a scary thought. Leech - The whole thing is a scary thought. That's why I am in the ring for it. Leech then walks off and Crystal makes no effort to get him to stick around. Hoshi Yakamoto vs. The Moose "Surfing With the Alien" by Joe Satriani starts to play as Hoshi Yakamoto makes her way towards the ring. She gets cheers from the crowd as she quickly makes her way down the ramp, high fives all around the ring right after that. Hoshi then jumps onto the apron and then leaps over the top rope into the ring. Hoshi then climbs to the second rope and poses there for the fans while flash bulbs go off. Her music then fades as she jumps down off the second rope and then we hear "I Feel Alright" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers as Moose makes his way towards the ring. The Moose makes his way down the apron, holding his CWA title high above his head. He stops at ringside and hands his title belt to the time keeper and then makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron. The Moose then steps through the ropes into the ring and referee Joe Davidson calls for the bell. Vigilante - The CWA legend Moose is here and ready to tear the little Asian chick's head off. Henry Lesher - Hey, we agree on that. Moose steps towards Hoshi, but she holds her hand out to him as if to shake hands before things really get started. Moose lookd to the crowd and they indicate he should shake hands with her. He then half shakes hands with her and half slaps her hand away. They then lock up. Moose shoves Hoshi into the corner buckle. Moose backs off and Hoshi comes in for another lock up, but she head locks Moose and then climbs to the top as if going for a spring board bulldog. Moose powers out of it and gives Hoshi a sidewalk slam to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Hoshi rolls a shoulder out. Moose then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and clotheslines her down to the mat. Moose then gives Hoshi a knee drop to the forehead and again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. Moose then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and she ducks a clothesline and then gives Moose a series of knife edge chops that back him into the corner and then gives him a monkey flip to the middle of the ring. Hoshi then goes for a lion sault and then goes for the pin on Moose. 1...2... Moose rolls a shoulder out. Vigilante - That was close. She nearly scored the upset there. Henry Lesher - No way, not going to happen. Hoshi stands Moose up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a hand spring back elbow. Hoshi then goes for a snap mare on Moose, but Moose stops it, knees Hoshi in the back and turns her around before giving her a head butt down to the mat while we see Krayne making his way down the ramp. The crowd greets him with boos and Moose takes notice of him coming towards the ring and has a few words for him. Hoshi then tries for a school boy roll up fort a surprise pin attempt on Moose. 1...2... kick out by Moose who then rolls himself out of the ring. He makes his way around towards Krayne. Krayne just smiles and says that he isn't here to cause trouble and then Hoshi lands a baseball slide to the back on Moose, causing the CWA champ's jaw to hit the guard railing. Hoshi then rolls herself back into the ring while Krayne applauds and tells Moose he had better get back into the ring if he wants to beat the count. Vigilante - The very handsome Krayne is out here to watch this, I guess. Maybe he was anxious about his match being next and wanted to show up early. Henry Lesher - I have my doubts on that one. Moose pulls himself to his feet and takes a look at Krayne and clenches both fists, but then turns his attention back to the ring and rolls himself into the ring. He does beat the referee's count and then gets to his feet. Hoshi gives Moose a series of knee lifts that back him into the corner and then she delivers a hip toss only to have Moose land on his feet. Moose knees Hoshi in the gut and then gives her a series of forearms across the back of the neck. Moose then picks Hoshi up and gives her the Moosedriver while looking at Krayne the whole time, then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Moose gets the win! He then rolls himself out of the ring and stands nose to nose with Krayne. Vigilante - See that? I think Krayne's presence actually caused Moose to really go all out on Hoshi there are the end, making it far worse for her. Henry Lesher - Well, no kidding. I'm not an idiot. Vigilante - That's open to debate, Doc. As Moose and Krayne jaw at each other, the lights go out. On the big screen hanging above the entrance we see Surgeon with a twisted smile on his face. Surgeon - Forgot me this week, Henry? Oh Henry, the times we had together and the times we will have. You see, your little animal BasketKase is going to face my monster Orlock at Sunstroke. I will assure the world of a new view on the sadistic. I will offer you all a chance to see just how brutal and savage a man can be. Lesher, BasketKase will fight Orlock and, when he does, he will do this to the little freak. The lights come on and Orlock is standing at the announce table with his hand around the throat of Henry Lesher. He picks him up and choke slams him through the announce table while Vigilante takes a step back. Orlock then picks Lesher up and gives him a tombstone pile driver onto the floor while the crowd cheers him on. Orlock then starts making his way around the ring to where Moose and Krayne have been arguing, both of them looking at him as shocked as Vigilante and the unlucky Lesher were. Before Orlock can get very close, we see BasketKase charging from the crowd and diving over the railing and brawling with Orlock. Security then has the task of splitting them up. They also escort Moose from ringside while Krayne rolls himself into the ring. He holds his hands high and the crowd boos. Hoshi gets to her feet inside the ring and Krayne escorts her out by grabbing her by the hair and tossing her through the ropes and out to the floor. Vigilante - Well, this is a mess and it appears I will be calling the rest of the night by myself. Lesher isn't moving. We see Shannon Skanes leaving the arena with his arm around Myst. Max Cameron - *as he approaches from behind* Enjoy the show tonight? Shannon Skanes - Yeah, I mean you weren't in it, so that helps. Max Cameron - Why leaving before the main event? Myst - We're beating the rush. Max Cameron - Did you hear about my challenge? Shannon Skanes - Yeah, not like retiring you is such a big deal. I mean, I figured BLPW would cripple you or something anyways. Max Cameron - I'm a quick healer. Shannon Skanes - Look, I am not wasting my whole night here talking to you. You get your match. Max Cameron - *smiles* Good call there, Skanes. See you at Sunstroke. Shannon Skanes - Just make sure you show up for your curtain call, Max. Myst - I'm going to enjoy watching my husband end you. Max Cameron - I'm not rolling over here. I don't intend to retire, just prove one last time that I am better than your family could ever dream of being. Max then turns and heads the other way while Shannon and Myst continue towards their car. We then head back to the ring. Krayne vs. Tommy Purr "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives plays as Tommy Purr starts making his way towards the ring, holding the AW title high above his head while the crowd cheers him on. Krayne is pacing inside the ring, still present from what happened before the break. Tommy reaches ringside and hands his title belt to the time keeper and then makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then pulls himself through the ropes and into the ring. Vigilante - We have reached the main event and I am still calling this thing alone. Lesher won't be back tonight after Orlock laid him out cold. That was impressive and I like being alone out here. You people don't need him around. The bell sounds and Krayne and Tommy start trading rights and lefts in the center of the ring. Krayne then thumbs Tommy in the eye and then whips him into the corner buckle. Krayne then gives Tommy a double under hook suplex to the mat and then an elbow smash across the throat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy and Krayne slaps the mat and has a few words for referee Steve Blake. Krayne then stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and then backdrops him to the mat. Krayne then knee drops Tommy to the forehead and again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Vigilante - The handsome challenger for the CWA title is really taking it to the AW champ here tonight. Krayne then stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and Tommy ducks a clothesline and then Tommy gives Krayne a series of knife edge chops that back Krayne into a corner and then gives him a fireman's carry into a side slam to the mat from there. Tommy then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Krayne. Tommy then stands Krayne up, whips him into the nearest corner and then gives him a round house kick to the chest followed by a knee to the gut and then a snap suplex to the mat. Tommy then stands Krayne up and gives him a knee to the gut again, this time following it up with a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Tommy then heads to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He poses there for the cheering fans and leaps off for a knee drop only to miss when Krayne rolls out of the way. Vigilante - Tommy misjudged that one. Krayne uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet and then starts putting the boots to Tommy. Krayne then stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of kicks to the chest. The crowd then cheers as it spots Moose coming back and carrying a large pane of glass under his arm. Vigilante - Oh dear God, Moose, you wouldn't. Krayne whips Tommy through the ropes and out to the floor and then rolls himself out of the ring, unaware of Moose's presence as the CWA champ makes his way around the ring. Krayne stands Tommy up and then whips him into the steel guard railing. Moose then rounds the corner and takes aim with the glass and smashes Krayne in the face with it. The glass does not break, but referee Steve Blake is forced to throw this match out. Moose sets the glass up on an angle, resting on the steel ring steps. Krayne then low blows Moose. Krayne picks Moose up and bosy slams him through the glass. The shattering glass is heard up to the rafters and Krayne smiles as he looks down on what he has done to the now motionless Moose. Vigilante - Fans, that is merely a preview of how violent things between these two will get at Sunstroke. We'll see you... Wait a minute. Gerard Angelo enters through a confused and shocked crowd and leaps over the railing and then gives Tommy Purr a DDT onto the floor. Gerard then picks Tommy up and runs him shoulder first into the steel corner post and then tells him it's nothing personal, just business and then exits through the crowd from which he came. Vigilante - Gerry sending a message to Tommy, one I am sure the AW champ will answer when they meet at Sunstroke! See you then everybody. If tonight is any indication, this event will be insane! We fade to black on Tommy Purr and Moose, lying out cold on the floor while their challengers smile and anticipate changing the championship landscape yet again in this company. |