July 8th, 2006
Seattle, WA

It's a packed house as we get ready for another edition of Insurgence, one week after we crowned two new champions. We open with the camera in the parking lot, showing Max Cameron making his way to the building. He is headed off by Scavenger.

Scavenger - I was told to keep you out tonight.

Max Cameron - You're not enough to keep me out.

Scavenger - *laughs* You know, Max, you surprise me. You went to Bad Lands, the home of the supermen and Gods or something like that. If this is such a slum, why are you here?

Max Cameron - I have a score or two to settle.

Scavenger - You're going to regret coming here, Max.

Max Cameron - I regret everything about AW. That is why I am here.

Max then clotheslines Scavenger to the pavement and sprints into the building, Scavenger spitting blood onto the ground. Scavenger shakes his head and slowly gets to his feet and then limps towards the door. We then see the opening credits to the tune of "Coming Undone" by Korn with images of Wren, Max Cameron, Frank Merritt, Moose, Nameless, Tommy Purr, Gerard Angelo, Sal Clemenzo, Rated R, and Leech before we head to ringside where Henry Lesher has a new commentary partner tonight.

Vigilante - In a shocking move, Ricky Simms quit the CWA this week and that makes me the new play by play guy. I have to say, it feels good and I hope we have some qualified EMTs to get Scavenger patched up. He might need a shrink, too.

Henry Lesher - I suddenly want Simms back.

Vigilante - Too bad, Doc, you're stuck with the real deal tonight.

Henry Lesher - Glorious.

We then look outside again. In the parking lot outside, Wren SilverPhoenix steps out of a long limo with a smile and a nod of her head.

Wren: Yes, it's been a long time but things change. This should be very beneficial for both of us.

Shutting the door to the limo, Wren spins on her heel and heads towards the building as Insugance gets set to begin.

6Pac Dudley vs. Bombshell

"Southtown" by POD plays as 6Pac Dudley comes out from the back and then starts towards the ring. The crowd gives him a warm reception as he makes his way down the aisle, Dex Cooper close behind carrying the Canadian flag. 6Pac then jumps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. 6Pac then paces inside the ring while his music fades and we hear "I Am the Body Beautiful" by Salt N Pepa and Bombshell comes out to her usual mixed reaction, catcalls and marriage proposals. Of course, that makes little sense with her being married, but the fans don't appear to be concerned with that. Bombshell reaches ringside and looks around at the crowd and then pulls herself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. The bell sounds and the two move in for a lock up. 6Pac then knees Bombshell in the gut and then gives her an arm drag to the mat where he applies an arm bar.

Vigilante - I hate seeing the girls messed up in matches, but I keep in mind they signed the contracts for it.

Henry Lesher - That's some great insight there, legend.

Bombshell gets to her feet, gives 6Pac a knife edge chop with her free arm and then another to break the hold. Bombshell then backs 6Pac into the corner and whips him to the opposite corner and then gives him a dropkick to the chest. Bombshell then follows that up with a monkey flip to the middle of the ring. Bombshell then goes to the ropes, quickly gets to the top and then leaps off only to find no one home as 6Pac rolls out of the way. Bombshell then finds herself taking a series of kicks while down on the mat from 6Pac. Dudley then stands her up and whips her through the ropes and out to the floor.

Vigilante - Looks like 6Pac wants to go hardcore and not in the way she does back in the locker room.

Henry Lesher - If you go further into detail, I will be forced to kill you.

6Pac drops and rolls out of the ring to the floor. He then stands Bombshell up and whips her shoulder first into the steel ring steps. 6Pac then picks her up over his shoulder and runs her towards the steel corner post, but she slips off his shoulder and slams his head into the steel post instead. Bombshell then rolls herself into the ring to break up the count and then rolls herself back out to the floor. Bombshell picks up the audio cable on the floor and then holds a length of it in her hands and then whips 6Pac across the back with it. Referee Steve Blake warns her about disqualification and she drops it and then rolls 6Pac back into the ring. Bombshell rolls herself into the ring right after and then she stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a spinning heel kick back to the mat. Bombshell then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac. Bombshell shakes her head, stands 6Pac up, whips him into the corner buckle and charges straight into raised knees from 6Pac who then jumps to the second rope and gives her a clothesline from there. 6Pac then looks to the crowd and nods, then picks Bombshell up on his shoulders and gives her an F5 to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! 6Pac scores a huge win this week over Bombshell.

Vigilante - That might be considered an upset.

Henry Lesher - I'm upset I had to watch it.

6Pac then rolls himself out of the ring and grabs a baseball bat wrapped in barb wire from under the ring and rolls himself back in. We then see Gerard Angelo racing in from the back. He slides into the ring, evades a swing of the bat and spears 6Pac to the mat where they then start brawling. They roll out of the ring and onto the floor as we see security rushing out to break things up.

Vigilante - Nice to see Ger playing the hero to his tart like that.

Henry Lesher - Well, if you're going to mock the wrestlers, you might not be so bad to work with.

Vigilante - Nah, Doc, you're going to hate me a lot. Everyone else seems to once they know me. It's a good thing I could care less.

We cut to Kosmic Kitty wandering through the hallways of the arena, bending over every few feet to get a Baco-foiled Twinkie. The Twinkies are lined up in a line creating a sort of trail. Kitty keeps walking until the trail comes to a stop in a locker room. Kitty then hears a door shut and lock as she turns around to see Hoshi Yakamoto standing in the way.

Hoshi Yakamoto – Sam, listen…

Kosmic Kitty – Let me go, you tricked me!

Hoshi Yakamoto – Sam, please let me talk. I wanna apologise for what happened at Uprising. It was very thoughtless of me. That’s partly for what all the Twinkies are for.

Kosmic Kitty – You’re not trying to poison me, are you? 

Hoshi Yakamoto – No! Why would you think I’d do something like that?

Kosmic Kitty – Because I hate you!

Hoshi Yakamoto – Now that may be true but I don’t hate you Sam.

Kosmic Kitty – Well tough.

Kitty sulks and slouches on a bench as Hoshi sits next to her.

Hoshi Yakamoto – Samantha, please…why are you so angry at me?

Kosmic Kitty – Because you want Ryan all to yourself!

Hoshi Yakamoto – I don’t want Ryan and even if I did I value our friendship more than that. Sammy please…I’ve never tried to hurt you. I have always been there for you.

Kitty stands up and glares at Hoshi.

Kosmic Kitty – When? When were you there for me?

Hoshi Yakamoto – I tried to avenge you when Simon assaulted you. I helped you make up with your estranged father. I gave you advice when your “precious” boyfriend blinded Razor! That’s when I was there for you!

Kosmic Kitty – Well, if that’s the way you’re going to treat me, I’m leaving.

Hoshi Yakamoto – Fine. But before you do, Sam learn this. I care about you. Or rather I cared about who you were before Ryan took you away from me. That’s why I’m so angry about this. Not because I want Ryan, but because I want you back. I mean we had fun together, Sammy. Please…promise me you’ll consider our friendship. Please?

Kitty sighs wearily as she rolls her eyes and turns away. She then hears a faint sob and turns as she sees Hoshi wiping tears from her eyes clearly very upset. Kitty gives a soft half-smile to her on-again off-again friend and puts her hand on Hoshi’s shoulder.

Kitty: *softly* Hey. I’ll think about it okay. Thanks for the Twinkies.

Hoshi smiles, still crying, as she unlocks the door and Kitty leaves. We then look to another area of the building. Standing outside her locker room with a smirk on her face, Wren is leaning against the door with her arms folded across her chest, covering her t-shirt.

Wren: After losing the Xtreme title last week, I had alot of thinking to do. I had some decisions to make. The biggest decision I had to make was just how bad do I want to be a champion? What depths would I be willing to sink to in order to obtain champioship gold again? How high a price would I pay?

Unfolding her arms, Wren reveals her shirt which proclaims, "A New Era of Skanes Anarchy" with a vicious smile.

Wren: I decided I'm willing to dance with the devil himself if that's what it takes.

Opening the door to her locker room, Wren walks in where Noah and Shannon Skanes await her with solemn smiles and heartshakes. No longer enemies but now apparently allies.

Vigilante - I don't know if I would trust that.

Henry Lesher - Do you trust anyone?

Vigilante - Of course I do, me.

Hoshi Yakamoto vs Wren SilverPhoenix

"Surfing With the Alien" by Joe Satriani plays as Hoshi comes out to the loudest pop we have heard tonight. Bart Phillips walks her towards the ring, a tear running down her cheek from her exchange with Kitty moments ago. She high fives a few fans at ringside and then steps up onto the apron. She then jumps over the top rope into the ring and waits as her music fades. "The Enemy" by Godsmack plays and Wren comes out to a largely positive reaction, Wren coming out wearing the T-shirt we saw her in a few moments back. She has a smile on her face and also high fives fans on her way to the ring.

Vigilante - She only smiles when someone's going to get the hell beat out of them.

Henry Lesher - I only smile when Hoshi gets the hell beat out of her, so keep a good thought.

Wren climbs onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. Referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell and then two ladies lock up. Wren shoves Hoshi into the ropes and then gives her a knee to the gut and then a double under hook suplex to the middle of the ring. Wren then stands Hoshi up, whips her into the corner and then charges in and gives her a spear in the corner, then pulls her to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... Hoshi kicks out. Wren stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a backdrop to the mat. Wren follows that up with a leg drop across the throat and then goes for the pin again. 1...2... kick out again by Hoshi. The crowd starts a chant for Hoshi as Wren stands her up, whips her into the corner and then climbs to the second rope and starts raining down punches to the head on her. She drills ten punches to the head on Hoshi who then grabs Wren's legs, pulls her out of the corner and gives her an inverted atomic drop. Hoshi then rests against the ropes and catches her breath while Wren staggers around the ring. Hoshi then headlocks Wren and gives her a bulldog to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Wren.

Vigilante - Both ladies with early attempts to win. Well done.

Henry Lesher - Oh, what is it with you people cheering for almost success? If I don't hear the bell sound, they failed. It's pretty simple.

Hoshi stands Wren up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a monkey flip right out of the ring to the floor. Wren crashes into the guard railing and is barely moving. Hoshi rolls out of the ring, her face clearly showing she hadn't intended to send Wren out of the ring like that. She starts to stands Wren up and Wren catches her off guard with a jaw breaker. Wren then pulls the feet out from under Hoshi and gives her an elbow across the throat before she then stands her up and rolls her into the ring. Wren rolls herself into the ring and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. Wren gives the referee a dirty look and shakes her head.

Vigilante - Wren doesn't like the speed of the count.

Henry Lesher - Me neither. I want this over.

Wren stands Hoshi up, whips her into the corner and then gives her a vertical suplex from there down to the mat. Wren again goes for the pin. 1...2... Hoshi kicks out. We then see Slim Pickens marching towards the ring with a chair in hand. Wren spots him and has a few words for him, leaning through the ropes and taking a swing at him. Hoshi then sees her opening and rolls Wren up into a school boy. 1...2...3! Hoshi gets the win and Slim cost Wren another one!

Vigilante - Oh boy, is she going to be pissed. Can I say that on the air?

Henry Lesher - You couldn't if we had viewers. We haven't had viewers since Simon left and then half the roster went at the same time. I'm not saying we're thin on talent, but the dark match before we went on the air was between a smurf and a hobbit.

Vigilante - I hardly thought that called for BasketKase coming to the ring with a fork and knife trying to kill them.

Henry Lesher - That's just how far down things have sunk. I'm getting paid in food stamps this week.

Vigilante - Well, my payment for tonight is Steve Hawkins taking me to a peeler joint. From what I hear, this should be adequate payment for this week.

Henry Lesher - Shannon's kid is running this place into the ground.

Backstage we see Max Cameron in Noah's office.

Noah Skanes - Look, I have heard enough from you, Max.

Max Cameron - I want a match with your father at Sunstroke!

Noah Skanes - I already said no.

Max Cameron - I am going to wait for that call, kid. Don't think I don't know the state of this company. You're running it into the ground.

Noah Skanes - Look, for a guy who will get his neck broken at Epic this weekend, you sure seem cocky. I mean, sure our EMTs aren't Jesus like other companies, but we have our own charm. Max, after you're stuck again looking up at the damned Power Trip, you'll see the truth. This company is more fair than any of you bastards will admit. We just demand effort week in and week out.

Max Cameron - I'll prove you wrong.

Noah Skanes - No you won't, Max. You'll prove us right. Sadly, that's what happens every time.

Max storms out of the office. We then head back to the ring. We hear "All Hallows Eve" by Type O Negative and Shengee Shmelky leads a tall and very physically unattractive man, standing about seven feet tall, towards the ring. The crowd is relatively silent, unsure what to make of this man being led by Shmelk. Shengee rolls himself into the ring with a smile on his face and a microphone in his hand.

Shengee Shmelky - Five years ago, I was brought into the wrestling world. I have since been kicked around and beat up a lot more than anyone else in this company's history. I have played the rapper gimmick, the wimp gimmick and have been happy. I was happy and then Salty Tom left the company and suddenly I wasn't even on the air anymore. That's the way it goes for us, I guess. Ingee and I are freaks. Ingee accepts his place. I don't, not anymore. Allow me to present to you a new nightmare for AW. This man comes to you from the wilds of Transylvania. Oh yes, he is a monster. In a company where monsters have been respected and what not, here is the grandest you'll see. I give to you.... the world's ugliest man.... Orlock!

The crowd is giving a mixed reaction to the wide eyed giant who is standing behind Shengee. The giant doesn't show any signs of speaking.

Shengee Shmelky - Now, here is the deal. Next week, there will be a tag team match. Total Darkness will be going against Delirium and, if they win, the earn a title shot. Thing is... Orlock has a tag team partner.

"Head Like A Hole" by Nine Inch Nails starts to play and another seven footer starts making his way towards the ring. The crowd gives him a mixed reaction while Shengee stands proudly inside the ring.

Shengee Shmelky - You remember Kindred? You remember the man who saw us as his redemption? Well, he has shown me that the true power is found not in being nice and being pure. No, it is found in hate and merciless beatings.

Shengee smiles as Kindred stands at Orlock's side.

Shengee Shmelky - I give you a new team. I give you a team that will infect this roster like a virus. I give you a team that will destroy all in their path, a team that will be so perfect in their hate that you will all cringe and regret every laugh you got at my expense. This team is simply... Revenge! Next week, Total Darkness and Delirium will find out why this team will destroy all in its path. The only man who might be able to stop Orlock one on one would be that circus freak Diablo. I doubt he would have the courage to face this monster, though. Orlock is the face of your world champion someday. May you all burn in hell.

Shengee leaves a shocked crowd with the two giants behind him.

Vigilante - Wow, that midget's ticked off.

Henry Lesher - I must say, nice work by the little freak.

Tommy Purr/Moose vs. Gerard Angelo/Rated R

"I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace starts to play and Rated R and Gerard Angelo come out towards the ring together, though they are arguing. Gerard jumps onto the apron and Rated R informs him that he can start the match. Gerard has a few words with Rated R about this, but then stays inside the ring. Rated R takes his place in the corner and looks towards the back as their music fades and we hear "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives and Moose and Tommy Purr start towards the ring. Moose runs to the ring, slips in under the bottom rope and starts brawling with Gerard as referee Bruce Miller calls for the bell and the action is underway.

Vigilante - This should be a good match.

Henry Lesher - Well, I am still in shock that Shmelk got himself some guts there. That Orlock scares the hell out of me.

Gerard and Moose brawl into the ropes. Moose chokes Gerard over the top rope. Gerard answers with a thumb to the eye on Moose. Gerard then whips Moose off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat. Referee Bruce Miller starts counting both men down while the crowd starts a chant for Moose. On the three count, Gerard kips up to his feet, On the four count, Moose does the same and then thumbs Gerard in the eye and then whips him face first into the corner buckle before giving him a German suplex to the mat. Moose then stands Gerard up and gives him another German suplex to the mat and then a third before holding him down for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Gerard Angelo. Moose then stands Gerard up, whips him off the ropes and Gerard ducks a clothesline and then gives Moose a reverse neck breaker. Gerard then reahces out and tags in Rated R. Rated R enters the rind and gives Moose a series of kicks to the ribs, then stands him up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor.

Vigilante - Sending people out of the ring is a popular thing tonight.

Henry Lesher - And why not? It's the most fun you can have as a wrestler or as a fan watching it. See how far they will take things.

Rated R exits the ring and looks under the ring and pulls out a table. He sets it up while a dazed Moose gets to his feet. Rated R turns and takes a knee to the gut from Moose who then gives Rated R a power bomb through the table he just set up. The crowd cheers as Moose then stands Rated R up and rolls him into the ring. Moose rolls himself in and goes for the pin. 1...2... Rated R gets a foot on the bottom rope. Moose then stands Rated R up, whips him to his corner where Tommy gives Rated R a punch to the face and then Rated R staggers into a clothesline from Moose who then tags in Tommy. Tommy steps through the ropes into the ring and then he gives Rated R an inverted atomic drop followed by a head butt that sends Ryan to the mat. Tommy then rolls Rated R over and applies a camel clutch.

Vigilante - Nice work by Tommy here in trying to wear Ryan down.

Henry Lesher - Rated R is back as he should be, so there's no way anyone will stop him. He'll be champ again and soon.

Rated R refuses to submit to the hold and starts pulling himself up from the mat which weakens the hold. Rated R then crawls towards the ropes and grabs the bottom rope to force the break. Referee Bruce Miller pulls Tommy off of Rated R. Tommy then stands Rated R up and takes a punch to the throat. Ryan then rakes the eyes of Tommy Purr along the top rope and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Rated R then picks Tommy up and power slams him to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... Tommy kicks out. Rated R then gets to his feet and we see Freak on the big screen, heading to Rated R's locker room.

Freak, Himself - Hey Ryan, nice to see you in the ring tonight! *puts his ear to the door* Hey, I hear water running. I don't suppose Kitty's cleaning herself up in there, is she? I have a nice box of Twinkies here for her, so that would be a nice happy coincidence for me, wouldn't it? See, I like it when a plan comes together.

He opens the door.

Freak, Himself - It smells like sweaty socks in here Ryan. You having a YA reunion in here or something?  Oh well, in I go.

Freak heads into the locker room and then that image turns back to the action inside the ring. Tommy rolls Rated R up for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Rated R who then rolls to his corner and tags in Gerard Angelo. Gerard enters the ring and starts brawling with Tommy while Rated R storms away from the ring and towards the back.

Vigilante - I don't know what he's so upset about. Freak was just giving her Twinkies.

Henry Lesher - He might give her fleas, too.

Gerard whips Tommy off the ropes and dropkicks him down to the mat. Gerard then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He leaps off for a flying elbow smash, but finds that Tommy Purr has rolled out of the way. Tommy then tags in The Moose. Moose charges in and spears Gerard down to the mat and Gerard rolls towards his corner to tag in Ryan, but sees that he isn't there. A shocked Gerard gets to his feet, turns and takes a knee to the gut from Moose who then picks Gerard up and gives him a Moose Driver to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Tommy and Moose win in part due to Rated R's distraction!

Backstage we then see Rated R charging into his locker room to find Kosmic Kitty reading a magazine and no one else present.

Rated R - Was Freak here?

Kosmic Kitty - No, what are you doing here? You had a match.

Rated R - Freak said he was coming in here to apologize to you!

Kosmic Kitty - And you were trying to stop him?

Rated R - He said you were in the shower.

Kosmic Kitty - I didn't wrestle tonight or do any ring announcing. Why would I be in the shower?

Rated R - He had a box of Twinkies.

Kosmic Kitty - *brightens up* Really? Where is he?

Rated R - Let's just go home.

Kosmic Kitty - *frowns* But there were Twinkies.

Rated R - Not tonight, not from that idiot.

Slim Pickens vs. Krayne

"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N Roses plays as Slim Pickens makes his way towards the ring. He gets one of the loudest pops of the night and he high fives fans on his way towards the ring. His entrance is then interrupted as Krayne charges out from the bakc and chop blocks Slim down to the floor. Krayne then slams Slim's head into the steel ramp as Chili Stokes makes his way out from the back and starts down the ramp with a smile on his face.

Vigilante - Krayne is quite the wrestler. I hear he's hung like a horse.

Henry Lesher - Who the hell would care about that?

Vigilante - Krayne would.

Krayne stands Slim up, drags him down to ringside and then stands him up and slams his head into the ring steps four times. Krayne then stands Slim up and whips him shoulder first into the steel corner post while referee Mark Davis finally shows up and calls for the bell to get this match officially underway. Krayne pulls Slim to the floor and tries for the pin right away here. 1...2... Slim rolls a shoulder out. Krayne then reaches under the ring and pulls out a fire extinguisher. Krayne then slams it across the back os Slim Pickens. Krayne stands over the broken Slim and smiles. He tells the crowd that he is the man and they all argue that he isn't.

Vigilante - Wren, of course, has to be out there watching this unfold.

Henry Lesher - I hope this just ends fast. I want to put this lousy half show behind me.

Krayne stands Slim up and takes a thumb to the eye from Slim. Slim then gives Krayne a face buster on to the floor and then rolls him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Krayne. Slim then stands Krayne up, whips him into the steel guard railing and then gives him a side Russian leg sweep to the floor. Slim follows that up by standing Krayne up and whipping him into the guard railing again, then gives him a fall away slam and tries for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Krayne and Slim has a few words for referee Mark Davis.

Vigilante - Slim thought he had him there.

Henry Lesher - That shows what thought did, nothing.

Slim then stands Krayne up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Slim stands Krayne up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges into an ampty corner as Krayne side steps him and then gives Slim a low blow before picking him up and giving him a body slam to the mat. Krayne then knees Slim below the belt and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Slim Pickens. Krayne's now questioning the speed of Mark Davis' count as he stands Slim up and whips him right into a chair shot from Chili Stokes who has jumped onto the apron. Chili gives Slim a second chair shot and then drops off the apron as Krayne gives Slim a Rock Bottom to the mat and then goes for the pin with a hook of the tights and a hand on the ropes for good measure. 1...2...3! Krayne gets the win thanks to breaking every rule in the book.

Vigilante - Krayne retains the title belt, but this won't be the end of it. Slim won't take this loss well at all and he will be back.

Henry Lesher - Just jinx it for me. Thanks.

As Krayne and Chilli head back up the ramp after the match with Slim Pickens, Wren appears fom the crowd with a cattle prod in her hand and before they can react to her presence, she shoves the cattle prod at Krayne sending volts of electricity running through his body and he crashes to the ground.  As Chilli turns to run, Wren clubs him in the back of the skull and drags the shaken manager over to the announce table. Tossing him onto the table, Wren smashes a forearm into his face then picks him up and with an utter disregard for anything, drives him headfirst through the table with a jumping pile driver. Getting up from the splintered ruins of the table, Wren steps over Chilli's unconscious body and back over to Krayne. Zapping him again with the cattle prod, Wren takes the Xtreme title and throws it over her shoulder and walks away leaving the crowd stunned at her actions. Inside the ring, Slim Pickens gets to his feet and exits the ring, making his way after Wren and perhaps to continue a beating on Krayne while medics and security rush out to clean the area out.

Vigilante - See, this is where we need Jesus as an EMT.

Henry Lesher - Why do you keep saying that?

Vigilante - Just seems like a badass idea. Ask Ryan about that company he has flirted with joining. He'll know.

We then look backstage. The double doors to the entrance of the arena burst open and in walks the newly named Ivy. She is in tears, and her eyes are blood red from those tears. A production staffer stops her.

Wyatt Gibson - Hey miss, you're not on our roster.

Ivy - You going to stop me?

Wyatt Gibson - I would never hit a woman.

Ivy looks him up and down.

Ivy - Neither would I.

Ivy walks around him, but Wyatt grabs her arm.

Ivy - Looks like I'll have to make an exception.

Ivy palm strikes the Wyatt's chin and he falls to the ground. She continues out through the black curtains and out to the arena. No music and a somber tone. She slides into the ring and is given a microphone. Chants of the missed Flock are heard through out the arena. She tries to muster up a smile, but there are other things on her mind. She lifts the mic to her mouth.

Ivy - I know I am not signed with this company, I fully understand that this is totally going against my other contract, but I needed a stage.

Ivy lowers her head.

Ivy - Ash, you have not returned my phone calls, you have been ignoring me since what happened. I have heard the rumors that you may be meeting with Shannon Skanes this very week backstage. Everyone has been asking, is the Flock coming back, and if they do, could Wren get along with them once again and the history of Frank and my husband is noted. They hate each other the last I heard. As well, he put me out of action for almost 5 months. CWA doesn't want Flock back, the chaos we've caused GWO, CWA and UWN, it's a wonder how security isn't even out here taking me out in handcuffs. I'm surprised my mic is even on. Anyway, Ash, you have ignored me for so long, I think I may sign these papers after all.

Ivy pulls out the rolled up paper out of her pocket and a pen. The divorce papers. Noah Skanes then comes out.

Noah Skanes - Are we supposed to feel sorry for you "Angela"? For your little divorce? I mean come on, you and your exhusband have walked out on this company so many times, we have a doggy door for your comings and goings. Listen Ivy or whatever you're calling yourself today, we have no room for the Flock, not anymore. You know, in another company, DX comes back and the ratings go down. I wouldn't want an old faction to revive here and put our ratings down. So what we are going to do, is get security out here to come get you. Ash isn't here, you think he's welcomed here in the CWA?

Noah Skanes spits to the ground.

Noah Skanes - That's what I think of you, Ash and the Flock.

Security comes from the back, they surround the ring. Ivy is scared of the outcome. They climb into the ring and grab her. She tries to fight them off but she is overtaken.

Noah Skanes - Now get that bitch out of-

"Natural High" by the Union Underground is played. Noah Skanes looks at the entrance, ready for Ash to come out, on his defense. He never shows, when he looks back to the ring, security is on the mat grabbing at their faces in pain. Ivy and Ash are standing there.

Noah Skanes: Get the hell out of my arena now!

Standing behind Noah Skanes is KillSwitch with his arms crossed. Ash smiles, there is an awkward look between Ash and Ivy. Ash goes to leave the ring, leaving Ivy with a sad face again, Ash steps through the ropes. Ivy buries her face in her hands. Ash looks and another moment happens.... Ash sits on the second rope, making an opening for Ivy. Ivy walks to Ash and steps through the ropes, they make it to the ground below and Ivy takes Ash's hand as they walk to the back. Noah Skanes still not seeing KillSwitch, Noah Skanes goes to confront Ash, but KillSwitch makes his presence known. Noah Skanes stops in his tracks. Ash, Ivy and KillSwitch make it to the backstage area and head towards the exit when Ash, Ivy and KillSwitch are stopped by Frank and Wren, still wearing the Xtreme title belt she doesn't own over her shoulder, who don't look too happy.

Frank: You...

Ash:... Me.

Vigilante - This is a great fight here tonight, completely unplanned match!

Henry Lesher - If you say so.

They get into each other's face, staring, the tension is built. Their history all flowing back within them, this is going to be a war. Wren and Ivy now in each other's face, KillSwitch takes off his robe prepared to fight. Just then, the camera feeds cuts to snow.
The show ends.