March 25th, 2008 It's another capacity crowd as we get ready for another edition of Overdrive. We look backstage where Max Cameron is entering the building with a big smile on his face and thewn is headed off by Crystal Braun. Crystal Braun - Max, what's going on? Max Cameron - Frank thinks he has got the better of me. Tonight, he sees he has met his match. Crystal Braun - But you're not fighting Frank tonight. Max Cameron - Oh, Frank and I aren't meeting inside the ring, but it would be foolish of me to think this is over. Crystal Braun - What sis you do? Max Cameron - That's for me to know and for Frank to find out. Max walks off chucking to himself while Crystal looks towards the camera and shrugs before we head to ringside where Ricky Simms and Henry Lesher are once again ready to call the action Yakamotos vs. Kelly Buchanan and Lady Eagle "Rise" by The Cult plays and the crowd stands and cheers as they expect to see Lady Eagle. Instead, Kelly Buchanan comes out alone and looks somewhat lost as she makes her way down the ramp towards the ring, much like a lamb being led to the slaughter. She rolls herself into the ring and quickly gets to her feet, testing the ropes while she mumbles to herself. Her music fades and then we hear "Hero" by Ozzy Osbourne and Hoshi and Kira Yakamoto come out onto the stage where the crowd gives them a strong ovation. Kelly is seen shaking her head as the sisters run to the ring and slide under the bottom rope onto the canvas. Kelly leans back in her corner while Hoshi and Kira talk and referee Casey Braun makes sure that Kelly wants to go through with this. Ricky Simms - Kelly is clearly wrestling alone tonight. Henry Lesher - I doubt Rachel Glenn would have been much help anyway. Her record wasn't exactly stellar. Once Kelly agrees to continue with this, the referee calls for the bell and Kelly locks up with Kira. Kelly shoves Kira into a neutral corner and then gives her a series of knife edge chops to the chest. Kira then reverses spots with Kelly and gives her a series of knife edge chops and then whips her to the Yakamoto corner where Hoshi gives her a knee to the chest. Kira then tags in Hoshi and they give her a double snap suplex to the mat. Hoshi then stands Kelly up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a clothesline to the mat and then a somersault leg drop across the throat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Kelly Buchanan. Hoshi then stands Kelly up, whips her into the corner and then gives her a hip toss to the middle of the ring where she applies a cross face chicken wing on her. Ricky Simms - Kelly is in trouble. Henry Lesher - Have you watched her interviews backstage? This girl is not worthy of any TV time at all. Kelly refuses to submit when the referee asks and lunges to the ropes, managing to grab the second rope to force the break. Hoshi then whips Kelly off the ropes and Buchanan ducks a clothesline and then gives Hoshi a spinning heel kick that sends her down to the mat. Kelly then picks Hoshi up and slams her to the mat before she goes to the ropes and makes her way to the top. Kira then shakes the ropes and causes Kelly to lose her balances. Kelly falls and straddles the top rope before Kira charges and clotheslines her down to the floor. Kira then drops off the apron and stands Kelly up. Kelly gives Kira a jawbreaker and then Kelly manages to roll herself into the ring. Ricky Simms - Kelly is showing she's tough. People might forget that about her. Henry Lesher - Yeah, she was a big winner, right? Kelly gets to her feet inside the ring and takes a dropkick to the chest from Hoshi. Hoshi then springs to her feet and gives Kelly a series of forearm upper cuts to the jaw and then gives her a monkey flip to the middle of the ring. Hoshi then goes to the corner and makes her way to the top. Hoshi then lands the Perfect 10 on Kelly and hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2...3! The Yakamoto Sisters are victorious! Ricky Simms - Kelly gave it all she had. Henry Lesher - And it wasn't enough to defeat a Yakamoto or two. That is so sad. The Yakamoto Sisters make their way up the ramp and head through the door on the stage into the backstage area. The lights then go out for a few moments. We then hear a knife being sharpened and then the opening chords of "Mine Teil" by Rammstein and as the drums kick in, the lights come up and we see Vesuvius inside the ring. He grabs Kelly around the throat, then picks her up and choke slams her to the mat. He then takes the microphone from ring announcer, Kosmic Kitty. Vesuvius - This is why I did what I did to you and Rachel. You are both sad and pathetic. Kelly, I remember a time when you were someone in this business. Now, you're nobody. Now, you will be united with Rachel. Now, I will continue my work. Security surrounds the ring and we see Shannon Skanes on stage. Shannon Skanes - Vesuvius, you've gone mad! You kidnapped Rachel? Vesuvius - A woman kissing the ass of that worthless drunken casino master? Kelly here being a ring announcer? Tell Crystal she is next. The lights go out and we hear a loud scuffle inside the ring. There are a few panicked screams and, when the lights come back up, Vesuvius and Kelly Buchanan are both gone. Security members are either confused or out cold inside the ring. There is no sign of Vesuvius or his prey inside the ring or around it. Ricky Simms - What the hell just happened? Henry Lesher - Vesuvius took out the trash. I thank him. While confusion reigns inside the ring, we look backstage where Ray Dees is with Kannon and Garth Rivers. Ray Dees - Kannon, I understand you have an announcement to make? Konnan - I have been out of the spotlight recently. You know why? You see, ever since I ran Halloween Jack off, ever since I showed the world that no one is man enough to pass the Kannon challenge, I have been waiting for anyone to step up. No one has. Ray Dees - Are you saying the CWA members have been cowards? Konnan - You just said it for me, Ray. It's that obvious. I am just here to let everyone know that I am coming out swinging very soon. It was an invitational. Now... I invite myself. Ray Dees - Anyone in particular you want a shot at? Konnan - No, I am willing to destroy any and all without prejudice. Konnan and Garth Rivers walk away and we return to the ring for further action. Dex Cooper vs. Frank Merritt "Counting Bodies Like Sheep" by A Perfect Circle plays as Frank Merritt makes his way onto the stage and then starts to make his way down the ramp towards the ring. He has his tag team title belt over his shoulder as he makes his way to ringside and then pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He hands the tag title belt to referee Mark Davis and then leans back against the ropes while his music fades and then "Just Another Victim" by Cypress Hill starts to play and Dex Cooper steps out onto the stage with tag partner Rex at his side. They then march down the ramp towards the ring while they receive a loud ovation. Rex stands at ringside while Dex pulls himself onto the apron and starts trading punches with Frank. Frank then kicks Dex in the ribs and then brings him into the ring with a vertical suplex which causes the referee to call for the bell and get the action officially underway in this rematch of sorts. Ricky Simms - New Age Dogg Pound have no doubt not forgotten that Frank is one of the reasons they no longer have the tag titles. Henry Lesher - It's not Frank's fault he is vastly superior to this Hamilton garbage. Frank stands Dex up, then rakes his eyes along the top rope before giving him a punch to the throat. Frank then sets Dex for a suplex, but Dex blocks it and then gives Frank a vertical suplex and then holds him in the air for a few moments before dropping him. Dex then stands Frank up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in for a back elbow to the throat and then gives Frank a snap mare before giving him an ear ringer. Dex then places Frank in a nerve hold and the referee asks Frank if he submits. Frank refuses while Dex strengthens his hold. Ricky Simms - Dex is one of the few guys in the CWA that Frank cannot dominate in the power department. Henry Lesher - He has a brain, so he obliterates him in the intellect department. Dex finally releases the nerve hold and then stands Frank up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a boot to the chest that sends him falling back to the ropes. Frank arms become tangled in the top and middle rope. Dex then gives him a series of punches and kicks while the referee frees Frank from the ropes. Frank then gives Dex a right hook to the jaw and then starts giving him punches to the jaw and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Frank then straddles Dex and lands punches on Dex while Rex screams from ringside, trying to distract Frank. Ricky Simms - Love him or hate him, one has to admit Frank is tough. Henry Lesher - I have never argued that Frank wasn't tough. Frank stands Dex up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. Frank then lands a knee drop to the forehead on Dex and then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Dex Cooper. We then see police officers making their way down the ramp. One of them makes his way up the ring steps and then has a word with the referee. The referee then heads to the opposite side of the ring and calls for the bell before having a word with the ring announcer. Frank rolls himself out of the ring when beckoned by the police and they throw him to the floor and begin to handcuff him. Ricky Simms - What the hell is this about? Henry Lesher - Was he partying with RVD? The police start to walk Frank out in cuffs while Dex and Rex Cooper look shocked. Dex is announced as the winner by forfeit and interviewer Ingee Shmelky comes out onto the stage for a word with one of the officers. Ingee Shmelky - Officer, this is a shock! What happened? Officer - Frank Merritt's car was found to have an illegal substance inside it. We had a call from a concerned fan. Ingee Shmelky - Care to elaborate? Officer - We can't say anything as we have further investigations to do, but Frank Merritt is done for the night. The camera follows closely as Frank is taken out, kicking and screaming, by the police. Des rushes in and demands that they let Frank go. The officers threaten to arrest her as well and she reluctantly steps aside. Frank is then led to the police cruiser in the parking lot and is placed in the back seat by three officers. The camera stays on the scene as they then head off, sirens wailing and then the camera pans around to a smiling Max Cameron. Ingee Shmelky is again there. Ingee Shmelky - Max, did you call this in? Max Cameron - Hey, if Frank wants to try and ruin my life, I cannot be held accountable for what I do in response. Max then turns to leave and comes face to face with Des. Des - Max, he's going to kill you. Max Cameron - Hey, when I'm done with him, he'll wish he was dead. He is not winning this one. Des - We'll see, Max. Max walks off, whistling and clearly happy with this turn of events while we head back to the ring for further action. Eli Ryder vs. Bombshell "Godspeed" by Anberlin plays as Eli Ryder comes onto the stage to a very strong reaction from the crowd, considering it is his first appearance in the CWA. He stands on stage for a few moments, takes a few deep breaths and then he starts making his way down the ramp towards the ring. He high fives a few fans at ringside and then makes his way up the ring steps and then steps through the ropes and he stands inside the ring while his music fades and then we hear "Piece of Me" by Britney Spears and Bombshell steps out onto the stage where the crowd gives her a mixed reaction. She then runs down the ramp to ringside and then jumps onto the apron and then leaps over the top rope into the ring. The bell sounds and the two wrestlers circle one another. Ricky Simms - Eli's debut is one of the most highly anticipated I can remember. Henry Lesher - That's because you're losing your memory. Eli and Bombshell lock up. Eli then backs Bombshell into the corner and backs off when asked by referee Francis Clarke. Eli makes the clean break, but Bombshell gives Eli a thumb to the eye and then she lands a standing dropkick on Eli. Bombshell then stands Eli up, whips him off the ropes and goes for a dropkick, but Eli grabs the ropes and manages to avoid it. Eli then picks Bombshell up and slams her to the mat and then gives her a knee to the forehead and then goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell. Ricky Simms - Eli is here via BLPW, where he was supposed to get a title match. Now he has to start at the bottom again. That must be tough. Henry Lesher - Doesn't everyone start with Bombshell's bottom and work their way up? Ricky Simms - Dear Lord, doc, you can't say that. Henry Lesher - I am pretty sure I just did. Eli stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a shoulder block to the mat. He then gives her an elbow smash to the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out again by Bombshell. Eli then stands Bombshell up, whips her into the corner and goes for a shoulder block, but finds no one home as she steps out of the way and then rolls Eli into a school boy pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Eli and Bombshell rolls herself out of the ring to regroup. Eli quickly gets to his feet and starts motioning his opponent into the ring. Ricky Simms - Bombshell needs a minute to think about this. Henry Lesher - She is used to men laying down faster than this for her. In fact, half the arena has... Ricky Simms - That's enough, Doc. Bombshell pulls herself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. She then moves in to lock up with Eli. He side steps her, gives her a drop toe face first to the mat and then he sits on her back and places her in the Legacy Lock. Ricky Simms - Wow, that looks painful. Henry Lesher - The guy in 3-C said she loves that. In fact, the guy in row fifteen told me she pays for that. Bombshell struggles to reach towards the ropes or to push herself up to weaken the hold, but she finally submits when the referee asks her and the bell sounds. Eli releases the hold and has his arm raised by referee Francis Clarke while the crowd cheers. Ricky Simms - Japhy Ryder was a legend in this business. It looks like Eli is on his way to continuing the family tradition. Henry Lesher - Hey, he hasn't beat anyone yet. Eli rolls himself out to the floor and starts making his way towards the back. We then look backstage where Crystal Braun is with Shannon Skanes in his office. Crystal Braun - So you have no idea what happened to Kelly. Shannon Skanes - I can't give you an answer and you know that. Crystal Braun - Then how do you guarantee my safety? He said I was next. Shannon Skanes - I am well aware of that. Crystal Braun - I should be able to count on the company to protect me. Maybe I can find someone on the roster to protect me. Shannon Skanes - Hey, you seem cozy with Jack Spade... Crystal Braun - My father will be in touch. Until then, I am not appearing on the air. I won't be a sitting duck for that madman while you do nothing. Shannon Skanes - I am doing my best. Crystal Braun - It's clearly not good enough. She storms out of his office and he shakes his head while we return to the ring for further action. Tommy Purr vs. Max Cameron "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry plays as Tommy Purr steps out onto the stage to a rousing ovation from the crowd. He stops on stage for a few moments to soak it in and then makes his way down the ramp, the tag team title belt over his shoulder. He stops at ringside and hands the belt to the time keeper and then steps up onto the apron before stepping into the ring. He tests the ropes while his music fades and then we hear "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC and Max Cameron comes out and he receives a strong reaction as well. Ricky Simms - Max never confirmed or denied any role in Frank's arrest tonight. Henry Lesher - Oh, clearly he was the rat. I mean, Frank has a lot of medicine he has to take for awesomeness. Ricky Simms - Oh, give me a break. Max steps up onto the apron and has a few words with Tommy. Tommy is clearly not impressed with what happened to Frank and he shows his discontent by slapping Max across the face. Max then steps into the ring and stands nose to nose with Tommy. Tommy again slaps Max across the face as the bell sounds to get the match started. Max answers the slaps with a head butt on Tommy and then gives him an inverted atomic drop followed by a spear to the mat before he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy who then rolls himself out to the floor with Max close behind. Max and Tommy start trading knife edge chops on the floor. Tommy then thumbs Max in the eye and then whips him shoulder first into the steel corner post. Tommy then picks Max up and slams him to the floor. Tommy then stands Max up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. He then tries to pin Max. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Ricky Simms - That was close. Henry Lesher - Tommy is toying with Max. Tommy stands Max up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. Tommy then goes to the corner and climbs to the second rope and then dives off and lands a double axe handle smash across the back on Max Cameron. Tommy then gives Max a gut wrench suplex to the mat and again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Max Cameron. Tommy again stands Max up, whips him into the corner buckle and then steps towards Max. Max gives Tommy a kick to the gut and then a knee to the chest before giving him a clothesline to the mat. Max then picks Tommy up and gives him a running power slam to the mat. Max then stands Tommy up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Max then climbs the ropes in the corner and waits for Tommy to get to his feet. Max then leaps from the top rope and lands a flying cross body on Tommy Purr. Ricky Simms - High risk move here by Max Cameron, a wrestler who is on the edge. Henry Lesher - Oh, Frank has pushed him over the edge, Rick. It is just a question of how far over the edge he is. Max stands Tommy up and rolls him into the ring. He then pulls himself onto the apron and then makes his way up the ropes. We then see Mrs. Robinson charging down the ramp and she reaches for Max Cameron. He launches himself off the top and lands a flying head butt to the chest on Tommy. Max goes for the pin, but the referee is distracted by Mrs. Robinson and he is ordering her out of the area. As he does that, Des slides into the ring, a chair in hand. She then clocks Max over the back of the head with it before she tosses the chair to the floor and quickly exits the ring while Tommy then places his arm across the chest of the fallen Max. Mrs. Robinson then retreats and the referee counts the pin. 1...2...3! Tommy Purr gets the Des-aided win. Ricky Simms - Des clearly thinks Max had something to do with Frank's arrest earlier tonight. Henry Lesher - Well, that is pretty clear. We look backstage and see Hector Braun entering Shannon's office. Hector Braun - My daughter called me to the show. You know I hate that. Shannon Skanes - Look, Crystal is safe. Vesuvius is not in the building and... Hector Braun - You see, if anything happens to my little girl, anything at all.... I don't know what I might do. Shannon Skanes - That won't happen. Hector Braun - I am fifty percent owner. Did you forget that? If anything happens to my Crystal, this could be a very dark day for you. Shannon Skanes - Look, I have this under control. Hector Braun - Kelly would argue that you don't... if anyone could find her. Rachel Glenn would argue that you don't... if anyone could find her. Your track record does not inspire me with confidence. Shannon Skanes - Hector, don't worry about it. Hector Braun - Last time I heard that, AW folded. Hector storms out and Shannon sighs as we return to the ring. Jack Spade vs. 6Pac Dudley "Southtown" by POD plays as 6Pac Dudley comes out to a strong positive reaction from the fans. He stands on stage with his Aerial title raised. He then starts making his way down the ramp with the title belt over his shoulder. He pauses at ringside and shows the belt to the camera before he hands it to the timekeeper. He then rolls under the bottom rope into the ring where he then jumps to his feet as his music fades and then we hear "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne while CWA champ Jack Spade steps onto the stage where he gets the loudest ovation of the night. He then runs down the ramp, tosses his belt to the timekeeper and then jumps onto the apron before he leaps over the top rope into the ring where he starts trading punches with Jack Spade while referee Steve Blake calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - Big battle of the champions in this one. Henry Lesher - I find it saddening that these two are the title holders in the CWA. Jack and 6Pac trade knife edge chops to the chest and then 6Pac knees Jack in the gut before giving him a swinging neck breaker to the mat where he goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. 6Pac then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat and then lands a knee to the head on Jack before standing him up and whipping him into the corner. 6Pac then gives Jack a series of shoulder blocks in the corner and then gives him a spine buster to the mat from there where he again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Ricky Simms - 6Pac with a strong start to this one. Henry Lesher - Oh, like anyone cares. The real wrestlers are either in the dressing room or in jail now. 6Pac stands Jack up, whips him into the corner and goes for a shoulder block on Jack, but Jack steps out of the way and 6Pac's shoulder strikes the buckle instead. Jack then gives 6Pac a pump handle slam to the mat and goes for the quick pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac. Jack then stands 6Pac up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick to the mat. Jack then quickly gets to his feet before he then picks 6Pac up and slams him to the mat. Jack then goes to the ropes in the corner and quickly makes his way to the top. He goes for a flying elbow smash from there, but 6Pac rolls out of the way and right out to the floor to regroup. Ricky Simms - The action is fast and furious in this one. Henry Lesher - No one is caring. Jack Spade rolls himself out right after 6Pac and turns him around and gives him a clothesline to the floor. Jack then stands 6Pac up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring where he goes for the pin. 1...2... 6Pac reverses it into a small package. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Both men jump to their feet. They start trading rights and lefts again. 6Pac then whips Jack Spade off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop. Jack Spade manages to land on his feet and gives 6Pac a backslide into a pin attempt. 1...2... 6Pac kicks out and rolls Jack into a school boy pin attempt. 1...2...3! 6Pac wins the match! Ricky Simms - That's amazing! 6Pac scores the upset in this match with the CWA champ! Henry Lesher - It's not amazing. Tommy and Frank are amazing. This is improbable. That's all. Ricky Simms - 6Pac gets the win and now will certainly want a title match! Henry Lesher - Hey, that would be like this one, a match no one cares about. We could sell less of a buy rate than a funeral. It's another winning idea for the CWA. As 6Pac takes his Aerial title belt from the timekeeper and takes a long look at the CWA world title, we fade this to black from another edition of Overdrive. |