Philadelphia, PA
It's another packed house for an Anarchy Wrestling show as we get ready for the final show for the month of November and the last show before the Restricted pay per view in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The crowd cheers as they see the lights dim and they know the show is about to begin. We then hear "Coming Undone" by Korn while we see images of Rated R, Tommy Purr, Parker Davis, Max Cameron, The Moose, Maybon, Vigilante and Frank Merritt before we head backstage. Noah Skanes is seen walking into Wyatt's office.
Wyatt Gibson - What now?
Noah Skanes - Honestly, I have been making calls this week in regards to finding a referee for our little match.
Wyatt Gibson - We don't need to have a match.
Noah Skanes - Wyatt, need is a strong word. It should only be used for life and death type things, for things you simply cannot live without. What we have here is a matter of want. It's what the fans want. They are tired of watching you kiss up to Ryan Yorke and so I am using a match as a chance for you to fight to keep your job.
Wyatt Gibson - I haven't wrestled in over a year.
Noah Skanes - Then you had better start working out. Anyhow, I did find a referee for our match.
Wyatt Gibson - Oh this should be rich.
Noah Skanes - Blair Drake is an old friend of the family and can take care of the refereeing duties in our match next Sunday. See you then, Wyatt.
Noah then exits the office and we head to the ring.
Tommy Purr vs. Frank Merritt
"Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives plays as Tommy Purr comes out onto the stage with the AW title belt over his shoulder. He then holds it up before the crowd and they let out a cheer. We then see Frank Merritt storming out from the back, not willing to wait his turn to come out. He then turns Tommy around and the two of them start brawling on the stage which brings the crowd even more to life. Frank gives Tommy a head butt. Tommy gives Frank a knife edge chop to the chest. Tommy gives Frank a clothesline to the stage. He then stands Frank up and Frank eye gouges Tommy. Frank then pulls Tommy by the hair down the ramp right to the ringside area. He then gives Tommy a wicked right hook to the jaw. Tommy answers with a right hook of his own, rocking Frank backwards. Tommy then gives Frank a clothesline to the floor while referee Bruce Miller demands that they enter the ring.
Ricky Simms - The action starts before the bell this week.
Henry Lesher - I am really hoping this is a strong show. It has been a full year since AW got going, so it would be nice to see an improvement in the talent level after all that time.
Tommy Purr stands Frank up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. The referee can finally ring the bell and the action is officially underway for the final event of November. Tommy stands Frank up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick back down to the mat. Tommy then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top, then leaps off and misses with a leg drop from there as Frank rolls out of the way and right out to the floor. Tommy is in pain, but rolls himself out of the ring to continue the fight with Frank there. Tommy and Frank start trading rights and lefts. Frank eye gouges Tommy, then whips him shoulder first into the steel ring steps.
Ricky Simms - The pendulum swings into Frank's favor here.
Henry Lesher - I have faith in both of these men. May this match continue all night.
Frank stands Tommy up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. He then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Frank then stands Tommy up and whips him into the corner buckle. There he lands a series of shoulder blocks on Tommy and then he follows that up with an atomic drop on the AW champion. Frank then gives Tommy a reverse neck breaker and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Frank stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and Tommy ducks a clothesline and then gives Frank a knee to the spine and then gives him a back cracker. Tommy goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Frank Merritt.
Ricky Simms - I really thought Tommy pulled one out there.
Henry Lesher - Which is proof you know nothing.
Tommy stands Frank up, whips him off the ropes and then both men clothesline each other to the mat. Referee Bruce Miller starts counting them both down while the fans appear to be torn on who they are cheering for between the two. On the four count, Tommy rolls to the ropes and uses them to start pulling himself up. On the six count, Frank does the same next to Tommy. They get to their feet in time to beat the count and then they start trading rights and lefts. Frank eye gouges Tommy, then gives him an elbow to the chest and then gives him a series of knife edge chops that send him into the corner. Frank then gives Tommy a hip toss to the mat.
Ricky Simms - Frank is taking over things again here.
Henry Lesher - That's because he's superior to most of AW's talent.
Frank stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Frank then lands a knee drop to the forehead on Tommy, then stands him up and whips him into the corner buckle. Frank charges into raised knees from Tommy Purr. Tommy then gives Frank a clothesline to the mat. Tommy then goes to the second rope and lands a double axe handle smash across the back on Frank. Tommy stands Frank up, whips him off the ropes and ducks his head for a backdrop. Frank instead gives Tommy a headlock and then gives him a DDT to the mat and then goes for the pin, one foot on the bottom rope for added leverage. 1...2...3! Frank scores an upset pin over Tommy Purr.
Ricky Simms - Frank cheated!
Henry Lesher - Frank won. It doesn't matter how.
Ricky Simms - EOS doesn't cheat.
Henry Lesher - No one said EOS cheats, just that Frank might take a short cut. He's not a mindless follower like your favorite people are.
Frank rolls himself out to the floor with a grin on his face as Destiny makes her way to ringside to congratulate the winner of the match. They embrace and then Frank tells the camera he is all set to get his belt back next week.
Ricky Simms - Frank is looking to defeat Fuel next week and then take down Hoshi to once again become the Xtreme champion of Anarchy Wrestling.
Henry Lesher - Oh he will win that easy. With this win, he has to be seen as a contender for the world title now.
Ricky Simms - I must agree with that assessment.
As Tommy argues the call inside the ring, we head backstage where Max Cameron is with Ray Dees.
Ray Dees - Max, last week you suffered a setback at the hands of a member of EOS. It seems your feud with EOS continues three years later.
Max Cameron - EOS will hate me more and more as the weeks turn into months. I will not rest until they have been sent out of this company.
Ray Dees - The fans are giving you the gears recently for your actions against EOS. How do you feel about that?
Max Cameron - You know, I hear a lot said about me and where my allegiance lies, but the fans turn faster than I could ever dream of. I don't care what they think of me. I don't really care what anyone thinks of me.
Ray Dees - Your match with Hoshi is next up here. Do you have anything to say to her?
Max Cameron - Yeah, it's a shame she caught me in a bad mood. I have to send a message and she's the vessel to deliver it.
Henry Lesher - Why is he talking like he's Zod?
Max walks off and we head to the ring.
Max Cameron vs. Hoshi Yakamoto
"Surfing with the Alien" by Joe Satriani plays as Hoshi Yakamoto comes out to a decent ovation from the crowd. She stands on stage for a few moments as Bart Phillips comes out to join her. The two of them then make their way down the ramp towards the ring, giving fans high fives in the front rowq as they then make their way around the ring. Hoshi then jumps onto the apron and then does a somersault over the top rope into the ring. She then tests the ropes while her music fades and then we hear "Hell's Bells" by AC/DC and Max Cameron makes his way out onto the stage to a chorus of boos from the crowd. He makes his way down the ramp quickly, then slides under the bottom rope into the ring. He gets to his feet as referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell. The two lock up in the middle of the ring. Max shoves Hoshi back into the ropes, then gives her an arm drag to the middle of the ring where he applies an arm bar on her.
Ricky Simms - A good match up here for our second of the night.
Henry Lesher - You're kidding, right? It's a has been and a never was.
Hoshi gets to her feet quickly, does a front flip and then gives Max a series of knife edge chops to break the hold. She then gives Max a standing dropkick, sending him into the corner buckle. Hoshi then gives Max a monkey flip to the mat from there. Hoshi then applies an ankle lock on Max, trying to get him to submit early in this one. Instead, Max rolls over and kicks Hoshi off of him and through the ropes to the floor. Max then gets to his feet quickly and then waits for Hoshi. When Hoshi gets to her feet and tries to pull herself into the ring, Max gives her a baseball slide right back out to the floor. Max then pulls himself out to the floor as well. He starts putting the boots to Hoshi while the fans start a chant for her. Max stands Hoshi up and whips her shoulder first into the ring steps. Max then picks Hoshi up over his shoulder and runs her towards the steel corner post. Hoshi slides off and shoves Max shoulder first into the steel post. She then rolls herself into the ring. Max is close behind and manages to beat the count.
Ricky Simms - That was nearly a count out.
Henry Lesher - Whatever it takes to end this match, I am in favor of it.
Hoshi stands Max up, whips him into the corner and then she goes for the monkey flip from there, but max instead flings her to the middle of the ring. He then gives her a knee lift to the face before she can collect herself. Max then applies a sleeper hold on Hoshi Yakamoto. The referee checks for a submission but Hoshi refuses to submit. We then see Rated R coming out from the back and he hears the loud boos of the crowd.
Ricky Simms - I thought he had the night off.
Henry Lesher - The champ doesn't take nights off.
Rated R makes his way down the ramp while Hoshi reaches for the ropes. Max struggles to hold her still and then takes notice of Rated R coming out. Max releases the sleeper on Hoshi Yakamoto and then seems to be at a loss to understand why Ryan is out here. Max rolls himself out of the ring and asks him what's going on. Rated R smiles and tells him he wanted to thank him for the CWA title belt properly. Rated R then spears Max into the steel corner post and referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell.
Ricky Simms - It looks like that alliance is over.
Henry Lesher - Ryan Yorke stands with no one and stands against everyone.
Hoshi hears the decision and she rolls herself out of the ring to the floor where she has words with Rated R. Rated R smiles and tells Hoshi he can explain and then he gives her a spear to the floor. He then gets to his feet and takes off before Bart Phillips has a chance to hit him with a chair he grabbed from ringside. Rated R smiles as he hears the match has now been declared a no contest and he tells the camera this is just the beginning.
Ricky Simms - It's like Ryan has challenged the whole damned company.
Henry Lesher - He stands alone. That's how it is. He uses people when he needs them and then drops them like a bad habit. I admire the guy.
Ricky Simms - That doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
While the mess outside the ring is taken care of, we look backstage where Shannon Skanes is heading off his son in the hallway.
Noah Skanes - Dad, good to see you made it tonight.
Shannon Skanes - Blair Drake?
Noah Skanes - I know what I am doing.
Shannon Skanes - Battle of the Warriors 2007 is the twentieth anniversary of the first. Those of us who are CWA originals are looking for big matches to celebrate this event. Blair and I have never really been allies for very long.
Noah Skanes - This isn't about you, Dad. This is about getting rid of Wyatt Gibson.
Shannon Skanes - For you, that's the truth. Blair always has an ulterior motive.
Noah Skanes - Look, Dad, I appreciate your concern. I can handle it, though.
Shannon Skanes - Look, I can referee this thing, kid.
Noah Skanes - No, I am not having you rescue me. I need to do this my way without your help.
Shannon Skanes - If that's what you really want...
Noah Skanes - It is and I want you to respect that.
Noah walks off and Myst enters the picture.
Myst - I told you he would be stubborn.
Shannon Skanes - Ten years ago, I faced Blair Drake in a cage match that nearly ended my career. Noah may have forgotten that.
Myst - But you don't think Blair has.
Shannon Skanes - I don't think Blair ever stopped being jealous of me. I want to respect Noah's decision, but I can't help feeling protective. It's that time of year again.
Myst - You figure 2007 will start with a bang.
Shannon Skanes - I hope I'm wrong.
They walk away and we head back to the ring.
The Moose vs. Parker Davis
"Your Mother's Got a Penis" by Goldie Lookin' Chain starts to play and the crowd greets Parker Davis with resounding boos. He stands on the stage for a few moments as Rampart makes his way onto the stage as well. The two of them then make their way down the ramp towards the ring, mostly ignoring the crowd as they boo them both. Parker then makes his way onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring while Ranpart takes up his spot at ringside. Parker's music then fades and we hear "I Feel Alright" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers and we see The Moose come out to the loudest cheers of the night so far. Moose stands on stage for a few moments and then he starts making his way towards the ring, Halloween Jack coming out to accompany him to the ring.
Ricky Simms - It was supposed to be Jack's night off, too. It doesn't look like people are taking time off after all.
Henry Lesher - This is wrong. Jack is not a manager as Rampart is and thus has no reason to be out here.
The Moose pulls himself onto the apron while Parker argues with referee Jon Shocker about Halloween Jack being present here for this match. Moose steps through the ropes and the referee calls for the bell to get things started. Parker and Moose trade rights and lefts to the head in the ropes. Parker then thumbs Moose in the eye and then slams his forehead into the corner buckle and then gives him a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Parker then stands Moose up and gives him a snap suplex to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Moose. Parker then stands Moose up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Parker then climbs the ropes in the corner. He waits for Moose to stand and leaps off for a flying body press. Moose catches Parker in mid air and then gives him a spinning power slam to the floor, bringing the crowd to their feet.
Ricky Simms - Nice move on the defense there by Moose.
Henry Lesher - He's just delaying Parker's win. Parker belongs in the main event.
Moose stands Parker up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Moose then stands Parker up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of kicks to the gut that he follows up with a vertical suplex back to the mat. Moose stands Parker up again and gives him a second vertical suplex and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Parker Davis. Moose then stands Parker up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Parker ducks it. Parker then gives Moose a series of forearm smashes to the jaw that send him into the corner. Parker then gives Moose a vertical suplex to the mat and then stands him up and delivers a second before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Moose.
Ricky Simms - Parker and Moose are mirroring each other's offense here and it's a close battle.
Henry Lesher - The real difference is that Parker isn't washed up and reaching for past glory.
Parker stands Moose up, whips him into the corner buckle and then places him in a side headlock and then gives him a bulldog to the mat. Parker again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Moose. Parker then stands Moose up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Parker then rolls himself out to the floor as well, in pursuit of Moose. Parker then comes face to face with Halloween Jack and the two have words with each other. Parker shoves Jack while Moose gets to his feet behind Parker.
Ricky Simms - Parker needs to ignore Jack altogether here.
Henry Lesher - Look, this is a set up. I don't believe how quickly you flip flop and find this acceptable.
Parker turns and takes a jawbreaker from Moose. Moose then rolls Parker into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Moose looks to the cheering crowd and manages a smirk. He then picks Parker up and delivers the Moosedriver to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Moose gets the win and qualifies for the main event at Restricted next week!
Ricky Simms - Parker got distracted and it cost him the match.
Henry Lesher - This is garbage. Parker got screwed over this week.
Ricky Simms - So Tommy Purr and Rated R now know Moose will be one of the two they deal with next week. Can EOS go two for two tonight?
Henry Lesher - I will quit if this company becomes EOS all over the damned place.
Moose leaves the ring and high fives Halloween Jack. As they head towards the back, we see Tommy Purr with Crystal Braun.
Crystal Braun - Tommy, we know one of your opponents for next week out of the two open slots, but who are you seeing as the man who will win the next battle?
Tommy Purr - Vigilante is the one who drives me insane, but Maybon has his side as well. Both want this win pretty bad. They want what Ryan and I have. They can want and want, but they won't get it from me. I intend to hold both titles.
Crystal Braun - Ryan dropped max Cameron earlier tonight. What does that do to the match next week?
Tommy Purr - It does nothing. Ryan is Ryan. Nothing he does surprises me. I know what to expect from him. It's EOS that cause me some concern.
Crystal Braun - So you must want Maybon to win tonight then.
Tommy Purr - No, it doesn't matter who wins. The title is mine now and it will remain mine in a week.
Tommy exits the shot and we head back to the ring.
Vigilante vs. De'Anton Maybon
"Creep" by Radiohead plays as Maybon makes his way out onto the stage, this week getting a strong negative reaction from the crowd as he stands there and takes in the atmosphere, the main event of the night that will lead into next week's pay per view. Maybon then starts down the ramp towards the ring. He wastes no time in getting to ringside and then rolls himself into the ring. He quickly gets to his feet and has a few words with referee Bruce Miller. His music then fades and we hear "Walk Over You" by AC/DC and the crowd cheers as Vigilante starts making his way towards the ring. Vigilante starts on a slow pace for the ring, but he picks up his speed. He then stops at ringside and looks in at Maybon. Vigilante then makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring.
Ricky Simms - This should be a great match.
Henry Lesher - I won't argue with that. I just hope Maybon destroys him fast.
The bell sounds and the two men lock up. Vigilante shoves Maybon backwards into the corner. Maybon then gives Vigilante a head butt, the another and then a third before he gives him a vicious clothesline to the mat. Maybon then lands a falling head butt to the chest on Vigilante and then hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Vigilante. Maybon stands Vigilante up, whips him off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Vigilante ducks it. Vigilante then gives Maybon a series of forearm upper cuts and then picks him up and gives him a scoop slam to the mat. Vigilante then lands a leg drop across the throat on Maybon and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Maybon who then rolls himself out of the ring to the floor. Vigilante follows close behind. The two start trading rights and lefts on the floor. Maybon then gives Vigilante an eye gouge and then gives him a face buster to the floor. Maybon then gets to his feet and rolls himself into the ring.
Ricky Simms - This one has been rather even so far. I am impressed with the effort shown by both men tonight.
Henry Lesher - Maybon will destroy that pretty boy. I'll be glad to see him gone.
Vigilante gets to his feet and rolls himself into the ring where Maybon greets him with kicks to the back. Maybon then stands Vigilante up and then gives him a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Maybon then stands Vigilante up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Maybon then goes to the ropes, makes his way to the second rope and sets himself for a double axe handle smash. Vigilante gets to his feet, sees Maybon diving at him and then gives Maybon a punch to the gut and then gives him a DDT to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... Maybon gets a foot on the bottom rope. Vigilante then pulls Maybon to the center of the ring and tries for the pin again. 1...2... kick out by Maybon.
Ricky Simms - Neither man is letting up in this one. The winner gets into next week's ladder match where both title belts will be on the line.
Henry Lesher - Maybon will win this. Mark it down. If I say it is so, it happens.
Ricky Simms - Like Parker beating Moose?
Henry Lesher - He would have, but that second class Jack had to get involved.
Vigilante stands Maybon up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a kick to the gut and then sets for and delivers a snap suplex to the middle of the ring on Maybon. Vigilante then stands Maybon up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in for a series of shoulder blocks on Maybon. Vigilante then gives Maybon a face buster to the mat and then rolls him over for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Maybon. Vigilante then stands Maybon up, whips him off the ropes and both men give each other clotheslines to the mat. The referee starts counting them both down. It is then that the lights go out.
Henry Lesher - Looks like AW didn't pay the bills.
Ricky Simms - Someone is seeing fit to ruin the main event. My bet is on Rated R.
Henry Lesher - Oh, like you have a clue.
The lights are out for a few moments while the crowd is mostly silent. When the lights come back up, Maybon is on top of Vigilante for the pin. 1...2...3! Maybon is in the main event at Restricted and then we see Parker Davis heading up the ramp with a smile on his face.
Ricky Simms - It looks like Parker was preventing an all EOS challenge for the major titles in this company. Vigilante will kill him.
Henry Lesher - Halloween Jack cost him his chance so he cost EOS their chance in the next match. It makes sense to me and now Maybon gets to take his place in the main event.
Ricky Simms - This sets up what should be an incredible event next week in Halifax.
Henry Lesher - I make no argument there. I am looking forward to this.
The crowd boos as we see Maybon
leaving the ring with his arms raised and medics rushing to the ring to attend
to an out cold Vigilante. We then fade to black, marking the end of another
edition of Insurgence.