October 7th -
Tokyo Japan It's another packed house as AW takes its first trip to the Orient and the fans are all set for this week's action featuring some of the best wrestlers in this business today inside the ring. Tommy Time "Move Along" by The All-American Rejects begins to play over
the P.A. as Tommy Purr makes his way out to the ring to a loud
ovation from the crowd; along with Tommy is Hoshi Yakamoto as they
move toward the ring for their super show of Tommy Time & Hoshi's
Haven. The two enter the ring and are handed microphones from Kosmic
Kitty ... Kitty gets a dirty look from Tommy who is facing her
boyfriend, Rated R., later in the evening. The music fades as Tommy
addresses the crowd. Backstage we see Halloween Jack with a smile on his face and the AW title over his shoulder. Next to him stands interviewer Ray Dees. Ray Dees - Jack, last week you finally overcame the odds and you won the title. How does it feel? Halloween Jack - Ray, I always said this would happen. I always said that I was going to reach the top, so it feels pretty damned good knowing I was right and everyone else has to admit I am a champion. Ray Dees - You feeling any ill effects from the match? Halloween Jack - I'm a champion, Ray. I recover fast and I'll be victorious again tonight. Ray Dees - Best of luck. Halloween Jack - I don't need it. Trey Walker vs. The Nameless "Remember the Name" by Fort Minor plays as Trey Walker starts making his way towards the ring, the crowd giving him a warm reception. Trey even stops and high fives a couple of fans at ringside before he makes his way up the ring steps and then steps through the ropes and into the ring. He then tests the ropes while his music fades and we hear "Biledriver" by GWAR playing and the Nameless comes out to a loud chorus of boos from the crowd. He pauses at the top of the stage and looks around at the crowd. Ricky Simms - It would appear that Trey Walker's vision is no longer an issue here tonight. Henry Lesher - Yeah, but his health will be. He's against the real monster of this company, a man who has held both major titles and a man who will make quick work of him tonight. Nameless methodically makes his way down the ramp to ringside and then looks around at the crowd once before he makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron. He then steps over the top rope and makes eye contact with Trey as referee Bruce Miller calls for the bell and the match is officially underway. Trey moves in and locks up with Nameless. Nameless then shoves Trey into the ropes and then gives him a series of forearm upper cuts before whipping him off the ropes and then gives Trey a big boot to the chest that sends him down to the mat. Nameless then lands an elbow smash to the chest on Trey and hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Trey Walker. Nameless then stands Trey up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in for a shoulder block, but finds no one home as Trey manages to side step the attack. Trey then gives Nameless a side Russian leg sweep to the mat and then lands a lionsault onto Nameless and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Ricky Simms - Both men score near falls early in this one. Henry Lesher - Nameless might blind this kid again. It could happen. Trey Walker stands Nameless up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Trey then lands a series of knee drops to the forehead on Nameless and then lands a leg drop across his throat and again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Trey then pulls Nameless to his feet and goes for the whip into the corner, but Nameless manages to reverse it. Nameless then gives Trey a sidewalk slam out of the corner and then Nameless chokes Trey while he's down on the mat. Nameless breaks the choke before the referee can reach the five count which would add up to a disqualification. Nameless then stands Trey up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Ricky Simms - Nameless is one of the few wrestlers who can really inspire fear in his opponents. Henry Lesher - That's because he is the greatest of the greats. Nameless drops and rolls himself out of the ring to the floor. Trey is on his feet now and he starts landing rights and lefts to the jaw on Nameless. Nameless answers with an eye gouge and then slams Trey's face into the guard railing. Nameless then rolls Trey into the ring before rolling himself in as well. Nameless then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Trey Walker. Nameless then stands Walker up, whips him off the ropes and Walker ducks a clothesline before he then gives Nameless a reverse neck breaker to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Trey then stands Nameless up, whips him into the corner and charges in for a shoulder block, but Nameless lands a clothesline on Trey instead and then gives him a knee drop to the forehead. Nameless then stands Trey up, whips him off the ropes and knee him in the chest, doubling him over. Nameless then picks Trey up and gives him the Reaperdemption before going for the pin. 1...2....3! Nameless gets the win this week. Ricky Simms - That man is always impressive. Henry Lesher - Wow, we agree on something. That is highly unusual. Nameless exits the ring and starts up the ramp towards the back. We then look backstage where we see Frank Merritt pacing in his locker room when Crystal Braun enters the picture. Crystal Braun - A moment of your time, Frank? Frank Merritt - What do you want? Crystal Braun - I just wanted your words on tonight's match with Parker Davis. Frank Merritt - I am the Xtreme champion. I didn't get here by losing to people like Parker Davis. The man's going down and fast. I'm not wasting any time in destroying him tonight. Crystal Braun - Yet you seem nervous. Frank Merritt - I am a man with a lot on my mind. None of that is any of your business, so leave me alone. Crystal knows better than to argue with Frank Merritt and she backs off as we head back to the ring. Black Lightning vs. Bombshell "I Am the Body Beautiful" by Salt N Pepa plays as 6Pac Dudley leads Bombshell towards the ring. They are half way down the ramp when the lights flicker inside the arena and then they go out altogether. There are a few moments of silence. Ricky Simms - Is the power out? Henry Lesher - I hope so. This match is going to suck. The lights are out for a few moments longer and, when they come back up, 6Pac is gone. Bombshell continues her walk towards the ring while looking around nervously. She then stops at ringside and scans the crowd for her boyfriend, but she is unable to locate him. Ricky Simms - Earlier this week, Total Darkness reportedly kidnapped 6Pac. It appears they may have done it again. Henry Lesher - Kidnap someone useful, guys. Bombshell rolls herself into the ring and is still looking around nervously. She then gets to her feet and Black Lightning rolls himself into the ring behind her, having entered from apparently underneath the ring. He chop blocks Bombshell to the mat and then starts raining down punches to the face on her as referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Black Lightning then stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a dropkick to the mat. He then stands her up, whips her into the corner buckle and then gives her a monkey flip back to the middle of the ring from there. Black Lightning then kips up to his feet and starts putting the boots to Bombshell. He then stands her up, whips her off the ropes and misses with a clothesline as she ducks it. She then gives Lightning a series of punches to the jaw and then a head butt that sends him backward into the corner. She then gives Lightning a monkey flip to the center of the ring the same as he just gave her. Bombshell then stands Lightning up and goes for a springboard bulldog on him, but he shoves her off the top rope and out to the floor. Black Lightning then climbs onto the top rope in the corner and lands a double axe handle smash across the back of Bombshell from there. Ricky Simms - Black Lightning taking over here. Henry Lesher - I don't care. I wanted the power to go out. I am not watching this. Problem is, AW fans are easily the ugliest wrestling fans in this business, so I am having trouble finding places to look. Black Lightning stands Bombshell up, whips her shoulder first into the steel guard railing and then slams her face onto the ring steps. Lightning then rolls her into the ring before rolling himself into the ring as well. He then goes for the pin on Bombshell. 1...2... Bombshell gets her foot on the bottom rope. Lightning stands Bombshell up, whips her off the ropes and then gives her a shoulder block to the mat. He then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He poses for the crowd there and then dives off, going for a flying elbow smash, but Bombshell manages to roll out of the way. Bombshell then gets to her feet and waits in the corner for Black Lightning to get to his feet. He does, then turns and sees the Bitch Kick coming and he ducks and rolls himself out of the ring. Ricky Simms - Bombshell almost ended it there. Henry Lesher - I don't want to hear about almosts. Tell me when it's over. Ricky Simms - Stop staring at the floor. Henry Lesher - That wad of gum is far more interesting than this match and far more attractive than this crowd. Bombshell exits the ring and starts trading punches with Lightning. Bombshell then lands a knife edge chop to the chest on Lightning and then gives him a flapjack to the floor. Bombshell then rolls herself into the ring. Lightning is slow to get to his feet as referee Francis Clarke counts towards the ten count. Lightning grabs the bottom rope and pulls himself onto the apron, but Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Lightning then steps into the ring and argues with the referee about the count. Ricky Simms - Bombshell wins the match by count out. Henry Lesher - Thank God that's over. I almost lost my will to live and popped the gum into my mouth. As Bombshell leaves the ring, we see Lightning clothesline the referee to the mat and then he stands in the corner and watches Bombshell heading towards the back, disgust written on his face. We then look backstage and see Phoenix with Shawna Miller. Shawna Miller - Phoenix, tonight you won a dark match against Hoshi Yakamoto, so what's next for you? Phoenix - Look, I know I can take anyone on. You want proof? Get me on television next week and put me in a match with one of the main eventers here and I'll show you. Shawna Miller - Most wrestlers find it's important to work your way up to that point. Phoenix - I have the talent, Shawna. I have the drive and the talent to get to the top. I'm not going to sit around and wait for my chance. I have to make it happen. Shawna Miller - Hopefully you don't get killed along the way. Phoenix - I'm better than anyone knows. I'll prove it, starting next week. Shawna Miller - Best of luck then. You may need it. We head back to the ring and find Vigilante is already inside and has a microphone in hand. Vigilante - You know, before my match, I just wanted to call someone out here. I simply have to congratulate someone on their awesomeness tonight. I'd like to call to the ring your new AW champion.... Halloween Jack! "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva plays as Halloween Jack comes out to the boos of the crowd. He quickly makes his way down the ramp and then makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. Halloween Jack - What do you want? Vigilante - Calm down, calm down. We all know who rocks, and
you're looking at him. Halloween Jack - I am the rightful champ, Vig. Bitching won't
make you champ. As Halloween Jack exits the ring, we see Gerard Angelo charging into it. Gerard Angelo vs. Vigilante Once Gerard enters the ring and starts putting the boots to Vigilante, referee Jon Shocker calls for the bell and the match is officially underway. Ricky Simms - Gerry taking advantage of Jack's belt shot and I imagine he is still seething after what happened to him on Tommy Time. Henry Lesher - I almost feel bad for him. Of course, then I remember it's Gerry. Gerard Angelo stands Vigilante up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a clothesline to the mat. He then gives Vigilante an elbow smash across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Vigilante. Gerard Angelo then stands Vigilante up and whips him off the ropes and Vig ducks a clothesline and then starts landing rights and lefts to the jaw on Gerard Angelo. Vigilante then whips Gerard into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of shoulder blocks there. Vigilante then gives Gerard an inverted atomic drop and then lands a bulldog on Gerard before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Gerard Angelo. Ricky Simms - Vigilante taking over the match here after the quick start by Gerry. Henry Lesher - Gerry has a tough time keeping his energy up for more than a couple of minutes. That's why Bombshell left him. Vigilante stands Gerard up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick back down to the mat. Vigilante then climbs the ropes in the nearest corner, making his way to the top. He then leaps off and misses with a leg drop from the top as Gerard rolls out of the way and we see Frank Merritt heading down the ramp towards the ring. The crowd boos Frank. Gerard gets to his feet and starts putting the boots to Vigilante. Gerard then stands Vigilante up, whips him itno the corner and then lands a series of shoulder blocks on him before then whipping him to the opposite corner. Gerard charges into the corner for a shoulder block, but Vigilante steps out of the way and then gives Gerard a German suplex to the mat, then stands him up and gives him a second German suplex before then executing a back bridge pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Gerard. Ricky Simms - Good back and forth action in this one, though I don't like Frank being out here. Henry Lesher - How can anyone not like Frank? Everyone loves Frank. CBS is going to pick up the series. It will feature Frank and his hilarious family growing dope and executing random acts of violence. Ricky Simms - Somehow I doubt that would ever reach the air in the US. Henry Lesher - Which is why I don't watch network television. Vigilante stands Gerard up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a series of knee lifts to the gut. He then whips Gerard to the opposite corner and then steps into a knee lift from Gerard who then gives Vigilante a series of forearm smashes to the jaw. Gerard then whips Vigilante off the ropes and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Gerard looks to the crowd and they give him a mixed reaction. Gerard then stands Vigilante up and goes for the Irish whip as Frank Merritt grabs a chair at ringside. Vigilante reverses the whip and instead sends Gerard to the ropes where Frank clubs Gerard across the back of the head with the chair. Referee Jon Shocker calls for the bell and the crowd boos. Frank throws the chair down and makes his way back up the ramp while Vigilante argues against the decision. Ricky Simms - Why the hell did Frank hit Gerry? Henry Lesher - He meant to hit Vigilante. Ricky Simms - It would appear that way, but there's no reason for it. Henry Lesher - It's Frank. That's his reason. Don't look for reason with Frank. As Vigilante continues to argue and a dazed Gerard Angelo rolls out to the floor, we look backstage where Bombshell is with Crystal Braun. Crystal Braun - Bombshell, have you seen 6Pac? Bombshell - I don't know what kind of games Total Darkness is up to, but I want 6Pac back. Crystal Braun - Has there been any note or reason given for this bizarre behavior? Bombshell - All I know is I want him here now and I'll do whatever it takes to get him back here with me. Crystal Braun - Do you have any idea where they have taken him? Bombshell - No idea. I wish I knew. Frank Merritt vs. Parker Davis "Your Mother's Got a Penis" by Goldie Lookin' Chain plays as Parker Davis comes out to loud boos from the capacity crowd. He stands on the stage for a few moments and looks at the Tokyo fans with a smile. He then winks at the camera before he starts down the ramp towards the ring. He then climbs onto the apron and steps through the ropes into the ring. He then waves to the crowd and seems amused at their dislike for him. He then shakes his head and leans back against the corner buckle. His music fades and then we hear "Seizure of Power" by Marilyn Manson and Destiny leads Frank Merritt towards the ring. The crowd receives him with the same lack of love they showed Parker. He pays them no mind and marches down the ramp and reaches ringside only to take a plancha on the floor from a diving Parker Davis. Parker then rams Frank's head into the guard railing five times and then whips him shoulder first into the steel corner post. Parker then gives Frank a German suplex on the floor. Parker then picks up the Xtreme title and tosses it aside after giving it a smirk. Ricky Simms - Parker is really taking it to Frank this week. Henry Lesher - It's the only hope you have. You are required to take it to him and make him beat you. Parker stands Frank up and rolls him into the ring and then rolls himself into the ring, allowing referee Bruce Miller to call for the bell and the action is underway. Parker boot chokes Frank, holding the ropes for added leverage. Parker then releases the choke, stands Frank up and rakes his eyes along the top rope. Parker then whips Frank into the far corner buckle and then gives him a dropkick in the corner. Parker then quickly gets to his feet and goes for a bulldog on Frank, but Frank instead manages to pick Parker up and gives him a fall away slam to the mat. Frank then sits dazed on the mat and tries to collect himself. Ricky Simms - Frank is always dangerous in that ring. Henry Lesher - That man is dangerous everywhere. Tune into CBS when the new Survivor is shown. It will feature a tribe of 15 people and a tribe of Frank Merritt. The winner is the one who finishes the closest second to Frank in the competitions and Frank decides who is going home. In his version, they have to swim the ocean to get home. No seclusion homes for these people. Watch as someone wins a million dollars only to find out they have to get past Frank on the way out the door if they want to keep it. Ricky Simms - Dear Lord. Frank gets to his feet and pulls Parker to his, then whips him off the ropes and gives him a knee to the gut, sending Parker flying through the air and somersaulting over to land on his tailbone. Frank then applies an abdominal stretch and the referee checks for a submission, but Parker refuses to give up despite the pain. Frank cinches the hold in tighter and screams at Parker to just give up already. Parker shakes his head and shows signs of powering out of the hold. Frank releases Parker, turns him around and sets for a DDT, but Parker shoulder blocks Frank and sends him backward into the corner. Parker then gives Frank a drop toe to the mat and applies a modified STF on Frank. Now it's Frank who is refusing to submit when asked and Parker is using all of his strength to try and end this match here and now. Ricky Simms - Both men trying to wear the other down here. I must admit, while I don't care for either wrestler, this is a good match up. Henry Lesher - Whatever you do, never give a wrestler I cheer for any real credit. Frank reaches for and manages to grab the bottom rope to force the break. Parker reluctantly lets go and stands Frank up. Parker whips Frank off the ropes and both men clothesline each other to the mat. Referee Bruce Miller starts counting them both down. On the four count, Frank gets to his hands and knees. He then shakes his head and then follows that up by choking the still down Parker. He releases the choke before the referee can reach the five count. Frank then stands Parker up, whips him off the ropes and ducks his head for a backdrop. Parker gives Frank a knee to the face and then a clothesline to the mat. Parker then turns his back to the referee and pulls something from his trunks. He then turns to Frank and gives him a punch to the forehead and Frank drops to the mat like a rock while Parker tosses an object out of the ring to the floor. The camera reveals it was a steel spike. Parker goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Parker wins the match. Ricky Simms - Parker knocked Frank cold with a steel spike. I must say, pretty gutsy move by Parker to wrestle with that in his trunks. Henry Lesher - There are so many remarks to add to that. It's too easy. Ricky Simms - Frank's bloodied and, when he wakes up, he's going to be pissed. Parker had better head for higher ground. Tokyo is about to have a tsunami. Henry Lesher - Oh, he will kill Parker. As Parker leaves the ring and looks at the Xtreme title lying on the floor for a moment before heading up the ramp, we head backstage where Wyatt Gibson is looking over next week's card. Before we have a chance to see anything other than the date and location, Vesuvius enters the room. Vesuvius - You wanted to see me? Wyatt Gibson - Yes I did. See, I want to know why you're here. Vesuvius - To watch wrestling. Wyatt Gibson - I don't buy that. After last week's little announcement that this company has turned Anarchy and left me in the dark about it, I don't trust you being here this week. Vesuvius - You're far too paranoid. Wyatt Gibson - Oh I don't think so. I think you're here to go after Rated R. Now, this is not your company anymore. Any attack on Rated R will results in a suspension. I don't want to see you within a hundred feet of that ring when he fights tonight. Vesuvius - That's fair, I guess. I won't lay a finger on Ryan. He;s safe from me. Vesuvius then whistles and turns and leaves the office while Wyatt scowls. Wyatt Gibson - That was far too easy. Rated R vs. Tommy Purr "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace plays as Rated R comes out onto the stage and he hears the loudest boos and whistles of anyone who has come out so far tonight. He takes a few moments, looks back to see Ashlee Skanes following him, and then makes his way down the ramp with Ashlee on his arm. He then reaches ringside and looks around at the crowd before he pulls himself onto the apron. He steps through the ropes and then looks towards the back while his music fades and then we hear "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives and Tommy Purr makes his way towards the ring. He gets the opposite reaction that Rated R got and tells the camera that he is going to get his title back starting with a win over Rated R tonight. Tommy then makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and then has a few words with Ryan from there. Ricky Simms - These two are, of course, no strangers to one another. Henry Lesher - Well, it's at least another match between two wrestlers I like. This might be a good show, after all. Tommy steps through the ropes into the ring and is greeted with knees to the chest from Rated R before he is even fully into the ring. Rated R then gives him a hip toss to the middle of the ring as referee Casey Braun calls for the bell. Rated R applies an arm bar on Tommy. Tommy quickly reverses that, but Rated R grabs a handful of hair and pulls Tommy down to the mat and applies another arm bar while he ignores the referee's warning about the hair pull. Tommy gets to his feet only to have Rated R again pull him to the mat by the hair. Tommy stands for a third time, and again, Rated R pulls him to the mat by the hair. Rated R then turns the arm bar into a one arm hammer lock. The referee checks for a submission, but Tommy has no intention of giving in to a hold so early in the match. Ricky Simms - As usual, Ryan is the aggressor. Henry Lesher - He is a champion. That's why he is an aggressor like this. Tommy gets to his feet and slowly backs Rated R into the corner. Tommy then leans forward and then slams his head back into the jaw of Rated R, allowing the break of the hold. Tommy Purr then gives Rated R a series of knees to the gut and then gives him a double under hook suplex to the mat. Tommy then gives Rated R a leg drop across the throat and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Rated R. Tommy stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. Tommy then climbs the ropes in the corner and lands a double axe handle smash across the back from the second rope, sending Ryan back down to the mat. Tommy then picks Rated R up and gives him a power slam to the mat and again goes for the pin. 1...2... Ryan rolls a shoulder out. Ricky Simms - I thought Tommy might have had him there. Henry Lesher - Your thoughts are as useless as your commentary. Tommy stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and Rated R ducks a clothesline and then gives Tommy a series of rights and lefts that back him into the ropes. Rated R then eye gouges Tommy and then clotheslines him over the top rope and down to the floor. Rated R then climbs the ropes in the corner and waits for Tommy to face him, then lands a flying body press onto Tommy on the floor. Rated R then stands Tommy up and slams his face into the steel ring steps and then rolls him back into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Rated R then stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him an inverted atomic drop and then gives him a flapjack to the mat before rolling him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr. Ricky Simms - Both men having some difficulty in putting the other away here. Henry Lesher - That happens with two of the best in the business in the ring at once. Rated R stands Tommy up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Rated R smiles. He signals to the crowd that he is ready to end this match. We then hear "Come With Me" by Puff Daddy and see Noah Skanes and Shannon Skanes coming out onto the stage. Shannon is holding up a sign that states "You should have killed me. Now you can't." Rated R looks panicked and stumbles backward and into Tommy. Tommy gives Rated R a knee to the gut, whips him off the ropes and then hits the Tommyknocker on Rated R and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Tommy Purr has won the match. Noah and Shannon then run down the ramp and slide into the ring and start laying a beating on Rated R. We then see Wyatt Gibson on the big screen. Wyatt Gibson - No, this isn't right. The owner should not be costing Rated R a match tonight. You two are members of Anarchy? Next week, Anarchy will reign as we will feature a last man standing match for the AW title between The Moose and Rated R. I'll bar both of you from ringside, if I have to. Ricky Simms - Since when does Wyatt give them orders? Henry Lesher - Wyatt has total control over shows and it's going to his head. In this case, he couldn't be more right. Owners should stick to owning, not feuding with the talent. We're not BLPW. Ricky Simms - No, I agree there. We're live. I'm not saying owners should feud with talent or get the spotlight with talent. I am saying that, in this case, both Noah and Shannon have every reason to attack Ryan. Henry Lesher - Not in this company. Does Ryan have to leave AW for you to appreciate him? Security has entered the ring and is escorting Noah and Shannon out while neither of them seem happy with Wyatt right now. Ryan leaves the ring under his own power while the crowd boos and whistles. We then look backstage and see Phoenix leaving the building when he comes face to face with Frank Merritt. Frank pins him to the wall, hand to his throat. Frank Merritt - I am looking for Parker. If you like your spleen, you'll tell me where he is. Phoenix - I don't know where he is. Frank Merritt - Then you're helping me find him. Phoenix - No, I'm not doing your dirty work for you. Frank Merritt - Do you know who you're dealing with, kid? Phoenix - Do you know who you're dealing with? Phoenix frees himself from Frank's choke and Frank smiles. Frank Merritt - You'll do. See you in the ring next Saturday. I'll bring a mop so they can clean up what's left of you off the mat. Frank laughs as he walks away and Shawna Miller enters the picture. Shawna Miller - Bad move, kid. Phoenix - I'm not scared of him. Shawna Miller - No one is scared of Fred Krueger until they have a nightmare. Next week, you're going to sleep. Phoenix shakes his head and we return to the ring for the main event. The Moose vs. Halloween Jack "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva plays as Halloween Jack comes out to a negative reaction from the Tokyo crowd. He stands on the stage for a moment and holds the AW title high, posing for pictures and really enjoying the moment. He then slowly starts making his way down the ramp towards the ring and, once he has reached the bottom of the ramp, he then makes his way around the ring. He stops to pose for pictures and really milks this entrance, posing with the title belt a few times before he finally hands it to the time keeper and then jumps onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. Ricky Simms - Did he have to milk it like that? Henry Lesher - He has every reason to be proud. We hear "I Feel Alright" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers and The Moose starts making his way towards the ring. Moose gets the loudest ovation of the night and he holds his CWA title aloft and then starts down the ramp towards the ring. He then stops at ringside and tosses his belt to the timekeeper. He then slides into the ring and Jack puts the boots to him as referee Jon Shocker calls for the bell and the match is officially underway. Moose fights to get to his feet and then starts throwing rights and lefts to the face on Jack, then knees him in the gut and gives him a double axe handle across the back, knocking him down to the mat. Moose then picks Jack up and gives him a shoulder breaker and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack. Ricky Simms - Moose is upset about what he saw Jack do to his partner earlier tonight. Henry Lesher - That's clearly obvious to us all, Rick. Is the sky blue, too? Moose stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in for a shoulder block, but Jack gets his knees up and catches Moose in the face and then pulls the feet out from under the CWA champ and pulls him to the middle of the ring, quickly executing a sharp shooter. Jon Shocker checks for a submission, but Moose refuses to give up while Jack leans further back and tries to make the CWA champ tap out. Moose reaches for the ropes while the fans start a chant for him. Moose slaps the mat and pulls himself up and starts crawling on his elbows towards the ropes. He then lunges and manages to grab the bottom rope, despite the best efforts by Halloween Jack. Moose then pulls himself out of the ring to the floor to regroup. Jack drops and rolls out of the ring to the floor. Jack stands Moose up. Moose gives Jack an elbow to the jaw and then a drop toe to the floor. Moose then rolls himself back into the ring. The referee starts counting Jack out while the AW champion slowly gets to his feet. Jack then manages to roll himself back into the ring on the seven count to prevent the count out. Ricky Simms - Jack beats the count, but can he beat The Moose? Henry Lesher - Clearly he can. I mean, he has a title belt that states he can beat anyone. Moose whips Jack off the ropes and misses with a clothesline when Jack ducks it and then Jack gives Moose a knee to the gut and then gives him a power slam to the mat. Jack then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Moose. Jack then stands Moose up, whips him off the ropes and then goes for a clothesline that Moose ducks. Moose then picks Jack up and gives him a body slam to the mat and then lands a knee drop across the throat. Moose then goes to the corner and climbs to the second rope and waits for Jack to get up. He then levels Jack back to the mat with a clothesline from there and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Halloween Jack. Ricky Simms - That was close. Henry Lesher - Enough with close and almost, Rick. Announce it when it's a three count. Moose stands Jack up as we see Vigilante making his way down the ramp with a two by four in his hand. Moose whips Jack into the corner and Jack side steps a shoulder block by Moose, but then he spots Vigilante. Jack points at Vigilante and tells the referee to get Vigilante out of here. Moose then knee Jack in the spine, picks him up and delivers a Moosedriver to the mat while the crowd goes wild and Vigilante is seen spinning the two by four in his hands, a smile on his face. Moose goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Ricky Simms - Moose gets the win. Henry Lesher - Thanks to his tag team partner. Moose is a coward, fight him one on one. Ricky Simms - Jack wasn't a coward bashing Vig in the back of the head? Henry Lesher - That was self-defense. Ricky Simms - Wow, that's quite the story, Doc. Well, fans, that wraps up another edition of Insurgence. Tune in again next week when the show will be headlined by Moose taking on Rated R in a last man standing match for the CWA title. We fade out with Vigilante and Moose shaking hands on the flor and a frustrated Jack trying to explain to the referee that Moose was holding the tights, but Jon Shocker won't buy it. |