September 23rd, 2006 - Minneapolis, MN The scene cuts to the rear of the arena where a
black Dodge Durango pulls to a stop; complete with windows tinted so
dark you can’t tell who is within and black brush guards in place of
the front bumper, giving the vehicle an “urban assault vehicle” type
look. The engine cuts after idling for a moment and the drivers side
door opens and out steps Frank Merritt in a pair of black slacks,
boots, a black suit coat, and his t-shirt reading “You’re My Bitch!”
under the coat. He rounds the front of the Durango and opens the
passenger door so that the camera doesn’t immediately reveal the
passenger. Vigilante vs. Vesuvius vs. Halloween Jack "Mine Teil" by Rammstein plays and Vesuvius starts towards the ring, the crowd giving him a decent ovation as he is led down the ramp by Xandra. She then steps up onto the apron and then holds the ropes open for Vesuvius. Once he steps through the ropes, she jumps down off the apron and then Vesuvius looks up the ramp towards the stage. His music fades and we hear "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva and Halloween Jack comes out running. He races down the ramp, slides into the ring and starts brawling with Vesuvius in the middle of the ring. Vesuvius quickly hip tosses Jack right over the top rope and out to the floor. We then see Vigilante rushing out from the back to get into the fight. Vigilante starts brawling at ringside with Vesuvius, exchanging knife edge chops with the mountain man. Referee Bruce Miller calls for the bell as this match gets started. Ricky Simms - We are starting tonight with a major triple threat match involving three men who are not strangers to one another. Henry Lesher - This had better be worth my attention. Vigilante slams Vesuvius' head into the steel guard railing and then ducks a clothesline from Jack and gives him a drop toe to the floor where he then applies a modified STF and goes for the early submission. Before the referee even has a chance to ask if he submits, Vesuvius breaks it up with a leg drop across the back of Vigilante's neck. Vesuvius then head locks Vigilante and gives him a bulldog to the floor. Vesuvius follows that up by standing Vigilante up and rolling him into the ring. Vesuvius pulls himself onto the apron, but then Jack places him on his shoulders and gives him an electric chair to the floor while the crowd cheers. Ricky Simms - That will cause internal injuries. Henry Lesher - Those are the best kind. Jack gets to his feet and pulls himself into the ring and places Vigilante in a sleeper hold. The referee checks on Vigilante. Vigilante answers with a series of elbows to the gut on Jack and then gives him a snap mare to the mat before giving him a chop to the throat. Vigilante then stands Jack up and sets him for the Catch 22, but Jack gives Vigilante a series of elbows to the ribs. Jack then gives Vigilante a knee to the gut followed by a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Jack goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Vigilante as Vesuvius rolls himself into the ring. Vesuvius quickly gets to his feet and starts exchanging rights and lefts with Halloween Jack, then gives him a knee below the belt followed by a vicious clothesline to the mat. Vesuvius then boot chokes Jack with the aid of the ropes. Vesuvius then stands Jack up and whips him off the ropes, then gives him a knee to the gut and follows that with a power bomb on Jack, then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack. Ricky Simms - I really thought he had him there. Henry Lesher - See, and you said you were intelligent. Vesuvius stands Jack up, whips him into the corner buckle and charges in for a shoulder block, but Jack steps out of the way and smiles. That smile fades when Vigilante clotheslines Jack over the top rope and out to the floor. Vigilante then sets Vesuvius up for and delivers a vertical suplex on Vesuvius. Vigilante then goes to the ropes and climbs to the second rope, then gives Vesuvius a double axe handle smash across the back from there and then Vigilante rolls Vesuvius out to the floor. Vigilante starts pulling items off the broadcast table. Ricky Simms - How did I know this was coming here? Henry Lesher - You're not that intelligent, Rick. Vigilante pulls Vesuvius onto the announce table, but Halloween Jack then grabs Vigilante around the waist and gives him a German suplex to the floor. Jack then stands Vigilante up and whips him shoulder first into the steel corner post. Jack then turns and takes a clothesline from Vesuvius who just took himself off the announce table. Vesuvius then rolls Jack onto the announce table and then climbs onto it himself. Vesuvius then grabs Jack around the throat, picks him up and gives him a choke slam through the table. Vesuvius then takes a knee to the back from Vigilante who then gives Vesuvius a DDT to the floor and goes for the pin on Vesuvius. 1...2...3! Vigilante gets the win in this brutal match. Ricky Simms - That's destroyed our table, but it was a great match. Henry Lesher - Oh it was amazing to watch Vesuvius get pinned by Vigilante. The one guy I didn't want to see win this wins it. The rest of tonight's matches had better make up for this. Backstage we see Crystal Braun with Myst. Crystal Braun - Myst, tonight your husband puts it all on the line against Rated R. Myst - Yeah and I look forward to Ryan being taught a lesson tonight. Crystal Braun - Well, the whole way along, Ryan has seemed to be a step ahead of your family with these kinds of things. What changes that tonight? Myst - Crystal, I will not have Ryan using my family members to get to me. That ends tonight. Crystal Braun - I don't see how your husband could defeat Ryan, though. Myst - *smiles* No one does and that's the beauty of it. When he wins, it will be the biggest win of his career and signal the end of the main eventer Ryan Yorke. He's going back to the depths where he belongs. Trey Walker vs. Bombshell "I Am the Body Beautiful" by Salt N Pepa plays as Bombshell comes out onto the stage with 6Pac at her side. The crowd cheers as they make their way down the ramp to ringside where they share a kiss and then Bombshell rolls herself into the ring. Bombshell then tests the ropes while her music fades and then we hear "Remember the Name" by Fort Minor and Trey Walker comes out to the cheers of the crowd. He slowly makes his way down the ramp towards the ring while 6Pac mocks his blindness from ringside. Trey then makes his way around the ring and high fives a few fans before he turns to the ring and then pulls himself under the ropes into the ring where Bombshell greets him by putting the boots to him while referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - I really don't see why he is still allowed to wrestle. He can't see. Henry Lesher - He sees shapes. That puts him ahead of half of the referees in this company. Bombshell stands Trey up, whips him off the ropes and backdrops him to the mat. Bombshell then gives Trey a leg drop across the throat. Bombshell follows that up by heading to the ropes and making her way to the top. She leaps off and misses with a falling head butt as Trey moves out of the way. Trey then gets to his feet, turns and grabs Bombshell by the hair, pulls her to her feet and whips her off the ropes. Trey then gives Bombshell a shoulder block to the mat and then a knee drop to the chest before he goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bombshell. Ricky Simms - I think he's really been doing well considering his lack of vision. That was a decent string of moves. Henry Lesher - Yeah, feed him to Frank again and see what happens to him. Trey stands Bombshell up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges into the corner, but she greets him with a clothesline and then she lands a lion sault onto Trey before she hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Trey and Bombshell has a few unkind words for the referee. Bombshell then stands Trey up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a spinning heel kick that catches him in the chest and then she gives him a flapjack to the mat before she again goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Trey Walker. Bombshell again looks at the referee and then stands Trey up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Bombshell then takes a few steps back, waits till Walker is on his feet and then dives through the ropes and gives him a body press that sends him back down to the floor. Bombshell then stands Trey up and slams his head into the ring apron five times before she rolls him back into the ring. She then winks at 6Pac before she rolls herself back into the ring. Ricky Simms - I really don't understand it. She left Gerard for 6Pac and why? Henry Lesher - When was the last time Gerard was on TV, three weeks ago? When was his last big win, three months ago? Do the math, Rick. Bombshell goes for the pin on Trey. 1...2... kick out, despite the punishment he took on the floor. Bombshell considers hitting Francis Clarke, but she holds back. She then stands Trey up, whips him off the ropes and then ducks her head for the backdrop. Trey stops himself against the ropes. Bombshell straightens up and Trey clotheslines her to the mat. Trey then grabs her by the hair, stands her up and then picks her up and delivers the DVD despite his vision issues and then he goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Trey Walker wins the match! Ricky Simms - Well, Bombshell just lost to a blind man. Henry Lesher - Fast count by the equally blind referee. Trey rolls himself out of the ring and takes a clothesline to the floor from 6Pac. 6Pac then rolls himself into the ring to check on Bombshell while we head backstage and see Ray Dees with Vigilante. Ray Dees - Vigilante, big win for you tonight. Vigilante - Ray, I will be champ next week. Mark my words. This is just the beginning for the renewal of Vigilante the wrestling legend. Ray Dees - But we don't know who will face off for which title yet. Vigilante - Ray, there is no chance this company will miss out on satisfying the Vigizombies. Next week, mark it down. Vigilante then exits the shot and we head back to the ring. Rated R vs. Shannon Skanes "Deep" by Nine Inch Nails plays as Shannon Skanes comes out onto the stage and the crowd cheers him on. He allows a smile and waves to the crowd and then starts down the ramp as fireworks go off from each side of the stage. Henry Lesher - Nice send off as he retires tonight. Ricky Simms - Kinda putting the cart before the horse there, Doc. Shannon makes his way around the ring, giving the fans hand shakes and high fives. He then pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. He leans back against the ropes in the corner as his music fades and we hear the opening chords of "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R steps out onto the stage to the opposite reaction that Shannon got. He also waves to the crowd as Ashlee Skanes comes out onto the stage behind him and then they start making their way down the ramp. Rated R offers to shake hands with a couple of fans at ringside, but then steps back and says he wouldn't touch any of them on a bet. He then makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron and has a few words for Shannon, who gives no response at all. Rated R then steps through the ropes into the ring and a smile slowly crosses Shannon's face. Ricky Simms - I have seen that smile before. Henry Lesher - Was that right after you did what you had to in order to get your job back? Referee Bruce Miller calls for the bell and Rated R stands in the corner opposite of Shannon. He calls out Shannon and motions him over, but Shannon shakes his head and says a few words to referee Bruce Miller. The two of them then take a step towards Rated R. Ryan shakes his head and scowls. He then demands another referee. Shannon shrugs and motions to the back and referee Jon Shocker starts making his way towards the ring. He slides into the ring and gets between Ryan and the advancing Shannon and Bruce. Ricky Simms - Bruce was Shannon's tag partner for years. This was a set up! Henry Lesher - Ryan never falls for anything like this. It just doesn't happen. Jon Shocker takes a step towards Shannon and Bruce, then turns and clotheslines Rated R to the mat. Rated R quickly rolls himself out of the ring and stands on the floor next to Ashlee Skanes. Shannon then gets a microphone tossed into the ring to him. Shannon Skanes - You're not retiring me, you piece of shit. No, see, Ryan this is how it is going to go down. Next week, Wars of the World, you will face the challenge of your career. In the war for the CWA title, you will face myself, The Moose and Nameless. Now, while that alone makes it main event material, I can't leave out the big announcement for next week's Wars of the World. This CWA title match will be a hell in a cell! Oh yes, and the AW title will feature four wrestlers in a TLC match and the Xtreme title will be on the line in a Bring Your Own Weapons match. Ryan, I don't want the CWA title. I am only going into this match to prevent you from becoming the CWA champ. If you somehow manage to win this match, I'll be the first to shake your hand. If you lose, you never have anything to do with Ashlee again. He then tosses the microphone out of the ring to Ryan. Ryan looks shocked, but takes a deep breath and then manages a smile. Rated R - So, here I figured I was getting to end your career and now you're handing me the CWA title on a silver platter? I not only accept, but I am ready to up the ante. See, I want to end you. When I win the CWA title, you not only shake my hand. You will retire as well. You accept that and you have yourself a match. Ryan tosses the microphone back to Shannon. Shannon Skanes - You know what, Ryan? You're an ass. You have yourself a deal. Shannon then runs and leaps through the ropes and ends up brawling on the floor with Ryan Yorke while the crowd cheers the violence. Ricky Simms - Wow, what an event next week will be! Henry Lesher - I must admit I would actually watch all three of those matches. Do we know if they will all involve four wrestlers? Ricky Simms - I have heard rumblings that is the plan, but I don't know yet. As the brawl continues and security tries to break it up, we look backstage and see the New Age Dogg Pound with Crystal Braun. Crystal Braun - I understand you guys want to throw out a challenge. Rex Cooper - Crystal, we have the tag team titles and we are itching to defend them. Next week at Wars of the World, it's an open challenge for these straps. Dex Cooper - We just want anyone considering accepting this challenge to consider something important. We aren't going to roll over for anyone and we are known for injuring people. Rex Cooper - Wars of the World, the event we will rule and walk out with the same titles we walk in with. They exit the shot and we head back to the ring. Parker Davis vs. Tommy Purr "Your Mother's Got a Penis" by Goldie Lookin' Chain plays as Parker Davis comes out to resounding boos from the crowd. He pays them no mind as Rampart walks behind him down the ramp. Rampart glares at a few of the more vocal fans, but says nothing to them as Parker reaches ringside and then pulls himself onto the apron. Parker steps through the ropes into the ring and then tests the ropes while his music fades. We then hear "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives and Tommy Purr steps out onto the stage where the crowd gives him a warm reception. He holds the AW title belt high and then makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. Ricky Simms - I must admit it catches me off guard that Tommy still has that title. He has fended off Gerry and Ryan to keep that belt and next week he will take on three contenders at once to try and retain that belt. Henry Lesher - I always had faith in Tommy. The man is one handsome genius. Tommy hands his title belt off to the time keeper and then rolls himself into the ring where Parker greets him with a kick to the face, then stands Tommy up and whips him into the corner buckle. Parker then gives Tommy a backdrop to the mat and then a knee drop to the forehead before hooking the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy. Parker then stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a dropkick to the chest. Parker then does a kip up and showboats a little, only to take a clothesline from Tommy who isn't as hurt as he let on by that early attack. Tommy then gives Parker a leg drop across the throat and goes for the pin. 1...2... Parker kicks out. Tommy then stands Parker up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat and then another leg drop across the throat before going for the pin again. 1...2... Parker kicks out and then rolls himself out of the ring to regroup and tries to call a timeout. Ricky Simms - Tommy showing a lot of fight this week against Parker. Henry Lesher - Well, these two know each other well. It should be a great match if you keep your mouth shut. Tommy drops and rolls himself out of the ring and starts trading rights and left with Parker. Parker then thumbs Tommy in the eye and then slams his face into the ring apron before rolling him back into the ring and then rolls himself in as well. He eye gouges Tommy, then pulls him to his feet and gives him a vertical suplex to the mat. Parker then stands Tommy up and delivers a snap suplex to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Tommy Purr and Parker slaps the mat and has a few words for referee Jon Shocker. Parker then stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then gives him a bulldog from there. Parker then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top, the crowd starting a chant for Tommy Purr. Tommy gets to his feet, turns and Parker leaps off the top rope. Tommy catches Parker in mid air and then gives him a power slam to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Parker Davis. Ricky Simms - Great action with near falls here between Parker and Tommy. Henry Lesher - They are two of my favorites, so kindly shut up. Tommy stands Parker up and sets for the Tommyknocker, but Parker gives Tommy another thumb to the eye. Parker then picks Tommy up and then drops him on the top rope, his throat caught on the rope and snapping his head back before he falls back to the mat choking. Parker then boot chokes Tommy while the referee warns Parker he is close to being disqualified. Parker releases the boot choke, whipe Tommy off the ropes and then ducks his head for a backdrop. Tommy instead grabs Parker around the neck and then gives him a swinging neck breaker to the mat and then rolls him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Parker Davis. We then see Vigilante making his way onto the stage and then down the ramp, which brings the fans out of their seats. Ricky Simms - Earlier tonight, Vigilante said he would get a title shot next week. He also, of course, has history with Parker, so we'll see why he's out here in a moment or two. Henry Lesher - Vigilante is washed up, tonight's result being beside the point. Ricky Simms - You sure can ignore things when they don't give credibility to your claims. Vigilante takes his spot at ringside and Parker spots him. Parker has a few words for Vigilante, then spits on him. Parker then stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then Tommy ducks a clothesline before giving Parker a knee to the gut and then a gut wrench suplex while Vigilante gives golf claps from ringside. Tommy then stands Parker up, whips him off the ropes and Parker ducks the clothesline this time before giving Tommy a hip toss right onto Vigilante at ringside. Parker then rolls himself out of the ring and grabs a chair. Referee Jon Shocker has a few words for Parker while Rampart gives a chair shot first to Vigilante and then to Tommy Purr who he then rolls back into the ring. Parker then tosses his chair aside and rolls himself into the ring where he goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Parker gets a Rampart aided victory. Ricky Simms - That was slimy. Henry Lesher - That was genius. Parker rolls himself out of the ring while Wyatt Gibson's face appears on the screen. Wyatt Gibson - Well, Parker, you won. Congratulations on that. You see, we were thinking about who to throw into the AW title match this week. It turns out you belong there. So does Vigilante and so does Tommy Purr, of course, as the defending champion. Of course, this match is made up of people who hate losing and don't take it well at all. As you used a chair and so did your counterpart there, your match will be a tables, ladders and chairs match for the title and there will be four men in this match as well. The fourth man is behind you. Parker turns and takes a chair shot from Halloween Jack who then gives one to Rampart as well. Jack throws the chair down and then makes his way around the ring to Vigilante and starts landing punches to the forehead on him while a mixture of security forces and EMTs rush to ringside to deal with the carnage here. Ricky Simms - That's one intense match where everyone has a reason for feeling they were ripped off before in their quest to become champ and Tommy himself will feel screwed over by Parker this week. It should be pretty intense. Henry Lesher - No argument there as Vigilante is signed to a match that exposes what a has been he really is! The ladders, the chair and the tables.... it will be almost orgasmic. Ricky Simms - I feel dirty now. Backstage we see Wyatt Gibson in his office looking over the card for next week when 6Pac bursts in the door. Wyatt Gibson - Don't knock or anything. 6Pac Dudley - You have eight men named to challenge for two major belts and you never mentioned me? Wyatt Gibson - See, the CWA title match was all Shannon's call. I guess he didn't think much of you being in it. Talk to him. 6Pac Dudley - So, then I ask you why Parker deserves the AW title shot? Wyatt Gibson - *sighs* See, there is an art to booking this stuff. It is by who really wants to kill who and, right now, only Gerard Angelo seems to want to kill you and he's missing in action as we speak. 6Pac Dudley - Then get me into the Xtreme title match. Wyatt Gibson - I don't know if I can do that. You might need to convince me. Frank fights Hoshi in the main event tonight for that very title. Prove you want the title and you'll be in that match, 6Pac Dudley - I'll show the AW fans that 6Pac Dudley is the king of Xtreme. Wyatt Gibson - Interesting idea. Let's see if you are man enough for the job. 6Pac rushes out of the office and we head back to the ring. The Nameless vs. The Moose "Biledriver" by GWAR plays as The Nameless makes his way out onto the stage and the crowd gives him the usual negative reaction that he has come to expect. He stands there for a few moments, looking down at the steel stage and then he starts down the ramp towards the ring. He stops at ringside and looks up at the lights before he pulls himself onto the apron. Ricky Simms - The hell in the cell next week will be brutal. Moose will defend his title against that monster after facing him this week and we have to throw in Rated R and Shannon Skanes as well. Henry Lesher - This might be my favorite pay per view yet. Nameless pulls himself over the top rope into the ring and then stands right in the center of the ring looking towards the stage while his music fades out. We then hear "I Feel Alright" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers and The Moose comes out onto the stage with the CWA title over his shoulder. He gets the loudest ovation we have heard so far tonight. Moose stands there for a few moments and looks down into the ring at Nameless. He then slowly makes his way down the ramp and holds the title out in front of him and tells the camera that no one is taking this way from him. Moose then hands the title off to the time keeper and then steps up onto the apron where Nameless greets him with a clothesline back to the floor. Nameless then steps over the top rope onto the apron and then jumps down, giving Moose a double axe handle smash across the back. Nameless then stands Moose up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring as well. Referee Bruce Miller calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - Nameless came here to fight tonight. Henry Lesher - That's different from other nights how? Nameless stands Moose up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a spine buster to the mat. Nameless tries for the early pin. 1...2... kick out by The Moose. Nameless then stands Moose up, whips him into the corner and then gives him a series of knife edge chops in the corner. He then grabs Moose around the throat and appears set to deliver a choke slam, but Moose knees Nameless in the ribs and then gives him a snap suplex to the mat and then Moose stands him up and gives him another snap suplex and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Moose then stands Nameless up and whips him into the corner buckle shoulder first and then gives him a German suplex to the mat from there, then stands him up and gives him a second German suplex to the mat and holds his shoulders down for the pin. 1...2... Nameless powers out of the pin. Moose then stands Nameless up and takes an eye gouge from Nameless who then rakes the eyes of the CWA champ along the top rope. Nameless then picks Moose up and throws him right over the top rope and down to the floor while the crowd starts a chant for Moose. Ricky Simms - It doesn't take long for people to see why Nameless was a champion twice in AW. Henry Lesher - Nameless is a real monster, the grim reaper of this company. Where's Pyro to back his claim of being the AW monster now? He hasn't been seen since Nameless accepted his challenge. Ricky Simms - That's a valid point. Nameless drops and rolls himself out of the ring to the floor. He then grabs Moose by the hair, stands him up and gives him a head butt that sends him staggering backwards. Nameless then gives Moose a knife edge chop to the throat and then gives him a side Russian leg sweep to the floor. Nameless then stands over Moose and pauses for a moment before standing him up and rolling him into the ring, rolling himself in with just enough time to beat the count. Nameless then chokes Moose while the referee counts towards a five count and disqualification. Nameless releases on four and then pulls Moose to his feet and then whips him into the corner buckle. Nameless then charges at Moose, but Moose raises his knees and catches Nameless in the jaw before he then gives Nameless a clothesline to the mat. Ricky Simms - The champ with a comeback here. Henry Lesher - Nameless just wants him to feel he is doing well. Moose stands Nameless up and rakes his eyes along the top rope. Moose then gives Nameless an arm drag to the mat and then applies an abdominal stretch on the former AW and CWA champ. The referee checks for a submission, but Nameless maintains his silence. Bruce then backs away as Moose tries to break the grim reaper in half. Nameless shows signs of powering out of the hold. Thinking quickly, Moose releases the hold and then gives Nameless a DDT to the mat and then rolls him over for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Moose shakes his head as he stands Nameless up. Nameless gives Moose a series of punches to the gut and then whips him into the corner buckle. Nameless charges into a chin kick from Moose. Moose then gives Nameless another super kick that takes the big man down to the mat. Moose then signals to the crowd that he is ready to end this and stands Nameless up while we see Rated R charging into the ring from the crowd. He chop blocks Moose to the mat and then grabs him by the hair and slams the back of his head into the mat while the referee is forced to call for the bell. Ricky Simms - Nameless is being disqualified for Rated R's actions? That hardly seems fair. Henry Lesher - Fair? This is wrestling. It's all fair. Nameless then puts the boots to Moose while Rated R stands and smiles and the crowd starts littering the ring with garbage. Rated R shrugs and starts the double team on Moose, both of them putting the boots to him. Bruce Miller signals towards the back and then we see Shannon Skanes rushing towards the ring while carrying a table under his arm. Shannon slides the table into the ring where Bruce then helps him set it up. Rated R then turns and takes a 3D through the table from Shannon Skanes and Bruce Miller. They then give Nameless a double dropkick that sends him over the top rope and out to the floor. Ricky Simms - Shannon takes out Rated R and Nameless! Henry Lesher - No he didn't. He used the same underhanded attack that Rated R did. He was just too slow to think of it first. We then see Wyatt Gibson on the big screen while Shannon and Bruce help Moose up to his feet. Wyatt Gibson - No, no, no, this isn't right. Bruce, don't go Blake and Joe on us here. We all know what a great tag team you two were fifty years ago or whenever it was. You're not making a mess of the main event next week, so I am naming the guest referee for this match. The hell in the cell match with Shannon, Ryan, Moose and Nameless will be called by none other than Leech himself. Leech rolls himself into the ring and hip tosses Bruce Miller over the top rope and out to the floor and then ducks a clothesline from Shannon and gives him a low blow and then he drops him with the Blood Drain. Leech then gets to his feet and stands face to face with The Moose. Ricky Simms - Leech is again called into action and again will call a match Moose is involved in, a hell in a cell match that should really live up to its name! Henry Lesher - Leech? Moose? Rated R? All in one match? Pinch me. I think it must be a dream, a wonderful dream. Ricky Simms - Oh, give it a rest. Backstage we see Corina with interviewer Lyssa Dorn. Lyssa Dorn - You had zero opposition to winning the Playboy title this week. What is going to happen with that title now? Corina - From what I have been told, since Xandra won the first and I was unchallenged in the second, they shelved the idea. Lyssa Dorn - So there won't be a Playboy edition featuring the girls of this company? Corina - The plan now is simple. Xandra and myself will square off next month at Dead By Dawn and the winner gets on the cover. Lyssa Dorn - Sounds like a good one. Back to the ring. Hoshi Yakamoto vs. Frank Merritt "Seizure of Power" by Marilyn Manson plays as Frank Merritt starts for the ring with Des at his side. The crowd boos him and he shakes his head, having a few words with one fan in the front row before he pulls himself onto the apron. He then steps through the ropes into the ring and then he paces inside the ring, mumbling under his breath. His music fades and we hear "Surfing With the Alien" by Joe Satriani and Hoshi Yakamoto emerges onto the stage, the crowd cheering her on. She starts down the ramp and looks back at Bart who urges her on. Hoshi hands her Xtreme title belt to the time keeper and then starts onto the apron, only to have Frank knee her in the ribs and then pick her up by the hair and throw her down to the floor while referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - Frank wasting no time here with this match. Henry Lesher - Well, the fact Hoshi is in the main event makes me want to throw her down to the floor by her hair, too. Frank rolls himself out of the ring and takes a chair shot from Bart Phillips, which is all fair in a hardcore rules match such as this. Bart then gives Frank a clothesline to the floor and Hoshi goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Frank Merritt. Hoshi then slowly gets to her feet, then knee Frank in the chest and then she reaches under the ring, looking desperately for a weapon that will give her the win before this monster has a chance to get back up. She pulls out a kendo stick and then slaps Frank across the back with it five times while the fans count them off. Hoshi then rolls Frank over for another pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Frank again. Ricky Simms - Hoshi wanted this match over there. She's like a fish out of water. Henry Lesher - She does look a lot like a guppy. Hoshi reluctantly pulls Frank to his feet and then whips him shoulder first into the ring steps. Bart Phillips then crowns Frank with the chair again, in his desire to protect his wife. We then see 6Pac Dudley rushing down the ramp with a baseball bat in hand. The crowd cheers as he rounds the ring and then gives Bart a shot across the back with the baseball bat and then chokes him with it. 6Pac releases the choke and sends Bart shoulder first into the steel corner post, then turns and takes a super kick from Hoshi that knocks him backwards, 6Pac stumbling and falling over the railing and into the front row of the crowd. Ricky Simms - This is chaos. Henry Lesher - This is fantastic. Lesher's enthusiasm is because Frank is half way to his feet and then pulls the feet out from under Hoshi. Frank then picks Hoshi up and tosses her onto the fallen 6Pac in the crowd. Frank then pulls 6Pac over the railing first and takes a jawbreaker from 6Pac. 6Pac then puts the boots to Frank and then turns to the camera and says this shoulder have been his title shot tonight. Hoshi is on her feet now and ducks a clothesline from 6Pac and then gives him a clothesline before she leaps over the guard railing and then rolls herself into the ring. Frank pulls himself to his feet and then rolls himself into the ring. Hoshi greets him with a somersault leg drop across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Frank kicks out. Hoshi then stands Frank up, goes for the whip into the corner and Frank reverses it, sending her into the corner instead. Frank then gives Hoshi a clothesline to the back of the neck, sending her face first to the mat while Bart Phillips rolls himself into the ring, bloodied and dazed. Ricky Simms - Heroic effort by Bart here as he tries to protect his wife. Henry Lesher - That's two mistakes rolled into one, marrying her and trying to stop Frank from killing her. Frank Merritt smiles and picks Bart up and then drops him to the mat with the Blunt Trauma while the crowd cheers the move more than the man who delivered it. Merrit then turns to Hoshi and sees her rolling herself out of the ring to the floor. Merritt follows her out and takes a chair shot from 6Pac as a result. Frank then blocks a second chair shot and low blows 6Pac Dudley. Hoshi then gives Frank a super kick to the jaw that sends him backward and then she charges at Frank. He then picks her up and delivers a Blunt Trauma on the floor! Frank goes for the pin on Hoshi. 1...2...3! Frank wins the Xtreme title, but for how long? Ricky Simms - Frank takes the first fall in this war. Part two will be next week when Hoshi, 6Pac and Frank go at it for the title. Henry Lesher - Child's play for Merritt who finally has a title in this company! It only took three years. Ricky Simms - It's an amazing run. I guess he never really went after a title until now and here he is, the Xtreme champion. I just wonder who the fourth might be since the other Wars have four people in them. "Remember the Name" by Fort Minor plays and Trey Walker emerges on the stage, a microphone in hand. Trey Walker - Frank, next week you get to fight in a Bring Your Own Weapons match against 6Pac, Hoshi and.... me! I'll get even with you for what you did to me! This war has just started! He throws the microphone down and Frank starts making a run at Trey, but he takes a chop block from 6Pac who then starts choking the new Xtreme champion with the belt. We then see pyros erupts from the corner post and we hear a voice over the PA. Voice - Next week will mark the coming of a new age, the dawning of the age of Phoenix! Ricky Simms - What the hell? Henry Lesher - New Blood? Ricky Simms - I sure as hell hope not. Next week, fans, the violence will be turned up a notch and we will discover the identity of Phoenix as well as see who wins the battles for all of the AW titles. It should be an amazing night. Henry Lesher - It doesn't look like it will suck, which is quite a statement for this company. We fade out as the bloody brawl at ringside continues, new Xtreme champion Frank Merritt not really having a moment to enjoy his title victory. |