September 9th, 2006 - Boston Massachusetts The crowd is filing in to the Fleet Center and there is a decent buzz among the fans. After last week's Outrage, the AW faithful are looking forward to what AW has in store for them tonight. Tommy Time
The beginning of the show opens up with the
ring set up with black and pink streamers, a buffet table, and a
large ice sculpture in the middle of the ring. "Walk Idiot Walk" by
The Hives begins to play as Tommy Purr makes his way out to the ring
to a huge ovation from the crowd. Mrs. Robinson follows Tommy,
carrying the Anarchy Title for him ... Tommy is then trailed by all
of his friends ... Sarah Darling, Craven Broderick, The Masked
Jobber, Precious Fairchild, Damien Shaw, etc. Black and pink
confetti falls from the rafters as well as balloons. Tommy steps
into the ring with his crew ... the music fades as Tommy brings a
mic to his mouth.-
The cameras cut
to the back and show Psycho Soldier preparing for his match when
Destiny steps into the scene. She approaches Psycho who has ceased
readying himself and is taking in the site of the leggy blonde
standing next to him. She gives him a smile and he answers back with
one of his own before being blasted across the back of his head with
a steel chair. Frank steps into view with the chair now raised above
his head before bringing it crashing down again over the back of
Psycho’s head, who is on his knees, which puts him completely down
on the locker room floor. Parker's Panto
"Your Mother's
Got A Penis" by Goldie Lookin' Chain thrashes through the speakers. Ricky Simms - Anyone who would throw their own mother under a bus to get ahead is one of your heroes. We look backstage and see Wyatt Gibson at his desk when Shannon Skanes enters his office. Wyatt Gibson - May I help you? Shannon Skanes - You know, there was this funny thing that happened last week. Some guy who looks like you was telling me what to do and trying to overrule my decision. Wyatt Gibson - It's not just your lovely daughter who has seen the way things really are around here. Shannon Skanes - Wyatt, if you think for one minute that I am going to roll over and just take this, you're really fooling yourself. Wyatt Gibson - Look, you have a full plate tonight. I know that. I'm sure you have people to screw over all the way down the roster. Shannon Skanes - Take a step back and really think this over, Wyatt. People who question me don't work here anymore. Wyatt Gibson - That was when you were the boss. Now, you're just a wrestler. Your son's the boss now and he hasn't said a word to me about any of this. Maybe you should be talking to him. Shannon Skanes - No, I'll be back to talk to you again. I'll have a contract in my hand, too. Trey Walker vs. Xandra
As Closer by
nine inch nails plays we see Xandra come walking out to the entrance
ramp with her hands raised up and flipping the bird to the booing
crowd. She has on a black and red leather top and black leather
pants. As she walks down to the ring she continues to flip the bird
until she enters the ring laughing at the fans as they continue to
boo. Backstage we see Shannon heading for Noah's office when he is headed off by Rated R. Shannon Skanes - Evening, champ.... oh right, you lost that match. Rated R - Dead man walking, Shannon. I see a dead man walking every time I see your face. Your family only has one useful member and you're not it. Shannon Skanes - You're pathetic, Ryan. I remember when you were better than all of this. Now, it's the only way for you to stay in the spotlight. Rated R - Three year contract, Shannon. I'm not the only one who believes I deserve the spotlight. That's three more years for me to destroy anything that you hold dear. Shannon Skanes - Maybe we should settle this inside the ring like men. Rated R - I'll decide on that. I call the shots. My first piece of business is Purr and my title. Once I have that dealt with, I'm going to tear you apart. Shannon Skanes - *smiles* I'm...... sorry. Rated R screams and then spears Shannon into the wall and then gives him a spine buster to the floor while security rushes in to break things up, pulling Rated R off of Shannon.
We then see Gerry
running down the hall passing this fight without a second glance. Vigilante vs. Parker Davis "Walk Over You" by AC/DC plays and the crowd erupts when Vigilante steps out onto the stage with a smile on his face. He winks towards the camera and then starts down the ramp towards the ring. He makes his way around the ring and high fives fans in the front row before he then rolls himself into the ring. He signals to Kosmic Kitty that he wants the microphone and she tosses it to him. The crowd starts a chant for Vigilante.
WOOOOOOOO!!! ... Oh wait, I'm not a 70 year old wrestler. Vigilante's rant is interrupted when Parker Davis slides into the ring and chop blocks Vigilante to the mat. Parker then rains down punches to the face on Vigilante while referee Jon Shocker calls for the bell and the match is officially underway. Parker chokes Vigilante with a forearm across the throat while the referee is warning Parker about a possible disqualification. Parker releases the choke, stands Vigilante up and whips him across the ring into the corner buckle. Parker then charges in for a shoulder block, but Vigilante manages to step aside and Parker's shoulder hits the cold steel. Vigilante then gives Parker a German suplex to the middle of the ring and then Vigilante gets to his feet quickly and starts putting the boots to Parker while the crowd cheers him on. Ricky Simms - Great action going on in this one. Henry Lesher - I just want to see Parker injure someone. Vigilante stands Parker up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a backdrop to the mat. Vigilante then goes to the nearby ropes and climbs to the second rope before leaping off and landing a leg drop across the throat on Parker. Vigilante then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Parker Davis. Vigilante then stands Parker up and whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. Vigilante then climbs the ropes in the nearest corner to Parker and waits for Parker to stand. Vigilante leaps off the top rope and gives Parker a clothesline to the floor while the crowd continues to cheer him on. Vigilante stands over Parker and smiles. He then stands Parker up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Ricky Simms - Vigilante was never a modest man. Henry Lesher - Well, he was usually teamed with Leech or some other star that made him look better than he actually is. Vigilante stands Parker up inside the ring, whips him into the nearest corner and then charges into raised knees from Parker. Parker then gives Vigilante a clothesline to the mat and then a knee drop to the forehead. Parker then gives Vigilante a leg drop across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Vigilante. Parker stands Vigilante up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick back to the mat. Parker then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He leaps off for a flying elbow smash, but Vigilante rolls out of the way and Parker hits the mat instead. Ricky Simms - Parker wasted too much time there. Henry Lesher - Big deal, it's just Vigilante. The guy is a has been. Parker rolls himself out of the ring and Vigilante does the same shortly after. The two get to their feet and start trading rights and lefts. Parker takes a head butt from Vigilante. Parker then gives Vigilante a low blow and then another which causes referee Jon Shocker to call for the bell and the crowd boos. Parker pulls a chair from under the ring and smiles. He drills Vigilante in the ribs with the chair and rears back to hit him again, but Moose charges in and makes the save, chasing Parker off. Ricky Simms - Parker lost by DQ, but he hurt Vigilante there. Henry Lesher - Sometimes the win of the battle is less important than winning ground in the war. Ricky Simms - Vigilante will kill Parker.
Moose checks on
Vigilante while we go backstage. Nameless is shown walking through
the halls as he makes his way towards the entrance staging area for
his match when Frank exits a door and bumps into the masked
behemoth. Frank stares up at Nameless and neither men move before
Destiny drags Frank away.
Gerry goes storming through the hallway and
bangs on Wyatt's office door. Bombshell answers seductively,
straightening her hair. She leans against the doorway. The Nameless vs. Hoshi Yakamoto "Surfing With the Alien" by Joe Satriani plays as Hoshi Yakamoto comes out to the cheers of the crowd. She seems a little worried as she reaches ringside with Bart Phillips at her side. She has a few words with him and then she slowly pulls herself onto the apron before then stepping through the ropes and into the ring. She paces and looks skyward while the crowd starts a chant for her. "Biledriver" by GWAR starts to play and The Nameless comes out to resounding boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way down the ramp towards the ring, his eyes fixated on Hoshi inside the ring as she backs away a couple of paces. Ricky Simms - This seems like sadistic booking by Wyatt Gibson this week. Henry Lesher - I like it. It's like a pit bull warming up for a dog fight against a rat... a sleazy and terrible rat. Ricky Simms - Stop that. Nameless stops at ringside and looks around at the Boston crowd for a moment before he pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes into the ring. Nameless stares at Hoshi as referee Mike Wagner calls for the bell to get things started. Nameless moves in on Hoshi and takes a swing at her, but she does a shoulder roll to avoid the attack and then she tries cutting the legs out from under Nameless, but he just stands there and then manages to grab her by the hair. Nameless picks her up by the hair and flings her across the ring into the corner of the ring. Bart Phillips jumps onto the apron and has a few words for Nameless. Nameless gives Bart a clothesline off the apron down to the floor. He then moves in on Hoshi. Ricky Simms - This could be over quick. Henry Lesher - See, Hoshi should have retired after winning a match last week. She had to know lightning was not going to strike twice. Nameless reaches for Hoshi, but she rolls herself out of the ring to the floor. Hoshi then quickly gets to her feet and then she dives under the ring. Nameless looks all around the ring for her. Bart jumps back onto the apron and Nameless charges him and gives him a right hook to the jaw that sends Bart back to the floor. Hoshi then slips into the ring behind Nameless and charges on all fours into the back of the monster's knees, finally taking him down to the mat. Hoshi then places Nameless in a sleeper hold while the crowd cheers her on. Referee Mike Wagner checks for a submission, but Nameless refuses to give up and doesn't appear to be fading either. He starts pulling himself up to his feet while Hoshi wraps her legs around his back and tries to make the sleeper hold work. Nameless backs up towards the corner. Hoshi drops off of Nameless' back and he instead hits the corner himself. Hoshi then leaps to the top rope, headlocks Nameless and then finds the needed momentum to deliver a bulldog on the monster before rolling him over for the pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Ricky Simms - I thought she had him there. Henry Lesher - I knew better. She's nothing. Hoshi comes off the ropes and manages to land a rolling thunder on Nameless and then she goes for the pin again. 1...2... Nameless kicks out and also throws Hoshi off him and she crashes to the mat. Nameless sits up and then starts to get to his feet while the crowd starts another chant for Hoshi. Hoshi gets to her feet and takes a head butt from Nameless. She then takes a knee across the throat from Nameless, then another. Nameless then picks Hoshi up and gives her a power slam to the mat while Bart looks helpless at ringside. Nameless picks Hoshi up again and runs her face first into the corner buckle before dropping her to the mat. Nameless then grabs her around the throat, picks her up and gives her a choke slam to the mat. Bart again jumps onto the apron. Nameless ignores him this time, instead setting Hoshi for another choke slam. Ricky Simms - This is grim. Henry Lesher - I think I'm nearing orgasm just watching this. Ricky Simms - I'm going to call the rest of the show from somewhere else then. Nameless gives Hoshi a second choke slam while Bart screams from the apron. Referee Mike Wagner tells Bart to get off the apron while Nameless sets for a third choke slam on Hoshi. Bart then screams that she submits. Mike looks at the fallen Hoshi, then over at Bart. Mike calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - It looks like Bart threw in the towel for Hoshi there. Henry Lesher - The man is a coward for himself and for her. Ricky Simms - Nameless could have killed her. Henry Lesher - And I care why? Nameless hears his name announced as the winner and turns to the referee, well aware that he didn't make a pin and Hoshi herself never gave up. Mike Wagner quickly exits the ring before the monster can harm him and Bart pulls Hoshi from the ring while Nameless' back is turned. Medics also rush out to attend to Hoshi as Nameless paces inside the ring. Ricky Simms - Safe to say that the grim reaper of AW is back. Henry Lesher - I would say so. Even I am impressed. Backstage we see Kathy Smith with Missy, arm in arm. They are headed off by Crystal Braun. Crystal Braun - Last week you two got married and baffled the world all at once. We didn't know whether Myst was just crazy or if Missy was real until Outrage. Kathy Smith - I am so lucky. I understand why this happened. It makes perfect sense to me. Crystal Braun - Will you explain it to those of us who don't get it? Kathy Smith - Love conquers all. Crystal Braun - We're in Boston. Same sex marriages are legal here. Missy - Sweet of you to say, but we already have a date and place in mind. It will be different. It will be something everyone is invited to. Crystal Braun - Care to enlighten us? Missy - You don't give everything up at once, Crystal. You'll just have to wait and see. They move along and we head back to the ring. Pyro vs. The Moose "Denial" by Sevendust plays as Pyro comes out to a rather mixed reaction from the crowd. He pauses on the stage and then holds up the latest edition of the AW program and points to a picture of Nameless on the cover. He then tears the magazine to pieces and throws the pieces of the magazine at the camera. Pyro then makes his way down the ramp towards the ring and doesn't look happy as he makes his way up the ring steps and then steps over the top rope into the ring. His music then fades and we hear "I Feel Alright" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers as The Moose comes out with the CWA title over his shoulder and the crowd cheers as he stands on the stage and fireworks go off. Ricky Simms - Moose managed to keep that title belt despite the brutality of that match with Halloween Jack. I imagine Jack will demand a rematch. Henry Lesher - Rightfully so. That was a great match and it could have gone to either man. Moose makes his way to ringside and then hands the title belt off to the time keeper before he rolls himself into the ring. The bell sounds as Pyro puts the boots to Moose before he has a chance to get up. Pyro then picks Moose up for a scoop slam to the mat and then boot chokes the CWA champ in the corner, using the ropes for added leverage. Pyro releases the choke before referee Francis Clarke can reach the five count that would lead to disqualification. Pyro then stands Moose up and gives him a hip toss back to the mat where he then applies a front face lock. Ricky Simms - Looks like Pyro is coming into this one a little fired up. Henry Lesher - I'm not sure why he would rip up a picture of Nameless. It's not Nameless' fault Pyro sucks. Moose grabs the ropes to force a break of the face lock. Moose then rolls himself out of the ring to regroup, but Pyro is close behind him. Pyro turns Moose around and takes a series of rights and lefts from Moose. Moose then gives Pyro a series of knife edge chops to the chest and then whips Pyro shoulder first into the steel corner post and then gives him a German suplex to the floor that brings the crowd out of their seats. Moose then stands Pyro up and rolls him into the ring before rolling himself into the ring as well. Ricky Simms - The champ showing why he's champ right now. Henry Lesher - That's some stellar commentary there, Rick. I don't know how we ever got along without you. Moose stands Pyro up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a spear to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Pyro. Moose then stands Pyro up, whips him into the corner and then gives him a knee to the gut and then a DDT to the mat before again going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Pyro. Moose shakes his head and stands Pyro up, whips him off the ropes and then both men clothesline each other to the mat. The referee starts counting both men down while the crowd starts a chant for Moose. Ricky Simms - Pyro sure is putting up a great fight tonight. Henry Lesher - Yes, but.... he's Pyro. On the four count, Moose rolls over and starts pulling himself up. On the six count, Pyro sits up and then starts getting to his feet and the referee stops the count. Pyro and Moose start exchanging punches. Pyro then thumbs Moose in the eye and then whips him into the corner buckle. Moose then gives Pyro a back cracker. Moose then gets to his feet and looks to the cheering crowd. Moose stands Pyro up and then drops him back to the mat with a tornado DDT and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Moose wins the match over Pyro this week. Ricky Simms - Pyro put up a great fight, but the champ really pulled one out there. Henry Lesher - It's Pyro. No one cares. Pyro slowly rolls himself out of the ring as Moose takes his belt and starts up the ramp towards the stage. Pyro gets to his feet at ringside and then turns to Henry Lesher. He leans over the table. Pyro - You have something to say to me, old man? Henry Lesher - Oh, what would I have to say? The result speaks for itself. Pyro - I am tired of hearing everyone saying I am a loser. Henry Lesher - Is that why you retire every month? Pyro grabs Lesher around the throat and then proceeds to give him a choke slam right through the announce table and to the floor. Pyro then leans in close to Lesher. Pyro - Call me a loser now! I want to hear it! Call me a loser! Come on, Doc. Give us a smart ass comment no one asked for! Pyro then stands over the broken table and announcer for a moment before he turns and heads to the back. Ricky Simms - My God, Pyro snapped here tonight! He's lost his mind. Backstage we see Myst entering the building. She is headed off quickly by Ray Dees. Ray Dees - Myst, last week your daughter joined forces with your worst enemy. Myst - I'm glad you're here to rub salt in old wounds. Ray Dees - Look, we just want to know how you feel about all of this. Myst - Ray, it's really none of your business. She then shoves past him and we head back to the ring. Frank Merritt vs. Psycho Soldier "Seizure of Power" by Marilyn Manson plays as Frank Merritt emerges onto the stage to the boos of the capacity crowd. He stands on the stage for a few moments with a smirk on his face, Destiny at his side as per usual. As he takes a step towards the ramp, Psycho Soldier attacks him from behind and clotheslines him down to the steel stage. Psycho Soldier then puts the boots to Frank and then gives him a leg drop across the throat. Soldier then gives a look to Destiny and she backs off. Soldier grabs Frank by the feet and drags him down the ramp towards the ring. Ricky Simms - It looks like Frank's attack earlier fired Soldier up. At ringside, Psycho Soldier wraps an audio cable around the throat of Frank Merritt while referee Jon Shocker struggles to get control over this situation. Soldier finally releases Frank and then stands him up and rolls him into the ring. Soldier then rolls himself into the ring and the referee calls for the bell. Soldier stands Frank up, whips him off the ropes and then gives him a dropkick back down to the mat. Soldier then climbs the ropes in the corner and then lands a somersault splash onto Frank before hooking the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Frank and Soldier gives the referee a dirty look. Ricky Simms - Soldier thought that should have been a three count, but the referee disagrees. Soldier stands Frank up, whips him into the corner and then charges straight into a clothesline from Frank. Frank then puts the boots to Psycho Soldier and then pulls him to the middle of the ring where he applies a Boston Crab, though we doubt he does that for the locals. The crowd cheers on Soldier as he reaches for the ropes, but finds himself too far away to reach them. He lunges once and then lunges a second time before he manages to force the break. Ricky Simms - Psycho Soldier was lucky to reach the ropes there. Soldier gets to his feet and then ducks a right hook from Frank Merritt. He goes for a spear on Frank, but Merritt brings up a knee and catches Soldier in the jaw. Merritt then gives Psycho the Blunt Trauma and then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Frank Merritt gets the win this week over Psycho Soldier. Ricky Simms - The man truly is a monster in this company. Merritt gets the win and somewhere Trey Walker is praying for his health problems to clear up so he can take the big man down. As Merritt exits the ring and starts for the back, we look backstage and see Xandra with Vesuvius. Xandra - I want to know who hit me. Vesuvius - My pet, when I am done with all of this, Trey Walker will wish he was never born for accepting such a cheap victory. Xandra - I want him hurt. Vesuvius - *smiles* Unlike most in this company, I have no qualms about hurting a blind man. That said, tonight I have to defeat a whore and a bore. I believe we are up next. Xandra - Just watch yourself. Vesuvius - My pet, I have everything under control. He leaves her standing in the doorway to their locker room, a smile on her face. 6Pac Dudley/Vesuvius vs. Gerard Angelo/Bombshell "Southtown" by POD starts to play and 6Pac Dudley comes out onto the stage to the cheers of the crowd. 6Pac waves to the crowd and then starts down the ramp when we see Gerard Angelo charging out and the two fall to the steel ramp in a brawl already, renewing their fight from earlier in the show. While the two of them brawl, we see Bombshell stepping onto the stage with a smile on her face as she watches these men fight over her. Ricky Simms - It would seem Bombshell isn't as innocent as she would sometimes lead us to believe. 6Pac stands Gerard up and whips him shoulder first into the steel guard railing. 6Pac then picks Gerard up and body slams him onto the concrete floor before dragging him to the ring apron. 6Pac then rolls Gerard into the ring and then rolls himself into the ring and Bombshell finally starts down towards the ring herself. Referee Mike Wagner tries to get control here and cannot call for the bell as not everyone is present for this match yet. Ricky Simms - This is insane. Where is Vesuvius? 6Pac stands Gerard up and takes a thumb to the eye from Gerard who then gouges the eyes of 6Pac along the top rope. Gerard then picks 6Pac up and drops him so that his throat catches the top rope and slingshots him backwards to the mat, gasping for air. Gerard then boot chokes 6Pac and looks to his corner where Bombshell is simply smiling as she watches this unfold. Gerard reaches out and tags her in. She seems stunned and shakes her head, saying the match isn't official. The referee shrugs and calls for the bell. Ricky Simms - Wagner calls for the bell despite the fact it's two on one? Bombshell steps through the ropes as Gerard rolls himself out onto the apron. Bombshell stands back while 6Pac gets to his feet and Gerard paces on the apron telling her to destroy 6Pac if he means anything to her. Bombshell and 6Pac smile coyly at one another as Gerry glares on ... they lock-up, 6Pac goes behind Bombshell with a Wrist Lock, Bombshell seductively bends over and 6Pac pretends to hump her from behind as the crowd cheers. Gerry, enraged, jumps into the ring but the referee stops him. Bombshell looks at 6Pac and pokes him in the chest with her finger, 6Pac acts like he got kicked in the chest and goes down. Bombshell straddles 6Pac's chest and pins him as the crowd cheers ... 1 ... 2 ... Bombshell stops the count ... she picks up 6Pac and grabs his face, rubbing his face in her large chest. 6Pac is grinning as Gerry loses his mind on the apron. We then see Vesuvius slowly making his way down the ramp. Ricky Simms - This is all coming apart in this one and now Vesuvius comes towards the ring. 6Pac whispers something in Bombshell's ear and she nods and laughs. Gerard reaches into the ring and slaps Bombshell on the shoulder and then charges into the ring and falls to the mat in another brawl with 6Pac. Bombshell reluctantly steps back out onto the apron. 6Pac then head butts Gerard and then rolls to his corner and tags in Vesuvius. Vesuvius steps over the top rope into the ring and clotheslines Gerard to the mat and then shrugs and clotheslines Bombshell off the apron and down to the floor. Vesuvius then gives Gerard a big boot to the chest before he has fully stood up. Vesuvius then picks Gerard Angelo up and gives him a power slam to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Gerard. Ricky Simms - I almost feel bad for Gerry here, watching this happen with his wife during his match. Somehow he needs to put it out of his mind if he can. Vesuvius stands Gerard up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in to find no one home as Gerard rolls to his corner and then tags in Bombshell. Bombshell charges in and starts landing kicks and punches on Vesuvius. Vesuvius then gives her a vicious knife edge chop to the chest and then gives her a flap jack to the mat. He then turns and takes a flying cross body from his own partner 6Pac and Bombshell goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Gerard and Bombshell win as 6Pac turns against Vesuvius. Ricky Simms - It looks to me like 6Pac couldn't handle watching Vesuvius wrestle with Bombshell and he threw the match. That was the strangest match I have seen in a long time. Bombshell exits the ring and locks arms with 6Pac and starts for the back. Gerard just stands on the apron and seems dejected at what he is watching. Vesuvius gets to his feet slowly and then sees 6Pac and Bombshell before turning to Gerard. Vesuvius extends a hand to Gerry. Gerry looks down at the apron for a moment, then shakes hands with Vesuvius. Vesuvius then leaves the ring and exits through the crowd while Gerard talks to himself and heads for the back. Ricky Simms - What does Gerard do now? He is watching the woman he loves leave with another man. I cannot imagine the anguish and humiliation. Backstage we see Ashlee Skanes as she exits Wyatt Gibson's office. She is headed off by her father. Shannon Skanes - I have been looking for you. What were you doing in there? Ashlee Skanes - Father, I am now a business associate of Ryan Yorke and, as such, what I am doing is not really your business. Shannon Skanes - Your brother runs this company. Ashlee Skanes - Then have him ask me. Noah Skanes - *as he enters the picture* What were you doing in there? Ashlee Skanes - *looks at her watch* Oh, look at the time. Ryan's match is coming up soon here. I should go. We will have to continue this at a later date. She then walks off, humming to herself. Noah Skanes - She's on over her head, Dad. Shannon Skanes - *nods* Sometimes you kids have to learn that the hard way. Tommy Purr vs. Halloween Jack "Survival of the Sickest" by Saliva starts to play as Halloween Jack comes out onto the stage and he takes a bow there. He tells the camera he knocked Moose out and now it's Tommy Purr's turn. Jack struts his way down the ramp and then makes one full lap of the ring, pausing where the announce table is still lying in a heap and chuckling to himself before he rolls into the ring. Jack then tests the ropes while his music fades and then we hear "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives and the AW champion comes out onto the stage. He receives a loud ovation from the Boston crowd. Ricky Simms - Impressive reaction from the crowd here. Tommy then quickly makes his way down the ramp and then makes his way up the ring steps onto the apron. Tommy then steps through the ropes into the ring and referee Francis Clarke calls for the bell. Tommy locks up with Jack. Jack then knees Tommy in the gut and then gives him a series of forearm smashes to the side of the head, driving him into the corner buckle. Jack then gives Tommy a hip toss to the middle of the ring and then places him in a grapevine submission hold. Ricky Simms - Last week, Jack proved he could hold his own with The Moose and this week he is doing the same with Tommy Purr. Tommy rolls out of the submission hold and then rolls himself out of the ring with Halloween Jack close behind him. Tommy ducks a clothesline and then gives Jack a knee to the ribs and then slams his face into the steel guard railing. Tommy then whips Jack shoulder first into the steel ring steps and then rolls himself into the ring to break up the count before rolling himself back out. Tommy then slams Jack's face into the apron before picking him up and body slamming him to the floor. Tommy then looks to the cheering crowd, putting one hand to his ear. He then rolls Jack into the ring before then rolling himself in as well. Tommy goes for the pin on Jack. 1...2... kick out by Halloween Jack. Ricky Simms - Jack isn't going away that easy, not tonight. I have to say.... I wish Pyro had turned against Lesher years ago. This is a real treat now. Tommy stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and Jack ducks a clothesline and then gives Tommy a reverse neck breaker to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... Tommy kicks out and rolls Jack into a small package. 1...2... kick out by Jack who then quickly rolls himself out of the ring to the floor where he signals a time out. He then pulls himself back onto the apron and again signals a time out. Tommy answers that with a knee to the gut on Jack and then slingshots him over the top rope into the ring. Tommy then stands Jack up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the mat. Ricky Simms - Whatever Jack planned to accomplish by leaving the ring, he didn't. Tommy climbs the ropes in the corner. He then launches him from the top, trying for a Senton Bomb, but Jack gets out of the way and Tommy crashes to the mat. Jack then kips up to his feet and starts putting the boots to Tommy. Jack stands Tommy up, whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in for a shoulder block only to have Tommy step out of the way before rolling Jack into a school boy pin attempt. 1...2...3! Tommy snags the win over Jack this week! Ricky Simms - In a close match, Tommy manages to get the win. I am impressed. Tommy rolls himself out of the ring and then starts for the back. He is half way up the ramp when he sees Rated R on the stage. He smiles and keeps walking. Rated R just stands still as Tommy gets closer and then Rated R draws pepper spray from behind him and sprays Tommy in the eyes with it, a smile now crossing his face as the AW champion screams and clutches at his eyes. Rated R then shoves Tommy off the ramp and he crashes into the floor and guard railing. Rated R then turns to the booing crowd and bows. Ricky Simms - Rated R has snapped. Rated R jumps off the stage and down to the floor next to Tommy. He then wraps an audio cord around his neck and then makes a lasso with it and tosses it across some scaffolding that's ten feet up. Rated R starts pulling Tommy up and is in the process of hanging the AW champ when Jack Spade leaps off the stage onto Rated R and throws him into the guard railing. Jack then puts the boots to Rated R while the crowd cheers him on and security tries to get Tommy out of here. Ricky Simms - Like I said, Rated R has snapped. Losing last week snapped something inside Ryan Yorke's brain. Rated R vs. Jack Spade Jack pulls Rated R to ringside and then pulls the mats back from the concrete floor. Jack picks Rated R up and slams him onto the exposed concrete. Jack then picks Rated R up and slides him into the ring where referee Francis Clarke looks concerned about the turn this one is taking before it's actually really underway. As Jack Spade rolls himself into the ring, the referee calls for the bell and the match is official. Ricky Simms - This isn't how we expected to get to our main event. We clearly hope there's been no serious damage done to Tommy Purr. Trey Walker's already blinded. We don't need two wrestlers in the same position. Jack Spade stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a lariat that sends him down to the mat. Jack Spade then rains down punches to the head on Rated R, still taking full advantage of catching Rated R by surprise. Jack then goes to the ropes, climbs to the second rope and then lands a double axe handle smash across the back on Rated R before he has a chance to get to his feet. Jack Spade then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Rated R. Ricky Simms - Ryan showing he is plenty tough there. Jack stands Rated R up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a clothesline down to the mat. Jack then gets to his feet and looks to the cheering crowd. He nods his head, then pulls Rated R to his feet. Jack whips Rated R off the ropes and then drops his head for a back drop, but Rated R gives Jack a kick to the face and then gives him a Rock Bottom to the mat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Ricky Simms - Rated R showing us again why he is so dangerous. He is never out of the match. Rated R stands Jack up, goes for the whip into the corner, but Jack reverses it and then gives Rated R a series of shoulder blocks in the corner. Jack then gives Rated R an atomic drop out of the corner and then pulls his feet out from under him. Jack goes for a figure four leg lock, but Rated R kicks him in the back when he goes to turn it around. Rated R then kips up to his feet and then gives Jack a series of knees to the ribs and then a double under hook suplex to the mat. Rated R then stands Jack up, sets for and delivers a vertical suplex to the mat. Rated R goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Jack Spade. Ricky Simms - Jack is a very tough wrestler. It will take Ryan a lot to defeat him. Rated R stands Jack Spade up, then whips him through the ropes and out to the floor. We then see Ashlee Skanes rushing down the ramp towards the ring. Rated R rolls himself out of the ring and grabs a steel chair as Ashlee leaps onto the apron and calls out to referee Francis Clarke. As he argues with her, Rated R clubs Jack twice across the skull with the steel chair. Rated R then drops the chair onto the floor and then gives Jack a DDT onto it while Ashlee continues her diversion tactic. Ricky Simms - Why is she helping him? The man tried to kill her mother! Rated R rolls the now bloodied and unmoving Jack Spade into the ring before rolling himself into the ring. Rated R then picks Jack up and delivers the Restricted as Ashlee finally drops off the apron, just in time for Rated R to cover Jack Spade. 1...2...3! Rated R gets another shady win. Ricky Simms - Rated R showing a vicious side he hasn't really shown since.... well, since he beat the hell out of Kosmic Kitty in the old GWO. If this is what we will see every week, the whole roster had better watch their back. Rated R exits the ring and gives Ashlee a high five before they head towards the stage. The crowd boos and throws various cups and small objects at the former AW champion. He responds with a bow and then heads out as we fade to black. |