Wars of the World 2006
Portland, Oregon

It's a packed house as we get ready for another action packed pay per view brought to us by Anarchy Wrestling. There are five matches tonight, all with title ramifications as we head into the heart of the autumn schedule. Backstage we see Frank Merritt entering the building when he comes face to face with Vigilante.

Frank Merritt - Well, there goes my night.

Vigilante - Hey, it's the bump king of AW. You might be talking, but I'm a little more important that a mid carder.

Frank Merritt - Is that right?

The two look ready to throw punches when Moose steps in between them.

The Moose - Is there a problem here?

Vigilante - Frank, you tell the man. Is there a problem?

Frank Merritt - Just keep your boy's mouth shut tonight and there won't be a problem.

Vigilante - Oh like I'm his sidekick or something?

Moose - Look, we all have big matches tonight for titles. Let's not get into a backstage fight and screw everything up for ourselves.

Frank Merritt - Whatever, I'll see you soon, Vig.

Frank walks away and Vigilante gives Moose a dirty look.

Vigilante - I had that under control.

Moose just shakes his head and then walks away. We then go to the opening credits, "Rappunzel" by Megaherz playing as images of The Moose, Tommy Purr, Frank Merritt, Rex and Dex Cooper, Jack Spade, Trey Walker, Rated R, Vigilante and Hoshi Yakamoto are displayed before we head to ringside where Ricky Simms and Henry Lesher are all set to call the action.

Tag Title Match

The crowd cheers as they see Dex and Rex Cooper making their way down the aisle towards the ring. They step through the ropes and the crowd cheers as "Just Another Victim" by Cypress Hill plays. They drop the tag titles to the mat before them and smile, then motion towards the stage as if daring anyone to out here and take their titles. They don't have to wait long as Total Darkness rushes to the ring, FUBAR and Black Lightning sliding into the ring where Dex and Rex greet them with kicks to the back, then stand them up in opposite corners and then whip them into each other while the crowd goes wild.

Ricky Simms - These two are wasting no time in getting the party started tonight.

Henry Lesher - I'll party when that cell drops and hell visits some of the AW stars who need it most. Until then, it's all crap.

The referee finally calls for the bell as Rex and FUBAR both exit the ring and start brawling on the floor. Inside the ring, Dex stands Black Lightning up and whips him into the corner buckle and then charges in for a shoulder block, but Lightning moves out of the way and then roll Rex up into a school boy pin attempt. 1...2... kick out by Rex. Lightning then stands Rex up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a dropkick to the chest that sends the big man back down to the mat. Lightning then looks to the ropes and makes his way to the top. He poses on the top and then launches himself towards the fallen Rex, but misses with a flying elbow smash when Rex rolls out of the way and then rolls to his corner to tag in Dex. Dex then steps over the top rope, grabs Lightning around the throat and picks him up for a choke slam. Lightning eye gouges Dex to break the hold and then gives him a series of knees to the ribs before giving him and impressive gut wrench suplex. Lightning then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Dex Cooper.

Ricky Simms - There is clearly no love lost between these two teams.

Henry Lesher - And no love gained from me for either of these teams either.

Lightning pulls Dex to his corner and tags in FUBAR. FUBAR then enters the ring and the two of them set him up for a and deliver a vertical suplex that sends him down to the mat. FUBAR then stands Dex up while Lightning leaves the ring. FUBAR whips Dex off the ropes and Dex then shoulder blocks FUBAR down and then gives him a knee drop to the forehead and then stands him up, whips him into the corner and then charges in for a shoulder block that winds FUBAR. Dex then pulls FUBAR out of the corner and then picks him up and delivers a power bomb on FUBAR before going for the pin. Lightning runs in for interference, but is caught by Rex who gives him a vicious clothesline to the mat. 1...2...3! The New Age Dogg Pound wins fall one. They then stand and see Hoshi Yakamoto and Bart Phillips making their way towards the ring.

Ricky Simms - Four teams are in this match, one team need to get a little luck here.

Henry Lesher - It's my understanding that the Cooper idiots here chose the gauntlet format for this showdown. It shows how stupid they really are.

Hoshi steps onto the apron while Bart steps through the ropes into the ring. He ducks a clothesline from a charging Dex and then gives him a series of rights and lefts to the ribs and then gives him a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Bart then stands Dex up, whips him off the ropes and gives him a backdrop to the mat. Bart then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the top. Rex then starts shaking the top rope. Bart slips and falls, straddling the top rope and wincing in pain as Dex gets to his feet. Dex then gives Bart a slam off the top, down to the mat. Dex then leg drops Bart across the throat and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bart as Hoshi applauds from the apron and tries to get the fans chanting for Bart Phillips.

Ricky Simms - The tag team champions are really well versed at the way tag matches need to be fought. It will be tough for anyone to unseat them.

Henry Lesher - Well, they beat down two losers, and now they're fighting more losers. I cannot wait to see who the next losers will be.

Dex stands Bart up and pulls him to his corner where he tags in Rex. Rex and Dex then whip Bart off the ropes and gives him a double shoulder block to the mat before then giving him a double knee drop to the forehead. Dex then leaves while Rex goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Bart Phillips. Dex stands Bart up, whips him off the ropes and Bart ducks a clothesline and then rolls to his corner where he tags in Hoshi. She jumps to the top rope, goes for a flying body press on Dex and is instead caught in mid air and given a spinning power slam to the mat. Dex hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi.

Ricky Simms - That didn't go as she intended.

Henry Lesher - That's the story of her life.

Dex stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and gives her a vicious clothesline to the mat and then looks to be readying to finish this. Dex grabs her around the throat, picks her up for the choke slam and takes a kick to the chest from Bart who has charged in to save Hoshi from the high impact move. Dex then charges at Bart and gives him a series of knee lifts to the face and then throws him over the top rope to the floor. He shouts at Bart from there as Hoshi gets to her feet. Hoshi then sees her chances and leaps to the top rope and then headlocks Dex and gives him a spinning DDT to the mat from there.

Ricky Simms - Great improvisation there by Hoshi.

Hoshi goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Hoshi and Bart Phillips have eliminated the tag champions!

Ricky Simms - That has to be seen as an upset.

Henry Lesher - They haven't won the titles yet, Rick.

As Dex and Rex exit the ring and seem shocked by what we just saw, we see Moose and Vigilante making their way down the ramp to a huge ovation from the crowd. Vigilante pulls himself onto the apron and then steps through the ropes while Moose takes his place in their corner. Hoshi backs up to her corner for a moment as she gathers her thoughts and considers strategy with this turn of events.

Ricky Simms - It's not DX. It sure as hell ain't a power trip. It's the ghosts of EOS and these ghosts are more popular than the living.

Henry Lesher - Dear God, you ready to grab pompoms and dance for them?

Vigilante steps forward and Hoshi moves in to lock up with him. Vigilante then shoves Hoshi backwards into her corner and shrugs towards the crowd. Hoshi then moves forward and lands a standing dropkick on Vigilante that staggers him backwards. Hoshi then kips up to her feet and ducks a clothesline from Vigilante and then gives him a series of knees to the gut and then gives him a gut wrench suplex to the mat. Hoshi then goes for the quick pin. 1...2... Vigilante kicks out. Hoshi then stands Vigilante up and takes an eye gouge from Vigilante who then pulls Hoshi to his corner and tags in The Moose. Moose steps through the ropes, whips Hoshi off the ropes and then gives her a back drop to the mat. Moose then goes to the ropes and makes his way to the second rope and then gives Hoshi a double axe handle smash across the back before then giving her a power slam to the mat and he then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi. Moose then stands Hoshi up, whips her off the ropes and she ducks a clothesline and then does a shoulder roll to her corner and tags in Bart. Bart charges in and goes at it toe to toe with The Moose. Bart lands a knife edge chop on Moose who responds with one of his own and then Moose gives Bart a head butt. Bart lands a knee to the gut on Moose and then gives him a tilt a whirl back breaker to the mat before going for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Moose.

Ricky Simms - Great back and forth action as these two teams bid to become the new AW tag team champions.

Henry Lesher - I stopped watching when EOS came out. They don't lose. It doesn't happen against people like Hoshi.

Bart stands Moose up, whips him off the ropes and Moose ducks a clothesline and then Moose gives Bart a knee to the gut and then gives him a power bomb to the mat before he then tags in Vigilante. Vigilante steps into the ring and looks to the crowd and nods. He stands Bart up and then drops him to the mat with the Catch 22 and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Vigilante and Moose are the new tag team champions!

Ricky Simms - Great win for Vigilante and Moose, taking full advantage of the fact Hoshi and Bart had already been wrestling before they came out.

Henry Lesher - Hey, I said they would win. It's standard, whether it's CWA, GWO, AW or the Barney the Dinosaur Federation. These guys just win. I mean, they're no Power Trip, wrestling twice a month or anything, but they try.

Vigilante and Moose grab the tag title belts and start for the back. We then head backstage where Crystal Braun is with Myst.

Crystal Braun - Myst, tonight could be Shannon's final wrestling match. Your thoughts?

Myst - You know, this is wrestling. People retire and come back more than Mario Lemieux could ever dream of.

Crystal Braun - So Shannon wouldn't stay retired?

Myst - It doesn't matter. Ryan will not retire my husband. He will not have that tonight. He will not get the title either.

Crystal Braun - Would you like to be involved in that match tonight? You have history with everyone involved.

Myst - I'd love to finally take down Nameless and end Ryan's dream, too, but it's not my night. It is my husband's night and I will make sure he gets his wish. We retired Max Cameron together and we will retire Rated R together.

Crystal Braun - How do you plan to do that?

Rather than answer, Myst simply walks away and we head back to the ring.

Monarch Title Match

The crowd cheers as the participants in this huge match stand in the middle of the ring. The last one into the ring was Leech and he seems rather taken aback by the fact the fans are cheering for him and his "Throw Phone Through This" T-shirt. The bell sounds and referees Bruce Miller and Francis Clarke watch from the floor as tonight's Monarch title will be decided by battle royale.

Henry Lesher - How bad is Leech's life becoming when he's wrestling for this company? If he's that short on money, all he had to do was ask.

Ricky Simms - Jack Spade is the defending champ and will have to work to keep the gold tonight.

The seven wrestlers brawl, with 6Pac and Bombshell trying to send the giant Puppetmaster out over the top rope first. Puppetmaster gives Bombshell a double axe handle smash across the back and then shoves 6Pac backwards while Jack Spade and Gerard Angelo exchange shots nearby. Gerard then sees 6Pac and gives him a clothesline to the back of the head and then starts putting the boots to him. Phoenix and Leech are battling in the opposite corner and Leech is trying to choke the newcomer in his first match. Puppetmaster charges at both of them, but they see him coming and each lifts a knee to catch him in the gut and then Leech gives Puppetmaster a bulldog to the mat. Gerard Angelo then stands Leech up and whips him over the top rope. Leech catches the top rope and then lands on the apron, drops and rolls himself back into the ring.

Ricky Simms - Gerry almost had Leech out first here.

Henry Lesher - You know my opinion on almosts.

Gerard starts trading punches with Jack Spade. Puppetmaster slowly gets to his feet and then is brought face to face with 6Pac. 6Pac gives Puppetmaster a jawbreaker and then Bombshell and 6Pac throw him over the top rope and down to the floor, making him the first eliminated from this match. Bombshell then turns and is face to face with Gerard Angelo. Gerard smiles, waves to her and then gives her a clothesline over the top rope to the floor. 6Pac then tries to throw Gerard over the top, but Gerry holds the top rope and then gives 6Pac a thumb to the eye.

Ricky Simms - Gerry eliminates his soon to be ex-wife. That had to feel good.

Henry Lesher - I'll bet 6Pac feels better later tonight. I mean, I'm sure Gerry has the lotion and imagination for...

Ricky Simms - Just stop.

Gerry whips 6Pac off the ropes and Phoenix gives 6Pac a drop toe to the mat. Phoenix then stands 6Pac up and whips him off the ropes and ducks his head for the backdrop, but 6Pac kicks him in the face. Leech then thumbs 6Pac in the eye and whips him over the top rope and out to the floor. Leech then takes a clothesline from Gerard Angelo that sends him over the top rope. On the way down, Leech manages to snag his leg on the middle rope and hangs upside down for a moment before he rights himself and gets back into the ring while Gerard and Jack start trading rights and lefts again. Leech and Phoenix start trading punches. Phoenix whips Leech off the ropes and then gives him a clothesline to the mat. Phoenix then stands Leech up and sets to throw him over the top rope to the floor. Leech instead gives Phoenix a head butt and then tosses him over the top rope and down to the floor.

Ricky Simms - Good showing by Phoenix tonight, but Leech tossed him out.

Henry Lesher - Leech should still be world champion.

Ricky Simms - That was years ago now, Doc.

Henry Lesher - Right, he should never have lost.

Jack Spade and Gerard Angelo continue to brawl in the corner with Jack slamming Gerard's head into the buckle and then Gerard slamming Jack's head into it as well. The two then start trading knife edge chops to the chest. Jack then gives Gerard an eye gouge and then Leech goes for the hip toss over the top on Gerard. Instead, Gerard grabs the top rope and then kicks Leech away. Jack Spade then gives Leech a hip toss over the top rope and out to the floor.

Henry Lesher - NOOOOOOO!

Ricky Simms - I enjoy watching your will to live drop a little further.

Jack Spade has a few words for Leech, but Gerard dropkicks Jack to the back and that sends him over the top rope and down to the floor. The referees then both call for the bell.

Henry Lesher - Oh dear God...

Ricky Simms - Gerard Angelo wins this match tonight, so maybe there is a chance of him really getting things back on track!

Gerard stands in the ring and is given a decent pop by the crowd for his efforts tonight. Leech retreats to the back, shaking his head and not looking impressed with this. The camera follows him into the backstage area where he marches right to Wyatt Gibson's office and enters the room without knocking.

Wyatt Gibson - What do you want?

Leech - I should have known this company was still garbage. I'm not refereeing that CWA title match tonight. Find another ref.

Wyatt Gibson - But we had a deal and...

Leech walks out, slams the door before Wyatt can make his case and then shoves the camera man over while muttering to himself on his way out the back door. We then head to another area backstage where Kelly Buchanan is with Kathy Smith.

Kathy Smith - No ladies matches tonight, seems kind of odd to me.

Kelly Buchanan - *shrugs* There just isn't much demand I hear.

Kathy Smith - Shannon might retire tonight. Maybe he'll have company.

Kelly Buchanan - You wouldn't.

Kathy Smith - I would. Not much point staying in an industry that has passed you by.

Kathy walks off while Kelly shakes her head.

Xtreme Title Match
Frank Merritt vs. Hoshi Yakamoto vs. 6Pac Dudley vs. Trey Walker

The crowd cheers as "Southtown" by POD plays and 6Pac comes out, barbed wire covered hockey stick in hand, onto the stage and tells the camera tonight he wins back what is rightfully his. He starts down the ramp, but does not get far as Frank Merritt attacks him and clotheslines him down to the ramp. Frank then grabs the barbed wire covered hockey stick and screams skyward.

Frank Merritt - I fucking HATE CANADA!

Frank then hauls off to drop 6Pac with the stick, but takes a spear from a charging Trey Walker that takes him down to the ramp. Trey then grabs the hockey stick from the hands of Frank Merritt and looks to drop him with it, but 6Pac catches him with a super kick to the jaw. 6Pac takes his stick back and then rolls himself into the ring while the crowd cheers the chaotic scene. Hoshi then steps out onto the stage and referee Jon Shocker calls for the bell to get things started in an official manner. Frank reaches ringside and pulls himself onto the apron. Trey then pulls him off the apron down to the floor and then turns Frank around and gives him a series of punches to the face and then gives him a jawbreaker before pulling the legs out from under him. Trey then applies an STF on the floor on Frank Merritt while the fans cheer.

Ricky Simms - The fans are really into this one. It's going to be messy.

Henry Lesher - We have three wanna bes and a monster. Any bets on who lives tonight?

Frank refuses to submit. 6Pac drops and rolls himself out of the ring to the floor. 6Pac then hauls off and drills Trey across the back with the hockey stick. Hoshi reaches ringside and she reaches under the ring and draws out the ladder she intends to use tonight. She sets it up at ringside while 6Pac drills Frank across the back with the hockey stick. Hoshi climbs the ladder and stands on top. 6Pac makes his way around the ring and sees the ladder too late as Hoshi leaps off, then gives 6Pac a head scissors whip to the floor. Hoshi then pulls 6Pac to his feet and then whips him over the railing and into the crowd. Hoshi jumps onto the railing and leaps off, places 6Pac in a headlock and looks for a bulldog, but 6Pac instead picks her up and then tosses her three rows deep and into a heap of folding chairs. 6Pac then pulls her into the aisle and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi.

Ricky Simms - Trey and Frank had better get there quick, because the first fall wins this match.

Henry Lesher - No way either of these two jokers win this.

6Pac stands Hoshi up and then pulls her up the aisle and to the concourse. He then takes an eye gouge from Hoshi. 6Pac answers by pulling the legs out from under Hoshi with the barbed wire hockey wrapped hockey stick. Frank Merritt spots the battle on the concourse and then grabs Hoshi's ladder, folds it and places it under his arm as he heads off after 6Pac and Hoshi. Trey lurks close behind the defending champion. Hoshi and 6Pac exchange punches as they reach the snack bar. 6Pac then throws Hoshi right over the counter and into the chips display behind it. 6Pac climbs onto the counter and then leaps off, catching Hoshi across the back with the barbed wire wrapped stick.

Ricky Simms - That had to hurt.

Henry Lesher - I'm just glad Hoshi is getting hurt tonight. It makes me feel so much better.

6Pac stands Hoshi up and takes an eye gouge from Hoshi who then takes the stick from 6Pac and low blows him with it while some nearby fans wince and cheer all at once. Hoshi climbs onto the counter and seems ready to drill the stick into the back of 6Pac the same as he did to her, but Frank dives off the ladder he set up behind her and he spears her to the floor. He then goes for the pin. 1...2... Trey pulls Frank off of Hoshi. Trey then stands Frank up and slams his face into the ladder repeatedly. 6Pac gets to his feet and slides over the counter and back into the action. He stands Hoshi up and then sets for and delivers a snap suplex to the floor. Trey picks Frank up and gives him a body slam to the floor and then takes a clothesline to the floor himself from 6Pac who goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Trey Walker.

Ricky Simms - 6Pac really wants this tonight.

Henry Lesher - Well, he has to learn winning matches aren't as easy as getting Bombshell.

6Pac stands Trey up and slams his face into the ladder, then goes to grab his barbed wire wrapped hockey stick off the floor. Trey grabs the ladder, folds it and then drops it right onto the head of 6Pac. Trey then picks it up and drills 6Pac between the eyes with the ladder and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by 6Pac Dudley. Frank Merritt then takes hold of the ladder and slams it across the back of Trey Walker. Frank then drops the ladder to the floor, picks Trey up and slams him onto the ladder. He then starts putting the boots to Trey as we see Hoshi climbing onto the concession stand counter again. She leaps off and gives Frank a dropkick to the side of the head. Hoshi then gives Frank a mule kick and he stumbles backward and is tripped down by 6Pac Dudley. 6Pac then starts choking Frank with the hockey stick as Hoshi stands Trey up. Hoshi takes a thumb to the eye from Trey who didn't realize it wasn't Frank. Trey then gives Hoshi a clothesline to the floor and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Hoshi.

Ricky Simms - This is anyone's match. Amazing action between these four warriors.

Henry Lesher - Well, Frank is making them all better by showing them how monsters get things done.

Frank gets to his feet and stands nose to nose with Trey. Trey goes for a wild right, but Frank ducks it and then picks Trey up and gives him a fall away slam onto the ladder. Frank then stands Trey up, points to the wall and sends his head right through the drywall before then pulling him out and giving him a Blunt Trauma on the floor. Frank goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Frank retains in a most violent fashion.

Ricky Simms - My God, Trey went through the wall!

Henry Lesher - He's as tough as a phone, apparently.

Frank stands up and takes a shot to the face with the hockey stick from 6Pac who them gives Frank a clothesline to the floor. 6Pac then spits on the Xtreme champion and then leaves with the fans cheering him on. There is little movement from Hoshi who had already been weakened by the tag team match earlier tonight.

Ricky Simms - That match was pure insanity.

Henry Lesher - We need more busted up concession stands. Fans need to fear they will be used as a weapon by Frank Merritt when they buy their tickets. I mean, he could do some damage swinging a kid around.

Ricky Simms - I'll pretend I didn't hear that.

As the mess starts to get cleaned up, we go to Charley MacAdam who is in the AW command central room or whatever the hell we are calling it tonight.

Charley MacAdam - So tonight we are at the dawn of another Wars of the World, the first we have had in three years as memory serves. This was the big pay per view event back in the day in the CWA and thus it is fitting that Shannon Skanes is in the title match tonight, with some even speculating on what might happen if he were to win. This is also the perfect setting for me to announce that we will be releasing a series of DVDs that celebrate the different eras of the CWA which will be continued up to the present day AW. There is a lot of material to squeeze into a DVD series that should sell quite well. We'd also like to remind you of next month's third annual Dead By Dawn. You know, if I didn't know better, I would say this company has one hell of a history behind it. I guess I'll let you people be the judges of that, though. The two big matches are yet to come and there' no telling who might win it all. Can Moose and Tommy keep their titles or will Frank Merritt be the only successful defense tonight? Fans,  Wars of the World is wide open. Any of the eight wrestlers have a realistic hope to become the new champs tonight. Now, let's get back to action and remember, we'll be giving you more details on the DVDs soon. Don't forget to watch Insurgence every week for new and exciting twists and turns. Now, back to the ring.

CWA Title Match - Hell In A Cell
Rated R vs. The Moose vs. Shannon Skanes vs. The Nameless

"The Hand That Feeds" by Nine Inch Nails plays as Shannon Skanes comes out onto the stage. The cage is being lowered as he makes his way down the ramp, alone in his trip towards what could be his destiny at the hands of Rated R. Shannon steps through the door into the cell while the ring crew verify that the cell is secure in place and all of the proper connections are in place. It would be a disaster if the cell fell apart. Shannon's music fades as he takes a series of deep breaths inside the ring. We then hear "Biledriver" by GWAR and The Nameless comes out onto the stage to the opposite reaction that Shannon got. The Nameless then slowly makes his way down the ramp, looking up at the steel home he will try to reclaim his CWA title in. He then lets his gaze come down to Shannon Skanes and then steps in through the door. Nameless pulls himself onto the apron and then steps over the top rope into the ring. Shannon takes a few steps back into the corner buckle, not taking his eyes off of Nameless. That music then fades and we hear "I Hate Everything About You" by Three Days Grace and Rated R comes out to the most negative reaction anyone has had tonight. Rated R steps out onto the stage and looks around at the crowd, Ashlee Skanes close behind him. They make their way down the ramp and Rated R stands outside the cage a for a few moments and looks first at the cell and then at the two men who hate him standing inside of it. He looks back for a moment and then finally steps through the door into the cage. He reluctantly steps up onto the apron, but does not step through the ropes into the ring. His music then fades and we hear "I Feel Alright" by Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers and The Moose comes out onto the stage and the crowd gives him a standing ovation. He holds the CWA Alpha title high and then places it over his shoulder as he makes his way down the ramp towards the cell.

Ricky Simms - It all comes down to this tonight! The cell is in place and four men who hate each other are all set to fight!

Henry Lesher - This should be fantastic. Moose, Rated R and Nameless can all fight with the best of them. I figure Shannon will be passed around like currency by these three. He's way out of his league and it's going to be a quick exit for him from this match.

Ricky Simms - Well, that remains to be seen.

Moose steps into the cage after handing the title belt off to the time keeper. The four men are inside the ring and then "All Your Base Belong to Us" by Invasion of the Gabber Bots starts to play and the crowd goes wild as Q is revealed as the guest referee for tonight's CWA title match. Q quickly makes his way down the ramp and signals for the bell once he is inside the door and the brawl is on as all four wrestlers trade punches in the middle of the ring. Moose eye gouges Rated R, then whips him over the top rope to the floor as Shannon gives Nameless a hip toss over the top rope and out to the floor as well. Shannon and Moose then look at each other for a moment before they both drop and roll out of the ring. Moose gives Rated R a series of knife edge chops to the chest and then goes for a clothesline, but Rated R ducks it and Moose wraps his arm around the steel corner post instead. Shannon stands Nameless up and slams his face into the cell wall, but Nameless answers with a thumb to the eye on Shannon and then grates his face along the steel mesh of the cell wall. Nameless then picks up the steel ring steps and drills Shannon in the face with them, sending him crashing to the floor.

Ricky Simms - Shannon's been busted wide open already.

Henry Lesher - Well, he has years to heal from whatever Nameless and Rated R do to him tonight. It's not like we will see him wrestle again. On a side note, I am very happy to see Q here tonight and that insures this will go according to plan.

Ricky Simms - Don't pretend to know the outcome.

Nameless carries the steps around the ring and takes aim at Rated R, but Ryan ducks them and then gives Nameless a low blow, then pulls the steps from his grasp and drills him in the face with them twice, taking the monster down. Rated R then drills the steps into the ribs of Nameless and then goes for the pin on the floor. 1...2... kick out by Nameless and Rated R has a few words with Q about the speed of his count. Rated R then pulls Nameless to his feet just in time to take a clothesline to the floor from Moose. Moose then headlocks Nameless and sets for a DDT, but Nameless instead drives a shoulder into Moose and slams his back into the steel mesh of the cell and then gives him a spine buster on the floor. Nameless then goes for the pin on Moose. 1...2... kick out by Moose. Nameless then starts to pull Moose up, but he is vulnerable and Shannon Skanes delivers a scissor kick to the back of the neck on Nameless before he tries to pin the monster. 1...2... kick out by Nameless.

Ricky Simms - Fast action and many pin attempts here in this one.

Henry Lesher - Yeah, yeah. give Ryan his title already.

Shannon stands Nameless up, but Nameless gives Shannon a jawbreaker and then Rated R gives Shannon a super kick before he goes down in a heap. Rated R then picks Shannon up over his shoulder and rams him face first into the steel mesh. Rated R then runs Shannon shoulder first into the steel corner post and then gives him a power slam to the floor and goes for the pin. 1...2... Shannon rolls a shoulder out. Rated R has a few words with referee Q while Moose stands Nameless up and the two of them start trading punches. Rated R stands Shannon up and rolls him into the ring. On the other side of the ring, Moose takes a head butt from Moose that sends him down to the floor. Nameless then pulls himself onto the apron and then steps over the top rope into the ring. Rated R lands a leg drop across the throat on Shannon Skanes and goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Shannon Skanes. Rated R then pulls Shannon to his feet and whips him into the corner. He charges in for a clothesline, but Shannon ducks it and instead gives Rated R an atomic drop and then gives him a flapjack to the mat. Shannon then stands and takes a right hook from Nameless who then picks Shannon up and gives him a choke slam to the mat and goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Shannon Skanes has been eliminated from the match first!

Ricky Simms - Nothing is solved. Shannon took the loss, but it wasn't Ryan who pinned him. I guess the retirement party will have to wait.

Henry Lesher - Well, yeah, but this means Ashlee will remain associated with Ryan.

Nameless stands Rated R up and sets for a choke slam. Rated R eye gouges Nameless and then gives him a drop toe onto the ropes, his throat landing square on the rope and then he slingshots back from there and down to the mat. Before Rated R has long to celebrate, he takes a chop block to the mat from Moose. Moose then pulls Rated R to the middle of the ring and applies a cross face chicken wing while the crowd cheers. Outside the ring, Shannon isn't moving and referee Q signals to the back that he needs medics.

Ricky Simms - Shannon hasn't moved since he rolled out of the ring.

Henry Lesher - Maybe the retirement party is a funeral now.

Ricky Simms - He lost a lot of blood early and his face is coated red right now. It's not a pretty sight.

Nameless gets to his feet while Moose tries to get Ryan to submit to no avail. Nameless takes advantage of the situation as he kicks a distracted Moose in the back of the head. Nameless then picks Moose up and tosses him over the top rope and back out to the floor. Nameless then picks Rated R up and dumps him onto the floor next to Moose. Nameless pauses for a moment inside the ring before he drops and rolls himself out to the floor. Nameless then stands Moose up and rams his face into the steel mesh of the cell. The cell door opens to allow the medics entry and Nameless takes Moose to the open door and slams his face into the steel post next to the door and then drags him out of the cell and slams his face into the open door. Nameless then picks Moose up and runs towards the corner post of the cell. Moose slides off the shoulders of the monster and then slams his masked face into the steel post. Moose then picks Nameless up onto his shoulders and drops him to the floor with an electric chair that brings the fans to their feet.

Ricky Simms - That looks like it hurt both of them.

Henry Lesher - See, all part of the plan to make Ryan CWA champ.

Rated R exits the steel cell while Shannon Skanes is placed on a stretcher inside of it. Rated R goes for the pin on Nameless. 1...2... kick out. He goes for the pin on Moose, since both men are still down on the floor. 1...2... kick out by Moose. Rated R then stands Moose up and gives him a vertical suplex onto the fallen Nameless. He then goes for the pin on Nameless. 1...2... kick out by Nameless as the medics bring Shannon out of the cell. Rated R spots this and knocks the medics off their feet and dumps Shannon off of the stretcher. Rated R then picks Shannon up and runs him face first into the steel cell corner post. Rated R then gives Shannon a running power slam to the floor. Q has words with Rated R on this action and Rated R has a few words for Q. Q turns away and then tells Rated R this is his last warning. Rated R responds with a leg drop across the throat on Shannon Skanes.

 Ricky Simms - My God, this is attempted murder!

Henry Lesher - Not yet, but it will be if they don't get him the hell out of here. Ryan will not stop.

Rated R stands over Shannon and a smile slowly crosses his face. He then turns his mind back to the actual opponents who have not been pinned yet and finds Moose standing behind him. Moose gives Rated R a belly to belly suplex to the floor. Moose then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Rated R. Nameless then grabs Moose by the hair and pulls him to his feet. Moose knees Nameless in the gut and then slams his face into the outside of the cell five times while the fans count them off. The medics collect themselves and start to place Shannon onto the stretcher again. Moose picks Nameless up and gives him a body slam to the floor. Moose then gives Nameless a series of knee drops on the floor while Rated R grabs a nearby chair. Rated R gets to his feet and wildly swings the chair, crashing it against the forehead of Moose. Rated R then swings the chair from above his head and slams it across the forehead of Shannon Skanes again, knocking him off of the stretcher.

Ricky Simms - Someone has to stop Ryan. I swear to God he has snapped. He'll kill him.

Henry Lesher - Shannon should never have signed on for this match. He could pay the ultimate price for being so shortsighted.

As Rated R swings for another chair shot, we see Myst diving across the guard railing and she gives Rated R a clothesline to the floor. Myst then straddles Rated R and rains down punches to the forehead on Rated R while referee Q considers pulling her off, but then he shrugs and helps the medics load Shannon up a third time. Myst stands Rated R up and whips him right to Nameless and he gives Rated R a choke slam to the floor and then he goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Rated R has been eliminated!

Ricky Simms - Thank God for Myst there. She saved her husband's life.

Henry Lesher - She cost Ryan his title! I am outraged!

Ricky Simms - That makes tonight worth it for me.

Nameless turns to Myst and seems ready to choke slam her, but stops himself and turns to Moose. Moose lands a series of upper cuts on Nameless, taking advantage of the distraction. Moose then gives Nameless a side Russian leg sweep to the mat. Moose then pulls Nameless to the door to the cage, stick his head into the doorway and then slams the door on his head. Moose then pulls Nameless into the cell and then rolls him into the ring. The cell door is finally locked again and it's down to two men. Moose stands Nameless up and rolls him into the ring. Moose then rolls himself into the ring and quickly gets to his feet and looks to the crowd and they cheer him.

Ricky Simms - We are down to two and it's the grim reaper of AW against the legend of AW!

Henry Lesher - At this point, it appears we are going with the idea of Nameless regaining his title back.

Ricky Simms - Look, admit you don't know the outcome and we can move on.

Moose stands Nameless up and whips him off the ropes and then gives him a spear to the mat. Moose then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Nameless. Moose then stands Nameless up, whips him off the ropes and Nameless ducks a clothesline and then gives Moose a choke slam to the mat. Nameless then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Moose and Nameless looks to the referee. Q holds up two fingers and shrugs. Nameless then stands Moose up, picks him up and delivers the Reaperdemption.

Ricky Simms - Nameless hits his finisher here!

Henry Lesher - It's over! No one kicks out of that!

Nameless goes for the pin. 1...2... Moose just gets a shoulder up in time. Nameless then turns to the referee and grabs Q around the throat. Q responds with a knee to the gut on Nameless and then a head butt that sends him back into the ropes. Moose is slow to move and then gets to his hands and knees where Nameless gives him a series of kicks to the ribs. Nameless then grabs Moose around the throat and sets for a choke slam. Moose instead knees Nameless in the gut and then gives him a series of knife edge chops that drive him into the corner. Moose then picks Nameless up and gives him the Moosedriver and then goes for the pin. 1...2... kick out by Nameless.

Ricky Simms - Has that happened before? That's usually it.

Henry Lesher - Look like this match might never end.

Moose stands Nameless up, whips him off the ropes and then both men clothesline each other to the mat. Referee Q starts counting both men down and the crowd starts a chant for Moose. On the four count, Moose rolls onto Nameless and tries for the pin. 1...2... Nameless rolls a shoulder out. Moose then stands Nameless up, whips him into the corner and then charges in for a clothesline, but Nameless ducks under and backdrops Moose right over the rtop rope and to the floor, narrowly missing the steel corner post that would have almost certainly ended Moose's career. Nameless then starts climbing the ropes in the corner. He reaches the top and waits for Moose to stand. He leaps off and is looking for a chop to the head on Moose, but Moose instead sends Nameless face first into the cell before he even hits the floor and then he gives Nameless a trip to the floor from there, his head bouncing off the barely covered pavement. Moose then goes for the pin. 1...2...3! Moose retains the CWA title!

Ricky Simms - My God, that was war.

Henry Lesher - Moose really has the luck of the CWA ghosts on his side tonight. He really should have lost that belt.

As the cell is raised, Rated R charges in and gives Moose a chair shot to the face. Rated R then crouches over Moose and rains down punches on Moose while screaming that the title was his. Myst then charges in and pulls Rated R off of Moose and dumps him over the railing and into the crowd. Rated R gets to his feet and seems ready to dive at Myst, but Moose is already holding the chair now and is almost on his feet. Rated R opts to grab Ashlee's arm and drag her out through the crowd.

Ricky Simms - Rated R has completely snapped. I thought he was bad before, but this is worse. There is no controlling him.

Henry Lesher - He's right. He was screwed tonight and that title is his. It is his belt. Moose really should just hand it to him. It's his.

Ricky Simms - That won't happen.

Henry Lesher - People are always screwing Ryan over like that.

Backstage we see Shannon Skanes being loaded onto an ambulance. Rated R runs in, though Ashlee is no longer on his arm. He readies to throw Shannon off the stretcher again when Vesuvius enters the picture.

Vesuvius - What do you think you're doing?

Rated R - You won't stop me, Vesuvius! No one will! It's my right to be champion! Everything was perfect tonight.

Vesuvius smiles.

Vesuvius - I guess not. Now, leave the nice man alone as they take him to the hospital or things will get messy.

Rated R - Why do you care?

Noah Skanes charges in and chop blocks Rated R to the floor. Noah then nods towards Vesuvius and the medics finally get Shannon loaded onto the ambulance and they can now leave to get him proper medical attention.

Vesuvius - I always care about members of Anarchy Inc., Ryan. See you soon.

Vesuvius and Noah then both spit on Ryan and they exit the scene. Ashlee then enters and looks shocked.

Ashlee Skanes - What happened?

Rated R - *wincing and grabbing at his knee* Never mind. I can handle it.

Ashlee still looks concerned as we head back to the ring.

AW Title Match
Parker Davis vs. Tommy Purr vs. Vigilante vs. Halloween Jack

Ricky Simms - The cell has been raised and now the tables, the ladders and the chairs have been placed at ringside. The AW title is hanging above the middle of the ring and the first man to reach that belt will be the winner and AW champ. This has quite the act to follow tonight.

Henry Lesher - I'll say. Now, Tommy has this in the bag unless Jack or Parker somehow find a way to grab the belt from him.

"Survival of the Sickest" by Salica plays as Halloween Jack starts making his way towards the ring. He is less than half way down the ramp when he is attacked from behind by Parker Davis. The two of them start trading punches and are soon joined by Vigilante who clotheslines them both down to the floor. Vigilante then puts the boots to Jack and pulls him to ringside where a table is already set up. Vigilante picks Jack up and slams him onto the table and then climbs onto the apron and leaps off, driving Jack through the first table before this match has even officially started. We then hear "Walk Idiot Walk" by The Hives and Tommy Purr comes out to a loud ovation and with the AW title over his shoulder. Tommy is met on the stage by Parker and they start brawling, the AW title belt left sitting on the stage as they fight.

Ricky Simms - Thus the main event begins and this is another war.

Henry Lesher - It might be the first AW show to live up to its name. I mean, if they just called them Barely Wrestling and put numbers after them, I would then be able to agree the names suit what we see.

Parker knees Tommy in the gut and then pulls him by the hair to ringside while Vigilante slides a ladder into the ring. He isn't wasting any time in going for what he wants. Parker slams Tommy's head into the ring apron and then rolls him into the ring. Parker then grabs a steel chair and rolls himself into the ring while a stealthy Vigilante is already going up the ladder. Parker manages to shoves the ladder just as Vigilante reaches the top and then ladder falls over. Vigilante falls off the ladder and clears the top rope before crashing to the floor in a heap. Parker then sets the ladder up, but Tommy pulls the feet out from under him and then lands a series of forearm smashes to the jaw on Parker Davis. While this is going on, Halloween Jack rolls himself into the ring with a chair in hand. Jack clubs Tommy across the back with the chair and then drills Parker in the ribs wth it. Jack then sets the chair up in the middle of the ring, then whips Tommy off the ropes and gives him a drop toe that sends him face first onto the chair. Jack smiles.

Ricky Simms - Halloween Jack is one sadistic SOB.

Henry Lesher - That helps in a match like this where weapons are expected and encouraged.

Jack sets the ladder over Tommy and under the belt. He then starts climbing the ladder while we see Vigilante climbing the ropes in the corner. Vigilante dives off and dropkicks the ladder, sending Jack right over the top rope and through a table at ringside that shatters into a million pieces on impact. Nearby fans cheer as Vigilante then rights the ladder, again over Tommy Purr and below the belt. Vigilante starts climbing, but Tommy manages to push the ladder over and, this time, Vigilante catches the top rope as he falls off the ladder and instead straddles the top rope in a painful manner. Tommy Purr then gets to his feet where Parker greets him with a chair shot. Parker then takes a swing at Vigilante. Vigilante instead kicks the chair right back into the face of Parker Davis and sends him falling backwards to the mat.

Ricky Simms - God, that HAS to hurt.

Henry Lesher - This whole event has been about bringing pain. It's actually been worth watching.

Vigilante then pulls himself onto the mat and seems to be walking okay as he headlocks Parker and then gives him a modified bulldog onto the steel chair Tommy had face planted earlier. Vigilante then picks Parker up over his shoulder and then runs him face first into the corner buckle while Tommy slowly gets to his feet and grabs the ladder that everyone had been climbing to try and take his belt. Tommy then charges with the ladder in hand and uses it to run Vigilante over. Tommy then drives it into the ribs of Tommy Purr while a dazed Halloween Jack rolls himself back into the ring. Tommy then places the ladder under the title belt and starts to climb. The dazed Jack starts up on the other side of the ladder. Jack sees Tommy is close to the title belt and manages to speed himself up and the two reach the top of the ladder at the same time and start trading punches. Parker Davis sets up a table slowly while Vigilante goes to the ladder and he starts up after Halloween Jack. He grabs at Jack's feet while Jack and Tommy choke one another. The ladder becomes unstable and falls sideways. Vigilante falls and lands tangled between the top and middle rope as the ladder smacks him across the back of the head. Tommy and Jack fall over the top rope to the floor while still choking one another.

Ricky Simms - Dear God...

Henry Lesher - I hope they have another ambulance ready. They may need four for this match.

Parker rights the ladder under the title belt and starts up after the AW title. Vigilante frees himself from the ropes and grabs two legs of the ladder and sends it over sideways. Now, it's Parker who clears the top rope and he crashes through the Spanish announce table and to the floor.

Henry Lesher - Why do we have Spanish announcers?

Ricky Simms - Mexico is a big market.

Henry Lesher - We're not in Mexico.

Vigilante now rolls himself out of the ring to the floor and he reaches under the ring and pulls out two tables. He sets one up. He then sets up the second and places it on top of the first while the fans cheer him on. Vigilante then grabs Parker by the hair and pulls him up onto the apron. Vigilante then gives the bloodied Parker a Catch 22 through the tables and to the floor. The crowd chants Vigilante's name as he then rolls himself into the ring. He gets to his feet and sees Tommy and Jack rolling themselves into the ring as well. Vigilante charges at them both, attempting to clothesline them both down. Instead, they both duck and backdrop Vigilante over the top rope and out to the floor. Tommy and Jack then start trading punches in the middle of the ring. Tommy thumbs Jack in the eye and then rakes his eyes along the top rope. Tommy then whips Jack into the opposite corner, Jack barely avoiding the ladder that's still partially upright inside the ring. Vigilante gets to his feet on the floor and grabs a steel chair that's been leaning against the ring.

Ricky Simms - There's no end to the number of tables and chairs these guys can use, though they seem single minded when it comes to ladders.

Henry Lesher - You only need one ladder to climb to get the title. Big moves may get the fans to cheer, but they're useless if they don't get you closer to the belt.

Vigilante rolls himself into the ring as Tommy clotheslines Halloween Jack to the mat. Vigilante then clubs Tommy across the back twice with the steel chair while a bloodied and bruised Parker pulls himself into the ring. Vigilante looks shocked that Parker is still moving after all the punishment he has taken tonight. Vigilante then goes for the chair shot on Parker, but Parker side steps that and gives Vigilante a kick below the belt and then gives him a head butt before pulling the chair from his hands. Parker then gives Vigilante a chair shot across the skull and then drops the chair to the mat. Parker gives Vigilante a headlock and then a DDT to the chair. Parker then turns his attention back to the ladder.

Ricky Simms - I must say that Parker has impressed me here. He's had the hell beat out of him and he just keeps getting back up.

Henry Lesher - He's always impressed me. You're just an idiot.

Parker rights the ladder and then takes a clothesline to the mat from Tommy who had been perched on the second rope. Tommy and Parker then roll out to the floor as they kick and punch at one another. Halloween Jack then sets the ladders underneath the title belt. He starts to climb the ladder. A half comatose Vigilante then starts up after him on the same side of the ladder. Jack reaches the top of the ladder as it becomes unstable. Vigilante grabs the feet of Jack and tries to pull him off the ladder, but instead the ladder falls out from under them and they are hanging in mid air. Tommy Purr climbs in one corner while Parker Davis climbs in the opposite corner. Jack is fumbling with the belt and is trying to get Vigilante off of him. Parker and Tommy leap off and double spear Vigilante as the belt is freed and all four men fall to the mat, Halloween Jack clutching the belt close to his chest as the referee calls for the bell.

Ricky Simms - Halloween Jack is the new AW champ!

Henry Lesher - No, restart the match. I want more violence and bloodshed.

Ricky Simms - Parker is bleeding enough for the rest of them. He'll need stitches for sure.

Halloween Jack rolls himself out of the ring and falls to the floor, still clutching the AW title close to his chest while he appears to be saying "Finally" over and over again. We fade to black as the other three wrestlers in this match continue to brawl and security is forced into action to try and break up this carnage.

Ricky Simms - I cannot wait for Insurgence next week to see how this all plays out! Good night, everybody!