[Promo - The Undeniable Words #8, 05/29/09]

So John’s still got a massive bee in his bonnet over what I’m going to hereby refer to as ‘Ground Zer0gate’. Yeah, we’ve all seen the countless replays, we’ve heard the media spin, we’ve read every interpretation over it, but I’ll say it again- in the line of duty, I had no choice but to physically restrain John Gambino for his continual interferences in matches. I was under orders from Home Office to keep that match in line, and I was told to use any means necessary. That’s what it came down to. Rigg seems to be choosing to take this as an attack of personal prejudice- and that’s his opinion- but I can honestly say right now, it came down to professional and peacekeeping reasons. For what it’s worth, I’d have done the same thing to Jem Williams if he’d pulled it. Hell, I think we even have done it a couple of times. The big issue is that I’ve seemingly violated a truce- or friendship, as John puts it- by doing so.


Yeah, I get it, John. Friends don’t take friends out with their finishers. OK, maybe you have a fair point. But consider this- Friends would also listen when they’re asked countless times by their other friends to play by the rules. I would also assume friends would, when restrained by other friends, realise that maybe, just maybe, all this raw unleashed anger isn’t really appropriate right now and maybe he should take a shot of Vitamin Chill-The-Hell-Out before he does something he regrets. You left me without a choice, John. It was plant you quickly and efficiently, or it was let you throw a match into turmoil. I was doing my job. I don’t roll up to New Jersey or wherever it is you hang out and start wrecking every protection gig or gang war you get yourself locked up in, do I? Do friends go around stopping their other friends from doing their jobs, hence getting them fired?


All things considered, our history being what it is, I’m surprised you even consider a Ground Zer0 to be as offensive as you claim it is. I mean, really, Rigg, with all we’ve done to each other over the past few years, I’d have put ‘planting you with a finisher’ to be pretty far down the list of heinous things. I figure if I really had some kind of beef with you that I was hellbent on taking straight back to the boiling point, I’d probably have started whaling on you with every weapon I could get my hands on when you were down. I didn’t do that. But honestly, John, what would you rather I do? Make a special exception for you because we don’t want to kill each other any more? Then I’d become what some people accuse me of being- a backstage politician. That’s not somewhere I’m going.

I’m not holding out high hopes of you listening to me here- quite frankly, you’re a very hard person to reason with. And to be honest, let’s face it- what does it matter? We’re fighting one way or the other, and it’s not exactly in my best interests to quell your temper anyway. Your temper’s one of the things you’re renowned for, and it’s one of the things that, admittedly, makes you as good as you are- and it’s not in my best interests to weaken you by reducing it. So if you want to take everything I’ve said here and throw it in the bullshit basket, be my guest.


Regardless, we will fight. And if history is any indication, it won’t be pretty. Let’s face it, you and I tend to go on the extreme side of warfare. I think we’ve both been to the hospital more when feuding with each other than with anybody else I know. Hell, our wars are large enough that- as you said yourself- other people tend to get sucked into them as collateral damage. My parents, Dougy, a tombstone that had your name on it- not your uncle’s by the way, although I did pretend I was going to blow up your grandfather’s once- your entire ReVolution stable at one point- like you said, there’s a lot of collateral.


You pretty much described this match as ‘déjà vu’. What you insinuated there was fair enough- that once again we’d be going through a veritable war on Sunday much like the ones we’ve had in the past. What I want to know is- what’s the catch? That’s precisely what I want, John. I want déjà vu. If you say that we’re not friends at X, then hell, we’re not friends at X. All things considered I think it may be for the best. I don’t want my final match to be clouded by having to walk on eggshells because I’m scared of hurting anybody’s feelings.


Hell, as far as I’m concerned, we could do the impossible and make this a match that’ll make every last one of our previous encounters look like freakin’ cakewalks. In fact, John, I guarantee it! It’s been a very long time since you and I were on opposing corners- and I may just have picked up a few new tricks along the way.


So talk about déjà vu if you must, John- but don’t live too far in the past. Because while I’m sure some things are going to be the same as they’ve always been, I can promise you that you’ll discover first hand that the rules have changed and that a lot of things are going to be very, very, very different.