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RP #22- Business Expansion [Promo - The Undeniable Words #22, 8/11/08] Well, it looks like my Road to the Platinum Championship has officially begun. Oh, don't get me wrong. Technically it started back when Ebdon failed to defeat me- despite apparently claiming it was unavoidable- at the Platinum Cup finals, but after a brief stint as a referee at the last Disclosure, it's now officially underway. Make no mistake about it, ladies and gentlemen, despite Ebdon already claiming victory- which is going to be hilarious if I end up beating him, by the way- I have every intention of cutting a swathe all the way from here to Parental Advisory, and I intend on committing every fiber of my body, every cell, towards finally achieving my destiny, capturing the Platinum Championship, coring the Pantheon once and for all, and breaking Pete Ebdon's ego into so many pieces that he'll need a microscope to find them. It's a road that... well, let's just say I feel very, very sorry for Ebdon being stuck in the way of, and I also feel rather sorry for every other poor sap that's caught in the way as well. It looks like I won't be starting on this road alone, however. For at least the start, it looks like I'm going to have some wingmen- and for the first time in ages, it looks like they may actually be dependable wingmen. Makes for a unique change, after the last time I ended up carrying Rachel Stevens, but I suppose I'm due a little luck. Julian Dark, the man who's already beaten back Giovianni Aries once, and a man who I'm glad to see has overcome his problems and injuries and is at full fighting form- and Alex Nolan, a man who I dare say has some of the most promise of all the newcomers I've seen- so much so that I decided to help him to achieve that end. Some might argue that we're the underdogs here going up against the Pantheon, and you know something, maybe they're right- but I dare say we're packing a hell of a lot more firepower than our opponents might realize. Of course, Ebdon's living in a fantasy world to protect himself from the truth, Nicholas Jaxx is... well, Nicholas Jaxx, and Giovianni Aries seems to believe that 'almost beating Steve Jason but losing' is actually the same as obliterating him single-handedly, so that's pretty much a given. Alright, Giovianni, you're first up this time around. I'm curious, Gio- how exactly does it feel to lose in a match that you basically called me a moron for putting you in last week? Man, I have to admit, I had a good laugh at the end of that match. You really ought to watch what you say, lest you have to eat your words. What was it you said precisely... my 'pile of shit of a show' didn't pan out too well for you, did it? I guess Julian's ring rust really made kicking your arse an impossibility, hmm? I certainly hope you took away a few lessons to be learned from that particular matchup, because I don't plan to re-teach them to you. You did pretty much the exact same thing Ebdon does. You were blind, you were stupid, you denied the truth, and just like Ebdon will, you ate dirt. Don't do it again, because you'll be eating more than just dirt if you try that crap with me this time around. But with that said, I have to hand it to you, Aries, you sure as hell know how to make the best of a bad situation. You're perhaps the only person in recorded history who's actually managed to turn getting beaten by me into a bragging right. It's hilarious! For the last couple of weeks, we've had to put up with endless rounds of 'I almost beat Steve Jason! OK, sure, he beat me, and there's not much I can say to change that, but I nearly did it!' Nearly ain't good enough, pal. If 'nearly' was good enough, then I'd still have bragging rights over Jaxx after Aversion Therapy. 'Nearly' ain't gonna change the fact you lost. You bloodied me up and beat me badly? Congratulations! You know how to fight a Last Man Standing match. But I did the exact same to you, pal, so I'm not quite seeing what your point is here. Are you hanging on for some kind of consolation prize? Maybe you're wanting some kind of medal for trying really, really hard but still failing? But then again, you'd know all about consolation prizes, wouldn't you, Aries? After all, your pals in the Pantheon did give you an official spot in the group. Now, OK, granted, your pals actually said you were only supposed to get that spot if you actually defeated me- which you didn't do- but hey, as long as you got it, right? I mean, you definitely earned it, right? Who cares if you failed to fulfil your actual requirements? You wanna know what I think, Aries? While I won't deny you put up a good fight, and while I expect you'll do the same in this match- I think they gave it to you out of pity. I dunno, maybe you got Christy Matthews' bleeding heart going again and she whined on at Ebdon or something- but I'm curious, Gio, does it ever bother you? Does it ever concern you that you were basically handed your spot in the Pantheon as a pity gift? Sure, you strut around like one of the guys, like a fully fledged Pantheon member, but does that voice in the back of your head ever say 'you know, they only gave you this spot because they felt sorry for you'? I dare say it does. It should. That might just be something to keep in mind before you start strutting around with that 'we are the Pantheon and we are professional wrestling' crap. In your case, it could easily be said that 'you are the Pantheon, and you are a charity case.' And now that I'm on the topic of charity cases, what better time to bring up the witless wonder known as Nicholas Jaxx? We all know my thoughts on Nicholas Jaxx and his mental state, so I'm not going to dedicate a whole lot of airtime to the fact that I believe he might in fact be the only professional wrestler on the planet to be allowed to fight despite being mentally retarded. Nor will I dedicate all that much time to the fact that he's a front-runner for the South Park-inspired 'Biggest Douche In The Universe' award. I'm just trying to imagine the acceptance speech right now: "I'd like to thank God, my friends, and most of all, my mother. Without her drinking ten bottles of vodka a night and shooting heroin while I was in the womb, none of this would have been possible!" Alright, alright, I said I wasn't going to dwell on it and I won't. What can I say, it's been a little while since I last saw Jaxx. Hell, last time I saw him, I gave the man a Kobrakai off the Spectrum stage for finally getting involved in my affairs one too many times. I'll be honest, most of the time I just regard Jaxx as a general nuisance, but I finally got tired of him feeling he could just jump me whenever he felt like it. Oddly enough it seems to have worked, as the little worm hasn't so much as thought of trying to put a major-level beatdown on me since then. But still, I can't erase the fact that there's a certain thing I want to resolve with Jaxx right here, right now. Our inconclusive record against each other. I've beaten him once- although he'll try to deny it- and I'll ruefully admit that he managed to get one over me once too. I don't like that level of uncertainty. If there's one thing I hate, it's 1-1 records. They're too inconclusive, too indecisive. Any man could still be regarded as the better man. I could claim I had a bad day, so could he. I could claim I was mobbed for three weeks straight before my win, he could pull that pissy little 'there were two other guys in the match so it negates the fact you beaned me in the face to win the match' excuse. It's not good enough. I demand a certainty- and while a one-on-one would be the best way to unsettle this record, having my team decimate his could be the next best thing. As could pinning the little rat. ![]() |