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[CONTINUED: Promo - The Undeniable Words #22, 8/7/08] But people have always asked the question... how precisely did I feel after that loss to Nicholas Jaxx at Aversion Therapy? After decimating him the first time only to suffer an embarrassing defeat and a title loss, only to watch the Bloodshed Championship become little more than a paperweight in his hands- oh, he'll cite the handicap match but he knows in his soul the biggest match that title had connected to him was the one he had against me- how precisely did it feel? Truth be told, Jaxx, I feel.. filthy. I could lie and say it doesn't bother me, but truth be told I feel like I've been covered in this stink that I just can't get off me ever since I somehow managed to lose to you. For months, I've sat there wondering how in the hell it could have happened, what I did wrong, how I could have possibly screwed up to that level. Your pal Aries helped me out a lot in that regard, since he was obsessed with it. Understand that. Understand that I've been waiting for the chance to get that reek off me for months and understand that there is very, very little that I won't do for the chance to get it off me. And given I have nothing but contempt for you and given that you've threatened me several times already, I don't have any real qualms about what I have to do in order to get that stink off me. Make damn sure you understand, Jaxx, that not only will I beat you if given the slightest opening, but I'll make you look like an absolute bitch in the process if there's any way of making that possible. You'd better have your wingmen watch your back rather thoroughly, because if you show the slightest weakness, I intend on sinking my teeth in and ripping it open and stomping and tearing relentlessly. And this time, we're doing it on my main turf. Given I made you look like a fool once in your own division that you claim to be the King of, and damn well nearly did it again, I would be very worried right about now. Of course, you're too dumb to understand worry, so you'll just march in their with that blockheaded attitude of yours before I proceed to smear you all over the canvas. And man, would it be sweet. There couldn't possibly be a better way to prove I'm ready for the Platinum Championship than to finally shut your mouth with my boot. But Jaxx, Aries- despite what individual grievances I have with the two of you, there's one common message I intend to send to you both through this match. It's very, very simple, really: there is an upcoming Platinum Championship match, as you well know. It's basically the Pantheon's chance to once again reclaim undisputed power over PDW with the Platinum Champion on their side. The only thing that stands between you lot and your goal is me, of course, and Pete Ebdon has to fight through me. And it concerns me that maybe, just maybe, one of you two will decide to do something incredibly stupid to try to help get your buddy over the line. Yeah, that's right, I pretty much accused the two of you of not being above running in. Because I don't think either of you are. By the end of this six-man match, make no mistake about it, I intend to have you two realizing fully in the depths of your souls just how bad an idea that would be. You will no doubt walk into this match with your usual smarmy, arrogant attitudes, but make no mistake about it, when you two walk- or hobble- out of that match, you two are going to be feeling a lot less sure of yourselves, and if you were planning on helping your pal out, you will be having some serious second thoughts. I'm not making any pretences at being the hero this time around. This is persuasion- of the strongest possible magnitude. Alright, I'm done with you two. And that brings me to none other than the man I'm going to... change.. at Parental Advisory. Pete Ebdon. Well, well, well. Been a little while since we last spoke, Pete. If I recall rightly, last time we spoke, you were supposed to absolutely flatten me without a shadow of a doubt. You were supposed to have me undeniably beaten. I wasn't supposed to have a chance. Me winning was supposed to be an impossibility. What happened, Pete? I was under the impression that whatever you said was going to happen would happen- and yet here we are, co-Platinum Cup holders. Not quite the ending I was going for, but hell, it's a dramatic step up over my first encounter- and I intend to continue that ascent now, and straight up to Parental Advisory. I do have to say... this was not the way I ideally wanted to fight you. Honest truth is, Ebdon, I kinda wanted to hold off putting a loss next to your name until Parental Advisory itself. It seemed more fitting to me for some reason- let you get all puffed up with your own superiority and your 'undefeated' record, and let you keep on going with your claims that it's a dead certainty you're the champion and I'm nothing but a midcarder- only to destroy your hopes, your dreams, your illusions, your body and your record at the same time. It seemed fitting. But I'm not going to shirk on an opportunity where I see it, Ebdon- right now I could use this win, and coring the Pantheon before the PPV is a major objective here too. So rather than pull a Christy Matthews and whine until the cows come home, I'm going to drink a pint of concrete, harden up, and make the best of this situation. Besides... I think it might be interesting to watch you squirm with a loss next to your name for you to reflect upon going into the PPV. One less illusion to shatter. So let's go. So I've got to ask, Ebdon- was that scenario with John Raide supposed to intimidate me at all? I saw what you were mouthing after you threw him off the balcony. Claimed it was going to be me. Honestly, Pete, I'd like to believe that, I really would... but the honest truth of the matter is you've said an awful lot of things have been going to happen to me that really have not happened. I mean, weren't you the one not too long ago telling me if I didn't surrender, I'd be dead or out of the federation? Yet I stand and breathe. Didn't you also say you'd have put me in my place by now? Yet here I stand, contending for the title you claim is yours. You've said an awful lot about what you're going to do, Ebdon, but you've failed to deliver. And I see absolutely nothing to indicate that your stunt with Raide is any different. Fact of the matter is, Ebdon, I'm past that now. Do what you will. I'm still coming, and I dare say there is not a single thing you can hope to do to intimidate me now. We're past the point of no return now, and you'd better start realizing that if you don't want to end up making Joshua Payne's fate look like a slap on the wrist. Heh. You're not the only one who can make that threat, huh? It's almost as pathetic as you trying to come at me through Angel, really. Honestly, what was that supposed to achieve? Was I somehow supposed to get more of a chill because you said those things to Angel and not to me? Or maybe it was some kind of veiled threat to get her involved in this? I do hope that's not the case, Pete. I won't even make any specific threats or go into any detail about what I'll do to you- you know precisely what I mean when I tell you that would be the biggest and most fatal error of your over-hyped and inflated career. It doesn't matter whose mouth those words come out of, Ebdon- they're still your words and I still have nothing but contempt for them. Do your worst. Follow through on every single threat if it really makes you feel like that much of a man and compensates for other... heh... shortcomings. One way or the other, Ebdon, I really want you to enjoy this match. I want you to relish every moment of it as best you can. Because time's rather rapidly running out, Pete. You only have... what, one, two more matches left, before the man we currently know as Pete Ebdon ceases to exist. Is that a threat to your livelihood? No. That is not my intention. You'll still be able to walk and talk and breathe and even wrestle by the time all this is over. But in a matter of weeks, Pete Ebdon, you will be... changed. No, I'm not going to elaborate on that. Not yet. You won't know the truth of it until it's happened, and it will not happen yet. But make no mistake about it... if I have my way, this match is one of the last that the man I'm currently speaking to will be a part of. So my closing suggestion- enjoy life as the arrogant bastard currently known as Pete Ebdon while you can. And be brave. Even if I put that 1 on your record before Parental Advisory. And that... IS UNDENIABLE! ![]() |