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RP #23- Codename Octavian [Promo - The Undeniable Words #23, 8/18/08] Finally, I'm at the last stop on the road to Parental Advisory. Last stop to the Platinum Championship. This is my final chance to make a statement, the one chance to get the stink of last week's defeat out of the air and to establish one message and one message alone- that I'm coming for Ebdon and that I'm bringing every unstoppable force of nature with me. No matter who was selected for this final match, he could be comfortable in the knowledge that he was probably about to get hit by the single hardest fight in his career. I am that on edge, I am that focused and I am that determined to make my message clear. Pete Ebdon likes to 'send messages' by assaulting my friends and trying to murder wrestlers. Quite frankly, I'm above either. Ebdon's friends don't have to worry about me coming after them and trying to do something similar to what they did to Julian Dark- even if one of them thinks I'm a liar, she will know years from now just how wrong she was and she will bitterly regret that day. And nobody has to worry about me attempting to murder them by throwing them off a balcony, either. Because neither accomplishes anything- but I'll extrapolate on that a little further next week. Basically, instead of attacking the Pantheon or trying to kill random wrestlers and blaming other people for it, I'm going to send my message in a far more straightforward and convincing way. I'm going to let my fists and feet do the talking, I'm going to have a little in-ring forum with Drake Benjamin about my complete and undisputed combat superiority, and the final exclamation point of my message is the ring bell. In many ways, Drake Benjamin couldn't have been a more fitting person to send my final message through. The last time Pete Ebdon defended a title, Drake and Catalina Benjamin were involved, and as we all know, despite giving him a decent fight, Drake didn't make it. I have no doubt that Drake has learned more than a few lessons since then, but the fact remains that fighting him is a good measure of working out just how ready I am for this. If I don't beat him, it's not looking very good for me and I know just how screwed I probably am. If I do... well, if I do defeat Drake, then it looks like I've managed to supersede Ebdon's last 'big challenge', and that's a very big exclamation point in my battle. If I beat Drake and make it look easy... well, to be honest I suspect Drake will have learned enough to make that a hard thing to do, but if I do, then that means Ebdon needs to start panicking and I can get a massive boost to my confidence going. This is a pivotal battle- it's not just one that I want to win, it's one that at this point in time I need to win. And when I need to do something, I tend to break through any and all opposition and I end up doing it. Understand that, Drake Benjamin- because it's a fact I intend to prove. I have to say, Drake, my involvement with you and Catalina has been an... interesting one. From pretty much day one, nobody's ever been truly sure of whose side you're actually on- if any. To be honest, I'm going to hazard a guess and say the only true side you're on is your own. The ultimate opportunists, so to speak. Well, I'll hand it to you, it's a slightly more intelligent approach than some of the dumber people in this company, so that's to be admired in its own perverse sort of way. You've walked a very fine line with me personally- never quite stepped on the side of enemies, but at the same time I certainly wouldn't call you an ally- even if you were part of the Nine that struck Joshua Payne down once and for all. I owe you for your assistance that night and I graciously acknowledge the aid- but you and I both know it wasn't a move out of friendliness. You had your own reasons- and I dare say they took on the role of the puppet-master. Seems to be a recurring thing for you two. Playing the strings, playing each situation for your own advantage. But with that said, Drake, it's a very hard game to play and to be honest, despite the fact you're very good at it, even I can see a few places where I'd say you're slipping up and getting sloppy. It baffles me, really. Most of your decisions have been highly intelligent ones worthy of some of the greatest strategians, but some have been... well... outright rash. I mean, really, Drake. Getting all buddy-buddy with Christy Matthews? I don't have the faintest idea what triggered that and in fact I'd probably even go as far as to say it plays into your little 'puppet-master' thing you and Catalina and Selters have going in some way, shape or form, but after witnessing what she does to any of her acquaintances who get on the wrong side of her 'old friends', I have to ask- has your connection to a casino mogul like Blake Selters not taught you anything about how stupid a gamble like that is? I'm fairly willing to bet that whatever friendship you have with her will last about as long as you're useful to that scumbag Ebdon, and then the second they've expended their use for you, you'll be wrung out like a rag and beaten to a bloody pulp. Hell, Drake, it might even be you on that cross next- and having been up there myself, I wouldn't have any reason to wish that on you. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. I'd be very careful, Drake, because it's my prediction that this little game of yours will blow up in your face and the consequences could be dire. You can't trust her for a second, and if I were you I'd make damn sure you remember it. Because if you can't learn from that mistake I made... well, it doesn't say much for your ability to learn from any of the others that could be advantageous for you. But honestly, that's not really my business, and I'm probably risking a major-level tantrum by three different people just by talking about that, so let's move right along. This is a contest that I have no doubt you'll have a fair stake in yourself. After all, I could very well be the next Platinum Champion. If you were to win this... well hell, let's just say that either you'll have proven yourself better than the champion, or you'll have proven yourself better than the man they threw at the champion. Either way, it would make your failure to acquire the Prodigy title insignificant, because you'd be thrown at something much, much better. I know that, Drake- I have to know that in order to win, because I have a strong feeling that this'll be one of your deciding motivations. I understand that I have to fight a man who wants to be in the situation I'm in now- and man, let me tell you, I fought tooth and nail to get this far, I went through hell for it. So I understand a little something about just how much just the chance to be a contender can motivate somebody. Most people are... ignorant of the drive that the up and comers have. I am not, and that makes me all the more dangerous. I don't just know a bit about you and your wrestling style, but I also know at least part of your motivation for this match. And that's a crucial advantage in itself. Motivation dictates thoughts and actions, after all. And no, I can't predict your every move and every thought with a hundred percent accuracy- but the more I know on your motivations, the more I can map out what could potentially happen. Something worth considering. ![]() |