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[Continued - Promo - The Undeniable Words #23, 8/18/08] But this isn't an ordinary match, is it? Nope, it's falls count anywhere. That's a rather polite way of saying 'the gloves are off, do what you will'. We can take this fight wherever we need to- the ring, the ringside area, the backstage halls of the Spectrum, the chicks' locker room, the strip club down the road, anywhere we see fit. Heh, it seems as though I'd never even lost the Bloodshed Championship after the matches I've fought in the past few weeks. Know, Drake, that I'm not the slightest bit uncomfortable or ruffled up about having to take this outside the ring. Yes, my primarily specialty is in-ring fighting. As is just about all of ours. But you of all people should know what martial arts ability allows somebody to do outside of a ring. So I'm comfortable out of the ring- and I have a fairly decent idea that you will be as well. In fact, that's something I'm curious about. While I'm generally an all-rounder in terms of wrestling ability, I'm known for my specialties in technical wrestling and martial arts. Sound familiar? It should, because it's your own dominant field. And that's something I'm curious about in and of itself, because it's rare I fight someone with a skillset similar to my own. You fit that bill, Drake. I wonder... just who of us could emerge as the superior man in such a bout? It's no longer a case of assuming that because I have martial art skill and the other guy doesn't, I can best him in a brawl. This will no doubt come down to so many other factors- who's faster, who's got the quickest reaction time, and the three most important factors- who's studied the most devastating arts, who's been the better student of those arts, and whose master did the best job. Personally, I've got a lot of reason to be confident in all three. Factor One- My knowledge of the arts covers everything from speed strikes and flurries all the way up to the attacks they teach Israeli soldiers for when they run out of ammo to throw at their enemies. Factor Two- I spent years... years... dedicating myself to the arts. I didn't just settle for finding a master near me- I travelled the world to gain that knowledge. Not just Japan, too. China, Korea, Israel, Brazil.. and more. And I went there to do that. I wasn't just some sightseer, and I wasn't there to get every flavour of international tail there was. I went there to learn to fight, and that was my sole focus. I ran security, I cleaned all the crap and fish guts out of fishermans' boats in Japan, I worked at a freakin' McDonalds, I did the most menial, low-paying crap known to man just to be able to stay abroad, off the streets and continue to learn. That's how dedicated a student I was and am. And factor three- my primary master was, undisputedly, one of the wisest and most skilled masters there was. He didn't just teach moves, he taught a whole new lifestyle, a lifestyle I still adhere to. I didn't just learn to punch and kick, I learned to live that fighting style. Do you live your style, Drake Benjamin? Is it just a tool to get by, or does it make up an integral block of who you are? Only the latter will be sufficient to stand a chance in a hand-to-hand battle with me. You call yourself the King Cobra. That insinuates two things- speed and deadliness. You've proven yourself enough to make me take that name seriously. I used to go by a name a little like that myself in my youth- they called me the Stinger. It's not a name I use any more, but the name was in connection to the stingrays that populated the waters near where I grew up. Do you know why they gave my that name? Because like the cobra has a deadly bite, the stingray's got a barb that you do not want to get on the wrong side of. The stingray's also steady and unphased by just about anything in its path- and so am I. I've left the nickname long behind- but I still hold the ideals of the name firm. I will stand steady and unphased in the wake of the cobra's aggression- and I will persevere before unleashing a deadly assault that you won't see coming until it's too late. Thing is, the cobra's easy to figure out. It's an aggressive little bastard of a thing. You see a cobra, you know you're in big trouble. The stingray? Nobody really figures the stingray out until it's too late. No, I'm not making a Steve Irwin reference, viewers. Don't be so freakin' cliché. I'm going to conclude with something that I remember you saying to Pete Ebdon in the lead-up to your match with him at Speak No Evil. I hate being an archivist most of the time, but this is a line you used that I find very, very fitting to make my final comments on. At the end of your first promo, you claimed that instead of facing Pete Ebdon, Prodigy Champion, you were instead facing Pete Ebdon, future Platinum Champion. You also wondered if I had something to say about that. I do, actually. Pete Ebdon uses various methods to convince his enemies. Usually he intimidates. If he can't intimidate or it's not appropriate, he will lie until he's blue in the face. And if none of that works, then he'll flat out try physical coercion, threatening, and eventually violence, physically punishing you for not believing what he wants. I, Drake, am not a man who uses such methods. If I disagree with something, I have... far, far more effective ways to convince my enemy. I'd like to persuade you that Ebdon is in fact not the future Platinum Champion, Drake. Indeed, by the end of this match, I want you to believe that nothing could be further than the truth. But I'm not going to lie to you. I'm not going to threaten you. And I'm not going to start mangling your loved ones as punishment for knowing you. Because I don't need to. My methods are ridiculously simple- I'm just going to show you how wrong you are. Through my actions in the ring, through my prowess in battle, and through my complete and utter combat superiority, I'll speak louder than any of Ebdon's words ever could, and my message will have far more power behind it than any physical suppression ever could. Each right hook, each crescent kick, each suplex, each neckbreaker, each spinebuster, every submission hold, Kobrakai Triplex, Shinkansen, S3, Vindicator. Usually you'd associate them with tools of coercion, but this time, they instead become an indication of my skill and power- a part of the truth. And when all's said and done, Drake- you'll see the truth of what I've said in the ring, and you'll change your mind. Not because of lies, deception or coercion- but because you know in your heart that it is, in fact, the truth. And you'll be the first to know in your heart without a shadow of a doubt that I am the next Platinum Champion. And that... IS UNDENIABLE! ![]() |