[Promo - The Undeniable Words #2, 01/20/09]

Dont Stop - Innerpartysystem
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NOW PLAYING- Innerpartysystem - Don't Stop (2009 Theme)

So, Monday has finally come and gone, and the people have spoken. Archangel's going for the Universal Champion. Dan Fierce, one of the many trainees I'm hoping to prepare for the big time, gets a chance to do that with a tag team title shot. My old friend Centurion gets to test himself to the limits in an Iron Submission match. And... aw, hell, I'll just get straight to the point. I'm going to the World title match! Over 40% of the vote too... yeah, I have to admit that's kinda going to my head a little. I have no doubt we'll hear a few cries of foul over that, but it doesn't matter to me.

It is official, it is locked in, and it's going to happen. It's time for me to dust off the boardshorts, the boots and the pads, because it looks like I'm headed back into the XWF, for a title that's got a certain special place in my heart- the XWF World Championship. I've had some good times with that title, and I can actually say that some of my finest moments have come during my World reigns, or in the quest for it. To chase it again is a thrill that I couldn't be more thankful to the voters for giving me the chance to have once more.

Of course, some people seem to feel their voices are more important than those of the voting populace. Apparently Chad's little prejudices should outweigh the voices of the voting public. Apparently I'm not worthy- although the crowd made it clear I clearly am. Apparently I'm 'too old' - even though I'm only 31, making me younger than Ranma Saotome, who as we all know made Chad his bitch at Lord of the Ring. Yep, that's right, let's just throw out the opinions of the public, and instead cater to the whining crybabies who need a hug! Unfortunately for Chad, we won the Cold War, so communism ain't coming back any time soon and therefore, voice of the people reigns supreme. Too bad, so sad.

In fact, you know something? I'm not even gonna bother refuting Chad's latest claims, because A) it's going to eat up valuable promo-time, B) I don't really give a crap about what Chad thinks, and C) he pretty much refuted his own lines of argument for me. I mean, did any of that crap he was spouting actually make sense to you people? I couldn't even work out what the hell he was saying in between all that retarded gibberish spewing out of his mouth. So I'm gonna do what I really should have done straight from the start and not even given that peon the time of day, let alone the attention he so desperately craves. Whether he likes it or not, I am here- and whether he likes it or not, I will be contending for the XWF World Championship- and if I have it my way, I'll be capturing it too.

This will not be easy. Let me say that right from the get-go. Whatever visions you have of a 'Legend' so wrapped up in his own glory that he won't even consider the others as remotely a threat need to go out the window right now. Yes, I had quite a legacy for myself back in the day- but this is 2009 and it is the here and now that is relevant. I know what old veterans who get complacent are like, because years ago I was bringing them down myself.

I know exactly why they lost their way- it's because they couldn't accept that talent evolved and they'd have to as well. They clung stubbornly to old ways and visions of a past that they ruled supreme in, and no matter what, they couldn't accept that they still needed to be better than what they are. Instead of adapting to a new world, they insisted on trying to relive the old one. That made them easy prey for my comrades and I- and I am determined not to go down that same road.

Oddly enough, this match is a unique mix of people who I've tangled with in the past, and dark horses I am yet to encounter. I've never fought Rage, although I've watched with interest... and Spice One is much the same. On the other side, I've duked it out with FuZz before back in the day, and Big Shank... well, let's just say that I haven't forgotten his hit-and-run tactics in 2003 and that I've been owing him a retaliation backhand for quite some time. And then there's Raziel, who... well, me and him have been through a hell fo a lot on a million different sides. From what I've seen, any of these men are World title material and any of them will require some serious effort to bring down. But then again, I've always been a man who enjoys a challenge.

Which is why I desperately, desperately hope Spice One wrestles a hell of a lot better than he talks.

I honestly don't know what to make of precisely what in the heck Spice One's trying to say... if I even know. There was a lot of cussing, a lot of screaming at the top of his lungs, a whole bunch of trite overplayed mumbo-jumbo about how he's more ready than anyone else and how he's solely fixated on the World title... like I haven't heard that before in the last eight years. I was kinda scratching my head in puzzlement for the lot of it, then I realized I should probably at least try to understand the mindset of my opponent... but let's just say that despite the fact he's obviously very impressed with himself, I am not.

Congratulations, Paprika, you know a few naughty words. You want a medal? Ladies and gentlemen, this man actually managed to break the record for using the word 'motherfucker' in fifteen minutes! Samuel L. Jackson, eat your heart out! Someone give that man the World title, stat!

In case you can't tell, I'm being grossly sarcastic. Is that your idea of controversy, Spice One? Shoot off a few fucks and cocksuckers, ramble on about how you smoke dope and make that seem like some kind of transgression that'll shake society to its knees? I got news for you, man, pretty much half the people on this continent have tried the green stuff at one point or another in their lives. It ain't that impressive. Not that I'm against it, whatever works for you, but honestly, I just don't think anyone but you cares. And as for shooting off f-bombs... for God's sake, I've seen elementary school kids do that. What's new, Basil?

Fine. Well, I say you can be stopped, so where does that leave us? One of us has to be wrong, Spice One. One of us is going to prove the other one wrong. And I suppose the question then comes down to who has the stronger will and who has the sharper skills? You're a big man, I'll give you that, but I'm probably a damn sight faster than you, and you're gonna need both in this match.

The thing is, you can shout, scream and insult me all you want, it doesn't change the fact that I'm coming and I'm doing what I've come here to do. Your mouth's written some massive checks, and you certainly do talk the talk, Spice One- but, and not to sound cliche here, can you walk the walk? I have met countless, countless people who've talked up a big game and worked themselves into a frenzy like you, but in the end they all crumbled. So I ask you this- tell me, what makes you different from them? You need to know the answer to that question if you are to come within a hair of topping me.

Next person I'm going to discuss is none other than the Universal Champion's new friend, FuZz. I've got to admit, FuZz, I think you might have actually done the impossible and actually managed to surprise even me with that one. Could it be that the man known for the same tired old 'stab 'em with the hypodermic' routine is actually developing some kind of creative direction? Lord knows he probably needs it- after all, the last time we had a dispute, he ended up impaled on his own needles from twenty feet up.

OK, OK, I'm probably being a little cynical there. FuZz and me don't often see eye to eye on many things. Sure, we actually almost had ourselves an understanding for a while, but let's face it, we're never gonna agree on anything. And now, the man's proclaimed his goal- he and Ranma plan on running over the XWF. To be honest, I couldn't care less about that. Ranma earned his supremacy, and I've got no problem with the man- and the XWF can defend itself without my supervision. I'm done playing the hero.

But with that said, sometimes goals clash, FuZz. There's just one big roadblock standing between you and the World title, and the various chaos and 'running wild' that you plan to do. That roadblock happens to be six-three, 237 pounds and goes by the name of Steve Jason.

Wow. Kinda like history repeating, huh? This is pretty much exactly the same thing that happened in the Black Order days, and we all know how that kinda went for you. Of course, things are a little different now, I'll be the first to admit that, but you damn well better believe I'm no less of a threat to you back then than I am now. If not more.

The fact of the matter is, while I don't care about what you and Ranma want to do, you're in the way of something I need. If you achieve your goal, then I cannot achieve mine, and I think you know me well enough to know that I can't let that come to pass. No doubt you'll rant and rave about me meddling and acting like a hero- to be honest, this is far from heroism. This is pretty much pure selfishness on my part- I want to see if I'm still as good as they say I am, and I want to see if I'm still good enough to take the title. That's about as selfish as a man can get. But I'm committed to it- and you of all people know precisely what I'm like when I'm committed to something, and just how hard I am to stop.