[Promo - The Undeniable Words #4, 02/09/09]

Dont Stop - Innerpartysystem
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NOW PLAYING- Innerpartysystem - Don't Stop (2009 Theme)

Y'know, ladies and gentlemen, the last few weeks have been kind of surreal. After being back in the XWF and back in active competition after months away, sometimes I wonder if this is real or if I'm just dreaming. And sometimes I wonder if I am actually home for the long run, or if in a matter of days I'll be disappearing back into the middle of nowhere, back on the move again and leaving the XWF behind me as nothing more than a faint memory.

But let me tell you... nothing says 'home sweet home' like a queue of indignant douchebags trying to lay you out to prove a point, because you're Steve Jason.

Honestly, and people think I buy into the hype?

OK, so we've all seen what went down at the last Anarchy. It wasn't exactly my finest moment. I kinda figured it'd only be a matter of time before the penny dropped and somebody would paint a target on my back. And I'm not complaining to be honest. It comes with the territory. If you ascend to the higher echelons, be prepared to face everyone out to bring you back down- or to remove you from the running altogether. So I'm not all that surprised about what happened last week. Seems like two people have staked their claim at the same time, too- Trent Gein went after me with a chair, and Famine of the Vile had the incredibly poor judgment to attack myself and Centurion- and Dan Fierce had the incredibly poor judgment to let it happen.

Dan, I don't know what you're playing at, but I'm going to spell it out for you right now- you are walking on a very thin line. I'd expect a man to show a little more gratitude for the help I've provided in order to prepare you for your journey to the top. I don't know what Famine's game is right now, but I'd recommend you think very, very carefully about what your game plan is for next Anarchy. Sooner or later, you're going to have to pick a side. You're either going to have to attack me, or you're going to have to put the Alice Cooper clone on the mat. The fact of the matter is, I won't force you, but Famine will. Think carefully, Dan, because if I have to protect myself, I will. Will I like it? No. But it's necessity.

You, Famine of the Vile, have no such luxury, because believe me, I've got no qualms whatsoever about planting my fist into that panstick-covered mug of yours. I suppose at least Dan's got something people can sympathise with, but you... well, you're just a douchebag of the highest order, my man. The world's not gonna judge me too harshly at all if I decide to splatter you all over that canvas. Hell, some would argue it's long overdue. Your little stunt last week seems to say an awful lot about your opinions on Cent and I teaming up... and fear seems to be pretty prominent on the list. Here's the news- I won't be intimidated, and I certainly won't be intimidated by you. So go back to grossing us all out with that Daisy chick or whatever the hell her name is, but keep one eye over your shoulder, because while you made yourself clear last week, you made one fatal error. Leaving me breathing.

Alright, that's all the little administrative details out the way. Now as we all know, Famine and his jackassery was only one of the issues I was presented with- and this issue I intend to resolve much, much sooner. Seems that none other than the Dynasty's Trent Gein chose to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. Man, why didn't they just send Megan Byron down to interfere? At least she's hot, which is more than I can say for the gargoyle that is Trent Gein. But anyway, it seems the powers that be think that Trent ought to back up his little stunt, so they're throwing me at him.

I just don't get it, Trent. What in the world were you trying to achieve? I mean, I know the standard tactic of running interference so your pals get the win, but surely you've been here long enough to know that you're supposed to hit the guy with a chair after the referee's taken out? As opposed to, you know, doing it right in front of the referee and practically handing your team a DQ!

I mean, you did have something else in mind, right? You weren't actually trying to get your pals a win, were you? Because if you were trying to do that and I were The Boss... insert dramatic music here... well, let's just say you'd probably be getting the 'we're sorry, but we're going to have to let you go, because you're an incompetent douchebag who can't even cheat properly in a sport where you have to be some kind of retard to screw it up' speech.

So obviously it was something else. I don't get it... maybe you were trying to save your pals from a humiliating defeat at the hands of the Wildcards? Was that it? Better to be DQed than to be steamrollered? Noble sentiment there, Trent, but unfortunately you forgot to factor in one thing- instead of just being two guys who fought hard against their opponents, Jaymz and Brady now basically look like two all-talk bitches who had to be bailed out by their pal. Wow. Way to save your pals' reputations, man. With friends like you, do the Dynasty even need Zach Rizza making life hard for you guys? Seems to me you're doing a pretty good job of that on your own.

What else... uh, I dunno... maybe it's got something to do with me personally? I mean, let's face it, I've kinda got a bit of a rep around here, and you're... well, hell, does anyone even remember your Universal title run? Does anyone here even know you had a Universal title run? I suppose it could be an outburst of petty jealousy... the legend who's not getting enough attention and who's basically a charity case going after the man who gets a bit more acclaim. There's no shame in that, Trent. I've gone up against a lot of bitter little men who don't like my legacy, and you sure as hell won't be the last.

I suppose the only other possible reason could be that for some reason, you were trying to intimidate me. Of course, I don't really even see the logic in that, because you've gone after me with a freakin' chainsaw before and that didn't put any fear whatsoever into me. What in the world makes you think a chair would make much difference? I've taken so many chairshots in my time that I think I've lost count around the hundred mark. It ain't new. And it sure as hell ain't any kind of deterrent for me. Really, Trent, you should stay abreast of these things. I'd expect a braindead punk without a clue to make such mistakes, but you're an XWF Legend. There's not really any excuse for such bland, unoriginal and ineffective attempts to put me down.

Put simply- you ought to be ashamed, soldier!