[Promo - The Undeniable Words #4, 02/09/09]

Dont Stop - Innerpartysystem
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Well, Trent, whatever your reasons for your attack, now's the time to put up or shut up. Really, you probably shouldn't have gone for the chair if you'd wanted a piece of me, because to be honest, now I can safely assume that you've got no qualms trying it again in this match. And I also know that with your own run-in, you have no qualms calling in the Dynasty. So if you had any hope of keeping them as aces in the hole in case things go grim... well, it ain't working. I'm assuming anything at this point, and as far as I'm concerned, all restraints are off.

To be honest, I don't even know why you're bothering with the Dynasty anyway. They're clearly a sinking ship. I mean, how long has it been now since all that fuss about 'The Boss' overtook the XWF? And let me tell you, it's been the single biggest disappointment in recorded history. Seriously. Even the Spice One fiasco delivered more than this. What have you guys done? Have you altered the face of this company in any way? No. You have not. And let's face it, Trent Gein, do you really need a bunch of flunkies patting you on the shoulder telling you how awesome you are? About the only fringe benefit's Megan Byron, and as I understand it Brady's snatched that up anyway, so I don't really know the purpose of this. It's even crazier than the time you pussed out and joined the Black Order, and that crap made no sense at all.

Well, I suppose it doesn't really matter in the end. Dynasty or no, tag team or no, we're fighting. I guess Zach Rizza really does want me to take out the trash- after throwing me and Cent at Brady and Dante last week, and after putting me up against you, he's obviously lining me up to soften the Dynasty some. Oh, well. I don't really like doing the GM's dirty work, but I guess I can make an exception. And besides, it's not like I don't get something out of it. I get to make my response.

Cause you sent your message. We may not have the faintest clue what it actually is, but you sent it. And y'know something, I accept that. But now, Trent, the time's come for me to send my message.

It seems to me that there's beginning to be a prevalent opinion that I can just be walked all over. Like anybody who feels they have something to prove has some god-given right to attack me to send 'a message', or to prove themselves, or to compensate for their lack of endowment, or a million other things. And y'know something, it's quite tiring. I can't really be watching over my back every other second waiting for the next person to try to prove a point. It seems that after Snow Job, some people feel that I'm weakened and that this might be the time to make a claim to fame by bringing me down.

Simply put, Trent, you've put yourself in a rather nasty position. You tried it- but worse yet, you actually left it so I can get my hands on you. And make no mistake about it, Trent, if I have my way that's what a lot of this match is going to be rotating around. An example must be set. A reality check needs to be sent out to the Famine of the Viles and Trent Geins of the locker room. People need to realise just who they're dealing with, and they need to know just how very futile trying to use me as their stepping stone can be.

You're gonna be my messenger to the Dynasty. You're also gonna be my messenger to Famine. It's an easy job, really. You don't have to speak, you don't have to write, you don't have to drive anywhere. All you have to do is get in that ring and try hard- try so very hard- to one-up me. Me, my fists and my feet will do the rest. And by the end of it, people are going to start realising that I am not to be trifled with. The Dynasty will sit back and pay attention, and Famine of the Vile will sit back in his seat with his eyes wide open, wondering just what in the hell he's got himself into. And any other upstarts with any ideas of making a claim to fame off my hide will reconsider very quickly. And you? You'll never cause a problem for me again after this.

You made your bed, Plainsfield. Now lie in it.

And that.... IS UNDENIABLE!