[CONTINUED - The Undeniable Words #6, 02/21/09]

C&C - Act on instinct (ID: 83482) - Xenogenocide

And that brings me to you, Dan Fierce.

I've got to admit, Dan, I've been... a little surprised as to your reaction to this match. Maybe I dropped the ball a bit on developing your attitude to the sport. That's all I can really put it down to after seeing how upset you got about Centurion and I forming a team. Not even demanding title shots- forming a team.

Why is that, Dan? Is it because I'm your friend, your trainer? Does that somehow make you feel a little betrayed about this whole business? That's the impression I'm getting. Seems to me that you're taking it personally that Cent and I have entered the tag team ranks.

It is not personal. That's one thing you need to learn about this business, Dan. Sure, we have friends and allies and the like, but we are all here to attain success and glory. If you're to rise above the rest here in the X-Treme Wrestling Federation, you are going to have to fight friends, mentors, trainers. That's how it works. I'll fight with honor, sure, and I tend to actually have respect for the people I face who I get on with, but there have been countless times in my career where I've had to fight close friends. It's unavoidable, it's a necessity, so I did what had to be done.

I suppose that's another lesson for you, Dan. We aren't here to be friends. Sure, there's a part of that in there, but in the long run we're all competitors, and that comes first. It's not enmity, it's competition, and competition is why we are here. Famine is trying to manipulate you by making it out like I'm using you or disregarding your friendship. Do not listen to him. Truth be told, I'd consider it an insult to refuse to fight you. It's a belittlement of your skills and abilities.

This is how you have to think if you're going to succeed. You're good. Very good. And you have a hell of potential ahead of you. But you have to think like a warrior, because that's what you are. This is one of the things I've tried to drill into you for preparation of moments like these. Yes, you're glamorous and probably one of the most fashion-conscious men in the world, if a little eccentric. You're a nice guy, and you've been a great trainee. But you need to be assertive. It's always been your failing. In many ways, this is going to be a test of that.

You refused to beat me down a few weeks ago when Famine came after me. Don't think I've forgotten it and don't think I don't appreciate it. You did the right thing and I won't forget that. But you can't pull that sort of thing in a match, Dan. I'm your trainer, I'm your friend, but in that match, for God's sake, hit me. You cannot have any qualms about it. If a wrestler wavers once like that, he's finished. I don't care what you do in the ring, that's what I signed up for. It's only the out-of-the-ring crap that irritates me. So no tears, no qualms. Man up and go to war.

In many ways, this is another lesson, another test. It tests perhaps the toughest thing a wrestler has to master- determination and commitment to the task at hand. The perfect wrestler, theoretically, doesn't let anything distract him from the fight, doesn't let any concerns and worries weigh him down. But we're not robots. None of us can do that. So we have to do the next best thing- we have to look at fears and qualms and we have to try our best to suppress them and not let them get in our way.

Safety's off, and live ammo's on for this one. I'm not going easy on you, and I'm going for the tag titles and I will be bringing my A game. I strongly suggest you do the same. No qualms, no fears, no regrets. I look forward to seeing just how much you've taken on board.

And that... IS UNDENIABLE!