Rock God: | " Vanquishing all dreamers " | Career: 45.3.5


What is the choice in power
Can you really trust the powers that be…
If so how in the well being of power can it be entrusted…
What happens when you are the one, who makes change

. Candy Coated: Reality .

Indeed, it's time to show them why they haven't been paying to much attention to the facts. They've only stuck around to see me enough to sign me or want to bring me into a group or something else. But now they've only taken sides with yet another cruel and vicious man but only confined me to being the man who was wrong in the end, they have to place blame because they don't understand how to forgive yet even further have lost the will to admit they where wrong for backing up such a criminal when it came to having some kind of power. But when we've all taken to many blows to the head from those who use destructive critique as a method to further our being superior to someone else they forget how to be in the most important way the person in charge. They run away from those duties as well as pick the fights with the underlings.

But how in the hell
I am, I an underling in such a power struggle between the matter of being in a position where you call the shots and the one who makes those calls to become action. As a wrestler I find myself in a power of both positioned power and power to make change. So consider this my changing of roles I want to only bring

So are you with me... Possibly not.

Just remember one last thing, that you’ll never beat me I’m to damn good to be beaten, power can exist but I don't care much for them.

. Chain Reaction  

" Now I've been given what I need. "

" This is going to be so much work, but it will be well worth it. "

Now this was the time I had between what had happen, I had gotten a call that I was going to be released. I hadn't even had a good measure in a victory just yet enough to celebrate but they thought they'd make a judgment call that me and Dunn had words it was good enough for him that they'd want him for the title shot role along with Jarvis yet I was stuck wrestling this now dwindled " Best of 4 " Matches I had beaten Blade but the match was nothing more then a dark match non televised something to be my punishment for what had went down.

Standing there I untied my wrestling boots, with each foot now hanging to the side I tied each of my gym shoes up looking forward this wasn't the first time I had gotten noticed for being a " Disruption " An labeled disturbance that had to be dealt with and I was found to be confined to wrestling the matches still just at a later date a non televised match up with Blade that saved him from public embarrassment .

After I untied my boots slipped them into my bag I stood, shoulders covered by a towel I sat back looking at a magazine that had Carrie on the front cover some kind of teen beat or music magazine I let my head fall between the back of the wall closing my eyes. I heard the locker room door open then close as quickly as I heard it, never moving I let the person just waltz in I had my guard up just incase there was going to be " round 2 " But I heard the voice of someone I really got to know over the past 2 weeks I had met them in laying back I looked very poised as well relaxed.

" Are you just going to sit there all relaxed? you just wrestled yet you're retiring to the locker room. "

Saying nothing I returned from my thoughts releasing my
unrealized grasp of the magazine I held in both hands, laying it on the side of met I sighed heavy enough to be heard but running my fingers to my forehead as if I had a headache but in fact I was struggling between the statement that Rayne had made I was trying to figure out who the hell was this man to get on my case about what had gone down.

" No. " I finally replied to Rayne's unanswered question I didn't lead him on but I wasn't much for talking now.

" Well then maybe you should get up or something, sitting there won't help you prove them wrong man. "

After hearing what Rayne was trying to get me to do, I stood to my feet walking to my locker room pulling out a black t-shirt and some black jeans finding my boots at the bottom of the closet like locker I went to change, I had no Idea where I was going to end up I just had to get out of there. I looked at Rayne one last time before I finished getting dressed. I said nothing mostly made commotion when I was changing I had more thoughts flooding my head as I then threw my bag into the locker, returning for it later was my best bet.

" Where you going? " Rayne questioned me not to chastise like all the others.

" Drinking. " I replied having nothing else to do but go ease my mind a few beers or other
alcoholic beverages would've done the trick.

I returned to walking just opening the door a crack, looking back at the now relaxing Rayne who had did hours training in the gym and the ring. I somewhat felt I owed him thanks just like the other guys in the locker room who would've stood up for me if given the chance. I sighed somewhat not feeling to much of myself today enough to only react with normal emotions that I tried to
suppress when in public at least.

" Thanks Rayne, you're right I should prove them wrong. Just not right now. " I felt myself weakened like a wounded animal now I then shifted sliding between the threshold of the door into the hallway as I went towards the parking lot I knew I didn't need my car there was a pub that hosted a night club at the same time on the edge of the water front.

Keeping my slender slim balance between wanting to fall over from over exertion during my match and the ordeal I walked slowly my head hanging low out of thoughts just over taking my brain like a virus that invaded the human body. Looking up I only came to hand face to face with yet
another EPIC personality. I couldn't help but want to escape but I had to make nice if they saw me as an " Asshole " but none the less I tried to put my best foot forward.

" You know you shouldn't even be wrestling for this company anymore, you're just a waste of time. " Carson stood in front of me now, dressed in his street attire he was more now being just as an " Asshole " then I was expected of being to other superstars.

" Right.. " I tried to Ignore that comment only to brush pass him I wasn't much for extending my open hand touching the spiteful fury of a guy who had built up anger, It would've just lingered in me for awhile
until I lashed out next on the wrong person.

After brushing pass Carson I didn't even look back but I felt him burning a whole in my fucking head as I brushed on
continuing my conquest to reach " Larson's Pub " that reminded me of one of my former locker room buddies over at Gateway Wrestling running my hands to my pockets I pushed on holding my head up some trying to evade anybody else who fit on the " Don't Encounter " scale I tried running past them but only ones I was running away from where only just backstage staff members.

I pulled a
cigarette out my pocket only to rest it between my lips, pushing on boots clicking off the ground as I made my way to the outskirts of the gates. But there was someone standing across the street I then noticed as I was walking in that direction cars flew pass me as I stood waiting on the light to change red turning the cross walk to the little white running guy. Pocketing my hands once more the guy only stood there as I approached him now out of my aim of getting to the pub.

" Come with me now, Aomori we have to talk. " Said Dryden who seem to want to have a bone to pick with me.

My only thought to see Dryden standing there was " Fuck, how the hell could this damned night get any better? " I guess I had no choice I was walking with Dryden who had his eyes fitted on the ground I still didn't notice we where walking both the same way into the pub. I stood there looking for a moment trying to figure this guy out.

" So what is there to talk about? " I asked somewhat alert but having on sense in trying to guard myself from any lashings.

" You're problem, you where fined with a non televised match in you're hometown, that
doesn't go well with fans nor dose fighting with those who have power over you. " Dryden proclaimed this confidently as I stood in front of Larson's pub on side of Dryden.

" What do you mean, it
happened nothing can be done. " I looked towards him as we both entered the pub walking to the bar.

" You think not, but
there a few things that can happen like change. " Dryden then sat down on the stool. 

" Like what?,
apologize for nothing? that's not my style. " I sat down, then announced this loud and clear to Dryden who was possibly the only guy who was correct other then Rayne who had a few things to say but didn't say them all when we talked. 

" Who the fuck cares if you do or don't apologize I don't. I mean step up you're game in there eyes you're respect if you had any is fading " I watched him motion over the female tender as she had helped another gentlemen along the bar. 

Indeed he was right on the money, I had to step up my game in order to be taken seriously but how the hell was I to do that now. A fight wasn't seen as the biggest
accomplishment while outside of the ring. But hey the " Fucker " had it coming I sat there only in a dream like state as Dryden was being approached by the woman who had fled the other side of the bar just to come see us down on the other end guess she liked treating fresh faces first or something.

" Hey, let me get a Miller light. " Dryden began to order from the bartender as I looked at a coaster along the bar. 

" Yes sir. " She jotted down the order from Dryden just as fast as he said it. 

" Anything for you sir? " She asked me in such a tone that was professional yet
laid back enough to be casual 

" Let me get a.. just give me the same " Such a dim reply given to her I couldn't just one minute be deep in thought the next care free party guy I wouldn't allow myself the chance to be.

" Alright, I'll be back hansom. " She directed that comment to me trying to lift my already dim sprit that wasn't changing any time soon. I looked down the bar to return a look to Dryden as if to ask what he meant by what he said earlier.

" Now what the hell do you mean, I have skill just don't think that respect is in order if they piss me off? " I snapped back with the late retort to what Dryden said his eyes changing from normal to sharp and narrow as if I said something wrong.

" No, I mean you could chill just a bit roll with things for awhile. It's not everyday you're let off easy now days in wrestling promotions across the world, plus I bet if a magazine or
tabloid found out they'd have a media field day with Epic and you just as well targeting you then just weakling EPIC nearly destroying you're public image with there hard hitting force. "

" Here are you're drinks " The bartender smiled as she sat the beer mugs down, we then pulled our hands around them then the drinking commenced 

After many drinks with Dryden and him explaining what he was trying to get across to me. I looked at the time after getting up and dancing for a few dances I pulled myself to standing tossing a wad of cash that amounted to at least 500 dollars throwing away that kind of money on drinking, eating and dancing. I ran myself out of the bar leaving Dryden with out a word covering the drinking tab I then stumbled trying to get to my car. I had to get to my phone to let my family know I was drinking hoping Carrie would pick me up since she was somewhere in the area with out a car she could've driven us both home. 

Sighing I found myself
dropping into the car as I unlocked it leaving myself to await Carrie after a brief phone conversation with Carrie.



Greatest moment of you're life was

Meeting me

So keep dreamin'

/ Rock Superstar \