RP# - Prologue/Opening Scene Where does it come from? This quest… this need to solve life’s mysteries for the simplest of questions can never be answered. Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we’d be better off not looking at all. Not delving, but yearning. That’s not human nature, not the human heart. That is not why we’re here. -Mohinder Suresh, Heroes Truly touching words from some made-up raghead slurpee-sucking doctor, but the writers of this stupid show have no idea what they’re even flapping their gums about. Everymen don’t ponder the meaning of life every waking moment hoping that something will be handed to them. They scratch and they claw and they toil for that opportunity which allows them to forge their own unique destinies and they don’t care who they have to knock down if it means making life easier for themselves. Allow me to tell you what truly lies in the hearts of man.
Money, power, respect: not just a badass song by The Lox, but it’s truth.
In this life, humans seek to better themselves by any means necessary and don’t you think otherwise, even for a second. They’ll step on you every chance they get, they’ll hurt you, God forbid they’ll even KILL you if it means putting a few extra dollars in their wallet. People in the working class tread on daily working as best they can so that another hundred people wanting that exact same job don’t take their place and kick them into the unemployment line.
Wars are started because either beliefs are pushed upon unsuspecting people who wish to live their own lives or simply because they crave power and nothing more.
Even those poser fucks claiming to do "selfless good deeds" to help their fellow man with some kind of questionable charity cause aren’t exempt from one of these. They throw out their money to the homeless in order to make themselves feel better… what part of that is a good deed? These destitute pieces of shit won’t learn ANYTHING if they have everything handed to them. Hell, about 60% of them really have a home, but they just don’t want to pay for that bottle of Jose Cuervo at the liquor store out of their own pockets. He conned you. You know why? Because good is dumb and people fucking suck.
One shining example of this rule are on your TV screens every Thursday night.
Devlin Cross.
Devlin just walked out to the ring like a robot and suddenly, he was the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. "I R ANGRY. I R BROKEN SOUL. I R ACW." Does anybody else remember him hating on the fans like I do? Anybody else remember him putting an unrelenting beating on so many of this company's biggest faces? How about in ACW? He treated people like shit and stepped across whoever he had to in order to succeed. Mere weeks ago, he jumped me with a weapon. Just like his fat slob manager tells him, he just can’t get the job done without the aid of some prop to do the work for him.
Today, he pretends to give two shits about you and this TV title when in reality, he's no better than most. You buy his merchandise and you swallow up every last drop of rhetoric spunk while you’re on your knees, roaring at him at arenas or shouting at your TV in hopes of them acknowledging your piss-ass existence. He don’t know you; he don’t WANT to know you.
He's merely a retarded little boy who thinks he's Magento, he has to be led around by the balls by some geek who probably has never even seen a vagina.
The point I get across is that in this messed-up world of ours, I am the true hero of the XWF. I'ma dick, but I'm an honest dick and I make no bones about how human nature works. I may have changed since I first stepped in here, but the edict it set remains the same: Fuck over first or get fucked over yourself. It’s harsh, but it’s truth.
Don’t believe me? At Bring The Pain, when I beat the shit out of Devlin in that basement, it'll help you see things my way. _________________--________________ +Musing I’ve never been to London. Never. Any other pot-head like myself would tell you that’s a sin, even if they haven’t been. So when the XWF told me they’d fly me out to the UKs on their ticket for the PPV, did I have a choice to decline? No! “PPV” is the business-morse code for “Let’s get fucked up.” In the formal sense that is. It’s a chance for everyone to come around and get emotional because of the PPV and because of booze. But London? London isn’t about getting drunk off of foreign vodka. Londonm is about TRIPPING THE FUCK OUT. Even the alcohol in London turns your experiences into a cartoon. Was I honestly expected to show up at that party? What the hell was I supposed to do? Try to touch Amy Vixen’s tit again? Make small talk with Prototype and Pogo? The way I look at it, aside from that paragraph filled with questions, is that I wasn’t expected to go anywhere. But don’t get me wrong; I did want to go. PPV's can be so fun; especially when you’re spending it with the ones who hate you. There’s nothing more than envious eyes on the eve of the big PPV. But, like I said: TRIPPING THE FUCK OUT. I should be smarter about the entire ordeal. Maybe if the chance arose to be more conservative, especially in terms of what I drink, things would turn out alright. Within thirty minutes, I forgot the reason why I was even in London. Well, I guess you could say I forgot the main reason I was in London. London was an afterthought at this point. The Cult Icon losing the tag team match two weeks ago, was on mind. All of these signs and pent of frustrations were telling me I had to lose some stress. So I’d smoke. And after getting high, drinking sounds like a good idea. So once I’m drunk I decide Mushrooms would be fun to take. It became a cycle of getting fucked up, then having the need to get even more fucked up. People will always tell you things to do when you travel; places to eat, landmarks to see, stores to shop. When you’re in the kind of lifestyle I am, people tell you what drugs to buy and where you can get them. What strands will give you the best high for your personality; they tell you that kind of shit. They encourage that. One place that I feel everyone has to go to, if they ever go to London, is a Smart Shop. _________________--________________ +Informing Question: What is a smart shop?
Question: Are mushrooms legal in the UK?
Question: What do magic mushrooms do?
Question: Well, scientifically speaking?
Question: What’s hard?
Question: That sounds awesome! Where can I get me some Shrooms?
Question: What do you mean, restlessness?
Question: That sounds kind of scary.
Question: How long does the effect last?
Question: SIX HOURS?! That seems like a long time.
Question: So what kind of fun is Shawn having?
Question: Yeah, whatever, what about the third kind?
Question: Don’t pussyfoot, bitch. What’s so dangerous about the third kind of mushrooms?
Question: But I don’t want to get that fucked up! Who would take those?
Question: Wait a second, you never answered; what kind is Shawn taking?
Question: Are you kidding?! That could kill him!
Question: Can we watch?
_________________--________________ To Anti-Cult Icon Campaign/Cunts/Whatever the C Stands For As It Concerns You:
See what you all don't realize is that I'm bitter, I'm frustrated, I'm self-serving and most importantly, I'm a prick of the highest caliber. If you don’t step on somebody in this lifetime, somebody who DOESN’T have qualms is going to do it to you first. You meddling punks and your little bitch, too (we’ll call him Devlin Cross) have made it your job to try and eradicate me when you’d essentially be assuring Anarchy’s destruction if you achieved just that task at Bring The Pain. Unlike you pretending to be the best friend of millions of fans that you will never see or talk to in your lifetimes, all I'm doing is telling it like it is. To be perfectly honest, the only reason you’re trying to stand in my way is because you don’t like to hear truth.
It seems you’ve all taken a keen interest in sticking your nose where they don’t belong by facing off against me. I hope that by the time you’re done reading this little diatribe of mine, you’ll find that the previously deceased hamsters that are still trying to gather up the strength to turn that wheel will spring forth with life again. I shall empower you with my knowledge.
Where do I begin?
I can’t say I’ve had the pleasure of facing off against Devlin just yet, but I see what’s become of you in this business. I’m proud of the fact you risen in the ranks of the ACW so quickly and so dominantly, but on the other side of the coin, I’m sickened on the paths you two are going. No amount of words I dispense will do justice to what you’ve achieved as part of a bullshit federation, but I do believe that you are not necessary. At one time you were just like me… power-hungry. Dominant. Unparalleled. Now, you have been persuaded to fight on the losing side and it really does break my heart. The XWF’s a-changing and the past is just that, so when you hide underneath that helmet and then go running crying to little ol’ Richard, we’ll be a lot better off without you.
Devlin, there was no place for you in the XWF before and there’s no place for you here now. You tried to gain entry to only to be kicked to the wayside. All I see you when I look at you is the scuffy dog curling underneath the bed, hoping one day to get the scraps left over from the master’s table. In my new image of the XWF, you will be ousted from your post once and for all.
Overall, your message for the end of my TV title reign and Anarchy’s new beginning are really starting to sound a little too commercialized. YAY, LET’S GO, HURRAH, SCORE ONE 4 THA RETARTED GUY IN THE HELMET!!!11!!! It’s the kind of iconic, overfed garbage that spews from the mouths of Hollywood’s supposedly "greatest" minds. When the time for Bring The Pain comes to pass, it will be not just a battle of wills, but of two different walks of life. The cold, hard truth of reality versus the watered-down, fluffy, bubble-gum pipe dream of the goody-goods. Should you be ready to put this commercialized belief system to the test, we’re gonna have ourselves an epic battle, kids.
In the end, it’s all for naught, though. Even it by some chance miracle you four manage to survive your imminent destruction, we’ll have already won the battle.
Because no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that people are just the opposite of what I say, that cold truth will eventually set in.
Reality fucking sucks. |