09-05-00 - - - - - - - - - - .Play.
Kamikaze - Back in the SF! Back in the SF! Back in the SFT-YAY! It sounded good at first then I realized there was four letters in USSR so I threw in the yay for the missing beat... It kind of works... Ok back off I don't write the lyrics for Panda Meat ok?... Well not alone. All of our songs we work together on. No one member writes and composes all of the music all by themselves. I personally need the whole give and take enviroment of working with a group to really get my creative juices flowing and stuff. Yeah... Anyone buying this yet? God I hope so. Because this would be really embarassing if people didn't. I mean it's true but... I'm just digging a deeper and deeper hole for myself... I think I'm just going to shut up about that now. ::He runs quickly to keep the kite in the air which just began to fall.:: Kamikaze - What a way to come back to SFT too. A Pay Per View spot! Sure it's the opening match but I've been gone for close to a year now and I'm still making Pay Per Views. Booyah! I still got it! How I don't know particularly... but I still do. So here I am. Standing on the brink of greatness yet again. This time I'll do it too. This time I am going to get that gold belt around my waist. I will get what rightfully belongs to me. I mean talk all you want about Cage's unfair holding of the title because he lost it and then the person he lost it to gave it back. I pinned two people at once and didn't get the title. That is bullshit a hundred times worse than what's going on with Cage. Compared to what I went through Cage still holding the title is everyday business. ::He loses control of the kite and it falls to Earth. He shrugs and picks it up.:: Kamikaze - I said when I came back on Titans that the only thing I could remember from after I snapped until I got my life back into focus was a Panda and Meat. I was curious as to why so when I rejoined SFT the first thing I did was go the records archives and took a look at some of my matches before I sort of wandered off. Wrestling in a panda suit and a cow suit? Wow... heh heh heh. I don't really know what to say about myself after having seen that. I laughed. I really did I thought it was hilarious. Especially when I was like whacking people over the head with my udders. That was really funny. But I definitely understand why I can remember those two things out of all the events I remember from when I went insane. That was pretty good. You all have to admit though. For an insane person I was pretty fun to have around. Not like the insane axe murderer kind of insane but a family friendly kind of insane... I think I just invented a way to be insane right there. I don't think there's any real family friendly kind of insane. Cause insane is always hard on the family but you know what? Oh well I'm sure many families would love to have me to dinner even while I was insane. But enough about my past and that little bit about my future plans. Time for my upcoming match. ::He gets the kite back up in the air.:: Kamikaze - LOUIS CYPHER! My old nemisis, ok we were never that bad but shh it makes for good dramatic tension, so we meet again eh?... I just turned Canadian there. But I find it quite interesting that we are both making our come back match against each other considering the fact that we both fought over the World title in the past. I bet that's why we were put in the match together. To see if we can drag out the best of each other and make another great match. Wouldn't it be crazy if we did drag the best out of each other and stole the Pay Per View show with our match? It'll probably never happen but I can dream... Hmmm... good dream. Ok now back to you. Where should I start? Where should I start? I guess I'll start at the begining of your promo. Hmm... yeah... ok a really long monologue that has to do with New Orleans... and hating god... and it seems to have nothing to do with anything, except for the hating god. Because when I think of God haters Louis you're at the top of my list. Don't worry about that. ::Now Kami starts to try and do tricks with his kite while reading a copy of Louis's promo that he had in his pocket.:: Kamikaze - Ok let's see what did you say next... Hmm... Old friend? Aww I didn't know you felt that wa- oh wait what's this "not a friend but a foe" ok then... nevermind I guess you don't feel that way. But you know what? I'll just take you off my christmas card list and we'll call it even ok? Yeah we've both got something to prove, yeah we're both coming back. Umm dude I don't pride myself on beating and destroying people... I pride myself on entertaining the crowd. That's definitely what I pride myself on over kicking peoples' butts. But you know what? You can go ahead and brag about being with the Dead Pac and talk all you want about trying to whip them into shape. I don't care about them. You know why? Because that group is so old... I can't even come up with a good comparison here because they're so old nothing's like them on Earth. Ooh burn! You're also talking about how it's bad luck for me to have to face you in this match and you give some bad reasons for it. Well... I guess the hellacious beatings is a good reason. Those were some pretty brutal matches we had. But talking about when we faced each other in the past when we were at our best? Uh-uh. That was not my best. I'm still young and growing I have yet to achieve my best. You know how I know that? Because you can never be better than your best and I failed to "win" the title last time. Which I will do so I am going to get better. You can slowly decompose and die but me? I have way too much to do to let that have been my best. Oh and wait a second... What's this? Are you trying to rewrite history Louis? Oh thanks for writing a book about the two of us. It really touches my heart. But I remember the outcome the last time the two of us fought... I pinned both Havoc AND you and then in the "continuation" match Havoc pinned me. So which outcome are we looking at Cypher? Me pinning you? or Havoc pinning me? Well since Havoc's not in the match I'm going to have to assume that you mean me pinning you. So you've already accepted defeat... Glad to hear it man. At least you won't be disappointed come the Pay Per View. Looking forward to our little reunion man. See you there... Insert another little catchy one liner here cause I've got nothing else for now. ::Kami runs back to the rest of the band and enjoys spending the rest of day with them. As the scene fades to black.:: .Stop.
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