::The scene begins with Rob Coan sitting in a room across from a
beautiful woman. All around the room are posters of Rob in various
action movies he's been in. There's camera's set up around the room
ready to tape the interview. The woman begins talking.::
Woman - Hello my name is Christina and I'm here to interview the
Action Star Rob Coan. Rob Coan has done a lot of movies but recently
he has turned to wrestling and joined the company SCW. Thank you for
joining us Rob.
Rob - My pleasure to be here.
Christina - Now Rob, when you made the move into professional wrestling
it shocked and amazed quite a number of people. Some people thought you
were committing career suicide. What do you have to say about that?
Rob - Well, I knew that not a lot of entertainers could cross platform
and stay strong. Such as a lot of musicians want to be actors and vice
versa, but when they actually make the switch and try they fall flat
on their face and as you said commit career suicide. But I felt that
starring in action movies and being a professional wrestler weren't all
that dissimilar and the transition wouldn't be as bad.
Christina - You say that professional wrestling and action movies aren't
dissimilar. What do you mean by that?
Rob - Well. Professional wrestling and action movies are just action
really. Toss here, tumble there, struggling to overcome the odds. The
only real difference is that professional wrestling is live so you don't
have multiple takes to get it right.
Christina - Ok excellent. Now you've been in two matches so far and you've
lost both of them. What are your thoughts on that?
Rob - I'd love to say that as soon as I arrived I started kicking ass here
in SCW. But the truth is I'm a rookie. I don't except to win all my matches
as we can see already I haven't. But I do except to make an impact. Which
I think I'm doing quite nicely.
Christina - Now you've been given title opportunities time and time again.
Do you think that the head office is begining to worry about their investment
in you?
Rob - No. I think they know that I'm a rookie and are giving me some buffer
matches to get the hang of things before they start to worry whether I was
a good signing or not.
Christina - Ok let's move on to your next match then. The Sterling Silver
Invitational. Do you feel confident going into this match and what are your
thoughts about your competitors?
Rob - I'd be lying if I said with out a doubt I was going to win this match.
I mean I've lost twice now and while I know it's understandable it's in my
head that I can't win. I'm doing my best to shake that out and focus but
it's hard. Now as for my competitors? They're good. They have to be to be
in SCW. Just looking at the odds I expect one of them to walk out with the
title. Cause it's every man for himself and so we each have a 25% chance to
win. Combined they have a 75% chance that one of those three will walk out
and I won't. But I'm just going to go in and do my best and hopefully not die.
While professional wrestling and action movies aren't that dissimilar I still
feel slightly out of place here. So we'll just have to wait and see what
happens I guess.
Christina - Ok Rob thank you for your time.
Rob - Thank you.
::Scene fades to black.::