Pinky Lee vs. Harley Quinn
Dark Match
Pinky Lee won with a Girly Swirl.
Alex Rettop vs. Shane Tallin
Dark Match
Shane Tallin won with the Encore of Destruction.
Melissa Arctica vs Marcella Capelli
Escorted to the ring by her fiance Antonio, Marcella quickly started this match off by taking Melissa down, and delivering multiple punches to the face. Marcella continued her assault by stomping Melissa, and not allowing her to get to her feet until the referee stepped in, and enforced it. The crowd watched Marcella give it her all by giving Melissa one heck of a beating. Marcella whipped Melissa into the corner, and started to deliver multiple vicious punches to her body. The referee jumped in again, and the two started to argue. Just then Marcella took the referees head and pulled it down, as Antonio grabbed Melissa through the ropes, and held her down. Marcella then executed a leapfrog over his back and connected with a hurricanrana takedown, but she kicked out. After a brief exchange of blows, Marcella ended up hitting the Jersey City Vendetta on Melissa for the one, two, three. After the match, a pissed off Marcella continued her display of hatred by giving her hellacious lefts and rights in a blatant attempt to bust her open. Antonio quickly entered the ring and broke the two apart, but as Melissa got back up Marcella connected with a round house kick that echoed through the arena followed by the crowed yelling “OOOHHH!”.
We cut to the back, where Heidi Adams awaits.
Heidi: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here with a new addition to the W3 roster, Mr. Alex Rettop. So Alex, what brought you to this company?
Rettop: Well, a lot of the guys will say the same thing, about how they're here for the competition, for the action. The fact is, I'm not expecting much of either out of the people here. (He smirks.)
Heidi: But what about the champions? Surely they have nothing to worry about.
Rettop: What? Whatever. Their time will come soon enough. As soon as I deal with the lower talent here, none of the so called champions can deny me my shot.
Heidi: Ah. (turns to the camera) Well, some strong words from Alex Rettop. Back to you, James and Ian.
Jack & Jesse Hernandez vs. Jen Blackhart & Pike Andrews
This match was very short when the finish basically came out of no where. During the short span of the match, Jen Blackhart entertained the fans with a display of high flying moves onto Jesse Hernandez. Jesse didn’t take it too kindly, and started to argue with the ref, before turning into the “Deadly Gust” finisher delivered by Jen. Jen went for the pinfall as Pike ensured no interference by Jack as the referee made the three count.
Kyle Kaos is seen back stage with a W3 Interviewer.
Interviewer: “So Kyle, what do you think of W3 so far?”
Kyle Kaos: “I think it would be one hell of a lot better as the burning desire as TV champion.”
Interviewer: “Well, we’ll all find out of you become the number one contender for that title later on tonight. But do you think that your win against Pike Andrews was a fluke?”
Kyle Kaos: “A fluke? Are you on crack? My win was as real as they come and that is a fact. I will say that Pike is talented star, but when he is up against me… well… I put him to shame.”
Interviewer: “What about Chris Roman?”
Kyle Kaos: “Who?”
Interviewer: “Chris Roman. Your opponent on tonight’s edition of Violence.”
Kyle Kaos: “Oh yeah… him. He’s easy prey. He’s just like everyone else, without enough fuel to ignite a burning desire.”
Interviewer: “So you’re saying that you’re going to win?”
Kyle Kaos: “Win? Oh no, you have me all wrong… Of course I am going to win. I am going to annihilate Chris Roman, get that contendership and then win the TV title. No one is ever going to stop me.”
Interviewer: “Alright, Kyle best of luck to you.”
Kyle Kaos: “I don’t need luck. I am what I am… The Burning Desire”
Krissy Delight vs. Heather Phoenix
This match was full of high flying moves as both ladies took the excitement through the roof. Krissy gained the offense early in the match following a irish whip reversal into a neckbreaker. Krissy continued delivering high risk moves to gain the advantage, but was shut down when Heather held onto the top rope, and countered a hurricanrana. Both ladies continued to give it there all, and showed an enormous amount of courage and desire by not letting up one bit. After hitting a bulldog out of no where, Krissy went for the pinfall, but Heather quickly kicked out. Heather then jumped back to her feet as Krissy took her and whipped her into the ropes. Heather came back and connected with a flow over ddt. As the crowd began to cheer, Heather climbed to the top rope and executed a flying moonsault, which connected onto Krissy. Heather then picked up Krissy, and gave her the “Firebomb”. Heather pinned her, and was awarded with the win.
The bell that rang out after the three-count had a victorious Heather Phoenix at the ringposts, lifting her title belt high to the crowd as an enraged Krissy makes it to her feet. Hopping back from her celebration, Heather stares at the blonde bombshell, cuing for a microphone.
"Krissy, the promotional tapes you threw in were great, very creative. But as far as other people are concerned, you need to know your facts if you want to beat me. I told you it was cute earlier this week, the way you thought that doing my big brother was going to get you the edge. But you forgot one thing sweetheart. I'm Heather Phoenix. And trust me, no matter how many times you have sex with a Phoenix, you are never going to be one. Which means I'm going to run your plastic bimbo ass down every time."
Heather tossed the microphone down, shoving Krissy heavily into the corner, raising an eyebrow in interest as her brother Chris Phoenix slid into the ring to stand next to Krissy. The blonde diva recovered slowly as Chris moved forward to face Heather. The heated argument that everyone could see went unheard, but the crowd collectively voiced their opinion as Chris shoved his sister, returning the slight, as Krissy got her bearings. Running at the fallen diva, Krissy began throwing punches.
Suddenly the crowd popped as Drake ran from the opposite entrance ramp, however, as the arena plunged into darkness, the purple and white lights at the head of the stage revealing a huge form. The dark had sent Krissy into Chris's arms, the pair moving out of the ring as the all too familiar man that stood at the top of the entrance ramp. Darkside watched the fight below, and Heather watched back, being helped to her feet by her friend Drake grabbed her and tried to lead her away as the scene fades to darkness...
~Commercial break~
Kimmie Kannibal’s boots slapping against the concrete floor echoes through the busy hallway. Her hot pink hair hangs loosely over her eyes as she hurries around a corner, accidentally bumps into Waylon Cash, and falls to the ground.
KK: Ouch!
Waylon looks down at the young woman and smiles a toothy grin as he bends over and extends her a hand. The young woman smiles sheepishly and grasps Waylon’s hand, allowing him to lift her to her feet. Once she is standing, Waylon eyes her up and down, smile still plastered across his face.
WC: Well, you look like fun. What’s your name?
Kimmie smiles widely, revealing a row of pearly white teeth as her crimson lips part.
KK: Sorry about that, My name’s Kimmie, Kimmie Kannibal. I don’t believe I caught your name.
WC: Oh, Don’t sweat it beautiful, and the names Waylon Cash.
Waylon reaches forward and grabs Kimmie’s hand, and brings it to his lips, kissing the back of it softly. Kimmie draws her hand back slowly and softly giggles.
Suddenly Justin Davis shoves himself rudely between the two, facing Kimmie.
JD: Now, Ms. Kannibal, I must advise against conversing with this hillbilly. I mean, wouldn’t you rather talk to a real man?
Waylon shoves Justin from behind, prompting Justin to spin around and Glare at Waylon.
WC: Now you just watch who you’re callin’ a hillbilly lest I knock those pretty little teeth down your throat.
Justin’s expression turns from an angry glare to a sly smile.
JD: Waylon, let me ask you something. Why would a fine young woman like Kimmie here want to lower herself to the level of spending any sort of time with someone like you, when she could have a man like me?
Waylon chuckles slightly and crosses his arms in front of him with a skeptical grin.
WC: And just what the hell is so great about you?
JD: Waylon, isn’t it obvious. Justin Davis is not only the future of this company, but he is also a bonafide chick magnet, so I suggest you take your bong sucking hillbilly ass and walk it on outta here, you dig?
WC: And what if I don’t?
JD: Then I may just have to beat you senseless.
Justin shoves Waylon hard, knocking him back a few steps. Waylon quickly recovers, steps forward, and stands nose to nose with Justin Davis.
WC: Now you listen and you listen good you little bitch. Ain’t no one, EVER, pushed me three times so I would watch your ass if I were you.
Waylon looks over at Kimmie. A wide grin has spread across her face as she watches the two men.
WC: Now, I’m a gentleman, so I ain’t gonna whoop your ass in front of the lady…
KK: Damn.
WC: But if you want to meet me in that ring, I’d be more than happy to straighten you out there.
Justin smiles again and holds out his hand.
JD: Waylon, if you want a match, all you have to do is shake my hand and we’re on.
Waylon eyes the hand, skeptical for a moment before taking it in his. Justin shakes Waylon’s hand and then slaps him hard across the face. Justin turns to walk away, but Waylon tightens his grip and pulls Justin in close.
WC: I’m gonna remember that you did that Davis, and just so you know, Next Sunday is going to be the most painful night of your entire life.
The two men begin to walk away from each other when a mischievous smile quickly appears on the face of Kimmie Kannibal.
KK: Oh boys? Just a little added incentive: The winner of your match, gets a kiss from the Kannibal.
Kimmie throws her head back and chuckles as she glides gracefully down the long hallway, her hips sashaying back and forth as the two young men watch her walk away.
TV Championship #1 Contender's Match
Kyle Kaos vs. Chris Roman
In a math to determine the number one contender to face the Television Champion, Kyle Kaos and Chris Roman showed the crowd why they are two of the greatest in the history of this sport after putting on one of the best matches of the night. After brawling inside the ring and out, they made it known that they were not going to take each other lightly. Half way through the match, Cody Clark came out with his W3 Championship draped over his shoulder, and Anna Eve at his side and stood at the top of the ramp looking on. Neither men didn't let him distract them, and kept on with the match. With the crowd behind Kaos, Kaos hit some impressive high risk moves. Chris Roman shocked the world, when he hit the “Burning Rome” out of no where. He then followed up with a cover, to pick up the three count.
Chris Roman stands in the ring with his arm raised and Kyle Kaos lays beneath him, a beaten man. The crowd was hot for this match but the explode when they hear ‘Ebolarama’ by Every Time I Die come through the speakers. Cody Clark walks out onto the stage with Anna Eve at his side. He has the W3 World Championship tossed over his shoulder and his signature Von Zipper sunglasses, shielding his eyes from the bright arena lights. Clark is also carrying a microphone, which he brings up to his lips and the crowd falls silent.
Cody Clark: Now, since neither of those jackoffs, El Novo or Billy Boltz could find the heart to win their match, it’s been decided that El Novo’s shot at my World Championship has been revoked. Such a pity, I would have enjoyed knocking his ass around from pillar to post again, but it’s no matter. The W3 officials have found me a new challenger...
The crowd is buzzing over who Clark will face at Sin and Chris Roman stands in the ring, eyeing Clark with deep interest. Clark puts the microphone back to his lips, ready to speak again.
Cody Clark: ...Kyle Kaos.
The crowd boos excessively, thinking that Kaos is the new number one contender, after losing to Chris Roman moments ago.
Cody Clark: Kaos, you showed a lack of heart, commitment and skill in that ring tonight so you will not be facing me at Sin for the W3 World Championship. Instead, you’ll face off against Heather Phoenix for her Television Championship.
The crowd roars at the mention of Heather and Kaos looks surprisingly happy with this announcement. Roman stands in the ring, rubbing his hands together in anticipation for what Clark has to say next.
Cody Clark: And Roman? Congratulations, it’s gonna be Clark/Roman II, in the main event of Sin for my W3 World Championship. And if you remember the results of Clark/Roman I, you can predict the outcome at Sin. See you next Sunday, Roman.
‘Ebolarama’ cues up and Clark walks back through the curtain with Eve at his side. Roman stands in the ring looking pleased with the announcement and Kyle Kaos can’t help but look a little disappointed with himself.
MAIN EVENT - Non-title
Cody Clark vs. Spade
The Main Event of the evening was undoubtedly the best match of the night. In a non title match, The Suicidal Champion Spade took on The W3 Champion, Cody Clark. Spade started the match off with a cheap shot, by raking the face of Clark. Spade used that to his advantage by following that up with a couple jabs before whipping Clark into the ropes. Clark came running back off the ropes, and hit the Busaiku Knee Kick to counter Spade’s attack. Clark eventually got Spade into the corner, and put him in the tree of woe. Clark then delivered his feint dropkick to Spade. The referee stepped in, and made Clark retreat to the opposite corner, as he let Spade stagger to his feet. As soon as the referee stepped out of the way, Clark ran in and nailed his Godspeed onto Spade, sending him back to the mat. Spade eventually regained control, when he blocked one of “Clarks Gutter Phenomenon’s”, a flying bulldog off of the top rope. Spade then got in a couple body slams, and pile drivers before bad mouthing a couple fans at ringside. Spade then picked Clark back up off of the mat, and signaled for his “Ace of Spades” finisher, but to the surprise of everyone, Clark countered it and hit the “Beginning/Ending” out of no where, and picked up the victory. As Clarks music hit, he was handed his W3 Championship, and placed it over his shoulder. As Spade laid on the mat, the referee went to hand him his Suicidal Championship, but Clark stepped in and ripped it out of his hands. The fans began to cheer as Clark stood there with both titles in his hands. Cody walked over to the side of the ring, and threw the Suicidal Championship over the rope, sending it to the concrete floor outside. Clark looked back at Spade before hacking a loogy and spitting it on the Suicidal title. Clark left the ring, looking back at Spade as the show faded to black.