**A match ends inside the iMPACT! Zone as the scene cuts to a dressing room as we see Matt Morgan sitting on a leather sofa and Mark Jindrak lounging in a leather chair. The two pieces of furniture are making an “L” shape with a lamp creating the bend of the “L.” Jindrak looks like he’s reading a book as Morgan is reading a comic book or magazine, kinda hard to depict from it. Morgan looks up and notices that the camera is rolling and clears his throat. This alerts Jindrak as he straightens up in his chair.**

Welcome everybody to "Com Corner!" Here, I will read to Mr. Jindrak the e-mails that you adoring fans have sent in.

*Mumbles* Yeah, all two of them.

No Mark, you’re not even CLOSE! We received over ten thousand e-mails in the span of four days. That’s not bad considering that you’re practically the most hated man in the business.

Alright, a fan base! Let’s start answering questions!

Okay… the first one comes from a lad that lives in London, name of Dan. He says: "Dear Mr. Jindrak. I have been a huge fan of yours since your return to the business back in October. That “undefeated streak?” Priceless. You have by far set the standard in the wrestling business. And since you have done so, I have to ask you this… have you seen the Top 5 on tnawrestling.com? You’re number three behind Scott Steiner and Christian Cage. You have to be awfully upset by that."

Yes Danny Boy, as a matter of fact, I am quite upset at the fact that I was only third. If you ask me, I shoulda been number one, second to none, something that I have been throughout my wrestling career, and yet, I get a third place ranking after the inaugural iMPACT!? That’s not right. I am the “Hot Commodity,” I didn’t have to trek to here after being released from WCW. As a matter of fact, I could’ve gone anywhere else in this world! I could’ve went to Stampede Wrestling in Canada, to EMLL in Mexico, or New Japan in… well… in Japan. But the fact of the matter is this, I stayed here in the United States. I went from wrestling for a premier company in Georgia to a wrestling business in Tennessee.

Am I mad because of the mere fact that I am ranked third after last week’s premier iMPACT!? You bet your bottom dollar I am! I fought hard against that Hawaiian Samurai! While Christian Cage and Scott Steiner was having their fun going against a couple of nimrods, I was working to get my spot! I wasn’t rewarded my spot in tonight’s tourney like my opponent for the evening, not like Steiner and Cage, I earned it! You’re damn right I’m pissed that I’m third in the rankings! A superstar of my abilities should be number one, second to none.

Thank you Mark. Next question is from Dave in Maryland. Dave says: "Mark, I miss seeing you perform on Nitro, what happened to you to buddy?! You where bound to be the next World Heavyweight Champion! I mean…"

Thank you Matt, that’s enough. You see Dave, me and the company in Georgia had a falling out, okay? We where on too total playing fields when it came to my status with the company. I felt that I was worthy of becoming the World Champion there, and apparently, “E” and the rest of the higher-ups had different ideas for me. You see, they tried their best to kick me off of Dub… I mean, outta the company since December, and it took them this long to succeed. So Derrick…


Whatever, the reason why I left was because I was severely underappreciated. And so far, it looks like I am about to face the same scrutiny here in TNA. Well, go ahead and underestimate me all you want, because once I become the first ever TNA World Heavyweight Champion at Slammiversery, you will all want to be a Hot Fan, but guess what? I won’t let ya. I do not believe in bandwagon jumpers. Right now, all of you are betting that the winner of the Cage/Steiner match or the winner of the Main Event is going to win the title. But guess what? That’s not going to happen.

So to answer your question Douche…


Same thing, I have been unofficially given the boat. I am having my agent negotiating the dates for the “Jindrak Farewell Tour,” as we speak. So hopefully within a month or so, you will see me on the rival network dominating the rival company once again.

Alright. Last question, and by the looks of things, this person wants to be anonymous, and by the looks of things, it’s a girl.

What makes you say that?

The username that she put in. "KittyCat1007"

**Jindrak makes that purring noise with his tounge.**


Alrighty then. She says, “Mark, I love you. I know you hear it all the time from every female in the United States…

You’ve got that right. Matt, I have had countless of marriage proposals from countless of females, and I had to give them all the same answer.

I hope you said no.

Nope. I said “maybe.” I told each and everyone of them, be it on MySpace, e-mail, or after showing them MY “hot commodity,” I had to say maybe. You see, if I told them no, then I have just lost that much of my fan base, you know? They would go home, tell their friends not to cheer for me, not to love me for what I am because I told one girl no. That one girl has the potential to effect all my fan base, don’t you know that? Haven’t you seen the movie, “The Butterfly Effect?”

Well, no.

Neither have I, but I heard that since some idiot killed one butterfly, life as he knows it was changed, all because of one, measly butterfly. Can you imagine what kind of scrutiny I will face if I where to say no to every chick? My career would be in the crapper Matt… in the crapper! So KittyCat1007… to answer your question, I will have to say maybe. Okay? I mean, I don’t know you, and you know me… it just wouldn’t at all feel right. I mean, you know how good I look, but I have no idea how good looking you are. With the name of KittyCat1007, you have to be the hottest thing…

**Matt hands Mark a sheet of paper as Mark mumbles off what she has said in her e-mail. He reads slower towards the end.**

”Mark, I love you… every girl in the US… not like others… am a little overweight… eating obsession… think about you all the time… haven’t been…”


That’s not all.

**Morgan hands Jindrak another paper. This time, Mark only glances at it before throwing it down to the ground.**

No, HELL NO! Why don’tcha just get off the couch, waddle to the nearest cow pasture, and start eating grass with the rest of your family! FatAssI82Much, remember this one thing, I live by the motto of NO FAT CHICKS! And that includes you tubby!

**Jindrak gets up from the chair and storms off of camera view.**

Join us once against next week as we present to you, "Q & A on Com Corner!"

Damn you Matt! To think that I use you as a filter!

**Matt bends over, picks the piece of paper up off the floor, and shows the camera.**

**With that, TNA cuts to Don West and Mike Tenay at ringside as they laugh about what has just happened on the inaugural episode of Com Corner.**