Abortion: A failed angle or match.
Angle: An event or series of events that is usually a confrontation between two or more wrestlers that intensifies a feud.
App: Short for application. A form used by an e-fed president to obtain more members. Potential e-wrestlers fill out the form, which is processed and sent to the president.
Arm Color: An arm that is bleeding.
Around the Horn: The trip to each town or series of towns that the promotion runs events in.
Baby: Short word for "babyface".
Babyface: The "fan favorite" or "good guy". The person who is in a position to be cheered.
Blade: The process in which a wrestler takes a razor blade and runs it along his skin to produce a cut that bleeds.
Blacklist: Term for a list of e-feds/e-wrestlers that have been caught copying or stealing others ideas, characters, or designs. These lists serve to disrespect those cheaters.
Blow Off: To end a feud.
Blow Up: To become cardiovascularly exhausted in a match.
Board Fed: A fed (usually booked) where RPs are posted on a RP Board.
Book: To schedule a wrestler for a show.
Booked: An e-fed where RPs determines who wins. Whoever the booker decides has done a better job of RPing will be written in to win the match.
Booker: Person in an organization who books and hires wrestlers, plans the long term direction of the company, plans angles, decides who wins and loses. Example: Eric Bischoff, Kevin Sullivan, Terry Taylor, Vince McMahon.
Bootleg: An item that is illegally sold or traded, such as video tapes, T-Shirts, etc.
Bounce: The move that leads to the pin. This term is old and rarely used.
Boys: The wrestlers.
Bozark: A female wrestler. Old, rarely used term.
Brass: Management.
Bull: Promoter. Old and rarely used term.
Bump: When a wrestler falls to the mat after receiving a blow to the body or a wrestling maneuver by his opponent.
Bury: 1. To attempt to defame someone or to criticize him. 2. To lower someone in the eyes of the fans or promoter.
Broadway: A draw.
Business, The: A term used to describe the wrestling industry.
Call a Match: To inform opponent of upcoming moves or spots throughout the match.
Canned Heat: Crowd cheering that is piped into the sound system or into a pretaped TV show during post production.
Card: The line up of the matches.
Carney: Short for "carnival terminology". It is the root for many of the terms found on this page from when wrestling had its roots in the early 1900's.
Carry: 1. To call a match. 2. To make a green opponent look good in the fans eyes.
Cheap Heat: Usually referred to as heel heat, when the heel swears, insults, or makes obscene gestures to the fans in order to get himself over as a heel.
Circle: A central e-wrestling web site(s)/federation(s) and the fan sites that surround it. Many circles don't realize there is e-wrestling outside of their own circle.
Color: Blood.
Comeback: The point in the match where the babyface takes over offense after the heel has been dominating him.
Cut a Promo: 1. To do an interview. 2. To demean someone skillfully.
Dagger: A razor blade with more of the razor exposed than necessary.
Dark Match: A match at a TV taping or house showthat is not taped for broadcast.
Deal, The: Sometimes a title belt is referred to as The Deal.
Do Business: To do the job.
Doing Business on the Way Out: To do jobs when one wrestler who is on his way out of a promotion in order to get other talent that are staying over.
Double Juice: When both wrestlers blade in the match.
Draw: 1. A time limit draw with no clear winner of the match. 2. Cash payment on the night of the show as an advance on the earned paycheck that will be paid later.
Dusty Finish: After a second referee comes into the match and makes the 3 count leading to a pinfall after the original referee has been knocked down, the original ref overrules that decision. This finish was not exactly invented by Dusty Rhodes, but Dusty used this finish so often during his term as a booker, the finish took on his name.
E-fed: Electronic Federation. The term used to describe a group, organization, or web site where people can pretend to be wrestlers via the Internet.
E-fed Dice: Used in Live Feds. Much like Dungeons & Dragons, the dice are used to figure out whose move hits first. Normally it is whoever gets the highest number out of the roll, some use odds and evens.
Enhancement Talent: A 1990's term for the word jobber.
E-Wrestler: Term used for the wrestler a person potrays in an e-fed.
E-Wrestling: Also known as fantasy wrestling, e-wrestling is the art or act of pretending to be a wrestler via the Internet.
Executive Board: Oftentimes called a cabinet or other such synonyms, the Executive Board is the President and all the helpers he has in running an e-fed.
Face: A "good guy". E-wrestling has a severe shortage of faces.
False Comeback: The point in a match where the face starts back on offense after a heel has dominated him for several minutes, only to be stopped by the heel who goes back on offense.
Feeding: The role the heel plays during a babyface's comeback where he repeatedly is fended off by the face with a series of bumps that is hoped to generate heat. A face can also feed the heel in hopes of gaining fan support.
Feud: A series of battles between two or more wrestlers.
Finish: The ending of a match.
Finisher: Move that leads to the win.
Flash: (1) see "Roleplay". (2) A program used to create supercompressed animations. Very popular among most "mainstream" e-efeds
Foreign Object: An object that is illegal to the match, such as a chair, brass knuckles, garbage can, etc. In the late 1980's, Ted Turner had a polic y on his news networks that all commentators were to not use the word "foreign", but instead use the word "international". Wrestling announcers on TBS picked up on this, and a foreign object is still occasionally, jokingly called the "international object".
Garbage Wrestling: A style of wrestling that consists of wrestlers frequent use of blading, foreign objects, gimmick stipulations in matches and brawling without much athleticism or ring psychology. (Ex. FMW, many ECW matches)
Gas: Steroids.
Gate: Amount of money the is generated from ticket sales.
Geek: To cut one's self.
Gig Mark: A scar from blading.
Gimmick: 1. The persona that a wrestler has. 2. Slang for a foreign object.
Gizmo: An old term for a gimmick.
Glob: To stiff someone.
Go Home: When a wrestler says this to his opponent, it means to go to the finish of the match.
Go Over: To beat someone. Another term is to "put over".
Go Through: A time limit draw.
Going Bush: When a wrestler moves from a full time, major league type promotion to the independent scene.
Good Hand: A wrestler that other wrestlers like to work against. This wrestler is usually in complete control during the match, he does not get lost, and he does not work too stiff or too light.
Green: A term for an inexperienced wrestler.
Gusher: A deep cut that bleeds a lot, usually caused by blading. The severity of the cut may or may not be intended.
Handler: The person who controls a certain wrestler or character in an e-fed.
Handles: Names that the wrestlers usually use themselves. Usually not the names that they use in the ring.
Hardway: A cut that is usually unintentional, with out the use of the razor.
Hand Written: When a card or certain matches of the card are written by writers and/or the booker. This gives a match a more realistic feel, as the match sounds more fluid.
Heat: 1. The crowd reaction to a wrestler, usually cheers or boos. 2. To "have heat" with someone else in the promotion is not good.
Heavy: A wrestler that is hard to lift, usually that wrestler does not want to cooperate with his opponent.
Heel: The "bad guy" or "rulebreaker" who the promoter books in the position of being booed.
Highspot: A move that is perceived to be, or is, high risked. Hold Up: When a wrestler refuses to wrestle until he is paid more than what was originally agreed upon.
Hood: A masked wrestler.
Hope Spot: When a baby face is being beaten by the heel, he teases a comeback with a highspot or two, only to have the heel take over on offense again. It is just like the false comeback. Usually, the hope spot is just minutes away from the face making a full fledged comeback.
Hot Tag: When a babyface who has been on the receiving end of a heels offense makes the tag to his partner.
House: Number of fans in the building.
House Show: 1. A show not taped for TV. 2. An arena that is consistently visited by an organization. (ECW Arena, MSG)
Job: A planned loss.
Jobber: A wrestler who loses in order to put over a pushed wrestler.
Jabroni: Slang for the word jobber. (Rock did NOT make this up.)
Juice: 1. another word for blading. 2. Slang for steroids.
Kayfabe: Generally referring to the protecting of industry secrets.
Lead Ass: A wrestler who will not cooperate in the ring.
Light: When a wrestler works light, or lightly, it gives the audience the impression that the wrestler is not laying in his kicks or punches.
Live Arena: The room where the card takes place. (usually marked as (fedname) Arena.)
Live Hits Method: This method of live e-fed wrestling is rarely used and is basically a typing contest. Whoever types *hits* first hits the move. Not too exciting and sometimes irritating for the referee.
Live Fed: (can be pre-booked) An E-wrestling federation that is done inside a chatroom, live. Dice are usually used with these feds unless otherwise stated. Not many of these exist to date.
Loose: A wrestler who applies moves or holds with less force than usual.
Main Event: The very last match of the card, usually between the most prominant e-wrestlers.
Mark: 1. A person who believes that wrestling matches, and angles and everything to do with wrestling, is real. 2. A fan of or participant in the wrestling industry who believes that a part of any aspect of the industry is more important than making money. Some people say that the word "mark" comes from the old carnival days. When the operator of some scam spotted a real sucker, he would mark the back of that persons back with a piece of chalk, which would literally be "marking" the "mark". Other sources say that the term "mark" come from when the scam "hits the mark", meaning that it was successfully done.
Mark Out: When a smart fan gets into an angle or a match and enjoy it as if you were a mark.
Marriage: A feud between wrestlers.
Marshmallow: An old, rarely used term for a fat wrestler.
Mouthpiece: An on camera manager.
Non-Booked: An e-fed where angles, luck, or some other means determine who wins a match and who doesn't. In these types of e-feds, RPing doesn't neccessarily make a difference.
No Sell: When a wrestler stops selling moves for a moment to give the fans the impression that he is invincible. (Ex. Hulk Hogan, the Ultimate Warrior)
No Show: When a wrestler does not show up for a scheduled appearance.
Neutral: A wrestler that is not heel nor face. Not many e-wrestlers are neutral.
Office: The headquarters of a wrestling organization (CNN Center, Titan Towers).
Out of Character: OOC for short. Means a comment made directly by the handler. Not intended to be viewed as a RP or message from the e-wrestler, but rather the person behind that e-wrestler.
Over: To be popular with the audience.
Paper: To give away tickets to an event, often done for TV tapings.
Paying Dues: Term for gaining experience by showing respect to other wrestlers, doing jobs to veterans, etc.
Pencil: A booker or promoter.
Plant: A wrestler, or someone who works for the organization, who is placed in the audience who pretends to be a fan, yet participates in an angle.
Play by E-mail: A fed (usually booked) where RPs are sent out via e-mail to the RP List or mailing list. Handlers can RP against one another by writing back to the RP list with their RPs.
Policeman: A wrestler that is intimidating enough, and skillful and strong enough, who is able to shoot with another wrestler in a match to make a point with an unruly opponent.
Pop: A big rise out of the crowd, usually cheering or booing.
Poser: A program used to create 3D generated characters meant to represent the way an e-wrestler would look.
Post: To ram the head of ones opponent into the steel ring post.
Potato: To legitimately hit an object or move with full force onto ones opponent, whether it be accidentally or on purpose.
President: The person in charge of running the e-fed, establishing and enforcing rules, and upkeeping the web site. Sometimes this position could be called something else, such as CEO. If the President cannot do all those duties, he may obtain help and form an Executive Board.
Program: Same as feud, that includes matches, interviews and angles.
Promoter: The head of the wrestling organization.
Promotion: 1. The wrestling company. 2. The hype for an event. Push: When a wrestler is promoted on TV and through other means in order to get that wrestler over and recognition, through interviews, match victories and TV features.
Put Over: To "be put over" is to get the win. To "put someone over" is to do the job.
Receipt: The act of getting revenge.
Red: Blood.
Ref Bump: When the ref takes a bump at a specific point in the match so that a wrestler, usually the heel, can commit an illegal act or move, such as interference.
Rest Hold: A move in the match which is lightly applied, to give the wrestlers time to breath between highspot.
Ring Rat: A woman who hangs around the arenas and hotels after a wrestling show looking to sleep with one of the wrestlers.
Road Agent: Someone who travels with the wrestlers and oversees the house shows.
Roleplay: An interview sent out by a handler, portraying his e-wrestler commenting on his opponent. Roleplays can be straight forward interviews, actions in the every day lives of the wrestler, or even parodies of current news and/or movies.
RP Board: A message board or guestbook set up by the President or webmaster of an e-fed, where handlers can post their RPs for all to read and respond to.
RP List: The list of e-mail addresses used by a Play by E-mail fed, from which handlers can write their roleplays to for the members of the fed to read and respond to.
RP: Short for Roleplays.
RSPWF: rec.sport.pro-wrestling.fantasy, the fantasy wrestling newsgroup. Here, anyone can post their thoughts and opinions on the state of e-wrestling as it is today.
Screwjob: A finish with a controversial ending, often upsetting the fans.
Sell: To act as if you were on the receiving end of a legitimate wrestling move.
Sheets: Slang for newsletters and journals that break Kayfabe, such as the Torch and Observer, and most internet sites as well.
Shoot: 1. A work that becomes a legitimate fight. 2. To hit or hurt ones opponent on purpose during the course of the match. 3. A comment with some truth behind it.
Shooter: One who shoots using skills such as amateur wrestling, karate, martial arts, etc.
Showing Light: To unintentionally expose to the fans that the move did not connect, due to flawed execution of the move by the wrestler on offense.
Simmed: A card written using a simulator. This saves enormous amounts of time for a booker, but makes the card look much less fluid.
Simulator: A program used to sim cards or matches. TNM and Zeus are the two biggest simulators out there.
Smark: A fan who believes he is smart due to a certain amount of inside knowledge he has gained, but is perceived by someone else to be less informed than that person thinks he is.
Smart: A person who has the knowledge of the inner workings of the wrestling industry.
Smoz: Group of wrestlers involved in a pullapart brawl.
Soft: Same as "light". Spot: A wrestling move, or a series of moves.
Spot Show: A wresting event in a town not visited often.
Squash: 1: A horrible storyline or gimmick pitched to the Booker which will never be approved. 2: A match where one person is dominated by another.
Stiff: To hit or execute holds and moves with more force than most.
Stocking: Old term for a masked wrestler.
Stooge: A person who tells the promoter something that the wrestlers would prefer to keep secret.
Strap: Championship belt.
Stretch: To use a legitimate amateur wrestling hold on ones opponent.
Stretched: To be injured, sometimes intentionally, by ones opponent. Also refers to a worked injury resulting in the wrestler being taken out of the arena in a stretcher.
Strong Style Wrestling: A style of wrestling, that is worked, found in Japan, where the action seems to be shooting and realistic looking because of the highspot used.
Submission Hold: A hold that is used by a wrestler that leads the fans to believe that the match will finish by a submission.
Superman Comeback: When a wrestler no sells the opponents moves during his comeback.
Swerve: 1. A joke that one wrestler does to another. 2. A false report that a wrestler or promoter leaks to the press. 3. When a finish of a match is changed so that all of the industry insiders are left shocked.
Switch the Heat: To pass the blame.
Territory: 1. The area that a promotion runs it shows and airs it TV shows. 2. Slang for actual territorial wrestling promotion.
Tight: When a wrestler works tight, he applies holds and moves with more force than average, making them look more realistic.
Trust: Alliance among regional promotions. (Ex. all of the NWA organizations)
Turn: When a wrestler changes from a heel to a face, or from a face to a heel.
Tweener: A wrestler who is neither a face or a heel, but in the process from turning from one to the other.
Work: 1. Predetermined outcome. 2. To skillfully wrestle.
Worked Shoot: A swerve so convincing that it really did seem like a shoot.
Worker: A wrestler.
Workrate: The pace of a match, and the skill level exhibited throughout the match by the wrestlers