Name: "The Nightmare" JXD
Federation: Full Throttle Wrestling
Date of Hire: June 2004
Date of Induction: October 31, 2004
Inducted by: D. Simon Reynolds

Career Achievements:
FTW Superstar of the Year - 2004
FTW Ground Xero Champion X2
First UWE Primo Champion (73 days / May 8, 2005 - July 20, 2005)
Destroyed the X-Net Heavyweight Title in Philadelphia (6/12/05)
UWE Superstar of the Year - 2005
UWE Universal Champion - Current (February 14, 2006 - ???)  

Nightmare Fact #1: JXD is an illusionist and is capable of influencing minds through speech and hypnosis.
Nightmare Fact #2: His fiancé Alexandrea is fully trained in applying stitches... good job really.
Nightmare Fact #3: JXD smiles a lot in the ring, the bigger the smile, the worse things are going to get for his opponent.
Nightmare Fact #4: In active competition, JXD has won matches after slashing an artery. The first in May 2003 when he performed a swanton bomb off a rooftop with glass glued to his entire upper body, the second being near fatal in his neck 4 months later and the third in his hip after a Trashcan moonsault at FTW Resolutions on January 1st 2005

Wrestler information:
Name: James Xander Donovan
Nickname: The Nightmare JXD
Age: 18
D.O.B.: November 4th, 1986
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 196.66 lbs
From: Derby, England

Distinguishing marks: lip ring (usually a safety pin) tongue ring, 5 surface piercings on the back of his neck (shaped like an upside down pentagram) tribal letter "A" tattoo on lower abdomen, pentagram tattoo on left shoulder, blood red bone dragon tattoo on right shoulder, black Japanese text on higher abdomen

Manager: Alexandrea Slater

Weapons of choice: light tubes, cottonmouth venom laced razorblades, fire

1. multiple lacerations from 2 years of deathmatches
2. Broken tooth - punched in the face in first training lesson
3. No reflex response (knees l-r)
4. Near full lack of emotion - Misanthropis extraodinaire
5. Brain damage - no comment

Theme Music: "Cleansation" by Chimaira
Ring Attire: Black combats held up with a black leather belt. black elbow pads, red and black tape over his forearms, Black leather New Rock boots and eyeliner (additional for entrance) torn and slashed black t-shirt which has the slogan "Blood Frenzied" with steel knee braces over the legs, one on each knee.

The arena lights fade to black, Chimaira's "Cleansation" blasting from the speaker system, the crowd quickly letting their disgust and hatred well known. JXD walks out from the doorway His arm around his fiancé Alexandrea, with Black Rose flanking them. JXD breaks his grip, walking down to the ring with a determined look on his face, leaping up onto the apron and straight onto the top rope, spinning in mid air before backflipping into the ring. JXD looks over the crowd as they boo him violently, taking no notice as he removes his shirt and throws it out the ring, then leans back into the corner, both Alexandrea and Black Rose watching his back for any sneak attacks as he awaits his opponent

Finisher 1: Nightmare Driver- Death Valley Driver
Finisher 2: The Funeral of Hearts: superkick direct to the heart: signaled by the footstomp mimicking a heartbeat
Submission Finisher: Night Terror: Inverted Figure 4 leglock with a camel clutch done by pulling the arms back, opponents of the same height or shorter sometimes end up in a cobra clutch

Trademark Moves:
Dissolution: Flip Piledriver (Canadian Destroyer)
Blood Frenzy: Shining Wizard. This move is used as a desperation to cut an opponents momentum, or can be used as a finisher type move in it's own right. It's even more dangerous as JXD can hit it on anyone and more impressively and dangerously, anywhere in the ring at almost anytime.
Curb Stomp: Indian Deathlock before a foot is placed on the back of the head and then stomped into the floor, be it mats or concrete. Occasionally done with light tubes or other sharp foreign objects.
M Bison: double footstomp off the top rope to the back of the head or the back.
The hardest, most violent chops in UWE.
Every neckbreaker under the sun.
More submissions than you can shake a stick at

vertical suplex
snap suplex
shoulder block
fall away slam
frog splash
swanton bomb
corkscrew legdrop
top rope tornado DDT
triple fishermen's suplex combo
Sunset flip
Crucifix into sunset flip