#1 If you are booked to fight on an Uncensored event you will submit a match strategy along with your roleplay. This is a must!
#2 Original characters only. Originality is a must, All characters in all roleplays and at all Uncensored live events will be original characters. Furthermore, do not post any roleplays here that have been posted in another federation, it is disrespectful to the staff and everyone else here.
You DO
use other Uncensored
superstars in your roleplays without their permission. And above all else,
never have permission to
speak for Spyder Gainey or Kirsta Lewis (But we'll be happy to work with ANYONE on a roleplay or a segment for the show) .
#4 Stay in contact, if you cannot roleplay for a scheduled match then contact
the Uncensored Bookers on the out of character board, by instant messenger or through email. If
it's your first match, there are no excuses good enough.
#5 Flaming on the Uncensored forums or shoutbox is strictly prohibited.