The cameras fade backstage as JXD has just finished an interview with Patty Houlihan. JXD is clad in his ring attire with the Primo Title around his waist and has a bottle of booze in his hand and takes regular sips from it as Patty walks down the hall where he spots Jeremy Diaz and Miss Perfect walking hand in hand.

Patty: Jeremy! Can I get a word with you?

Diaz: You motherfucker.

Jeremy's eyes grow large as he spots JXD. He drops his X-Net and NC-17 Titles and charges JXD who is taking a swig of his booze and doesn't notice Jeremy who tackles the fuck out of him from the side.

Miss Perfect: GET HIS ASS!!!

Jeremy mounts JXD and nails him with an elbow to the eye. Blood streams down the left side of JXD's skull as Jeremy jumps up and stomps him in the face. He then grabs him by the hair and slams him head first into the brick wall!!! JXD staggers to Jeremy who hoists him up and NAILS him with a stiff powerbomb on the concrete floor.

Diaz: Feel that pain, BITCH!

Jeremy spits on JXD as Patty Houlihan runs up.

Patty: Holy shit!

Diaz: This is to anybody else who wants to fuck with my lady and double team her. I'll fucking end you!

Jeremy rips the UWE Primo Championship from the waist of JXD.

Diaz: Jack mode. You little faggot.

Jeremy puts the Primo Title over his shoulder and takes his X-Net and NC-17 Titles and grabs Miss Perfect by the hand. Miss Perfect stomps JXD in the crotch as they walk away. Spyder Gainey later steps onto the scene accompanied by police officers. He kneels down next to JXD, who is coughing up blood and holding his crotch in agony.

Spyder: Didn't I tell you not to let me catch you drinking again? And I told you not to let Diaz catch you this week because he was going to do something drastic, but did you listen?

Spyder shakes his head as he stands up and dusts off his shoulder.

Spyder: Hurry up and get him some help boys. He's stupid, and doesn't listen but I don't guess he should have to suffer too long.

Harrison:  Ladies and gentlemen, Spyder Gainey welcomes you to the Hard Rock Detroit for a night of Uncensored Wrestling Entertainment! Our first match is for one fall. Introducing first from  Austin, Texas....Annabelle Lee!

The lights dim, "2x4" by Metallica hits, spotlights flash on and off about the arena to the beat of the music. As the song kicks off, Annabelle walks out wearing denim short-shorts, black boots, knee pads, and a black wife beater. She adjusts her black elbow pads, and pulls a pair of sparring gloves from her back pocket and slips those on. She looks around, bewildered in a very cheesy way, then looks as though she's remembered what she's forgotten. Anna heads to the back, and returns with a 2x4. The crowd cheers as she holds it up in the air and begins to head down the ramp, as her ponytail swings back and forth. Anna reaches the ring, and slides in. She strides over to the left corner, and climbs up onto the second rope holding the weapon high in the air. The fans cheer as she steps down and sets the wooden 2x4 on the side of the ring under the corner. She shadow boxes as she awaits the bell to ring, her music ends.

Harrison : And her opponent......

Before Harrison can finish the introduction Eden Poe runs into the ring and runs right at Annabelle. She hits her with a right cross the two big back handed chops. Then she grabs Annabelle's hair and slings her to the mat. Poe then tries to pick Lee off the mat, but Annabelle lands an elbow to Poe's mid section and whips herself off the ropes and hits a body splash on Poe.

Diablo: Poe had momentum early, but Annabelle Lee has now taken control of this match up.

Maverick: Can we get a thong shot?!

Annabelle whips Poe into the corner then delivers a clothesline into the turnbuckles. Poe then stumbles forward and Annabelle hits a running bulldog that sends Eden's head crashing into the mat. Annabelle gets up and plays to the crowd and goes to the top ropes. As she gets to the top turnbuckle Poe grabs the top rope and Annabelle falls and lands face first in the ring. Poe quickly takes advantage and puts Lee into a sleeper hold. She keeps the hold on Lee for several moments, but then Annabelle slowly fights her way out of it with elbows. Then lands two big right hands and then dropkicks Poe and sends her falling to the outside of the ring. Annabelle Lee then goes outside as well and drags Poe to her feet, then slams her head into the barrier. Then grabs her by her hair and slams Poe's head into the steel post, not once, not twice, but three times!

Diablo : Eden Poe may just had the sense knocked into her or out of her, depending on your view point.

Maverick :  My view point is pretty damn good right now with these girls here right in front of me.

Diablo : What is Annabelle doing now?!

Annabelle then throws Poe onto the announcers table.

Maverick : I don't know, but this is great, but you might want to move Diablo.

Annabelle Lee then quickly climbs the steel post and makes her way to the top turnbuckle. Then plays to the crowd, leaps and hits a beautiful Moonsault and crashes on top of Poe. Luckily this isn't some second rate federation garbage equipment, the table stood, which probably surprised a lot of the new faces backstage but not those who know exactly how Spyder Gainey does things. 

Diablo: A huge Moonsault has connected for Lee!!

Maverick: Holy Shit! Talk about the front row!

Lee then tosses Poe back into the ring and plays to the crowd. Then she hops back in the ring and drags Poe to her feet and sets her up for the "Annabelle-Ringer" and hits it. Then Lee goes for the cover and Lowrider counts..1...2...3!!

Harrison : Here is your winner....Annabelle Lee

Maverick : What a match for Annabelle and better yet what a finish.

Diablo : That's right Mav, that was a great win for.......Oh shit its Rose Carter with an aluminum baseball bat!!

As Harrison raises Annabelle's hand, Rose Carter sneaks in the ring and nails Annabelle Lee in the back of the knee with an aluminum baseball back. Then Rose Carter puts the bat in front of Lee's neck, then pulls back and chokes Annabelle with the bat. Then Rose looks around and plays to the crowd for a few moments. Then she sees Lee is trying to roll out of the ring. Rose then drags Lee to her feet and hits Lee in the stomach with the bat and sends Annabelle to the mat in a whole world of hurt. She calls for a microphone.

Rose Carter: Annabelle! You're not such a tough bitch now, are ya? Looks like there's one bitch tougher than you, and I'm not talkin about Jasmine! You wanna start shit? Fine. You wanna start shit with me? You're gonna get fucked up. Me, you, the ring, next week. I'm not takin no for an answer either, you pussified blonde bitch. I hope you like shit up your ass, 'cause that's exactly where this fuckin bat's goin!

Diablo : Rose Carter making a statement and right after a nice win for Annabelle Lee.

Maverick : This went from being a sweet victory for Lee to a bitter experience for her. That's fucking Uncensored, ain't it cool?

We are taken backstage to Bullrush's locker room. Bullrush comes walking up to the door when he sees a poster on the door explaining the dangers of taking steroids. He looks around and then rips down the poster and walks into his locker room. Standing in Bullrush's locker room is the idiot Ridge hired to impersonate Bullrush during his promos and a camera crew. The guy is wearing a huge condom on his head, and looks like he's cutting a promo.

"Bull": Ridge. Bull smash you flat, roll you up and use you as paper towel.

Bullrush: What the fuck is this?! Get your inbred ass out of my locker room.... hey you cut that camera off!

The impersonator turns his attention to Bullrush. He walks up to him and tries to stand face to face, even though the impersonator is three inches shorter than the real deal.


The impersonator pulls out a syringe and shoots himself up. Bullrush picks the impersonator up off the ground.

Bullrush: Camera man...yeah you open the door!

The camera man opens the door and Bullrush throws the impersonator out, sending his head smashing through the wall in the hallway.

Bullrush: Where the fuck is he....(looks around)...where's Ridge damnit! I want answers!

Ridge comes walking down the hallway. He sees the impersonator with his head stuck in the wall and goes over and takes a look. He then takes a look at the other side of the hall and sees Bullrush.

Ridge: Let me guess. Your roid rage got the better of you?

Bullrush: (shakes and laughs) You got some nerve, you son of a bitch! Sending these clowns in my locker room?! I should take you out right here...right now!

He gets up in Ridge's face.

Ridge: Nobody's stopping you.

Bullrush: I see the great Messiah still has the guts, but the problem is that your too damn stupid for your own good.

Out of nowhere, Ridge hits Bull with a kick to the groin and follows up with a string of punches. Bull goes stumbling back, then blocks a punch, plants his foot and starts to land punches of his own. Two men working security run up and try to separate Ridge and Bullrush. Bull slings one man off and Ridge kicks one to the side. Ridge then runs at Bull and the two lock up and wrestle to the ground. Ridge then gets in two big right crosses and then hits Bull with a elbow smash. Then two more security men run up and all four of them get Ridge up and try to separate him from Bullrush, but Bull gets up, makes his way through security and hits a big right handed uppercut. Security radios for backup and soon a few more security personnel show up to separate the two men. A voice is heard coming down the hallway.

Corey: Hey! Nobody is going to kick Ridge’s ass but me!

Ridge and Bullrush turn their attention down the hall. Corey is shown walking down the hallway. His pace quickens as he charges forwards. Ridge breaks loose from the security guards.

Ridge: Didn’t get fucked up enough last week?

Corey still running takes Ridge down with a clothesline and starts stomping on Ridges ribs. A security guard picks up Corey. Corey catches the man in the face with an elbow breaking away from him. Corey drops to his feet and takes a nightstick off the stunned guard. Ridge gets to his feet and takes Corey by the throat and puts him against the wall.

Ridge: What's wrong Corey? Are you still upset that I fucked your girlfriend?

Corey spits in Ridge’s face. Ridge glares at Corey wiping the spit from his face.

Ridge: Your going to regret that.

Ridge starts taking full swings hitting Corey in the face. The nightstick drops out of Corey’s hand. Ridge stops as a little bit of blood trickles out of Corey’s nose. Ridge smiles as guards pull him off. Corey wipes some blood from his nose. He grins and picks up the nightstick and smacks it off Ridge’s skull with a sickening thud. Guards lift up Corey and slam him against the wall and pry the nightstick from Corey’s hands. Bullrush speaks as he’s restrained.

Bullrush: Just like a Hardcore Geek has to use weapons. Pussy.

Corey: Fuck you. This has nothing to do with you and me, I came over here for the simple fact to get at Ridge, but I have no problem scrapping with you either!

Corey hits a security guard in the face and tries to struggle free. The security is too much for him. Bullrush just laughs at him and in a single motion he pushes all the guards off of him. Bullrush grabs Corey from the grasps of security and throws Corey against the wall. Bullrush tries to punch Corey. Corey ducks as Bullrush’s fist smashes against the wall. A security guard jumps on the towering Bullrush. Corey hits Bullrush with kidney shots until he hits an upper cut sending Bullrush back against the wall smashing the guard between Bullrush and the wall. Bullrush then bounces off and knees Corey in the stomach and takes Corey by his hair and smashes him face first into the ground. Corey stands up as his nose is bleeding worse. He just smiles and reaches around Bullrush’s head and starts rubbing his face against Bullrush’s face smearing his blood on him.

Corey: Want to try me? You don’t know sick!

Security yanks off Corey as Bullrush has a look of disgust as he wipes Corey’s blood from his face. Bullrush goes at Corey again but security tackle Bullrush. Camera's leave the scene with Corey, Bullrush, and Ridge yelling obscenities at each other, with the guards keeping them from each others throats.

Metalingus by Alterbridge hits the speakers. The crowd goes wild as the lights fall and slow motion stills of Seraphis' most solid bumps cascade slowly down the big screen. Pyros explode and a spotlight hits the staging revealing that the pyros have ignited the Kendo stick that he holds up over his head.

Harrison: Ladies and Gentlemen, from parts unknown SERAPHIS!

The crowd gives him  much love as he makes his way slowly to the ring. He drops his weapon and slides in.

Diablo: We really haven't heard much, if anything from the former CMW Champion Rayne Phoenix since Ballroom Blitz earlier this month. Word on the streets is that Spyder has had this man institutionalized...permanently.

Maverick: Smartest business decision he's made so far if you ask me.

Inside of the ring, Seraphis begins to argue with Lowrider. With no choice, the ref begins to count-out Seraphis' opponent.

Diablo: I'll tell you what Mav, normally Seraphis is a very fierce competitor. Even if Lowrider counts Rayne Phoenix out...don't count Rayne out, if you know what I mean.

Maverick: He's downright weird, and I don't like him. I don't like the way those freaky red eyes look at me...

Just as Lowrider counted 8...then 9..."Prince Charming" by Metallica exploded from the speakers and not one ass was in seat as the crowd went wild and it all seemed to somehow interrupt the count. As he entered the Hard Rock Cafe, it was obvious that the baby faced assassin Deuce Holmes was ready to fight. His long dirty blonde hair was pulled back and braided. Barefooted he walked to the ring, wearing only the bottoms of a black martial arts Gi. An even dozen blood red stripes were the only color besides black on the belt that was cinched tight around his waist.

Maverick: You have just GOT to be shittin' me!

Diablo: He's sworn on his mother's grave that no one would see him publically until he dealt with XFW World Heavyweight Champion Jason Violent next month at X-Net's Dreams and Destiny....but we have the Urban Legend himself right here live in Climax!

Holmes vertically leaps up onto the ring apron and pyros explode from all four ring posts as Harrison and Lowrider leave the ring. Then acting as if it were a normal day at the office, Holmes stepped into the ring, acknowledged his opponent with a bow and made his move towards him quickly hooking the near leg and forcing Seraphis down hard onto the mat.

Diablo: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a hook grappler. Holmes will isolate a joint or a limb, take you down to the mat and nine times out of ten you don't get up until you tap out.

Maverick: He's a minute man. His matches don't help any companies pay per view buyrates, hence the fact that he is constantly unemployed.

Diablo: And if you asked him you'd find out exactly where pay per view buyrates fall on his list of priorities, but you're right about one thing Mav. I don't expect to see Holmes even break a sweat out here on Seraphis. As hardcore as he is, and as much abuse as he can absorb, he's down on the mat right now and will have to wrestle his way out of it.

Holmes releases a quarter nelson, quickly applying a hammerlock. He stood, circling Seraphis, almost appearing to be wrenching the hammerlock when their feet became entangled. Holmes dropped to his knees with the step over toe hold applied releasing the hammerlock as he did. He pulled back hard on Seraphis' long hair quickly applying his dragon sleeper variation of the STF.

Diablo: Holmes Deathlock!

Maverick: What took him so long?

Diablo: Are you really telling me that you have no desire to take a man like Seraphis and make him say "Uncle" as quick as Holmes just did? Two minutes ago he was on top of the world, looking a win in the eye, and now we don't even need a ref to decide it. Now that's entertainment.

Seraphis tapped wildly on Holmes' shoulder. It began slower and slower until his arm went limp. Lowrider slid into the ring finally attempting to break the vicious hold and couldn't.

Diablo: Just like Spyder did at Ballroom Blitz to Rayne Phoenix, I think it's gonna take the boss man to come out before these two are separated.

Finally Holmes released the hold, but only out of frustration with Lowrider. he quickly grabbed the smaller man and lifted him up into a fireman's carry. As he heaved him off of his shoulder's, Holmes inverted the slam nailing a michinoku driver instead of the DVD you may have expected. Quick to his feet, Holmes stood in between and over the two fallen men and called for a microphone.

Deuce Holmes: I'll assume I need no introduction!

He gets his cheap pop from the crowd as he kicks at Seraphis' arm, looking for signs of life.

Deuce Holmes: Are you happy? I'll assume that this is what you wanted. My attention...

He spat down onto Seraphis.

Deuce Holmes: Well you got it.

He finally gets that big pop from the crowd and they began chanting "SCAN-DA-LOUS"

Diablo: Don't tell me he is breaking a promise to his dead mother to feed his own ego! Holmes isn't even that damned dirty.

Maverick: Opinions vary...

Deuce Holmes: And hopefully, I have your undivided attention as well. Certainly if you spoke the truth last week then I do. Hell I just did the one thing to you that all those big names that you were dropping last week couldn't do. I made you tap out Seraphis. I made you quit. You shouldn't even be on my agenda after that but you know I'm going to do for you next week in Atlantic City New Jersey...

"Random Acts of Violence" by Raging Speedhorn hit the speakers and XFW's Jason Violent stepped out onto the staging and oddly enough it was without his ever present manager Curtis McPherson, it was with the director of X-Net World Wide, Michael Mordrid who held a microphone.

Mordrid: Now you hold on a minute there Tyler Holmes.

Maverick: Uh oh...

Diablo: He really shouldn't have called him that.

Mordrid: This is an X-Net Federation...and as long as it is then it is governed by X-Net's rules.

Just as the crowd started the "BULLSHIT" chant, Spiderman by The Ramones hit the speakers and the crowd went wild.

Diablo: Now we gonna get some straightening!

The lights fell and like the consummate showman he is, Spyder Gainey stood in the center of his spotlight wearing his big pimp hat and floor lengthed fur coat as he stood on the hand rail of the balcony holding the handles of a zip cord. He leapt, kicking off and zipping over the ring and directly at Mordrid. Jason Violent dove out of the way into the crowd as Spyder released the handle and knocked Mordrid flat with a flying clothesline. Back in the ring, Lowrider slowly came back to consciousness and rolling out of the ring he tossed the ring apron aside and pulled a table out.

Maverick: And we're about to live...

Spyder pulled Mordrid up with one hand and pumped his other fist into the air igniting the crowd.

Diablo: The...HIGH...LIFE!

Spyder throttled Mordrid for a second, choking the tee total shit out of him and shaking him right up off of his feet and just went on ahead and pressed him out to full extension as he sat out that nasty chokeslam right through the table. Spyder got up, grabbed his hat, brushed his shoulder off and told Holmes to give up the mic.

Spyder Gainey: Now don't you good people go trippin' on all know I don't play that bullshit up in here.

The crowd roars his approval as Spyder looked down at Mordrid.

Spyder Gainey: Rules? What the fuck is a rule? We uncensored here. If you don't like that shit...

And the crowd said it right along with him.


He pulled a cigar out that was about as long as Mordrid's arm and lit it up. He tossed his match down on the broken table, after a second, it caught.

Spyder Gainey: Here...I'm a help you...

Mordrid's X-Net shirt caught fire as the table he lay on burned. He jumped up, jumped around, and finally took his shirt off and tossed it aside running out of the small theatre. Spyder kicked him in his ass on his way by and pulled open the fur coat as the camera zoomed in on him showing the X-Net GFX-Net Title on his right shoulder, the X-Net Eliminator X Title slung over his left shoulder and the FUCK X-Net Title around his waist. Lowrider was about a foot and a half shorter than Spyder but still tried to ease into the shot.

Lowrider: Tres Equis...

Spyder Gainey: I'm real. I will fuck you up and make jokes about it.

Spyder turned to leave but not before telling Lowrider to get his little ass back to work. Lowrider pulled a fire extinguisher out from under the ring and put the burning table out just as Jason Violent climbed over the guardrail and started for the ring. Holmes motioned for him to come on, smiling that boyish smile of his as he did.

Maverick: See, you know Holmes has never lied to us.

Diablo: Maybe not that one...don't get me started on his sister.

Maverick: I'd like to get started on his sister.

Seraphis still lay motionless on the mat behind Holmes as XFW's Jason Violent stepped into the ring. He moved in towards Holmes who only spit that mysterious red mist into his eyes.

As Holmes spit...Seraphis nipped up!

Holmes ducked and rolled out of the way as Seraphis pivoted on his heel and nailed the diamond cutter.

Diablo: Panama Red and Oblivion.

Maverick: All I saw was Jason Violent take a long one right in the ass!

Violent lay facedown on the mat and Holmes pounced, this time with a cobra clutch variation of the STF, exposing all of Violent's face and a long stretch of his ribcage. Seraphis rolled out of the ring, tore the ring apron aside and pulled out his Kendo stick holding it up high for the crowd's approval. Seraphis lit his black and mild cigar, then his Singapore cane as he slid back into the ring.

Diablo: Now I'm not a fan of Violent's but I don't like to see any man caned, especially like this. Holmes and Seraphis worked us all here tonight. This is a damned despicable swerve and not even Violent deserves this!

Seraphis pulled back and nailed Violent hard across his ribs with the burning cane. He hit him a second time and then quickly with a third shot. Holmes' grip was relentless and his knowledge of submission holds legendary, he kept Violent subdued, but conscious. Seraphis took a long pull off of his cigar before casting it aside and backing into the ropes to get a running start as he smashed Violent right in the teeth shattering his Kendo stick. Holmes released the hold and stood, he and Seraphis smacked a hard high five. As he backed to the ropes Holmes never took his eyes off of Violent. He wrapped an arm around the top rope and backflipped out onto the floor as EMT's rushed past him to attend to Jason Violent. Holmes picked up the microphone that Spyder had dropped on the aisle.

Deuce Holmes: Jason Violent...stop playing possum. I know you aren't hurt. You're tougher than that. get up and walk it off. Walk your ass back to X-Net and challenge someone if you want to fight at Dreams and Destiny, I don't need my manager to tell me that it's career suicide to allow Mordrid to book my matches. And if you and Seraphis want to, it's your problem now, not mine. I don't need a referee to tell me when you tap Violent, and I don't need a panel of biased and special guest judges to know whether or not I've won or lost to you. I made you look like a novice at best and I was penalized for being Uncensored. Call it a win if you want to, but I'll call a spade a spade every damn time.

He enunciated the last words perfectly as they rolled Violent past him on a stretcher. Finally Holmes left, and the lights go out then a blue glow shines threw the arena and Rain Song by Cold hits the PA system then the sprinkler system in the arena goes off drenching everyone and everything and then the bars around the screen ignite in blue and orange flames and on the screen you see in black and white Rayne Phoenix doing crazy martial arts and unorthodox moves to his opponents and it has close ups of Rayne's looks on his face at times his sadistic smile, pissed off look, Almost sad look, but every time you see Rayne the whole video is in black and white but his eyes show up red...Then smoke Rises from the entranceway and Rayne walks threw the smoke wearing a broken straight jacket and chains on his wrists that span are just dragging on the ground by about 2 feet and he walks down to the ring...he gets up on the turnbuckle and does a backflip off the turnbuckle landing on his knees in the middle of the ring and fire shoots from the turnbuckles. Then he takes off the straight jacket and coils the chains around his wrists and forearms and uses giant clips with a Phoenix on them that is already on the wraps on his hands to hold them in place...

Maverick: I do not like this guy.

Diablo: He's one in a million.

Maverick: That'd be the politically correct explanation of Rayne Phoenix.

Lowrider calls for the bell and the two men tie up at the collar and elbow, Rayne gets the clear advantage in the tie-up when he locks in a side headlock. He wrenches tighter on the hold until Seraphis backs up against the ropes and shoves him off. Rayne is dropped with a shoulder block from Seraphis. Seraphis bounces off the ropes and Rayne rolls over onto his stomach as he jumps over him. Rayne gets to his feet, but Seraphis takes him to the outside of the ring with a clothesline over the top rope as the crowd is going nuts.

Diablo: Seraphis is outclassing Rayne Phoenix in the ring right now.

Maverick: Rayne looks a little frustrated on the outside.

Rayne slides into the ring under the bottom rope as Seraphis invites him for another collar-elbow tie-up. This time, Rayne nails him with a knee to the gut followed by a clothesline to the back of the head causing Seraphis to hit the mat face first.

Diablo: OUCH! That one had PAIN written all over it.

Maverick: I felt it from here.

Rayne picks Seraphis up and tosses him into the corner, quickly catching him with a stiff kick to the head. Seraphis falls to the mat as Rayne brings his foot down across the throat of Seraphis, choking Seraphis as the fans start to get behind him. Rayne picks Seraphis up and tosses him into the ropes and on the return, grabs the back of Seraphis' head and tosses him over the ropes. Seraphis hits the floor below with a thud as he lays there, holding his stomach and arm. Rayne doesn't waste time as he slides out and walks around the ring, going towards where Seraphis is. Seraphis is shown crawling as Rayne quickly walks over and grabs him by the hair, only to be met by an elbow to the stomach. After two more, Seraphis finally decides to grab Rayne by the waist and hoist him up and drop him head first into the side of the ring. Rayne hits hard and bounces back, turning in the process in which he is caught by the vicious diamond cutter known as Oblivion

Diablo: Seraphis caught Rayne with the Oblivion...but he is on the outside

Maverick: Better get Seraphis some Johnson & Johnson 'No More Tears' because he isn't winning just yet

Seraphis recovers as Rayne begins to as well. Seraphis grabs Rayne and rolls him into the ring as he quickly follows. He goes to pick Rayne up as Rayne grabs the tights and pulls him into the ropes. Seraphis head goes into the corner head first as he just hangs on the second rope from the impact. Rayne gets up and grabs Seraphis by the hair, pulling him into the ring setting him up for some move. But Seraphis bursts up and grabs Rayne's left arm, hoisting him up on his shoulders and then hitting him with Darkness Falls. One, two, Rayne kicks out!

Diablo: I don't believe it! Rayne kicked out!

Maverick: He's in this one for the long haul!

Seraphis smacks the mat in frustration before picking Rayne up by the hair and shoving him into the corner. He then whips him across the ring and charges him, but Rayne gets a boot up and nails him in the face. Seraphis staggers backwards as Rayne flies out of the corner and turns him inside out with a clothesline.

Diablo: Rayne nearly took his head off!

Rayne picks Seraphis up and throws him into the corner. He then puts both legs on either side of the ropes so that Seraphis lays straddled in the corner. Rayne then jumps to the outside of the ring and pulls out a gas tank and some matches. He slides back in and begins to douse the groggy Seraphis with gasoline. He then lights a match as Seraphis wakes up and rakes him in the eyes forcing Rayne to stagger backwards and put the match out on accident. Seraphis then mounts the top rope before NAILING Rayne with a flying clothesline across the throat. He makes the pin attempt. One, two, kick out. He picks Rayne up and sets up for a reverse suplex of sorts. He hoists Rayne in the air, but Rayne flips over and counters with The Brink. One, two, three!!!



Your scene opens up in the Hard Rock Cafe parking lot. All is calm and quiet until a tinted up black Lincoln Navigator pulls into the scene. Almost simultaneously three of the four doors on the vehicle swing open and a plume of blunt smoke rises into the air. From the Navigator steps, Jose, Buckwild, and none other than former X-Rated Universal Champion Jamal Brooks. He is dressed in a pair of loose fitting black jeans, a black tee shirt with X-Rated on it in red lettering. A pair of designer sunglasses shields his eyes from view, and the Rolex watch he flosses on his left wrist is worth more than some of your houses.

Diablo: THAT'S JAMAL BROOKS! What the hell is he doing here?

Jamal removes the sunglasses and a sinister grin crosses over his face.

Jamal Brooks: So this is Uncensored hey.

Jose: I hear they are one of the hottest upstart promotions in this industry.

Jamal Brooks: Is that so?

Jose: That's what I hear.

Jamal Brooks: Well then I guess it is only fitting that hottest superstar in the industry finds his way onto that roster.

BuckWild: We gon turn this motherfucka upside down.

With that the three of them make their way to the superstar’s entrance and disappear into the building.

The pyros go off with '#1' by Nelly playing in the background. Then X-Net Icon Finalist Sugar Shane Perry appears from the curtain and he jumps up and down on the stage with the fans cheering. Then he walks down the ramp raising his arms up and down trying to pump up the crowd. Then he enters the ring, climbs a corner and raises his arms in the air with the fans cheering and chanting his name. Then he grabs the mic off the ring official.

Sugar Shane Perry: For those of you that don’t know who I am. My name is Sugar Shane Perry and I plan on making a huge impact here in UWE!

Fans erupt in cheers.

Sugar Shane Perry: At first I was hesitant in joining UWE but after a lot of convincing and begging from the boss Spyder. We reached an agreement and for now I am signed to UWE and there are many people that I have seen in this company that I would love the opportunity to destroy.

I would usually trash talk all the guys I hate but we don’t have enough air time for me to do that however there is one man, one person that I would like to address that I know for a fact dissed me in a big way recently and that man’s name is Jeremy Diaz.

The people boo in disapproval.

Sugar Shane Perry: You don’t think I heard your cheap ass comments directed at me in the past week. What you don’t remember? You got dropped on your head too many times when you were a kid? Fine I will remind you then. This is what you said and I quote, ‘Sugarless Shane Perry? Who the fuck is that?’

What kind of bullshit is that? Everyone should know who I am, especially you. I came in at 7th in the worldwide X-Net Icon competition. On the next big event, I have a match one on one with X-Net favorite Tamu The Tongan Tiger and...

As soon as the UWE fans hear X-NET, the people boo loudly in disapproval, and begin chanting "FIXED".

Sugar Shane Perry: I will shock the world and defeat the guy in front of all his beloved peeps. Remember now people. Well I know I will have to wait in the back of the line till I get a shot at you Diaz but I thought I would give you something to think about. You see, I can see why people think you are a Sugar Shane wannabe. After all, you try to bust out rhymes that are completely wack, you think you lived the true gangsta life? Fuck that! I lived it, I went through the tough streets everyday fearing for my life. So I don’t need to hear any shit from anyone around here proclaiming I am a Jeremy Diaz ripoff because I’m the fucking truth!

Just for you Diaz, I wrote some short, sweet rhymes for you, dedicated to you and directed at you. Okay here it is…

Yo you say you fucked my mother but my mother is dead
Saying shit like that will only put a mark on your head
So if I see you in the streets someday I’ll fill you up with lead
Its kind of sad though you can only get a dead woman in bed

It probably was true though you probably went to the cemetery
And screwed the corps like a pedophile at jc penny
But to me your always only be a gorilla with big lips
But big lips are helpful to people that suck dicks

Your lips are so big you probably can’t drink water without drooling it all over the floor
You talk about my mom at least she’s not an alcoholic whore
You tell people to call you the best but they should call the bitch
I’ve won this battle as easy as turning on a light switch

That is just a short sample of my rhymes and already I can see you are all stunned of how good that was, well expect better as time goes on in my UWE career. Now let’s get down to business.

I came to UWE for new challenges, harder challenges than ones that I have previously had in my career. Obviously the ultimate goal is to face and defeat Diaz but you know what? I can wait in line for my shot at the guy.

However I hear that there is some sort of UWE pay per view coming up and I see that by then I am legally able to wrestle for UWE so I am in need of a match. And seeing that all the guys that have arrived here, already have matches. It looks like I have to make a challenge to one of the new UWE guys. So I am challenging Jamal Brooks, to a match at this pay per view. One on one, no crazy stipulations, just straight up wrestling.

I have seen what you have done in the past and was quite impressed. You do have some talent, that’s why it will be a honor for me to make you my first UWE victim whether you like it or not buddy. So don’t back down, accept my challenge and I will prove that I am the future of UWE and the industry. I am the Mack Daddy Of Sugar Smacking!

Then Sugar Shane drops the mic with ‘#1’ by Nelly blasting through the PA system with the fans cheering him on. Then Sugar Shane exits out of the the ring and enters backstage as the match bell rings three times calling the attention to the ring. Like clockwork "Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against the Machine hits the PA system and Bullrush walks out on the entrance ramp.

Harrison: Introducing first, making his UWE debut, he weighed in tonight at 265 pounds, hailing to you from Pensacola, Florida, “The Beast from the East” BULLRUSH!!

He stands at the top of the ramp with his head held down. He raises his arms and lightning like pyro lasers shoot down towards him. He slowly raises his hands up then shoots them outward as more pyro flashes and his theme song kicks in full effect. As he makes his way to ringside he swings his arms and throws a few punches. Then he enters the ring and climbs one turnbuckle, plays to the crowd, hops down and waits for the match to start. "Suicide Messiah" by Black Label Society hits over the sound system.

Harrison: And his opponent, you all should know him, for he is from your city Detroit, Michigan, he weighs in at 243 pounds, he is…”Hardcore Wrestling's Messiah”. SNAKE RIDGE!!

Ridge walks down the ramp with fans booing at him, but one section is cheering for him. He enters the ring by the ring steps.

Maverick: This should be a intense match.

Diablo: No doubt, with that backstage incident these two are probably anxious to get things started.

Match bell rings. Bullrush and Ridge step up in each others face and are blatantly talking trash to each other. Bullrush pushes Ridge backwards. Ridge looks at him and brushes his shoulder off. Bullrush stands back grinning. Ridge walks back to Bullrush and points his finger in Bullrush’s face and yells something at him. Ridge slaps Bullrush in the face. Bullrush looks back slowly and things finally get started. Bullrush grabs Ridge and throws him into the turnbuckles. Bullrush walks up and starts giving Ridge right hands in the corner. On the third fist thrown Ridge catches his fist and kicks Bullrush in his gut and elbows Bullrush knocking him backwards. Ridge grabs him, Bullrush overpowers him and hits a Fall Away Slam on Ridge. Ridge gets back to his feet and kicks Bullrush in the gut, then hooks Bullrush’s head under his arm into a headlock. Ridge then starts running still holding his head and hits a Bulldog on Bullrush. Ridge lifts Bullrush up and whips him into the ropes, Bullrush bounces off and counters with a spear to Ridge. Bullrush lifts up Ridge by his throat and hooks him under his arm and drops him to the mat with a Sidewalk Slam. Bullrush turns and taunts the crowd as they cheer.

Maverick: He’s kind of Cocky isn’t he.

Diablo: It ain’t bragging if you can back it up.

Ridge gets to his feet and goes for a running clothesline; Bullrush ducks his arm and nails him with a vicious Reverse DDT. Bullrush grabs Ridge by his head and drags him over to the ropes and places his throat on the second rope. Bullrush puts his knee on Ridges head and uses the top rope as leverage and starts choking Ridge. Referee breaks the hold at a 4 count. Ridge is holding his throat, Bullrush starts walking back towards Ridge, Ridge hits him with a low blow and jumps to his feet, Ridge hooks Bullrush’s head, Bullrush counters lifting him up and slamming him down with a spine buster. Ridge gets back to his feet and the two of them lock up. Ridge in swift movement hooks both of Bullrush’s arms and hits a front DDT. Ridge starts to pick up Bullrush about halfway through lifting him up Bullrush charges him back against the turnbuckles. Bullrush then pulls him out and lifts Ridge up in a Powerbomb and sends him slamming into the corner for a Turnbuckle smash. Ridge leans over the rope for a moment. Bullrush lays a hand on Ridge’s shoulder, Ridge leaps forward and hits him in the gut with an elbow, Ridge gets to his feet and starts wailing on Bullrush with right hands. Ridge then throws Bullrush’s arm over his shoulder and performs a beautiful T-Bone Suplex. Ridge hooks Bullrush’s leg. 1…Bullrush kicks out.

Maverick: Not even close.

Diablo: Look at the man he’s a beast.

Ridge gets back on Bullrush and grabs him and performs a Flatliner. Bullrush’s face slams on the mat, and Ridge slides out of the ring and pulls out a baseball bat with barbwire wrapped around it. Ridge climbs back in the ring. He stands with the bat preparing to swing it. Bullrush is getting to his feet, Ridge swings the bat for his head, Bullrush catches the bat, and barbwire sticks deep into the palm of Bullrush’s hand.

Maverick: Nice catch.

Diablo: Must not have seen it was a barbwire wrapped bat.

Ridge jerks the bat back cutting his hand even more. Bullrush makes a fist as blood runs down his arm. Ridges goes for a second swing and hits Bullrush right in the side of his face lacerating Bullrush again.

Diablo: Woah, Ridge is teaching Bullrush that Hardcore Wrestling is no joke.

Maverick: Ridge is definitely in control.

Ridge locks the bat around Bullrush’s throat and leans back choking Bullrush with the bat. Ridge steps on the back of Bullrush’s leg forcing him down to his knees.

Maverick: Guess the snake is too much for the beast.

Corey Ramirez steps out from under the ring with light tube in hand. He slides in the ring a board with light tubes, broken pieces of glass, and barb wire attached to it.

Diablo: What the hell? What is he doing here.

Maverick: What do you think.

Then he climbs into the ring and as Ridge is choking Bullrush with the bat, Corey shatters the light tube across Ridge’s head breaking up the hold, Bullrush drops to his knee rubbing his neck. Corey lifts up Ridge on his shoulder in a back suplex position then spins out of it slamming Ridge’s back down onto the board shattering light tubes and the barbwire and glass stick into Ridges back. Corey rolls out to ringside.

Diablo: Earlier tonight he was involved and the sick little bastard smeared his blood over all bull’s face.

Bullrush goes for a pin on Ridge. 1…2…Kick out.

Maverick: You gotta be shittin me!

Bullrush stands up surprised. Corey slams his hands down on the mat angrily. He slides out of the ring and retrieves a chair. Ridge steps back up to his feet swaying a bit. Bullrush slides in and goes for a chair shot, Ridge catches the chair and pulls it out of Bullrush’s hands and tosses it on the mat. Ridge hooks his head under his arm and hits a cut throat suplex.

Diablo: Penance!

Ridge hooks Bullrush’s leg.

Maverick: 1…2…3!!!!

Harrison: The winner of this match by pinfall: Snake Ridge!

The scene cuts backstage where Jeremy Diaz is seen getting a soda from a vending machine.


Diaz swings around quickly preparing himself for the worst but immediately smiles a slick grin when he sees that the men behind him are Jamal Brooks and his entourage.

Jeremy Diaz: Awwwwwwww shit.

The two slap hands.

Jeremy Diaz: What you doin in MY neck of the woods cuz?

Jamal Brooks: Well I see my nigga over here doin big things with the big dogs here in UWE. You know the Ghetto Golden Child gotta get down with the hottest promotion in the industry.

Jeremy Diaz: No doubt homey. You get with Spyder about it yet?

Jamal Brooks: Nah, I'm lookin for dude right now. But I been doin my homework on this place. Once the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted I'm gonna do you a favor.

Jeremy Diaz: I don't need any favors homey.

Jamal Brooks: Shit I know that. NC-17 Champ nigga, you big ballin up in this bitch. Don't consider it so much as a favor, Just a gesture of mutual respect my nigga.

Jeremy Diaz: Alright cuz bet.

Jamal Brooks: Now I gotta go find the boss man Spyder. I'll see you around homey.

They slap hands again and as Brooks and his entourage walk off, Diaz cracks up and takes a step to the side where the cameras reveal Spyder Gainey. The crowd back in the arena goes wild for him.

Jeremy Diaz: Yo, pass that.

Spyder hit it again, real hard for like a minute, then passed an itty bitty teeny tiny "what was left of the blunt" back to Diaz who just looked at him and wouldn't even take it.

Spyder Gainey: Why didn't you let your boy get a hit?

He just looked at Spyder like he was stupid.

Jeremy Diaz: Nigga didn't put in on this...

They both cracked up and began to walk off in different directions.

Spyder: You know what he's about to do...

Diaz: I don't care if you don't care...

Spyder: Got nothing to do my money...

Jeremy Diaz: Next one's on you...Bogart.

“I Take Drugs" By Murderdolls hits on the sound system. Arena goes black and a red strobe lights kick on as Corey walks out wearing a red bandana shirtless with red baggy pants with 420 written down the side and red elbow pads. Corey stops on the center of the ramp and holds up both arms giving each side of the arena the finger, then leaps in the air and as his feet lands, pyros explode. Corey walks down and rolls into the ring. Corey then walks to the side of the ropes leans over and yells at a few fans in the front row. Then he leaps up on the turnbuckle and sits awaiting his opponent as the music fades out.

Harrison: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, in the ring from Riverside, California, weighing in at 190 pounds...COREY RAMIREZ!!!

The lights cut in the arena. The big screen comes to life as the speakers kick in. The opening guitar riffs of "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns 'N Roses stream from the sound system. As the guitar gets louder, the lights slowly come back up. As the first verse of the song starts, there is an explosion of pyros from all around the stage. "The Edge" Jared Masori, flashing an arrogant grin, emerges from backstage and the boos begin to pour down from the crowd. Masori laughs at the fans' response and proceeds to the ring.

Harrison: And his opponent, from Funk, Arizona, weighing in at 238 pounds, he is "THE EDGE" JARED MASSORI!!!!

Jared enters the ring via steel steps and goes straight to the middle of the ring to stand toe to toe with Corey Ramirez as the ref signals for the bell.

Diablo: This was the most heated battle coming into this week Mav.

Maverick: Amen to that. These two have been chewing their finger nails rapidly with anticipation of this one.

The two men back up into separate corners before charging one another in an collar-elbow tie up in the center of the ring. Massori gets the clear advantage because of his size and strength as Corey falls to one knee while still in the tie up. Corey then pulls his right arm out of the tie up and sweeps the legs of Jared Massori from under him. He then goes for a pin. One, two, Jared kicks out as Corey rolls over and the both of them are to their feet.

Diablo: Jared Massori looks a bit angry now.

Maverick: He's being outwrestled by the Cocaine King.

The two lock up again as Corey quick comes behind Jared with a hammerlock. He then releases the hammerlock and grabs Jared in a waistlock takedown. Afterwards, he pounces Jared and locks in a rear chinlock. Jared quickly gets over to the bottom rope forcing Corey to break the submission. Corey gets up to argue with the referee allowing for Jared to nail him from behind with a forearm shot to the back of the head. The fans boo as Jared simply taunts them.

Diablo: Well, if you can't outwrestle them, beat the crap out of them.

Maverick: Works for everyone else.

Jared stomps Corey on the head as he gets to his hands and knees. He then grabs Corey up by the hair and throws him in the corner where he nails him with VICIOUS chops across the chest! He then rips Corey's shirt open so as to nail him again and again. After having Corey's chest look like minced meat, Jared whips him across the ring and charges him, but Corey gets a boot up and nails him in the face. Jared staggers backwards as Corey goes to nail him with a clothesline, but ends up hitting a sunset flip after Jared ducks. Corey rolls Jared up, one, two, kick out! Jared is irate as he kicks the bottom rope and curses at the referee to the crowd's delight.

Diablo: Jared must feel as if the whole world is plotting against him right now.

Maverick: Well, right now, Corey Ramirez is going under the ring for some goodies.

Corey pulls out a table that is wrapped in barbed wire and slides it into the ring as the crowd begins its chants of "Un-Censored" after just seeing that. Corey then pulls out a kendo stick and slides into the ring, but is met with a VILE chair shot over the head from a suspecting Jared Massori, Corey just kind of passes out with his legs dangling on the outside of the ring. Jared Massori gets a bright idea and mounts the top rope and come down with a guillotine legdrop over the legs of Corey Ramirez!!!

Diablo: He could've hyper-extended both of Corey's knees, Or tore something!

Maverick: Fuck that, he could've broken his legs!!!

Corey rolls around the ring in pure agony holding his legs as Jared jumps into the ring to pull Corey's legs over to the turnbuckle.

Jared: ALA HITMAN!!!

Jared then locks in a figure four leglock ala Bret "Hitman" Hart on the steel ring post as Corey Ramirez screams in agony. After three minutes of the hold Corey is able to reach for the kendo stick he previously brought into the ring. He then "plays dead" as Jared releases the hold and gets into the ring to pose on the turnbuckle to the booing crowd. Corey kips up and NAILS Jared across the back with a vicious kendo stick shot. Jared cowers in the corner as Corey grabs him in powerbomb position and attempts to slam him onto the barbed wire table that lays unset across the ring. Instead Corey nails him with a devastating super powerbomb, but the table is still saved for the later!

Diablo: Remember when he hit Ridge with that same move?

Maverick: Ridge had barbed wire stuck to his skull and he landed on the steel steps.

Corey picks up the table and sets it up in the corner. He then slides to the outside of the ring and pulls out the steel ring steps. He sets then a few feet from the table that is propped in the corner. He then picks Jared up and whips him into the barbed wire table as he screams out in pain as blood drips to the ring mat from his back. Corey then backs up before running and jumping off the steps with a shooting star press, but Jared moves and Corey slams body first into the table, but doesn't break it!

Diablo: Corey just self destructed!!!

Maverick: He must be tweaking right now because that was bodily SUICIDE!!!

Corey rolls around the ring in pain, but tries to get his feet while using the middle rope for aid. He gets there, but is immediately struck down by a chair shot to the knees by Jared Massori!!!

Diablo: Jared going back to work on the legs of Corey Ramirez.

Jared grabs Corey by the legs and pulls him to the center of the ring where he locks in the Advantage!!! Corey begins to scream in agony, but doesn't tap out due to the pressure. His hands go out rapidly trying to grab something and alas he grabs hold of his savoir during this match, the kendo stick. He whops Jared one good time in between the eyes, but Jared just increases his grip on the STF move dubbed the Advantage. Corey then whacks him again and again until blood flows down the face of Jared Massori, but Jared keeps his grip on the hold. Corey rears back one last time and cold CLOCKS Jared Massori in between the eyes. Jared rolls over, releasing the hold and gets on his knees holding his head in pain. Corey staggers to his feet and limps on his bad legs while rearing back baseball style and nailing Jared in the nose with the kendo stick!!! Jared falls backwards as Corey pulls the barbed wire table out of the corner and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He then puts Jared on the table and mounts the top rope where he comes off with a monstrous Riverside Bump crashing through the barbed wire table!!! He then hooks the leg, one, two, three!!!

Diablo: DID YOU SEE THAT!?!?

Harrison: Here is your winner, COREY RAMIREZ!!!

The scene opens up backstage with Latrisha sitting in her dressing room. Her wrestling attire is already on, and the Deity seems a little bothered. She rocks back and forth looking around as backstage interviewer Patty Houlihan taps her on the shoulder. Latrisha jumps up out of her seat and clinches her fists.

Miss Perfect: What's wrong with you eh?!

Patty: Sorry, I just wanted to get an interview with you.

Miss Perfect: For what?! Can't you see I'm relaxing?

Patty: Looks more like you were about to crack.

Miss Perfect: Eh don't get smart with me eh!

Patty: Sorry, yeah so, you defeated Primo Champion JXD last week. How do you feel about facing his friend DLS this week?

Miss Perfect: How do I feel? I'm angry whatever your name is.

Patty: It's Patty.

Miss Perfect: Right Sandy.

Patty: PATTY.

Miss Perfect: Right Peter. Anyways, I'm angry. That dirty skank didn't even lick my clit before biting it! The nerve!

Patty: I didn't ask about that.

Miss Perfect: I don't care damnit! I want revenge!

She storms out of the room as Patty stands there checking her out from behind.


"Break Glass" By Mercy Drive plays as the match bell sounds three times calling for everyone’s attention. 

Harrison: Ladies and Gentlemen, from Tamworth, England. DLS! 

He steps out onto the staging and begins to walk to the ring with little to no reaction from the crowd other than heckling. 

Diablo: Not a very good week for DLS in Uncensored last week. It could go down as the shortest match in sports entertainment history, I had a busy week last week and didn’t get a chance to look that up but I will check into that at some point before Scandalous. Ridge with a choke out victory last week over DLS using the “Snake Bite”. 

Maverick: Average ordinary everyday Asiatic spike… 

Diablo: And then this happened backstage.

Diablo pointed up to the big screen where the UWE Flashback logo faded into the scene last week backstage when Spyder Gainey held DLS two feet off the ground by his throat and pinned against a wall. 

Spyder Gainey: What did you call me?

Unable to speak, DLS' face turned red and his eyes bulged.

Spyder Gainey: SAY MY NAME!

A thin trickle of blood ran out of DLS' nose as Spyder squeezed tighter.

Spyder Gainey: SAY...MY...NAME!!

Obviously not acting quickly enough for Spyder, he turned and hit that move, chokeslamming DLS down hard to the backstage concrete. JXD's smiling face leaned into shot.

JXD: Ladies and Gentlemen...the sophisticated...well dressed...filthy rich and slightly notorious, SPYDER GAINEY!

Behind JXD, Spyder stands and pulls out his cellphone, flipping it open with one deft motion of his wrist. He presses a single button, obviously speed dialing someone.

Spyder Gainey: What's up girl? It's me....

And then different from last week, the screen split, revealing who it was that Spyder had called and when the crowd sees her they go wild!

Miss Perfect: Hey Spydie!

Spyder Gainey: Check it out.

Miss Perfect: What’s up?

Spyder Gainey: I want you to do me a favor next week...

By now the crowd is heckling DLS full force and he is smacking the ring ropes in frustration which only encourages them. Slowly, the lights dim as "Drama" by L7 hits the speakers and the crowd nearly blows the roof off the place.  

Harrison: And his opponent, hailing from Toronto Ontario…MISS PERFECT!

Miss Perfect walks out wearing crimson red shorts with matching knee pads and boots. Tonight though, as she walks slowly down the ramp, she wears a jock strap over her shorts that holds a cup, a goalie’s mask over her face, and maybe to support the home team, maybe as an inside joke wore a #69 “Redwings” jersey. She holds a hockey stick and begins to walk that aisle with her eyes fixated on the ring.

Diablo: It looks like she may be nursing that tender spot that Alexandria caused backstage last week, but nonetheless she is ready for battle tonight.

Maverick: I guess I should have offered to kiss that all better for her. Oh well atleast we all know she knows how to handle “the wood”.

Diablo: She knew how to handle the UWE Primo Champion JXD last week too! I tell you Mav, I don’t know if you’ve seen her up close, but I’ve met her. She’s listed at five foot eight, a hundred sixty two pounds. But I’m five foot eight so, she’s damn near six foot tall in those big red boots, and thick.

Maverick: Top heavy.

Diablo: What I’m saying is all these guys need to start looking past the pretty blues and realize that this savvy ring veteran is no “girl wrestler”. She’s a bonafide luchadora, a former World Champion and can compete with anyone here.

Back in the ring, DLS has rolled to the outside not only to give Miss Perfect her entrance but also to pull a barbed wire wrapped steel chair from under the ring. Both competitors slide into the ring going for the first blow. As they enter, Harrison steps out, and Lowrider steps back calling for the bell. They look as if they are going to swing their weapons into each other when Miss Perfect nails a drop spin kick sweeping the legs and making sure by using her hockey stick as well. Keeping her balance, she completes the circle in a crouch but rising. Miss Perfect hooks his foot with her hockey stick as she stands lifting his leg up and exposing the hamstring muscle.

Maverick: Now this really hurts…

Diablo: And even at two hundred thirty pounds when DLS is flat on his back he’s a lot smaller than Miss Perfect.

Miss Perfect pulls back and nails a hard kick square into DLS’ hamstring and he smacks the mat hard in agony. Before he can do much else, she pulled back again and appeared to kick him even harder. The third time she did it, she tossed the hockey stick aside, wrenched his leg back as far as she could and actually pushed up off of her feet, coming down on his hamstring with both her feet and all her weight and then used that vertical base to springboard off of him front flip still holding his ankle and really get that abused muscle worked out for him. DLS flipped over onto his stomach clutching the back of his leg as Miss Perfect sprung up to her feet and hitting the ropes she nailed him right in the face with a baseball slide dropkick that sent him sliding under the ring ropes and onto the arena floor.

Diablo: He’s out!

Miss Perfect hops up onto the middle turnbuckle and slides the facemask up on top of her head and blows kisses to the crowd.

Maverick: Hey let me get one of those!

As she blows Maverick a kiss, DLS pulls himself up with the ring apron and rolls back into the ring. He makes it up to his knees and begins to move towards his weapon when Miss Perfect hops down off the ring ropes and nails him in the back of the neck with an elbow drop.

Diablo: Big flying elbow smash there by the dirty deity. She lost her face mask there though.

Maverick: Wish she’d lose her top.

Diablo: She’s up to her feet quickly after that attack, DLS moving slowly, the hamstring obviously an issue. DLS to his feet…high hiptoss by Miss Perfect! Oh did you hear that impact?

Maverick: DLS back up for more.

Diablo: Another big hiptoss by Miss Perfect…and DLS keeps coming back for more.

Maverick: Oh did you see that?

Diablo: Single armed DDT by Miss Perfect! She rolls him over…lateral press…1! 2!

Maverick: Close call there for DLS! Miss Perfect is showing him no mercy tonight.

Diablo: Miss Perfect loves to chain wrestle and can take down an opponent from any angle, working on a body part that she sees fit to weaken. I’m telling you she really is in a league of her own.

Maverick: Well from my vantage point the exact same thing could be said about DLS, it’s just nowhere near hers!

She nails a hard and fast heel kick to his gut doubling him over, and the crowd goes wild as she tears her “Redwings” jersey off and slams it down hard onto the mat.

Diablo: Looks like she may be going for one of her trademark suplexes her Mav.

Maverick: You know her suplexes are always executed with sheer perfection…

Front facelock applied by Miss Perfect, she throws his arm over her shoulders and grabs him by him jeans lifting him.

Diablo: Will she? Will she? Oh DLS just a little bit too heavy for a vertical suplex…

Miss Perfect drops him back to his feet, slams him in the gut with a couple of uppercuts then jerks him a step closer to the ropes. This time when she lifts him, she hangs his legs out over the top rope and slingshots him back into the ring! In one fluid motion she rolls on top of him hooking the leg.

Diablo: Shades of Tully Blanchard with that perfectly executed slingshot suplex folks!

Maverick: DLS just barely managing to kick out of that one. It couldn’t have been much closer!

Miss Perfect was up and lifting his leg back up, once again exposing that tender hamstring muscle before stomping down hard on it again. She stepped over and applied the hold, almost at once DLS was tapping out.

Diablo: Classic wrestling hold right there with a figure four leglock.

Maverick: And perfectly executed as well.

Lowrider called for the bell and forced Miss Perfect to break the hold. He raised her arm in victory, and she tore it away and the jock strap off of her, choking DLS out with it, and forcing him to wear the cup over his face like a gas mask. Lowrider was laughing so hard, he couldn't even stop her. Just then UPS arrives. A man in brown slides into the ring with a package and asks Miss Perfect to sign for it.

Diablo: What the hell?

She releases DLS to sign for it. She rips it open and finds a gaudy yellow evening gown with a red phoenix on it and an invitation. All she can do is laugh.

Diablo: Wait a minute. I have just received word that there is a commotion going on in the locker room. Do we have a camera back there?

Your scene cuts backstage where Jamal Brooks, Buckwild, and Jose have circled someone who has fallen to the ground and are repeatedly laying the boots to him.

Jamal Brooks: Shit bitch, you ain’t that scary.

Jamal lands a massive kick to the ribs of the unknown man. He then grabs him by the hair and lifts his head a bit revealing a stream of blood coming from his nose. At least you can tell who it is now...RIPCORD

Jamal Brooks: Hanging out in rafters like a fuckin freak. Shit for all that tough talk I heard on TV last week you straight bitch.

Jamal steps back and delivers another kick to the ribs.

Jamal Brooks: Consider this a warning shot mothafucka. The Ghetto Golden Child is here.

Finally security shows up and pulls the three men away from RipCord who has been left beaten and bloodied on the floor.

The bell rings three times calling the attention to the ring. Then lights go out, darkness floods the arena.

The voice of pinhead rings out.

“We have such sights to show you! ”

The titantron flickers in and out static to the glowing ring from the movie "The Ring"
The ring of light stabilizes and the arena fills with a eerie voice speaking backwards.

Then there is silence...

From the silence a second voice rings out

“The stuff nightmares are made from. ”

In the Center of the Glowing Ring a silver "C" fades into view.

Absolute power by Tech N9ne fills the arena.

Ain't no way you bout to stop this sickness from the
Deepest darkest part of misery psycho alpha schizo
Get your chick she digging me

A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E. P.O.W.E.R.
See me clownin', look at all you player haters

Raw, God said kill'em all Tech's backs to the wall
Fighting 4 my life and Imma bust back till they fall
And I ain't even slangin' them thangs I'm hollin' 187
If you trippin' with strange ...

The lights return, the music continues.

Harrison: Introducing first, the Number 1 Contender for the NC-17 Title, he hails to you from Purgatory, Colorado, he is…RIPCORD!

RipCord steps forth into the light donning a hooded black cloak. RipCord makes his way down to the ring. Reaching the ring RipCord steps up the steel stairs and into the ring.

The music dies down and RipCord waits for the match to begin.

Maverick: Ripcord is really doing his best to "no-sell" that attack from just moments ago.

Diablo: There's no doubting his toughness but is he really ready to go?

Maverick: Well...he does have one thing working in his favor tonight...

Harrison: And the special guest referee for this match…ARNOLD LAYNE!

“Step Up” By Drowning Pool hit’s the sound system. Arnold Layne walks down the ramp and stops before the ring and shows off his physique and kisses his right arm, then enters the ring by the steps as the crowd boos him loudly. Then the arena went black for five seconds. The fans began to erupt in cheers for what they knew would follow. Blue and white pyro blasts in the entrance as spotlights hit the stage and blue strobe lights flicker in the entrance way as "Still" by the Geto Boyz hits the speakers.

Harrison: And his opponent, the reigning NC-17 Champion, he’s hailing to you from Birmingham, Alabama, he is… ”Infamous" JEREMY DIAZ!!!

Jeremy Diaz comes walking down the aisle with the UWE NC-17 Championship around his waist, the X-Net World Heavyweight Title over his shoulder and he held the Uncensored primo Title up high talking cash shit all the way to the ring. He enters the ring via steel steps. Jeremy poses on all four turnbuckles before hopping down and handing the ref his NC-17 Title to raise high in the air. Match bell rings. Ripcord and Diaz start going back and forth with vicious right hands. Diaz grabs Ripcord by the hair and hits him hard knocking Ripcord to the mat. Ripcord gets back to his feet just about as fast as he hit the mat. They lock up, the power swings back and forth until Diaz hits him in the gut and executes a belly to belly suplex. Diaz slips to the side of the ring and throws two chairs in the ring, he then pulls out four light tubes and slides them under the ropes. Diaz slides back in the ring as Ripcord is back up. Ripcord charges and clotheslines Diaz. Ripcord then sets up the chairs and lays the four light tubes across the two chairs. Ripcord sets up Diaz for a powerbomb but Diaz over powers him and sends him down onto his back with a barrage of right hands.

Diablo: Rip is simply double tough, alot of guys wouldn't consider fighting after that backstage attack by Jamal Brooks just this big title match.

Maverick: Don't go making excuses for Rip just yet, aren't you the guy who always say that it ain't over til the credits roll...

Diablo: I have been quoted saying that on more than one occasion, but that was before I started calling matches for Jeremy Diaz. I have never seen such a determined young champion. He is the future of this company.

Diaz sat on Rip's shoulders still pummeling him. Diaz demanded a three count, but Layne only warned him about using a closed fist. Diaz stood, honestly flabbergasted. He pointed around at the chairs, the light tubes...

Diablo: This is Uncensored Layne...anything...and everything goes in every match.

Ripcord nailed Diaz in the back of the head with a springboard dropkick that sent him over the top rope. Rip leaped to the top turnbuckle and leaped again, nailing Diaz with a Top Rope Butterfly DDT! Layne was through the ring ropes quickly and pounding out the three count on the arena floor for Ripcord.

Diablo: Diaz kicking out on two, he has the sun the moon and the stars against him tonight.

Maverick: Not all the stars, Jamal Brooks wasn't against him.

Ripcord pulls Diaz up and whips him into the cornerpost. He grabs a chair from ringside and swings it at Diaz's head but he ducks and Ripcord smacks the cornerpost with the chair, steel on steel. Diaz nailed the "2-0-5" Superkick nearly taking Ripcord's head off. He was atop of him in a flash with a leg hooked deep but all Layne did was slide back into the ring and start counting Diaz out...

Diablo: Un fucking believable.

Maverick: I'm not saying another cot damn word in Layne's behalf tonight. He's on his own here.

Diaz was standing now, staring Layne down. He grabbed the chair that Ripcord had and as Rip began to stir and slammed it back down on his head laying him flat. Now starting to trash talk Layne who was warning him for using the chair. Diaz climbed up onto the ring apron, still trash talking Layne when finally Rip made it up with the help of the ring apron far enough to deliver a crushing low blow. Diaz fell flat to his back, his head and shoulders dangling off the ring mat, hands still gripping the bottom rope out of sheer instinct so that he wouldn't fall out and Ripcord dropped a hard legdrop down hard onto his chest.

Maverick: Oh there's still a bit of life in Ripcord yet I tell you.

Diablo: I do not envy Arnold Layne next week at Scandalous. No matter how this turns out, it's going to turn out badly for Layne next week.

Ripcord goes for a powerbomb but Diaz reversed it landing a back body drop then an elbow drop down hard onto his chest. Diaz took a handful of hair up into his left hand and reigned down blows with his right quickly opening Ripcord wide open. Lacerating him deeply right above the eye and Diaz did not stop until Ripcord wore the proverbial Crimson Mask. And even then the only thing that stopped him was an innate desire to talk trash to Layne. He pulled Ripcord up and shouted "NEXT WEEK" at Layne. Laughing at him, he tossed Ripcord into the ring and shouted "WATCH THIS" to Layne.


Diablo: It's over now! There is absolutely NO WAY that Layne is going to ignore that!

Arnold Layne watches in awe as The Infamous One picks up a bloody and beaten RipCord up. RipCord is visibly unconscious, but Diaz is determined to pick him up again. Diaz, staring Layne dead in the eyes, picks RipCord up once more. He sets him up for a reverse DDT, and then drives RipCord down to the mat with another vicious Roll Out!

Diablo: MAN! Diaz is giving off some serious heat to Layne!

Maverick: No shit! These two are gonna start brawling, I know it!

Diaz rolls RipCord onto his back, and hooks the leg; he looks at Arnold Layne, who just steps back into the corner, shaking his head.

Maverick: You have GOT to be shittin' me!

Diablo: Arnold Layne is seriously toying with fire right now…

Jeremy Diaz realizes that Layne is not going to count the pin, and he stands up immediately. Diaz starts talking trash to Arnold Layne, who reminds Diaz that he is the official referee of the match. Diaz shakes his head, and continues to back Layne into a corner.

Maverick: It’s done now… man… Diaz is gonna KILL him!

Diablo: I hope he doesn’t! These two are meeting at Scandalous!

A hooded figure is seen running through the crowd with a metal baseball bat in hand, his hood is up as he hops the rail and slides into the ring. Diaz is still backing Layne into a corner as the kilted figure stands there.

Diablo: Who the hell is that?!

Maverick: I don’t know! I bet it’s one of Layne’s buddies though! That son of a…

The figure walks furiously towards the two, with bat in hand, he suddenly pushes Diaz back and out of the way as he brings the baseball bat clear across the face of Arnold Layne!



Arnold Layne slumps down in the corner as the figure pulls the bloody baseball bat back and unleashes a hellacious swing to the face of Arnold Layne.


Maverick: Is that… bone or… teeth?

Layne, whose face wouldn’t be recognizable if not for the now blood soaked referee shirt, slumps out of the corner and falls to the mat, knocked out. The hooded figure stands back, and raises the bat in the air to cheers from the fans. Diaz is shouting at the top of his lungs as he stands up, he turns the figure around and is about to get in his face when the figure pulls the hood back…

Maverick: OH HELL NO!


Diaz suddenly stops, jaw dropped, unable to move.

Maverick: THAT’S… THAT’S…

Diablo: The fucking BOOGEYMAN! That’s SYKOTIC!

Sykotic stands with the bat in hand, with a cold smirk on his face. Diaz suddenly grows a smile from ear to ear as he jumps in the arms of the six-foot-eight monster, patting his back. Sykotic smirks and pats him back, as Diaz drops down, he turns back to see RipCord starting to stir.

Maverick: Well this reunion is good and all, but there’s still a match going on!

Diablo: I think I know what’s going to happen now…

Sykotic points to RipCord with the bat, and Diaz nods. Sykotic drops the bat and walks towards RipCord, who is trying to stand. Sykotic gives him a helping hand by lifting RipCord to his feet, and then placing him backwards on his shoulders.

Diablo: Holy Hell! I NEVER thought I’d see this move again!

Sykotic then drops down for a reverse Death Valley Driver!

Diablo: SYKOTIC TENDENCIES! RipCord may NEVER recover from this assault!

Sykotic sits up with a face-wide grin on his face, he then stands up and invites Diaz to cover.

Diablo: There’s no ref!

Suddenly, Spiderman by The Ramones explodes from the speakers and Lowrider hit the staging first sprinting. Spyder was close behind him pumping a fist and imploring him to go faster. Lowrider slid into the ring head first ala Pete Rose circa 1973. Diaz had a cocky cover on Ripcord, his forearm pressed down hard across his face, no leg hooked, by the time Lowrider had come to a complete stop, he had the one slammed out.

Diablo: 1...2...3!!!

Sykotic and Lowrider raised Diaz's arms in victory. Spyder circled the ring, and grabbed the NC-17 title off of the announcer's table, and heaved it skyward. Leaping atop the middle turnbuckle Diaz snagged it out of mid air and held it up high smiling as the flash bulbs popped. The music died down as Spyder stepped into the ring looking down at Arnold Layne. Lowrider handed him the mic he knew knew would be requested.

Spyder: Arnie...what the hell'd you get yourself into here tonight?

He started taunting the crowd, circling the ring.

Spyder: Don't you know how we do here?

It was deafening inside of the small arena. Everyone shouting and stomping their feet as Spyder called for Sykotic and Diaz to pull Layne up.

Spyder: But I guess that's my damn fault. So I'm here to make things right. When I met you three weeks ago at Ballroom Blitz and signed you to fight at Scandalous against Diaz...I forgot to tell you one thing...

Maverick: You have GOT to be shittin' me!

Diablo: There's no way I'm sitting here watching this!

And the crowd said it right along with Spyder...

Spyder Gainey: Welcome to Uncensored!!!

Sykotic and Diaz forcibly bent Arnold Layne over as everyone in the arena said it.

Spyder Gainey: NOW BEND OVER!!!

Spyder nailed that ace crusher that he calls the "Gravity Bong" and left Layne laying flat as Syko and Diaz laughed, pointed and smacked high fives.

Maverick: Spyder just nailed Arnold Layne with his own finishing move!

Diablo: This is that makes it the Gravity Bong! Now roll the credits...I'm spent!
