The scene opens up inside of the Asylum Club where we see backstage interviewer for Uncensored Wrestling Entertainment Harley Abate. Behind her is the ring where IWF hosts Aftermath. The club is empty except for one single suit, David Law as the theme of UWE Dominance, "Money Bought" by Nickelback hit the speakers.

UWE's Harley Abate: We found them! This is it, David Law's most recent acquisition...the IWF. David Law has purchased every seat in the house tonight and has allowed no IWF fans admittance into this facility this evening. He has viewed several matches thus far in their entirety in the piece and quiet that only several billion dollars can buy you. First up for the Aftermath brand, we saw Anakin Young take down Thorn in a singles match. After that in what was originally slated to be handicap match we saw Fear take out Showtime in a singles match just moments after Chris Ulrich was traded to the Dominance brand for Brandon Johnson. The Dominance brand's Primo Champion and former IWF owner Rayne Young was all set appear in yet another scheduled handicap match but Mike Bly and IWF President Gabriel had taken the ring they were informed that their match had been cancelled due to Rayne being exclusive to the Dominance brand. And finally, in a match which was announced last second that the winner of would face Rayne Young for the Uncensored Primo at Bodycount next month we saw Doctor Ian defeat Psyonix, Thomas Deacon and Tommy DeWitt! And let me repeat, for winning this match tonight on Aftermath, Doctor Ian of the Aftermath brand will face Rayne Young of the Dominance brand at Bodycount for the big gold. The Primo Title! Will it end up on Aftermath after Bodycount? Or will it stay on Dominance? But that's two weeks away...tonight the superstars of the Dominance brand have invaded the Asylum Club and Aftermath! What we have left is the scheduled Aftermath main event, and then Dominance is up shortly after that. Let's go to ringside...

The bell sounds, and Mantis and Hitman lock up. Hitman throws Mantis into the corner of the ring, and then goes for a running clothesline, knocking Mantis’ head nearly off his neck. Hitman then does a baseball slide, knocking Mantis into the ring post. He gets up. Mantis and Hitman lock up again, and Mantis whips Hitman into the ropes, followed by a double armed DDT upon Hitman’s return. Mantis tries to put the match away early with an attempted ankle lock, but Hitman kicks him in the face, sending him flying into the ropes. Hitman gets up and grabs Mantis. He lifts him up and does a Powerbomb maneuver to him.

Diablo: A Powerbomb with conviction! Mantis is feeling this one in the beginning.

Maverick: Bah dah bah bah bah, I’m lovin’ it!

Diablo: Was that necessary? 

Maverick: About as necessary as the use of a condom when your parents decided to hook up at that Los Lobos concert.

Diablo: My parents waited until marriage!

Maverick: More like marriage waited til they had you!

Diablo: You saying I might have been an accident?

Maverick: No I’m not. I don’t recall saying the word “might.”

Hitman bounces off the ropes and goes for an elbow drop, but Mantis slides out of the way. He gets up and climbs over the ropes, drops out of the ring, and grabs the ladder that is set up next to the ring. He slides the ladder underneath the bottom rope. He then climbs over the top rope, but Hitman is already to his feet. Hitman grabs hold of the ladder and runs towards Mantis, trying to take him down with the ladder turned long ways. As Hitman comes running full force, Mantis dropkicks the ladder, sending Hitman to the mat, crushed by the force of the ladder.

Diablo: Good God, did you see that, Bill?!

Maverick: Either Hitman is too stupid to have seen that coming or Mantis is a cheating bastard. Either way they’re both gonna lose in my eyes.

Diablo: I don’t see how.

Maverick: I do. They both suck at life. Maybe they took lessons from you.

Mantis then does a leg drop on top of the ladder, crushing Hitman underneath. Mantis takes the ladder and sets it up. He starts to climb the ladder to do a high risk maneuver from the top. Hitman gets up and does a gore right into the ladder, sending it crashing down in the ring as Mantis flies off, hitting his head on the top rope on the way down, and landing in the ring. With Mantis down, Hitman sets up the ladder and begins to climb. He climbs to the third step and then jumps right on top of Mantis.

Diablo: If Mantis can’t set up a decent offense, he might as well count himself right out of this match. Hitman really seems to be getting his hands dirty.

Maverick: Yeah, I agree. Take it from a man who knows a thing or two about dirty hands.

Diablo: Was that supposed to be some kind of sexual innuendo? This isn’t your trashy HBO show. Kids are actually watching!

Maverick: I meant I’m an avid gardener, you sick freak!

He climbs the ropes and exits the ring. There is a chair set up by ringside. Hitman takes the chair and slides it under the ring. He then climbs the stairs into the ring and grabs the chair. Mantis gets up. Hitman is about to hit him, but Mantis does a spinning heel kick into the chair, smashing it against Hitman’s face and sending Hitman down to the mat. Mantis repositions the ladder. He begins to climb to the top, but Hitman gets up. Hitman climbs the other side of the ladder, and the two men begin to try to push each other off. Hitman starts to rock the ladder. Mantis tries to kick Hitman’s fingers from their gripping. Finally, the ladder comes crashing down, and Mantis is crushed underneath the weight.

Diablo: Mantis once again finds himself on the bottom!

Maverick: Yeah, I guess the two of you do have something in common after all.

Diablo: Another attempt at innuendo, Bill?

Maverick: No “attempt” about it.

Diablo: I happen to have a very private life that I don’t want to share with our viewers.

Maverick: What are you trying to hide?

Hitman hits his head on the next rung of the ladder as it crashes, creating a gash on his forehead. He slowly gets up and takes the chair. He rolls the ladder off of Mantis and places the chair on his midsection. He begins to stomp away on the chair, crushing Mantis’s ribs. He then grabs the chair, tries to swing at Mantis’s head, but he rolls out of the way as the chair bounces off the ropes and into Hitman’s face knocking him to the canvas. Hitman and Mantis get to their feet. Hitman is confused and disoriented. Mantis clotheslines Hitman from behind, causing him to fall over. Hitman lands face down on top of the chair he was holding.

Diablo: Mantis with the clothesline, sending Hitman right into the chair he was gonna hit Mantis with. Talk about irony!

Maverick: Referee, disqualify him!

Diablo: This is a ladder match with tables and chairs thrown in as well, Mav! There are no rules.

Maverick: Wait, wait…hold the phone. When did it become a Ladder match?

Diablo: Since the bell rang. Didn’t you pay attention to Paddy?

Maverick: I was a little distracted…

Mantis slides under the ropes and grabs a table from under the ring. He sets it up outside the ring. He tries to slide under the ropes to get back in, but Hitman greets him with a baseball slide, sending him flying onto the concrete floor. Hitman grabs Mantis and smashes him face first into the steel barrier. Hitman then grabs Mantis and does a running power slam into the table. The force of the slam isn’t strong enough to break the table. Mantis slides off the table and crawls back up the stairs into the ring. He carefully places the chair in the corner of the ring in between the first and second ropes, then stands in front of it. Hitman gets back into the ring and goes for a spear. Mantis jumps out of the way, and Hitman smashes his head into the chair. Mantis goes for a quick cover.



Kickout by Hitman.

Diablo: Clever trap by Mantis. That’s his veteran work there.

Maverick: Tricking Hitman is like getting kids to believe in Santa…remarkably easy.

Diablo: Hitman is very smart, actually. Ever see his promos?

Maverick: I prefer to watch NYPD Blue.

Diablo: I’m an America’s Most Wanted man myself.

Maverick: Why’s that? Watching for your relatives?

Mantis and Hitman get to their feet. Hitman locks in on Mantis and goes a belly to back suplex. Hitman then grabs Mantis and lifts him up. He does a fall away slam, sending Mantis over the top rope and through the table that is by ringside. Hitman immediately climbs over the top rope and helps Mantis back up. He throws Mantis face first into the steel steps. Mantis slowly gets up. Hitman tries to whip him into the barrier, but Mantis reverses, sending Hitman almost through the crowd.

Diablo: Any closer and Hitman would have been asked to show his ticket stub!

Maverick: Stub…that’s a funny word.

Diablo: Any particular reason why?

Maverick: I don't know…stub…makes me think of that Gary Coleman dude.

Diablo: You’re terrible…

He reaches under the ring and pulls out another table. As he lifts the table to set it up, Hitman gets up and dropkicks the table, sending Mantis to the concrete with the impact. Hitman grabs the table and sets it up himself. Mantis also gets up, and Hitman grabs Mantis’s head and smashes it against the table. Hitman then throws Mantis back into the ring. Hitman climbs over the top rope. He sets up the ladder once again and climbs up to the top. Hitman jumps off the top of the ladder, doing a flying head butt, but Mantis slides out of the way. Hitman face first onto the mat.

Diablo: Long flight but no one waiting for him at the airport!

Maverick: How long have you been waiting to use that one?

Diablo: Just thought of it…swear to God.

Maverick: Oh, I believe you.

Mantis grabs the chair and places it face down in the ring. He then takes Hitman and does a piledriver right onto the chair. Hitman slowly gets up, and Mantis strikes him right on the head, sending him right back down again. Mantis climbs over the top rope and out of the ring. He folds the legs under the table and slides it under the bottom rope. He then climbs into the ring. He places the folded table on top of Hitman and then does a rolling thunder onto the table. The throws the table off and goes for a pin.



Kickout just when the referee is about to say 3.

Diablo: These men both have quite a bit of fight in them yet. I’ve never seen such a display of determination!

Maverick: Well, the loser of this match will be mocked and ridiculed on MTV. And they know it. That’s reason enough for anyone to want to win.

Diablo: You’ll mock the winner too, Mav.

Maverick: Yeah, true.

Diablo: Got you there, smart guy.

Maverick: Meh.

Mantis gets up. He sets the table up in the middle of the ring. He then sets the ladder up. Mantis grabs Hitman and tries to place him on the table, but Hitman grabs Mantis and throws him into the ladder, knocking it over. Hitman takes the ladder and lays it on its side. He takes Mantis and sandwiches him in between the two parts of the ladder. Hitman runs, bounces off the ropes, and does a leg drop onto the top part of the ladder, crushing Mantis in between both parts. Hitman takes Mantis out of the middle of the ladder. He picks him up and does a Samoan drop onto the ladder. Hitman lies across Mantis for the pin.



Mantis somehow manages to find the will to lift his shoulder before three.

Diablo: How much more do these men have left?! They’re clearly running out of gas!

Maverick: Gas. I remember one time when I was at the gas station, some guy thought I was Brad Pitt! No lie!

Diablo: More like Brad Garrett.

Maverick: Well you look like that Mel Gibson fellow.

Diablo: Really? Yeah, I’ve gotten that before.

Maverick: Oh wait, did I say Mel Gibson? Silly me, I always mistake him with that fat kid from Stand By Me.

Mantis slowly gets up. Hitman gets up and the two men lock up. Mantis breaks the hold and sends Hitman into the turnbuckle. He grabs Hitman and does a Facebuster right onto the steel chair. He lifts Hitman and places him on top of the table. Mantis puts a steel chair over Hitman’s midsection. He sets the ladder up a few feet away from the table. He climbs to the top of the ladder. The fans are on their feet. Mantis reaches the top and does a flying elbow. He lands right on top of the chair, crushing it into Hitman’s ribs and sending him through the table. Mantis is rolling about in agony as is Hitman who with the help off the ropes is pulling himself up. An IWF chant is heard around the Mecca and in that moment Anakin Young runs out down the ramp and slides into the ring and turns Hitman around and in quick fashion hit’s the “Final Destiny” onto a bloodied and battered Hitman as Anakin drag’s Mantis’s limp body and places an arm of his over Hitman’s motionless body as the ref counts.




Ding, ding, ding.

Paddy Houlihan: The Winner Of This Match and still X-League Champion….. Mantis!

As David Law allows the crowd outside to come inside for the Dominance matches, "My Last Breath" by Evanescence hits the speakers and on the big screen we see a long white limo arrive.

Maverick: Is this who I think it is?

Diablo: That's her music! Ladies and Gentlemen, I've heard the rumors all week long that David Law hired "The Hellcat" Kirsta Lewis at the Roughkut dot com Invitational II and she is in the house tonight!

Kirsta steps out of the limo, takes a quick look around and then begins to make her way down to ringside.

Maverick: What I want to know is who did she sign with? The Aftermath brand? Or the Dominance brand?

Diablo: Oh believe me, Harley will be finding that out for us all very soon, I'm sure.

Paddy Houlihan: Our first Dominance match of the evening is a "Now Bend Over Match". The rules are simple....

The crowd lets out a loud boo as Paddy mentions the word "rules".

Paddy Houlihan: THERE ARE NO RULES!!!

The crowd goes wild with cheers.

Paddy Houlihan: Winner goes home by way of out of ring count out. If your on the outside and Lowrider makes it to ten your ass is going home!!

The song "Dirty" By Christina Aguilera hits the speakers and Carrie Frost struts out onto the stage.

Paddy Houlihan: Introducing first, from Atlanta Georgia, CARRIE FROST!!!

The crowd gives a small pop as Carrie makes her way to the ring.

Paddy Houlihan: And introducing her opponent, ROSE CARTER!!

"Better Now" by Collective Soul hits the P.A. System as Rose runs down to the ring and slides in.

Before The bell can even ring to signal the start of the match the two girls are tied up in the center of the ring.

Diablo: The new girl Frost goes big with a high knee lift straight to Rose's sternum.

Maverick: But why a DDT on such a pretty face.

Frost follows up her knee lift with a hard DDT, plowing Carters face into the mat. Frost is up quick and hops Rose's body running to the ropes, once there she jumps and lands a hard springboard moonsault on Carter.

Diablo: Springboard moonsault on the follow up, Frost sure is fired up tonight!

Maverick: She can fire me up, then cool me down anytime!

Rose rolls onto her side grabbing her stomach, as she does Carrie grabs a hand full of her hair and pulls her to her feet. Once Rose is on her feet Carrie slaps her hard, the sound causing the fans to give her a cheep pop. Rose looks stunned and raises her hand as if to strike, but before she can Carrie goes for a spinning heel kick. Rose catches her foot and shakes her head no. Carrie merely smiles and drops her with a standing insiguri.

Diablo: What a kick!

Maverick: I heard that one from way back here!!

Rose falls back and turns, as she does she lands right on the middle ropes. Carrie climbs the top turnbuckle and waves to the crowd, Rose still laying tangled up halfway out the ring on the middle turnbuckle. Carrie smiles and leaps back landing a moonsault on Roses upper body. The inertia of the move causes Rose to hit the outside head first.

Diablo: Carrie going high risk with her finishing maneuver "Frost bite." But will it be enough to keep Rose out of the picture??

Maverick: Whoa! That girl can bite me anytime what a big move by the new girl!

Carrie staggers to her feet and slides into the ring. Lowrider begins a slow ten count as Carrie makes her way to the corner and sits down.

Diablo: We just may need a paramedic out here.

A replay of the move hits the big screen as Lowrider hits six.

Diablo: You see right were her head made impact with the concrete flooring outside of the ring! This may really be the end for Rose Carter!

Maverick: You gotta be shitting me no one can walk after that!!

Rose makes it to her feet and grabs onto the bottom rope as Lowrider hits eight. Suddenly Carrie runs and baseball slides planting both boots right in Roses face!! As she slides Frost grabs the bottom turnbuckle and spins herself around so as not to fall out of the ring.

Lowrider hits ten and the fans give Carrie a small pop.

Backstage reporter Harley Abate is waiting to have a few words with the #1 contender to the Dominance brand's Ground Xero Title, Trinity Holmes. 

Harley Abate: Trinity, thank you for your time tonight, I understand you have some things you wanted to say tonight. 

Trinity Holmes: As a matter of fact yes I do, first of all to Johnny Mac. Johnny now I don’t know if you wasted your time trying to see what it was I had to say all week but since I have everyone’s undivided attention I will just say it to everyone, Johnny I unlike you heard everything you had to say this week about me and about the good for nothing loser Big Dick. You made claims that last week Big Dick beat you up right here on this show and you know, I went over every inch of this footage and I never saw any of that or even heard Big Dick mention your name. I think maybe your days of drinking have really messed up your brain boy because you are making up shit that has never happened.. No we all know that I am not a fan of Seraphis, hell I really fucked up his little friend, but before you run your mouth to much about how he lost to me and make me sound like I am some kind of a chump because I am so small, you will do well to remember that I have beat your ass also Johnny boy. As a matter of fact, the way it stands at this point in time, you have never beaten me! Watch Your Mouth! 

Trinity just walks away leaving Harley standing there. The cameras follow Trinity away where she rounds a corner and walks up on the Ground Xero Champion Seraphis who was having a quick cold beer backstage with ring announcer Paddy Houlihan. Seraphis' kendo stick was propped against the wall, and both of their heads are skyward, guzzling their beers as fast as they can so that Paddy can get back to work. Trinity sneaks up behind Seraphis, takes his kendo stick and smashes him hard across the kidneys. Paddy sees him fall to his knees and he spits his last swallow of beer out running away. She splinters it over the top of his head, busting him wide open then bulldogs him down to the hard concrete before getting up and non-chalantly wiping her hands off and walking away.

The camera cuts back to ringside, where MinDSicK and Johnny Mac already stands in the ring, preparing. Then, a soft piano tune plays.

"What an amazing time... What a family... How did the years go by..? Now it's only me..."

The music kicks in properly, and soon after, Amy Stevenson comes out from behind the curtain. She dances her way to ringside, blowing kisses to the fans. She doesn't enter the ring, but looks into it instead.

Paddy: She stands 5'7" tall, and weighs in at 136 lbs. She comes to us from Toronto, Canada. Amy Stevenson!

She waves to the crowd as her name is called, and jumps up on the apron. Not taking her eyes off her opponents, she climbs into the ring, and stands in her corner.

Diablo: What happens now? Seraphis was taken out backstage by Trinity.

Lowrider approaches Amy, and talks with her. She thinks for a moment, then looks to her opponents. She nods to Lowrider, who immediately calls for the bell.

Maverick: She's a moron!

Diablo: For what?

Maverick: I think she agreed to a handicap match! Moron!

MinDSicK and Mac talk some tactics quickly, and decides MinDSicK starts. He walks out to the center of the ring to face Amy, and the two circle each other for a couple of moments. They lock up, and MinDSicK moves her into a side headlock. Amy slips out of it, and moves MinDSicK into a hammerlock. MinDSicK responds with a couple of quick elbows to her temple, and runs to the ropes. He comes back, but walks straight into a drop toe hold. Amy quickly moves it into an STF, but too close to the ropes. Amy releases the hold, and gives MinDSicK a boot to the back of the head. She runs to the ropes, and hits a baseball slide to the ribs. A quick cover. 1... Kickout by MinDSicK. He gets back to his feet quickly, and lunges for Amy with a quick clothesline. Amy ducks it, and gives him a kick to the gut as he turns. She hooks his head, and gives him a DDT to the mat. Another cover, and another 1-count.

Diablo: Amy seems to have taken the upper hand in this match.

Maverick: Dumb luck. Sheer dumb luck.

Amy pulls MinDSicK to his feet, and whips him to the ropes. She goes for a dropkick, but MinDSicK held on to the ropes. Amy gets back up quickly, but is leveled by a hard clothesline. MinDSicK pulls her to her feet, and forces her head between his legs. He hits a devastating piledriver, and rolls her over for a cover. 1... 2... Amy kicks out. He shakes his head a bit, and stands up. He pushes her over to his corner, and tags in Mac. MinDSicK holds her for Mac to get in a easy kick. Amy grabs her stomach, and stumbles away, hoping to get some distance. Johnny quickly catches up with her, and pulls her up. He gives her a couple of hard knees, and an elbow to the back of the head. She falls back down, and he gets on top of her. While holding on to her hair, he brings down hard right hands.

Diablo: Amy's gonna have one hell of a headache tomorrow.

Maverick: Beat her face off, Mac!

At the tenth, he stands up, pulling her along with him. A quick bodyslam is followed by a leg drop, and a cover. 1.. 2... Amy kicks out. Mac just stands, and heads over to MinDSicK. The tag is made, and Mac heads to the floor, and beneath the ring while MinDSicK heads into the ring. Amy is pulled to her feet, and whipped to one of the corners. MinDSicK gets some running speed, and launches himself at her with a variant of the Air Sabu. Amy evades it, and MinDSicK hits the turnbuckle with his legs, and lands on his neck. As both are on the ground, Mac slides in holding a chair. He walks over to Amy, and raises it above his head, but Lowrider catches it before he can swing it. Mac turns to Lowrider, and threatens him to give the chair back. When Lowrider refuses, Mac gives him a shove. Lowrider falls down, and Mac seems set on pounding Lowrider.

Diablo: Why isn't he calling for the bell?

Maverick: Who cares? Shut up, and watch the beating.

Just as Mac pulls Lowrider to his feet, he is surprised by Amy. She jumps up on his back, and applies the Victoria's Secret. The fans cheer as Mac waves his arms about, trying to get out.

Diablo: He's fading!

Maverick: No! Get that bitch!

Shortly after, Amy applies some body scissors, and Mac falls to his knees. He then falls back, and Amy keeps the hold locked in.

Diablo: He's out!

Maverick: You have GOT to be shitting me... Amy choked out Johnny Mac?!

She releases the hold, and rolls Mac out of the ring. Lowrider's back to his feet, and as Amy turns, she finds out that MinDSicK is up too. She gets a superkick straight to the jaw, and MinDSicK covers. 1... 2... 3! No! Amy just managed to get her shoulder up!

Diablo: Amy is really showing heart here!

Maverick: She's just a scrawny bitch. How can she still be alive?

MinDSicK mutters as he stands up, and pulls her up. He drags her to the turnbuckles, and lifts her up top. He climbs after, and hits a frankensteiner. He then quickly scales the turnbuckle again, and delivers a leg drop off the top. He stands tall over Amy, and looks down on her. He then looks to Mac who's just gotten back up on the apron. He asks if Mac wants to do the honors, and when Mac nods, the tag is made. MinDSicK picks up Amy, and sends her up in a suplex. She comes down with her legs on Mac's shoulders, and the two execute a neckbreaker\powerbomb on her. Mac covers, but MinDSicK pulls him off at one. He grins, and points to Amy while talking to Mac.

Diablo: What are these two up to? They've damn near killed Amy already.

Maverick: But they haven't... Yet...

Mac nods, and pulls her up. He holds her for MinDSicK who's taking a couple of steps of running start. He comes at them, hitting a superkick. However, Amy ducked, and the kick hit Mac square in the jaw. MinDSicK looks down at Mac, and quickly helps him back up.

Diablo: MinDSicK fucked up.

Maverick: Mistakes happen.

As Mac leans against the ropes, MinDSicK turns towards Amy. But, halfway in the turn, MinDSicK stops, and quickly turns back, giving Mac a shot to the back. MinDSicK begins pummeling Mac, and blatantly choking him. He drags him towards one of the turnbuckles, and places him in position in front of it. MinDSicK quickly climbs the turnbuckle, and flies off, hitting the spinning front flip leg drop known as My Sickness. He then heads over to Amy, and picks her up. He hooks her head and leg, hoisting her up for the Moral Decay. He stands over his two victims, grinning.

Diablo: What the hell is MinDSicK doing?

Maverick: He's gone nuts!

He grabs Amy's arm, and drapes it over Mac, and tells Lowrider to count. 1... 2... 3!Lowrider calls for the bell, and Amy's theme begins playing. MinDSicK looks at the two, and slowly leaves the ring.

Diablo: Well Maverick we’ve got footage from Harley’s quest to find Rayne Young from earlier this week.

Maverick: He’s just disappeared of the face of the earth, You think he would be basking in his victory Diablo not wallowing in self pity.

Diablo: Rayne is a very difficult man to understand, He trust’s no one and care’s for nothing basically but his entire heart was in IWF and now it’s been ripped from his grasp by none other than our fearless leader David Law.

Maverick: Now, Now Diablo what ever happened between these two Rayne must’ve had it coming to him. Now let’s view the footage before Diablo pops a vein.

The rain beats down on a wet and windy day in Brixton, England as UWE’s Harley Abate is trying to find the whereabouts of the UWE Primo Champeen Rayne Young. A few gusts of wind blow Harley back a bit but she’s a strong determined women hell bent on finding Rayne.

Harley Abate: Welcome fans of UWE as you can see I’m in Brixton Rayne’s hometown trying to find the new UWE Primo Champ after the events that transpired just a few days ago concerning his company International Wrestling Federation which is now operated by David Law none the less.

Harley turn’s around as she hears someone shouting Rayne’s name out as Harley sprints into action and catches up with a little kid.

Harley Abate: *Slightly Out of breath* Where’s Rayne?

The kid points her in the direction as Harley races off as a shadow amongst the alleyways emerges and gives what seems to be some money to the kid as the shadow removes his hood as we see it’s Rayne as the rain comes down heavily now, As far as Rayne’s concerned actions speak louder than words. And middle fingers the UWE cameraman as he walks off back amongst the shadows as Harley is screaming “Rayne” at the top of her voice.

Diablo: Well the mystery deepens as to what Rayne has in store for David Law, UWE and most importantly IWF.

Maverick: He’s all bark no bite Diablo.

Diablo: We’ll see Mav, We’ll see.

The match bell sounds three times calling for everyone's attention.

Paddy Houlihan: This next bout is your main event of the evening! In the ring already, from Dublin, Ireland...Seamus Kelley!

"Dead Bodies Everywhere" by Korn explodes from the speakers and the crowd stands and starts to boo.

Paddy: Being accompanied to the ring tonight by Sheba, Serenity and Samara and making her way to the ring tonight by way of La Isla del Condenado in the U. S. Virgin Islands. She is the number one contender to the Ground Xero Title...Trinity Holmes!

All four Holmes girls huddle up outside the ring before Trinity finally slides in, as soon as she does, Lowrider calls for the bell. Seamus reaches out feeling for her, finding nothing.

Maverick: Intelligent career choice for a blind guy.

Diablo: trinity wasting no time going up top...

Trinity springs up onto the top rope and hits a split legged moonsault to start us off. She takes Seamus down connecting with a crossbody plancha. Not really hurting him, only dazing him, they both fight up to their feet where Seamus grabs Trinity and attempts to get her into a Powerbomb position but the minute that he does she moves her head just enough to the inside so that she can sink her teeth into his thigh muscle. Seamus lets out a small grunt but doesn’t release the hold at first. 

Diablo: What is he grunting about? 

Maverick: I am not sure but it doesn’t look like Trinity is positioned correctly... 

Seamus finally has to let go of his hold on the young lady and the cameras catch blood rolling down his leg, Trinity is biting Seamus hard enough to draw blood. 

Diablo: You have got to be shittin me. 

Maverick: Well that is one way to stop that move…

Trinity drops down to the mat, hooking Seamus’ leg with one foot in front of Seamus’ ankle and then trips Seamus down by pushing with her other leg on the back of Seamus’ leg, Seamus hits the mat hard and Trinity jumps back up quickly, following that up by driving the heel of her boot into Seamus’ face and spinning, dragging away some of his flesh. 

Diablo: Drop toe hold into a Spinning Boot Scrape! 

Maverick: And you wonder why it is that I am in love with this girl, look at his face now!

Trinity climbs outside onto the ring apron, Seamus in the ring still doubled over when Trinity reaches in suddenly and gets Seamus in a three quarter face lock, jumping down from the apron and onto the floor suddenly, driving Seamus’ throat into the ring ropes and then snapping his whole body backwards, he falls back hard, reaching for his throat. 

Diablo: That is one vicious little girl!

Maverick: When will these fools stop following after her? 

She climbs back up onto the ring apron as Seamus slowly makes it to his feet holding his throat when Trinity springboards off the top rope to nail him with a Vertebreaker!


Maverick: This one is over!

Diablo: 1...2...3!!!

The match bell sounds as Lowrider raises her arm in victory.

Paddy: Your winner, Trinity Holmes!!

Diablo: Oh what an event, and you can say that you were here the night that Dominance invaded Aftermath. But this saga is long from over, be sure to tune in next week when the superstars of Aftermath will invade Dominance live from The Mecca in Ft. Lauderdale where once again we will be able to long...

Maverick: From the sunshine state!