What is a typical diva? To some a diva should be well endowed in the chest area with long legs and blonde hair, some say a diva should be strong, confident, charismatic and sexy. Truth is a diva can come in any form as the IWE has shown you have your strong muscular women in Beth Phoenix, You have the sexy athletic tomboy in Lita, Brains and brawn in Trish Stratus and sensuality and sexiness in IWE’s newest signing Candice Michelle. Candice Michelle is a former model with little wrestling experience and is most famous for the go daddy commercials but what can she bring to IWE some as saying she only in IWE because of her looks and body but sources close to the sultry diva say that we can expect much more from Candice Michelle.
Scene 1: Excuse me
The scene opens up in the backstage area the camera quickly zooms in on Todd Grisham who is standing by dressed in a black suit with a microphone in his right hand Todd turns his head slightly to the right and looks straight into the camera and begins to speak.
:: Todd Grisham :: Welcome to another edition of Monday Night Raw I am Todd Grisham and what a night we have in store for you there will be plenty of action and excitement but right now we have some who has just signed a four year deal with IWE I am sure most of you have heard the rumours already but lets not waste any more time ladies and gentlemen my special guest tonight is none other than the sultry vixen Candice Michelle………………..Candice welcome to Monday Night Raw.
:: Candice Michelle :: Its about time you introduced me Todd for someone who is suppose to the best here you sort of well how do I but this nice……..Well I can’t really Todd you suck at your job, You suck as picking out clothes I mean what are you wearing it looks like something my Granddad would wear.
:: Todd Grisham :: It’s an Armani suit actually Candice.
:: Candice Michelle :: Can we just get on the interview Todd?
:: Todd Grisham :: Candice you left the company for a while but now you’re back even though you said you were done with wrestling.
Candice cuts in and grabs Todd Grisham’s microphone and she slams it down on the ground then bends down and picks it up herself.
:: Candice Michelle :: I never said I was done with wrestling you can look back at the all the interviews I did those words never crossed these sexy voluptuous lips of mine Todd….Get your facts right what I said was right now this wrestling isn’t for me what doesn’t mean I was done Todd.
:: Todd Grisham :: Sorry for the Mix up Candice.
:: Candice Michelle :: I simply wanted to take some time off to be with my friends and family I just needed a break but I also started to train to be a wrestling I no longer want to be know for my curvy body and for doing this.
Candice slams the microphone into Todd Grisham’s and she begins to do the trademark Go Daddy dance she continues to the dance for around a minute then she stops and takes her microphone back and begins to speak yet again.
:: Candice Michelle :: While I was away I had a chance to think about my goals here in IWE. Winning is what I want to do I want to be a winner not a loser a winner, winners get every where and loser well they just become jobbers don’t they I see myself being a strong dominate force in the women’s division.
:: Todd Grisham :: But there is strong competitors in the form of Trish Stratus, Karen Angle and Mickie James.
:: Candice Michelle :: I know I have competition here in IWE that’s one of the main reasons I came here you don’t want to be in a company that offers you nothing I don’t want to the only threat it’s good we have strong sexy women here in IWE but when it comes to being sexy your looking at the sexiest of them all.
:: Todd Grisham :: Well……………….Actually you are sexy as a matter of fact I was wondering if you were free after your match?
Candice turns away looking around the empty halls she then looks back at Todd Grisham and begins to giggle like a school girl.
:: Candice Michelle :: Are you asking me out?
:: Todd Grisham :: Yes Candice so will you?
:: Candice Michelle :: Let me think about it umm no..!! I would never go out on a date with you I mean look at you’re creepy I’ve seen you spying on the women’s locker room.
:: Todd Grisham :: I have never done that.
:: Candice Michelle :: I saw you doing it earlier today what did your face just fall into the locker room I seen you open the door and peep in Todd I could see you in the mirror.
:: Todd Grisham :: You could? I mean I have no idea what your on about.
A mystery figure is seen in the background slowly making their way closer to Candice and Todd then camera zooms in on this mystery figure this prompts Candice to turn around, The mystery figure is quickly revealed as the Mae Young she walks over to Todd and starts trying to kiss him although this is to no avail as Candice manages to pull Mae Young away.
:: Candice Michelle :: Mae what are you doing here? Your not scheduled to be apart of this interview your not even apart of this company.
:: Mae Young :: I was invited here by Teddy the road agent but I wanted to come here to show my puppies…………!!! I know you want to see them so your going to see them.
:: Candice Michelle :: No Mae.
:: Todd Grisham :: Please Mae don’t do it please.
Mae tries to take her top off but both Candice and Todd try to prevent her but she keeps breaking free and peeling off but just as she is about to remove her bra the scene fades out to black.
Scene Two: Kids Listen.
The scene opens up outside an old stone building the camera begins to manoeuvre around trying to find some sort of life then just as it seems there is nothing a woman walks out dressed in a brown knee length skirt and a white shirt with white sandals she walks straight up the camera crew and begins to speak.
:: Lady In Brown :: So are you guys coming in we are ready to do that talk now.
:: Cameraman Bob :: Yeah we are ready.
The cameramen begin to follow the woman who is heading toward the main doors she walks up the steps and walks forward a few paces then she reaches the door she holds the doors open for the camera crew the scene fades out.
Lights camera action the camera begins to roll inside the building a group of kids are seen seated around a wrestling ring the kids look around the age of 10 to 15 years old they sit patiently awaiting the arrival of the speaker the woman who told the crew to step inside the building gets into the ring clutching a microphone in her right hand she turns around once she’s in the ring and begins to speak to the children.
:: Lady In Brown :: Good afternoon class like I said yesterday we have a very special lady with us today some of you may know her some of you may not she is currently in a wrestling company called IWE hand up all those who have heard of IWE.
The woman lowers her microphone and around 25 of the 40 kids hold up their hand the women seems pleased as she smiles sweetly at the kids she raises her microphone back up to her mouth and begins to speak.
:: Lady In Brown :: This woman is also a former WWE Diva and a former Diva Search contestant do you want to know who is it?
:: Kids (All together) :: Yes…!!!
:: Lady In Brown :: Well allow me to introduce you to a woman who gave up her day off to come and talk to you all please welcome Miss Candice Michelle…!!
The kids all start to cheer and clap as Candice walks out from behind a door she takes one look at the kids and smiles she makes her way into the ring she jumps up on the apron and gets into the ring the woman hands her a microphone and Candice turns around and faces the kids she takes a deep breath then she begins to speak.
:: Candice Michelle :: It’s a real honour for me to be here today it’s something I have wanted to do for a long time I guess you all have been told about the purpose of this talk haven’t you?
:: Kids (All together) :: Yes Candice…!!!
:: Candice Michelle :: OK well I will start if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask OK. As many of you know I am Candice Michelle and I am a professional wrestler, I have previously worked for the WWE but now you can find me on IWE television. What do you guys think makes a good diva?
Half of the kids hold up their hands some wave theirs frantically around in the air trying to get Candice’s attention she looks around and picks out a girl aged around 14ish by pointing at her.
:: Candice Michelle :: So what do you think what makes a good diva?
:: Faith | Girl in attendance :: I think a good diva has to be confident and strong.
:: Candice Michelle :: Yes that is true they also need to be charismatic, look sexy and they need to work the crowd well the crowd is the reason there is IWE Divas so we need to entertain them well. There is a lot more to being in this industry than just how you look or how you act you have to be prepared to be away from the people you love for long periods of time and you get beat up all the time for some it’s not them but for me I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.
:: Kevin | Boy in attendance :: What made want to get into wrestling.
:: Candice Michelle :: Good question what’s your name?
:: Kevin | Boy in attendance :: Kevin.
:: Candice Michelle :: Good question Kevin well I just remember watching WWE Monday Night Raw with a male friend and an advert for the Diva Search came on and I thought why not so I enterted the compition but I didn’t get to final but I was offered a contracted anyway and I have never looked back ever since.
:: Kevin | Boy in attendance :: I know your debut match in IWE is against Maria Kanellis what do you think of Maria?
:: Candice Michelle :: Maria is an old friend she’s a very sweet girl she’s got that innocent thing going on but at the end of the day a match is match it doesn’t matter who it’s against a friend of enemy I am still going to do my best I know Maria will bring it and so will I but in the end the winner is going to be me. Now back to the talk a lot of training goes into what we do I have been training for around a year but I never have stopped training there is always need things to learn a great wrestler is always improving, At the end of the day I will leave these leaflets they explain about training, nurtiousment and the risks for those of you who are serious being a profesional wrestler. Any more questions before I go?
:: Nate | Boy in attendance :: I really want to become a profesinal wrestler what advice do you have for someone like me to make it.
:: Candice Michelle :: Right now the most important thing I would tell you to do is to be finsish school get an education you need something to fall back on a wrestling career doesn’t last forever well unless your Ric Flair, After that you need to find a good school they aren’t cheap we are talking at least 2 thousand dollars for a great school then once you have complted your training most people do the independent scene but let me just say while you are unknown you may only get 20 dollars for a match maybe slightly more if you are lucky. Not everone is lucky enough is get into the big time many just do the independents all their life if you want to get noticed you need determiation, a good look or gimmik and most importnaly luck.
:: Nate | Boy in attendance :: That really answers my question thank you Candice.
:: Candice Michelle :: Your welcome, listen guys and girls that’s all we have time for it was really great coming here to talk you and thank you for your particapation in the talk I hope you enjoyed it.
:: Kids (All together) :: Thank you Candice.
:: Candice Michelle :: No problem.
Candice Michelle walks towards the ropes and steps onto the apron then she jumps down she walks towards the kids and begins to shake some of their hands she she then turns around and exit’s the room as the scene fades to black.