Lita made her official debut back in 1999 when she joined ECW as Angelica and then went on to become Miss Congeniality, Lita didn’t remain in ECW for long because in late 1999 Lita made a giant leap and signed a development deal with the WWE. Lita didn’t make her official WWE debut until February 2000 where she debuted alongside Essa Rios and began mimicking his moves, Who knew what an impact this diva would have in the women’s division not since Chyna has a women come along that has brought something new, Lita brought a new kind of wrestling a luchador style in which Lita excelled, Lita will always stand out as one of the greatest women’s wrestlers of all time but that resign can only get better because as of 13th October 2007 Lita has decided to come back to wrestling and give it one more try this time with IWE…….Will she come back bigger than ever? Stay tuned to find out.
Scene 1 || Tell me………………. ||
The camera begins to roll inside a sold out arena the fireworks go off and the crowd begin to get excited about what’s ahead, The camera moves over the fans who instantly react and begin to jump up and down getting extremely excited at seeing themselves on camera.
:: Jim Ross :: Welcome to another packed edition of IWE and what a night we have ahead of us.
The crowd goes silent and then “ Love Passion Fury “ hit’s the PA system and as soon as it does Lita walks out with rather unimpressed look on her face she stands at the top of the ramp with both her hands on her hips and begins to look around the arena, Lita proceeds making her way down the ramp she doesn’t even look at the fans she just focuses on the ring.
:: Lillian Garcia :: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome on the way to the ring Lita………………
On arrival at the bottom of the ramp Lita walks up the steel steps and gets into the ring and walks over to Lillian Garcia and grabs the microphone out of her hand and just glares at her for a few seconds before turning around, Lita looks out and places one hand on her hip and uses the other to raise her microphone up to her mouth the crowd instantly begin to boo.
:: Lita :: Don’t you even start don’t you guys know who I am……………….I am the best this company has to offer don’t hate on me because I am smart and sexy which are quality’s none of you out there have, You are just nobody’s……Losers I don’t need to go on I am sure you get what I am saying.
The crowd begins to chant slut…slut…slut over and over Lita lowers her microphone and glare at the fans after a minute of chanting the fans stop and Lita raises her microphone back up to her mouth.
:: Lita :: As I take a look around this arena all I see is fat, ugly slobs who are you to judge I mean take a look at yourself….!! don’t hate on me because you know you can never get a women that looks this good.
Lita lowers her microphone as she grazes her hand over her breasts for a few seconds as she looks out to fans she then shakes her head and begins to speak.
:: Lita :: I have now officially signed with IWE and you all know what that means well for you idiots let me just tell you it means you are looking at your next IWE Women’s Champion. I am the best there was, the best there is and the best there will never be why you might ask well I am just that talented that’s why, As look at the other diva’s on the roster I mean we have a women who can’t keep her clothes on , two bimbos and someone who looks like wants to be me but her can you blame her. I am not here to make friends or keep all you jerks happy I am here for one person only and that person is me Lita…..!!
Lita slams her microphone down and then “love passion fury” hit’s the PA hit’s the PA system and Lita exit’s the ring and heads up the ramp she reaches the top of the ramp and turns around looking back at the ring and then turns back around and walks behind the curtain as the scene fades to black.
Real Name: Amy Christine Dumas
Ring Name: Lita
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 135 lbs.
D.O.B: April 14, 1975
Hometown: Fort Lauderdale
Resides: Atlanta
Allies: None
Manager: No One
Singles W/L/D Record: 00 / 00 / 00
Tag Record: 00 / 00 / 00
Overall Record: 00 / 00 / 00
..:: Upcomming Match ::..
VS: ???
Match Type: ???
Stipulation: ???
Title: None
..:: Women’s Title Reigns ::..
Matter Of Time
..:: Other IWE Achievements ::..
Signed With IWE 13th October 2007
..:: DDT’d::..
..:: Handler Info ::..
Name: Suzi
D.O.B: December 30, 1983
From:Aberdeen, Scotland
E-Fed Career: 1+ Years
AIM: SMacLeod2007
MSN: SMacLeod2005