[Begin Prologue]
When many think about the Diva Search they usually think of sexy women who look good but have little talent in the ring, There have been many who have proved this wrong and some who have proved their thoughts right but new PWE signing Milena Roucka who once competed in the Diva Search sent this message through her official site “ You know something it sickens me to see all these diva’s floating around in the wrestling business who think it’s OK to stand outside the ring and clap well I for one would never want to be that, A lot of people think that’s what I do I as I came into this business through the Diva Search but I am determined to make a name for myself in the ring”.
Impact hit’s the airwaves the lights quickly flick on and the crowd begins to gets excited waving their banners around in the air the camera begins to zoom around the arena capturing the excitement, The scene quickly cuts to the backstage area where we see PWE’s newest talent Milena Roucka, Milena turns around and looks at the camera with a glare in her eyes she pushes the camera away with her right hand when the camera comes back she begins to speak.
:: Milena Roucka :: Will you guys turn that off I am trying to have a private conversation here…!! Who asked you to come here?
:: Cameraman Tom :: We were asked to come here by The Coach he said you and him were going to be doing an interview about your match tonight.
:: Milena Roucka :: (Milena raises her hand up to her mouth) Oh I forgot, Where the hell is he then if we have an interview his ass should be he here you guy over there in the ridiculous blue shirt (Milena points the man out by raising her hand up and pointing at him) yes you go and get The Coach and tell him Milena said get his ass here now.
:: Blue Shirted Guy :: Oh OK.
The scene cuts back to Milena who is standing staring at one of the backstage doors with her arms crossed Coach and the blue shirted member of the camera crew walk through the door Milena instantly begins to smirk but her smirk quickly disappears.
:: Milena Roucka :: Where the hell have you been Coach I have been waiting here for you for the last 10 minutes what time do you call this were you just going to blow me off ?
:: The Coach :: I am sorry Milena I was caught up in a business call I promise it won’t happen again so is this Interview on?
:: Milena Roucka :: Yes but so get to it Coach you have wasted enough of my time.
:: The Coach :: Milena I need to ask you the question everyone wants to know what exactly made you want to be apart of this top notch company?
:: Milena Roucka :: I didn’t want to be apart of this company they wanted me but when I got the call I thought hey why not the money was good and I was so bored of being in OVW does that answer your question?
:: The Coach :: Yes….So what do you think of your opponent tonight Candice Michelle? Milena I for one think she is hot.
:: Milena Roucka :: Hot……………She’s pretty but she doesn’t have anything on me I am the true definition of sexiness Coach, Candice is a slut she walks around like she owns the place and goes her little twirl that she does ( Milena mimics Candice’s Go Daddy dance) The only reason she is up there is because she like to get close with the boss if you know what I mean ( Milena winks at Coach).
:: The Coach :: So Milena what is it that you want to achieve in this business?
:: Milena Roucka :: I want what every women in this company wants I want to be the best I want what Trish has I want the Women’s Champion.
:: The Coach :: I am sorry that’s all we have time for thanks for doing this interview and I am sorry for being late it won’t happen again.
:: Milena Roucka :: It better not OK.
Milena turns around but looks back at The Coach with a glare in her eyes she then turns back around and begins to walk away as the scene slowly fades out to black
Next Match
Wins [000]
- Defeats [000]
Vs. Candice Michelle
This Roleplay
' The Debut of Milena Roucka '
Superstars Defeated Here
PWE Career