It's not possible. I can't do it. There's no way that I'll ever win When Worlds Collide, that I'll ever become HWF Champion, that I'll ever ammount to anything in this business. Critics can tell you alot of things. They can tell you that no matter how hard you try you won't find that dream you're fighting for. They can tell you that your wrestling is abysmal, that your performance is lacking or that you have the charisma of a rock. They can punish you verbally, they can trash your name. They can take a hurting to you without laying a single finger on you, all because of their opinions. I guess maybe that's the reason I never really paid the critics much mind during my career. Maybe that's why I never listened to their views, never bothered to respond to them. They said I couldn't win the HWF's North American Title. I won it three times and held it longer then almost everyone who's held it in the HWF before I lost it. They said I wouldn't beat Chris Champion. We've fought several times now and our last match was his first win over me. We're close friends now, and I wouldn't give up on the friendship for anything. They said I'd never make it to the world title scene, that I'd never get my shot. Just a month ago I took Steve Sharp on for the title. Granted, I lost the match, but I still had made it that far. And I still can. The critics are saying that I won't make it to WWC's finals, that I won't leave my mark in the world of wrestling. They say I stand no chance at all of bringing home the gold for the HWF. It's time I step out of my shell, it's time I let the critics hear my own opinion. It's time that they realize that, no matter how hard they rag on me...I can still do the impossible. The underdog can still win. They don't seem to understand how this could be possible. They call it dumb luck when I win a match, they say that I'm just a no-talent hack without a hope in the world. Fuck critics. I've fought for a little over a year now in the HWF. I've fought for my dreams, for my love of the business, and for the hope that I can make a name for myself in a place so many thought I'd never make it into. I've proven critics wrong before...can I do it again? When Worlds Collide 11, perhaps the biggest wrestling tournament of the year. I'm facing probably the most talented individual in bracket three, I'm facing Mercury. I'm facing a man that undoubtedly will send me through hell and back, all for the hope of making it into the finals and truly leaving a mark here. Of scratching his legacy into the stone of WWC. I've fought so hard just to make it to round three, just to face Mercury. I've fought with everything in me just so that I could have the opportunity of facing a man that I not only respect as a wrestler, but look forward to facing as a challenge. It IS possible. I CAN do it. I have a chance at winning When Worlds Collide, and I'm not going to let it slip. I still have the time in my career to get another shot at the HWF title, and I know that one day I'll make it there again. I've all ready ammounted to something in this business, and the only placce left to go is up. Critics can tell you alot of things...but that doesn't mean you have to take them to heart. The wrestling websites were going crazy, as the finals of the When Worlds Collide tournament closed in. Predictions were coming in left and right. Who would be the finalists? Who would be that one step closer to accomplishing their dream of victory? Not many people expect me to win, really. Not many even expect me to beat Mercury. I've seen the predictions, I've rea the statistics. Mercury is saddled to make it to the finals, I'm going to be going down that lonely road back to the HWF, carrying our tattered and torn flag from the battle. I sighed, it seemed as though the belief still wasn't there. The fans will cheer for me, the fans will support me, but it seems as though they're still not sure whether or not to believe in me. They're unsure of what I can do, despite my year of fighting for my dreams before them. Despite everything I've done in an attempt at showing the world my capabilities, they still don't know what to expect from me. They still don't know if I can actually accomplish my dreams. I exited off of the internet, shaking my head and looking around my room. Maybe they just liked the underdog's tale, maybe they just wanted something they could look to for hope and inspiration. The fans didn't believe I could win, the fans didn't believe I could do alot of things...but I've pleasently suprised them in the past. I've done things that no one thought possible when I first came to the HWF. I've made waves in this tournament in a way that no one back at the HWF thought I could do. I might even make it to the finals. Matthew Logan couldn't make it through the last round, the pressure was too much. I somehow managed to squek by A.E. Clipse, I somehow managed to defeat a guy that was near the top of our bracket. Once again, I face a man at the top. Once again, I am the underdog. Once again...I face unbeatable odds. And once again, I have the chance at proving the world wrong. I have the chance at giving them the fairytale story of the underdog who did the impossible. I've tried so hard to make it where I am now, I've gone so far in this tournament that people are actually starting to slowly buy into the idea that I might actually stand a better chance then first thought. But the skepticism is still there, and the belief in me isn't. Round three is my chance at redeeming myself. Round three is my shot at proving what I'm made of to the world. Round three is about more then just the shot at the's about my very dream. It's about everything I've fought for since childhood. my everything. This is what I was born to do. Dominic Pericolo versus Mercury. Three rounds in the making. Dominic Pericolo versus Mercury...a lifetime in the making. My lifetime in the making. Everything I've done has led to this...everything I've accomplished has brought me here. There's no turning back at this point, this is no time for me to quit. I'm a Pericolo, and Pericolo's never stay down. We never give up. This is my life, Mercury. This is who I am. And I refuse to go home to the HWF a failure. I refuse to lose here, I refuse to lose now. So good luck, Mercury...and prepare yourself for the challenge of a lifetime. .fin. |