Suki yawned softly, jarring Dominic out of his thoughts. With an amused chuckle, he stepped back to bed and sighed, getting under the covers and looking up at the ceiling as he placed his hands behind his head.
'Sometimes you think a little too much, Pericolo.' Dominic thought to himself with a smile. It was an interesting thought though, Matthew Logan acting as though he were a whiny little bastard child. Dominic almost felt sorry for his hired guns.
Almost, of course, but his sympathy could only go so far before it was halted by the harsh reminder of just whom Matthew Logan was. Surely, the need for money was not so strong that it compelled those men to work for Logan only for that. Matthew Logan was an annoyance not known since the days of Jonathan Storm; and the strange thing was both men acted similar in one major aspect...they continuously redefined themselves.
It was one thing to change how you acted every now and then, many wrestlers went through a period in their careers where they found the need to do so. But when you do it on nearly a bi-weekly basis, there begins to be a cause for concern.
Dominic closed his eyes softly, rolling onto his side. Pushing the remaining thoughts of his upcoming match with Matthew Logan out of his mind he allowed himself to slowly begin to fall into a deep slumber, undeterred by the shouting on the streets as the drivers in the car accident from before continued to banter with one another, their agitation effecting the traffic around them.
Dominic let the troubles of the world slowly begin to drift away, contenting himself with his thoughts of family; of friends, and most of all...Suki Minamoto.
And with a smile, Dominic began his decent into his dreams. Into a world where anything was possible, and where everyone he cared for was there. Sometimes, dreams are better then reality.
And in Matthew Logan's case this is very much true to him. For his dreams of defeating Dominic Pericolo will fall to the harsh reality of his impending failure.
Atleast there's new character to be had with his impending change of attire however. Who knows, maybe the crossdresser personality will actually get him over with the fans!
Hope you look good in pink, Matthew...