[Darkness...] [A metalic creak as an industrialized metalic HWF symbol rotates slowly into view in a slight bit of light...] #Reach out and touch faith... [Marilyn Manson's cover of Depsche Mode's classic "Personal Jesus" errupts as scenes of classic HWF matches and personalities come into view... Turning to face the camera, lit by a pale blue light in the darkness...] #Your own... [Inferna...] #personal... [Logan] #Jesus... [O'Riley...] #Reach out and touch faith! [Sharp...] #Faith!! [Bonneau, Pericolo, Champion, Ian...] #Someone who's there, someone who cares... [Returning Superstars Fuller, Jett, Karma, Anderson...] #Pick up the receiver, I'll make you a believer... [Geist, Tyrell, Sanders... Chair shots, body locks, suplexes... Champions and contenders flash on the screen... The Birmingham Jefferson Convention Center is alive with excitement as the camera pans the crowd… Signs bearing slogans like ”Let’s Get Violent!”, “Sharp for Governor”, and “Bring back the site, Tembly!!” abound…] Tim: Goooood EVENING ladies and gentlemen, and WELCOME to Monday Night Suicide!! I’m your host, Tim Miller, and with me as always is Jeff… Jeff: “I am a tiny ringtail fucker who likes to dejuice paws!” Tim: …Robinson… And have we got a GREAT show for you tonight!! Last week, the unique format of this year’s King of Violence tournament was announced, and so THIS week, we will see our first eight contestants battle it out for supremacy!! Jeff: Man, that’s gonna be AWESOME… I hope Karma’s outfit has shrunk in the wash a couple times since she’s been gone!! [Tim stares at his broadcast partner for a few moments…] Tim: In other action, the Best of Seven series between Hardcore Champion Dylan O’Riley and the BRUTAL newcomer, Connor Hawk, continues!! Jeff: And don’t forget… The Belonging versus The Rainbow Connection!! Tim: Stay tuned!! Jason Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to bring to you the new Hardcore Wrestling Federation North American Champion: Matthew Logan. [Logan steps into the frame with Roberts with his newly won North American title over his shoulder.] Jason Roberts: Matt, I would first like to say congrats on a long journey and finally making it. Matt Logan: Thanks, man. It's weird that I feel like this was so anticlimactic because I dedicated a year or two towards winning this belt. Not only winning it but beating Pericolo for it. Maybe the streak has something to do with it but when you're racking up win after win it's hard to notice when you win something important. Jason Roberts: Regardless, you finally did it and it was a big moment for your fans. Matt Logan: You don't get it, buddy. This title win doesn't mean that much to me anymore, it's just there. King of Violence, the World title, the hunt for glory is what I seek. You know, it's a lot like being in love. You get something to live for when you fall in love. I want to fall in love or at least have the same feeling. I want something to live for. I want that constant feeling of fulfillment. Now I feel empty, I'm at a crossroads. I need to chose a path of enlightenment and I think the King of Violence and the World title are what I need. [The camera catches a shot of none other than Dylan "The Beast" O'Riley bursting into the office of HWF head-honcho....Chaz Manson. Seconds after bursting through the door, Dylan is seen standing dead in his tracks with a shocked look on his face. As the camera moves in for a closer look, we discover that inside Chaz's office at this time just happens to be none other than Connor Hawk. Both Hawk and Chaz quickly turn around and stare at the shocked O'Riley, who is now standing there with both fists raised in a fighting type of pose.] Chaz: Relax Dylan..we don't want any type of trouble here right now. Isn't that right Connor? [Connor doesn’t even bother to respond, he just grunts back at Chaz’s comment.] Chaz: Now Dylan..I’m glad you felt the need to burst into my office unannounced. Because what you interrupted was me, getting ready to inform Connor of the stipulations for your match tonight. Dylan: Then please continue! Chaz: Since the series between you two is all tied up at one match apiece. I felt the need to spice things up a little. So the match tonight will be a four-corner of assault match. And I’m sure the two of you are wondering just what that might be. In each corner of the ring, there will be a pole attached to the ring post, and attached to the pole will be a weapon. Get to the weapon; you can use it…simple as that. Dylan: And what might those weapons be? Chaz: I’m glad you asked. In corner number one will be a kendo stick. In corner number two will be a tennis racket. And in honor of the two of you, corners three and four will be filled with a special weapon designed for each of you. In corner number three, there will be a lead shot filled metal pipe in honor of Connor Hawk. [Connor let’s out a grunt of approval after hearing his weapon.] Chaz: And in corner number four there will be a Guinness beer tap in honor of you Dylan. So how does all of that sound? [Suddenly, Muse's "Hysteria" bellows through the PA system and brings the crowd to their feet. They know why the music is playing... and they know what sort of mood he's likely to be in. Without further adieu, Chris Champion storms through the black curtain with a disgusted scowl on his face and races down the ramp, already armed with a microphone. Champion screams for the music to stop as he scurries around the outside of the ring before hopping up the steps. He strolls back and forth in the centre of the ring for a few moments, panting down the microphone as he does so. Finally, coherent sentences emerge from his mouth] Champion: You know, for a long time I've watched the dark and dirty side of the wrestling business blossom. From cheating marital partners to match bribes, I've seen them all go down. Betrayal is common place in our line of work. Corruption is everywhere. But fuck... I've been through less than 3 or 4 best friends throughout my lifetime and not ONE of them has delivered such a brutal kick in the teeth than to what I experienced during that War Games match. Tim: Jesus Christ, Champion's mad! Jeff: He looks kinda disappointed too... almost lost. Champion: Dominic fucking Pericolo! Get your ass out here right now! You've got two minutes to deliver a decent explanation for your actions before I kick one out of you! [The fans roar with anticipation as Champion drops the microphone to the mat and beckons towards the curtain. A loud chorus of "Eddy! Eddy!" sweeps the arena as the crowd hypes itself up along of The Educator. However, just as the cheering reaches a feer pitch...the opening chords of "Out Of My Way" by Seether blast out across the PA System, the cheering switching over to boos. Without any fanfare at all, and without any delay...Pericolo himself steps through the curtains. Champion glares at him from the ring as the fans begin to chant "Eddy! Eddy!" once again, backing behind him as Pericolo motions to the back to 'cut it'.] Tim: Pericolo looking about as pissed off as Chris here, tensions are definitely running high tonight... Pericolo: Chris, Chris, Chris...you're saying that I betrayed you, Chris? [The fans begin to chant "YOU SOLD OUT!" at Pericolo, as Chris glares at Pericolo from the ring and taps on his wrist, reminding Pericolo of the 'two minute' time limit he had to explain himself. Pericolo quirks his eyebrow and actually laughs, shaking his head and lifting his hand up, waving it just a little.] Pericolo: Shut the hell up about the time limit, Chris, I'm not putting up with your bullshit. You're listening to me tonight, and you're listening well, friend. [Chris frowns and makes his way over to his mic, picking it up from the mat.] Champion: You're in no position to be telling me what to do you peice of shi-- Pericolo: NO, CHRIS. SHUT THE FUCK UP. [The crowd erupts into boos as Champ looks shocked in the ring for a brief moment before his eyes narrow into a glare and his fists clench in anger.] Pericolo: To be brutally honest, Chris...you're in no position either. I could just as easily come down there and attack you as you could come up here and attack me. It's a stalemate, Chris, and I'm the one who got called out to speak. So your ass is going to sit down in that ring, shut the hell up, and listen. Chris: What the hell is wrong with you, Dominic?! You used to be a hero to these fans, and now-- Pericolo: HA. HA. HA. A hero, Chris?! Yeah, I was a hero...I was alot of things to these fans. One might go as far as to say I was to them then what you are to them now. Yet I learnt a valuable lesson, Chris, one that you're going to have to learn eventually as well. [Pericolo paces the top of the rampway, as Chris drops his mic and scowls, watching Dominic intently.] Pericolo: You see, Chris...there was a time where I played the hero to these fans. There was a time where I'd come out here all smiles, the fans greeting me with cheers that rocked these stadiums to their very core. There was a time where they rallied behind me, they helped move me forward. You know, Chris...I'd daresay that these fans made me who I am today, all in hopes that I would be their hero. And I was, Chris...I was their hero, and I LOVED it. The cheers, the chants...it was amazing, Chris, simply amazing. I never wanted it to end. [Dominic looks out at the crowd, a look of anger on his face as he lifts his free hand, pointing an accusing finger out at the fans, moving his arm slowly to point at every section.] Pericolo: But YOU...my so-called FANS...stabbed me in the back! You see, Chris...I had to learn my lesson the hard way. All that time...blindly thinking the fans loved me, just as you do now. Chris, I have news for you my friend: THESE FANS DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU! They wouldn't piss on the flames if you were on fire, and they sure as hell won't care if you LOSE YOUR CAREER in that ring. [The fans boo in protest as Chris shakes his head in disgust, watching Pericolo in anger as Dominic paces the rampway, looking out at the fans and then back to Chris.] Pericolo: At Eve, Chris...I fought two matches. I don't think you remember, you were too busy preparing for that world title match of yours. Ironic how leading up to MY shot at the title, you weren't around for help...but for your match? For your big shot? I helped you all I could. I fought two matches that night, Chris...and on the second, it was a cage match with Logan. I was on top of that cage with him, we were fighting it out, and I almost fell. Now you want to know what my fans did, Chri? What the people I'd trusted for so long did to me? [Pericolo sneers, shouting into the mic as he gives a wide-eyed glare to the crowd to his left, turning his head to look out at the arena.] Pericolo: YOU CHEERED. YOU CHEERED FOR WHAT YOU THOUGHT WOULD BE MY FALL! And when I didn't fall, YOU BOOED. You WANTED to see the big fall, the end of your hero you'd spent so long creating. Are you getting this, Champ!? These fans make their heroes to inevitably tear them apart, and go on to make another. The one thing the fans love more then a hero is to see their hero fall, Chris...and when I didn't fall, they stabbed me in the back! Jeff: He has a point... Tim: The fans never turned on him, he's using them as a damn scapegoat! Pericolo: As much as these fans love you, Chris...they still hate you, too. They love you because you're their hero, you're the one to look up to and save the day. And they hate you, Chris...because you're their hero. You're the one who's better then they could ever DREAM to be, the one with the bigger salery and the better life. They can't stand it, Chris, it tears them up inside--and you know why? Because you and I are everything they've ever wanted to be in life, but can't be. [The crowd boos and begins to throw trash at Pericolo, who simply ignores them and keeps going as Chris stands fuming inside of the ring, looking about ready to leave the ring and try to get at Pericolo.] Pericolo: Deep down inside of themselves, in places where they'd never talk about with their mothers...these people hate us, Chris. They hate every wrestler in the HWF, because we're all above them. Every hero they ever build they'll just as quickly tear down to try and rise above. They want to feel superior, Chris...that's all these greedy fucks see in us--a way to make themselves bigger then they really are. [By now, Chris is simply staring at Pericolo, with an almost unbelieving look to the words coming out of his mouth. Chris shakes his head in disgust, and paces around to stay calm in the ring as Pericolo smirks a little, bringing the mic to his mouth again.] Pericolo: You can't deny it, Chris...I've been through the same. I've been where you're standing now, trying to be all that I could for those idiots in the seats out there...until I finally realized the truth, and told them to fuck off. I stopped being their hero for one reason Chris--I didn't want to be destroyed. All my life, I've been fighting for my dreams...and these fucks aren't going to stop me. I walked away from it all, Chris...but I know you won't be able to. You can't, you see...you're too far into it. You live off the cheers, you yearn for every fan in the stands to stand up and chant your name. It's what makes you who you are, and what made me who I was. [Pericolo laughs a little, shaking his head and looking out to the booing fans, hearing faint chants of "Eddy! Eddy!" still going on throughout the arena as he throws a glance over to Chris, making a motion to them.] Pericolo: You're addicted to it, aren't you? You can hear them...through the boos, you can hear them chanting your name in hopes that you'll end my career and be their hero. You're addicted to their calls of hope...you live off of it, and that addiction will inevitably lead to your downfall. I tried to save you, Chris...tried to stop them from tearing you down. I tried to end your career while you were still a hero to them, to stop them from ever shredding your soul and taking away your desire. Yet I now see that I've failed to end your career and end their chance at betraying you...so I'll have to take it another step further. [Dominic lifts his hand up, pointing his index finger at Chris who glares back at him as the "Eddy! Eddy!" chants pick up in volume, the crowd gathering behind him once again.] Pericolo: This is for your best interests, friend...I'm only trying to help. I suggest you think on what I've said here tonight, because from one friend to another...it could benefit your career. You can't play the hero forever, Chris, these fucks will just rip you apart! ["Out Of My Way" hits the speakers as Pericolo drops the mic, glaring down the rampway at Chris, who glares back just as intensely as the fans continue to boo Dominic and chant Champion's name.] Tim: Dominic says he's trying to save Chris from the fans...what the hell is he thinking?! Jeff: I have a feeling that reason won't be good enough for Eddy...there's going to be hell to pay next week, I can feel it! The Belonging vs. The Rainbow Connection Tim: Well folks, it's time for the opening match tonight! The Belonging are already inside of the ring, waiting for the Rainbow Connection to come on down and... Jeff: What th--ARE THOSE RAINBOW STROBE LIGHTS?! Tim: Looks like they've revamped their entrance, Jeff! Jeff: GOLDEN SPARKS ARE FALLING FROM THE RAFTERS! They've got it better then half the roster, holy shit! ["Karma Chameleon" by Boy George kicks up on the speakers amidst the display of colors on the rampway, as the fans pick up in cheers with the Rainbow Connection making their way out! In Golden Boy's hands he holds a bowl of Fruit Loops, as Homeless Harold rolls his Shopping Cart of Assorted Goodies down to the ring.] Tim: You know Jeff, I hear Golden Boy gets his cereal from GM Kellogg! Jeff: GM's too cool for that fool, the gay one must have stolen it. [They reach the ring and Harold rolls in, while off to the side Golden Boy sets the bowl down in the corner, nothing but milk left in it. He rolls in as well and both men stand, Harold making his way out onto the apron as across from them, Syphon opts to stay in the ring while Dimitri makes his way out. The bell rings...and the match is underway.] Tim: And here we go! Jeff: Golden Boy charges in and...ooooooh! Tim: Jesus, I never thought I'd see a groin thrust do THAT kind of damage! [Syphon topples to the ground in shock, as Golden Boy staggers back clutching at his crotch in pain. He shakes it off as Syphon slowly staggers up, only to be taken down as Golden Boy dives onto him and starts knawing on his ankle!] Tim: What the--Golden Boy is BITING Syphon's ankle, and he took him down! Jeff: Were those fruit loops laced with something?! Golden Boy's goin' crazy in there! [Dimitri enters the ring to stop the madness, as across the ring Harold enters to try and cut him off, only to be sent for a loop as Dimitri hits a quick superkick to the face, toppling him! Dimitri looks back over to his downed partner, who's frantically kicking away at the knawing Golden Boy's head, trying to get free. Dimitri makes his way over, lines him up...and plants a shot RIGHT in-between Golden Boy's opened legs, catching him in the nads from behind!] Jeff: JESUS...Dimitri just shot his nuts up to his throat! Tim: I think Golden Boy's pretty much out of the game now! [Harold is up and confused, but nevertheless comes staggering in and grabs Dimitri from behind, slapping in a sleeper! Syphon is up now and runs in for the save on his partner, only to have Golden Boy weakly reach out and grab his ankle, tripping him up and sending him crashing into the two! Golden Boy then weakly drops his head, groaning in pain as Syphon struggles to get off of the thrashing Dimitri, who STILL is locked in the sleeper by Harold!] Tim: I don't think Harold knows where he is! Jeff: Shit, I don't think GOLDEN BOY knows where he is! He's GOT to be in a shitload of pain right now! [Golden Boy slowly rolls out of the ring in pain, catching Syphon's attention as Dimitri manages to battle out of the sleeper. Syphon makes his way out of the ring to go after Golden Boy, as the ref simply shakes his head in confusion, letting the match go on anyway.] Tim: Syphon's going after the already weakened Golden Boy...this does not look very good for him right now. Jeff: Let's just hope Syphon doesn't hit a low blow, we might see a death outside the ring if Golden Boy takes another shot to the balls... [Inside the ring, Dimitri is backing Harold across the ring with quick elbow strikes, completely unaware of the referee counting out Syphon and Golden Boy! The count reaches 5 and Dimitri launches Harold into the corner, looking over at Syphon and Golden Boy. He finally takes notice of the ref and shouts at Syphon to get back in the ring, but Syphon doesn't hear him! The count reaches 8 now and Dimitri grows desperate, cocking his fist and getting ready to floor the ref from behind to stop the count...but Harold staggers out of the corner and tackles Dimitri to the mat, as the count reaches 10 and the bell rings!] Jeff: ...what an IDIOT. Harold just cost his team the match and all of us a propper finish! This fucking SUCKS! Tim: The ref has ended the match as a draw via double countout! These fans are NOT happy! [The fans begin booing the decision as Harold hits a few quick punches onto Dimitri, before standing and making his way over to the corner as Syphon slides into the ring, enraged at the count out. He yells at the referee, demanding the match to be restarted...and when told no, he cold cocks the referee! The fans continue to boo as Syphon makes his way over to Harold, grabbing him and turning him around...] Jeff: IN THE FACE! Tim: Syphon's been blinded by milk! [Syphon staggers backwards, wiping at his eyes as Harold chucks the empty bowl at his chest, having used Golden Boy's bowl of milk against Syphon! Syphon staggers back some more, tripping over his partner and falling to the mat as Harold stands and makes his way out of the ring, lifting Golden Boy up and carrying him over to his shopping cart. Harold sets Golden Boy in the cart and makes his escape, pushing the cart up the ramp as fast as he can and leaving an enraged Belonging in the ring!] Tim: Well I can't say this was a great way to start off the night, but I can assure all of you that this night will get better as time goes on! Jeff: God I hope so...that was pathetic. [Suicide cuts backstage yet again, and we see Ryan Fuller standing by with a certain former World Champion he shares one or two things in common with... Yes, you guessed it; it’s Mr. Jon-Tastic himself, Jon Fuller! Decked out in a ‘100% Jon-Tastic Guaranteed’ t-shirt, black Stetson and a pair of designer shades, Fuller is beaming from ear to ear as he waits for Ryan to kick things off...] Ryan Fuller: As I’m sure you can see, I’m standing by with Jon Fuller, a man who specifically requested some interview time this week to get some things off his chest... Jon? [The crowd boo in anticipation, as Fuller removes his shades and hooks them over the collar of his shirt.] Jon Fuller: Now, now, Ryan... Let’s not forget ourselves here! Jon Fuller is no mere man that requested interview time... Jon Fuller is a Grand Slam winner and future King of Violence who deserves interview time!! And don’t you forget it! [The smug look returns to face, as the fans boo even louder.] Jon Fuller: But before you throw me completely off my game, what with your stupid questions, moronic haircut, and downright dastardly misuse of the greatest name in this business today, allow me the chance to enlighten all of my Fuller Fans out there... [Jon takes the mic from Ryan’s hand, ushering him away before then turning directly towards the camera, that smug grin still ever-present...] Jon Fuller: Y’see, as I’m sure you’re all well aware, last week I single-handedly won a tag team match involving three other HWF superstars that were considered ‘favorites’ for this year’s King of Violence tournament. Out of Chris Champion, Dominic Pericolo, Simon Tyrell and myself, it was I who scored the deciding pinfall, and it was I that walked away with all the glory! Now, I’m not what you’d call a superstitious man. I don’t believe in signs, and I don’t expect you people too either. However, what I DO expect you to believe in is the greatness that is standing before you, because in just over a month’s time, I will have walked through the entire HWF roster to prove without a shadow of a doubt that I am what I say I am! [The audience unsurprisingly respond with more boos...] Jon Fuller: Don’t believe me? Just look at tonight’s main event to see what competition I’ve got to “worry” about in this tournament... For instance, looking down the list of competitors earlier on, I noticed there’s some guy called Padre, apparently a former Tag Team Champion as of Dark Horizon. Well, guess what buddy? I’ve done that... TWICE! With TWO different partners!! [Amazing. Somehow, someway, Fuller’s smirk seems to get bigger...] Jon Fuller: Oh, and let’s not forget Matthew Logan either... After all, he is our current North American Champion, after spending almost a year trying and failing to get his hands on the gold, when all it took me was just a single month to add that notch to my résumé!! [It’s almost as if Mr. Jon-Tastic’s pearly whites are filling the entire screen...] Jon Fuller: Then of course, there’s Karma, a chick who thinks she can hang with the big boys, and a former Television Champion to boot! Well sugar, I was the ORIGINAL TV Champ!! Either try beating THAT or head back to the kitchen, sister! [Fuller laughs to himself before bursting on...] Jon Fuller: Karl Taylor? Nobody!! Ian? Caleb Sanders? EWA rejects who are long past their sell-by-date!! Remi Bonneau? Some French dude I’ve never even heard of!! And then there’s the mystery entrant... Ooooooh!! How scary!! [Fuller mocks biting his nails in terror, as the crowd continues to boo from ringside, sickened by the drastic change witnessed in their one-time hero...] Jon Fuller: Y’see, what all my talk eventually boils down to is that there is no-one on our roster that can match my success or even come close to hanging with me in the ring! I’m a bonafide megastar, a Grand Slam winner, and the only man in existence to ooze Jon-Tastic from every pour! Forget your Trey’s, forget your Collins’, and I’m begging you to forget your Sharp’s... They may be former King of Violence winners and revered as the best wrestlers in HWF history, but let’s face it; NONE of those guys have shit on me, and each and every one of you jealous sons of bitches knows it!! [Fuller removes his shades from his shirt collar and flicks them open. He casually slips them back over his eyes, as an extremely audible ‘Asshole’ chants breaks out in the main arena area...] Jon Fuller: If you’re gonna hate me, don’t do it because I’m about to be crowned King of Violence. Don’t hate me because I’m on the verge of earning a title shot against Inferna and becoming a TWO-TIME World Champion. If you’re going to hate me, hate me because I’m Jon-Tastic... and YOU’RE NOT!! [Fuller tosses the mic back into the waiting hands of Ryan Fuller, before tipping his hat at the camera and then walking off screen, as the audience continues to show their disdain for Mr. Jon-Tastic as loudly as they possibly can...] [The HWF-Tron takes the arena to the backstage area just in time to catch Karma’s arrival on the premises. The Yamachtia is attired in her typical summer garb of hip hugging high cut tan shorts, a military camouflage HWF Logo t-shirt, and matching cross-training sneakers. As always, her son is with her as well; the young lad follows close at his surrogate mother’s side while sifting through food in a small carry-on lunch pale. The duo winds the backstage corridors until the corner of the Yamachtia’s eye catches a familiar face. The apparently startling sight of this individual stops Karma dead in her tracks. However, the young woman’s facial expression quickly changes as her eyes narrow down. She turns to her son, dropping to one knee to meet him at eye level…] Karma: Darlin’, let me borrow this from you. […The Yamachtia reaches into the lunch pale and removes a rather large banana…] Kheen Snyder: You’re terrible, mom. I may be only eight years old but I know what’s going on here. It’d just be a lot better if you felt this way for someone much cooler, like Jimmy Jett. […Karma’s face immediately flushes full of awkwardness…] Karma: I really need to put a parental lock on the cable… Just go on ahead me. The dressing room should be around the corner. […While Kheen responds with a look of aggravation, he still respects his mother’s wishes and moves ahead. The shifting scene following behind his exit pops the crowd wildly as they now have full view of just whom they were talking about, one Stephen Sharp chatting with a stagehand roadie. Karma approaches the two men, a gesture that clearly catches Silky Palms off guard. The Yamachtia looks to the roadie, motioning him to leave via a quick nod of the head. He obliges, but not before giving a snicker under his breath. Karma then reverts to Sharp and begins a slow glance over his body before meeting her eyes with his…] Karma: Long time no see, Stephen. You look good for someone that’s taken the kind of weather beating you have. [The Certified Icon looks over the impressive body of work before him, then smirks a little…] Sharp: I’ve been outsourcing the upkeep of my real estate… A team of Salvadorians power wash my abs on Wednesdays, and some Portuguese guys apply touch up paint from time to time… Real estate is an investment, you have to protect it against the elements. [For a moment, they both break the fourth wall, and Sharp flashes a million dollar smile and a thumbs up…] Sharp: On a more serious note, I think everyone just underestimates just HOW resilient I am… I won the King of Violence tournament last year, it takes quite a bit to put me down. Karma: Funny that you mention King of Violence… or it’s irony rather. If you recall, and I -know- you recall, it was just about a year ago when you and I were making out in honor of ourselves and this event. I think I got a bit more out of that exchange that you did. Heck, I couldn’t even look you in the eye at any point afterwards. It took me awhile to get over what I couldn’t have. To be honest, I still may not be over it. [Sharp chuckles a little bit, rubbing absentmindedly beneath his lower lip while looking nostalgic…] Sharp: Well, I’m not sure what you got from it, but I won’t say I left that situation empty handed… Unfortunately, I wound up paying for that for the majority of the last year. It was real nice, but I’m not sure if a repeat performance is worth another year of bitter Hispanic fury. Karma: Well… regardless of what you feel and what your mind tells you to say, I still thought it’d be appropriate for me to not act so dang timid around you as I did before. Not speaking when you say hello… you know… all that jazz. In Fact… […The Yamachtia raises the banana and begins to remove the outside peel. The crowd pops widely as she begins to lick the tip in an obviously and intentionally seductive manner. Karma moves in closer to Sharp, his right eyebrow threatening to run off over the top of his head as she backs him awkwardly up against the wall...] Karma: …I just thought I’d wish you luck in your recently announced KOV match. You’ll be up against some -stiff- competition, just as I will be with the actual tournament. Proper motivation is key for both of us. If it’s handled properly, -stiff- opposition is always easily taken care of. […With that said, Karma slowly deep throats the banana, pulls it back out slightly, and then bites the majority of it off. Much to the crowd’s delight, she coyly chews on the contents as a visibly uneasy Sharp squirms away from his pinned position and begins to walk off without taking his eyes off his obvious admirer, gesturing a little excitedly, obviously either uncomfortable with being approached with this aggressiveness… Or, uncomfortable with his loyalty to his vows in the face of the overtly offered sexuality…] Sharp: Well, you know, when the time comes, I’m sure we’ll both RISE to the occasion… We’re both in great shape, and have never really met our equal on the mat… If need, even if it takes ALL NIGHT… I’m sure we’ll be able to overcome on… our… our opponents. Yup. Karma: See you soon, darlin’. […Karma smirks ever so slightly as the scene fades out.] [A beat up Volkswagen bus sits at the side of a desolate, desert highway. Senor Bagoshit examines the smoking engine, before rounding the side and kicking the tire in anger as Fantastico sheds a tear. Suddenly, a roaring engine is heard, catching their attention.] Bagoshit: Que? [A shiny, 2005 Cadillac XLR pulls up with its top down with Jimmy Jett behind the wheel and the vivacious blonde Allison next to him. ...Cross's sister. The X Symbol motions for the two to move closer. They slowly approach the vehicle, obviously awe-struck. Jimmy reaches down under the seat and they freeze in fear. Jimmy slides out a bottle fo Pennzoil and opens the cap, palming a tiny bit and running it through his hair. He then caps the lid shut and hands Fantastico the bottle, who smiles like a schoolgirl from her first kiss.] Jimmy: Here, Pennzoil always brings me luck. [Jimmy wraps his arm around his woman and nods at the two before peeling off into the sunset. He blows up some dust on the two Illegales, but they still smile happily. Suddenly, the Pennzoil logo flashes up as a narrative voice is heard.] Voice Over: Don't be a putz, put Pennzoil in your car! [End scene.] Connor Hawk vs. Dylan O'Riley Tim: It’s time for Match 3 in the Best of Seven series currently taking place between Hardcore Champion Dylan O’Riley and rookie upstart, Connor Hawk! Jeff: We’ve already had a Falls Count Anywhere match and we’ve already had a Four Sided Table Match... What’s it to be tonight, Timbo? Tim: Well Jeff, I’ve just been informed that Hawk and O’Riley will be facing off in a Four Corners of Assault match! As you can see in the ring, we have poles already set up in each corner, each adorned with a weapon to use on your opponent! Jeff: Let’s see, we’ve got a lead pipe, a steel chain, a mystery box, and...wait a second...what looks to be a Guinness beer tap too!! Freakin’ sweet!! [Dialogue from the movie Snatch pumps from the arena speakers.] Bricktop: Do you know what nemesis means? A righteous infliction of retribution, manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified, in this case, by a horrible overused British insult. Me. [“So Long” by Everlast begins to blast from the speakers.] ##I think I'm gonna die today
[“Nemesis” Connor Hawk strides out onto the stage clad in a pair of black mesh shorts and black boots. He stops and glances across the fans and takes a deep breath, before beginning his walk to the ring.] Tim: The score is currently tied with one victory a piece, so needless to say, whoever picks up the win here will take the advantage! Jeff: Wow, really?! Did Mommy help you figure that out, eh numb nuts? [Connor climbs the ring steps and enters the squared circle. He immediately begins to pace the ring like a caged lion, as his music comes to an end, the house lights are shut off and “Who’s The Man” by House of Pain begins to play. A lime green cloverleaf shines down on the entrance as Dylan O’Riley makes his way onto the stage to cheers from the fans!. Two shots of pyro shoot from either side of the ring as Dylan holds up his custom Hardcore Championship to more delight from the fans. Dylan throws his belt back over his shoulder before he strides down to the ring. He deposits the belt on the announce table, rolls into the ring and climbs to his feet...before Connor Hawk comes from out of no-where and cuts his opponent off with a barrage of clubbing blows to the back of the head!] Jeff: Looks as if Connor Hawk ain’t one to hang about... He’s all over O’Riley already!! [Referee Mike Physema calls for the bell, as Hawk continues his assault by pummeling Dylan back into the corner! He then takes his opponent by the arm and attempts to whip him off into the corner opposite, but the Beast reverses! Hawk hits the corner hard, stumbling forwards right into a back body drop! He clambers back to his feet but is immediately caught with some stiff blows to the side of the head courtesy of the Hardcore Champion, who finally knocks Connor Hawk over the top rope with a big time clothesline!] Tim: This rivalry started based on Connor Hawk wanting to make a name for himself, but as you can see for yourselves, there is real hatred burning between these two athletes! Jeff: Damn right, Tim! It’s almost like with each match they have in this series, the more they come to hate one another!! [Dylan is feeding off the reaction of the crowd, as Connor Hawk drags himself up off the floor and tries shaking out the cobwebs. Dylan reaches through the ropes, looking to grab his opponent and pull him back into the ring, but Connor quickly fires off a poke to the eye, stunning Dylan! Nemesis wastes little time in hopping up onto the apron, where he reaches over the top rope, grabbing the stunned Hardcore Champion and then attempts to deliver a suplex to the outside! However, Dylan blocks and instead tries to suplex Hawk back into the ring! However, that too is blocked, as Connor Hawk again tries to suplex Dylan over the top rope, but it’s to no avail as O’Riley instead lifts Connor into the air and dumps him back inside the squared circle!] Tim: There’s just no give between these athletes... Neither wants to allow the other to have the advantage for even a short amount of time! [Dylan drags Connor Hawk back to his feet and immediately takes his opponent over with a belly to belly suplex. He then heads to the corner with the steel chain hanging on a pole and starts to climb. The crowd cheers him on, as the Beast grabs hold of the chain and yanks it free!! However, Hawk is already back upright, as he dives against the ropes, causing O’Riley to lose his balance and crotch himself! His feet accidentally hook together as Dylan’s body falls backwards, hanging himself in a tree of woe, as again Hawk heads to the outside! Nemesis takes the fallen steel chain and proceeds to wrap it around Dylan’s throat, as the crowd boo like crazy! Resting one foot on the ringpost, Hawk pulls with all his might, choking the life out of his opponent as the referee tries to call for some semblance of order!] Jeff: HAH! I always figured Dylan being the green type, but his face is turning a nasty shade of purple thanks to being choked by that chain! Tim: Good Lord... I know there is no disqualification in this match, but if Mike Physema doesn’t step in, we could have a fatality on our hands!! [However, just at that moment, Connor releases the choke on his own accord. Dylan is coughing and spluttering, as he finally manages to unhook his feet and crashes back onto the canvas. Connor Hawk slides back into the ring and puts the boots to the Beast, before dragging him up and into a standing head scissors! He runs a finger across his throat before flipping O’Riley into the air and then charging across the ring, powerbombing the Hardcore Champion back into one of the corner’s!! Dylan slumps down and clutches at his lower back in agony, as the audience continues to boo!] Tim: Vicious, VICIOUS move by Connor Hawk there! In any normal match, that could have been the decider! Jeff: But thankfully for us, this isn’t a normal match Tim! There’s still plenty of weapons for Connor to choose from and something tells me he’s got his eye on a certain something himself! [With Dylan sprawled out on the mat, Connor spins and looking up, he spots his pipe suspended above the turnbuckle as his trademark sadistic grin flashes across his face. Taking his time Connor saunters over to the corner and starts to climb the up to the top turnbuckle. However, at the same time Hawk begins his climb, O’Riley starts to stir and struggles back to his feet, spotting his opponent just as Connor makes it to the top turnbuckle! Dylan races over and just as Connor touches the pipe, the Beast clubs him in the kidney with a stiff forearm shot. Nemesis grabs the pole to avoid falling and Dylan gets his head between Connor’s legs causing him to fall into a sitting position on Dylan’s shoulders. O’Riley spins and taking a few steps, he then sits out, driving Hawk’s face into the canvas with an electric chair drop!] Tim: Connor was taking his sweet time up there and the veteran Beast was able to capitalize on it! Jeff: Good for him. I could have eaten lunch and rubbed one out in the time it took Connor to almost get that pipe!! [With Hawk down, Dylan uses the ropes to pull himself back upright, still clutching at his back. He then points to the corner with the beer tap, garnering a big pop from the crowd! The Beast heads over to the corner and starts to climb, as meanwhile, Connor Hawk tries to get back to his feet. Dylan reaches the top turnbuckle and reaches up, grabbing the Guinness tap and pulling it from the pole! Hawk grabs Dylan by the boot, trying to pull him off the corner, but O’Riley lashes out with some stiff kicks to the head, causing his opponent to stagger backwards! He then turns around and leaps back into the ring, driving the beer tap down against Nemesis’ head and knocking him down to the canvas!!] Jeff: GUINNESS TAP OF DOOM!!! Tim: This could be the turning point here!! [Hawk staggers back to his feet, but Dylan again nails him in the head with the beer tap, causing his opponent to fall back against the ropes!! O’Riley then repeatedly cracks the tap against Hawk’s forehead, finally opening up a wound!! The Hardcore Champion digs the end of his weapon into Connor’s forehead, looking to open him up even more, before taking his bloodied opponent by the arm and whipping him off the ropes. Dylan swings and connects with one more mighty blow to the head, knocking Connor down and out as the crowd goes wild!] Tim: First blood goes to Dylan O’Riley and...what’s he doing now? Jeff: He’s dropped the beer tap, dragging Connor up and...he’s signaling for the Famine Buster!! [Dylan hooks his opponent up, getting set to finish him off, but Connor suddenly fights back, unleashing a volley of back elbows to the side of Dylan’s head, before suddenly grabbing the Beast by the throat, lifting him into the air in one fluid motion and then chokeslamming O’Riley onto his out-stretched knee!!] Tim: ACHROMIC SLAM!! If Connor makes the cover, this match could be over! Jeff: Are you kidding? This match is only just beginning! There’s no way Hawk would go for the cover yet! [Dylan writhes in agony, as Connor rests on all fours for a few seconds before again dragging himself back upright. He staggers over to the corner with the lead pipe once again, and begins to climb to the top turnbuckle just as before! O’Riley only just starts to stir, as Connor takes the pipe and pulls it free from the pole before hopping down and shaking off the cobwebs. Dylan turns over onto his front and starts to pull himself back up again, but before he can do so, Hawk comes from behind and connects with a stiff kick to the back of the head! He then stands over the Hardcore Champion and lifts him up slightly, resting him on his knees as he applies an elevated camel clutch...using the pipe to choke Dylan O’Riley at the same time!] Jeff: Hawk is choking the life out of Dylan for the second time in this match! This guy’s crazy!! Tim: Crazy and dangerous, a combination that doesn’t bode well for Dylan O’Riley! [The ref leans in, asking the Beast if he wants to give up, but Dylan out-right refuses! Angered, Connor releases the pipe-assisted choke, instead throwing Dylan down to the canvas. He then taunts his opponent to get up and fight back, as O’Riley tries in vain to catch his breath. However, Nemesis doesn’t even give him a second to do so, instead dragging the Hardcore Champion back upright and backing him against the ropes. He whips him off them and then swings the lead pipe at Dylan’s head, but somehow, O’Riley ducks underneath the shot, launches himself off the ropes behind Connor Hawk and then connects with a big time spear on the rebound, catching the big man off guard and giving the crowd a new sense of hope!!] Tim: My GOD! That was like two freight trains meeting with a head-on collision!! Jeff: But at least now Dylan’s got a shot of getting back into this match and stopping Hawk from taking the lead in this best of seven series! [Amazingly, it’s Dylan who forces himself back upright first, as Connor struggles to do the same. The Beast suddenly moves with agility usually reserved for cruiserweights as he bounces off the ropes and charges back towards his opponent, jumping up in search of a Lou Thesz press!! They make contact, yet somehow, Hawk uses his wits and ring presence to stagger backwards and then drop Dylan throat-first across the top rope as they fall! Connor gets to his feet as Dylan gasps for air, holding his throat once again! However, instead of following up, Nemesis stands looking on as Dylan begins to lift himself off the canvas, standing patiently as if waiting for something. That something comes as O’Riley is on his knees and Hawk bursts forward, blasting the Hardcore Champ with a brutal kick to the side of the head!! Dylan takes the kick and keels over like he was shot, before Hawk pulls O’Riley upright and throws Dylan’s head under his arm and drapes the Beast’s left arm over his shoulder. Connor grabs Dylan’s left leg and lifts him skyward, before suddenly snapping downward and dropping his opponent with a fisherman’s buster! Nemesis holds and bridges for the pin attempt...] 1... 2... Tim: No! O’Riley out at two and three-quarters! Jeff: I think that’s what Hawk was hoping for anyway... There’s still the mystery box hanging above a corner and I’ll be damned if we don’t see it brought into play during this match! [Indeed, Hawk leaves the Hardcore Champion down and out on the canvas as he then heads over to the corner and starts to climb. Learning his lesson from earlier in the match, Hawk isn’t so casual about scaling the corner as he reaches the top turnbuckle and grabs the box! He pulls it from the pole and then shakes it, trying to hear what’s inside. However, as he does so, Dylan O’Riley somehow battles back to his feet, unseen by his opponent. Curiosity gets the better of Connor Hawk as he grabs the box lid and rips it off before taking a good look at whatever’s inside. A sadistic smirk comes across his face upon seeing the contents of the box...but that’s quickly wiped off his face as O’Riley props himself up underneath his opponent and then uses all of his strength to powerbomb Connor off the corner, sending the box flying over his head and thousands of thumb tacks scattering across the ring!!!] Jeff: Thumb tacks!! The mystery box was full of thumb tacks!! Tim: But that move may have been too little, too late for Dylan O’Riley though! The Hardcore Champion is almost out on his feet! [Indeed, Dylan rests against the ropes, still coughing, as Connor Hawk drags himself back up. The Beast goes to cut his opponent off with a big right hook and connects! He nails Hawk again, and again, and again, backing him closer and closer to the thumb tacks as the crowd cheers in anticipation! Hawk is reeling, just one step away from being knocked back onto the bed of tacks as Dylan rears back and goes for one last punch...only to be caught with a desperation boot to the mid-section!] Jeff: DAMN! I thought for sure someone was going into the tacks then! Tim: You might still get your wish, Jeff! Hawk’s signaling for the Torment’s End! [Hawk wastes little time in scooping the Beast up onto his shoulders in an inverted fireman’s carry! However, before he can toss his opponent off and drop him into a piledriver, O’Riley somehow manages to slide out of Connor’s grip and lands behind the big man, before quickly hooking him up...and connecting with the Famine Buster from out of no-where, SLAMMING Nemesis back onto the tacks, as well as taking a back-full of them himself!] Tim: FAMINE BUSTER!! Jeff: How the hell did he pull that off?! [No-one in the arena is quite sure, as Dylan holds on to make the cover, despite the searing pain running through his back...] 1... 2... 3!!! Tim: And he’s done it! Just like that, from out of no-where Dylan connects with the Famine Buster and again it proves to be the end of a match! Jeff: Yeah, a Famine Buster onto a bunch of fucking tacks though!! That’s just brutal!! [“Who’s The Man” kicks in over the PA once again, as Dylan releases his pin and rolls to the side, inadvertently rolling through more tacks as he slides out under the bottom rope and almost collapses at ringside. Mike Physema follows him out of the ring and lifts Dylan’s arm into the air, as back inside the squared circle, Connor Hawk is in agony as he drags himself off of the tacks...] Tim: And for the first time in this series, the veteran Hardcore Champion Dylan O’Riley takes the lead! Jeff: He just needs to win twice more and this series will be over! But after the way Connor Hawk barely lost out tonight, I think Nemesis is going to be even more determined than ever to finish off the Beast the next time they meet! [Here we are in a crowded and small passageway in the arena, you know the kind.the ones that run behind walls. There are filthy pipes, small rats everywhere you turn. But none the less, we find those crazy KOXs strolling down this small passageway. Jimmy is carrying one of those small red tool boxes that manage to fit everything you could need for a job.] Anderson: I don't know how I let you talk me into this. This is just morally wrong. Jimmy: Scotty, dog... it's a victimless crime! No harm, no foul! [Jimmy stops and digs into the toolbox, he slides a rolled up white paper and unfolds it. Judging by the blue print, basic square boxes and lines running in every direction, it appears to be a blueprint of some sort. Jimmy looks over at the wall and smiles. He sets the paper back down and whips out a drill.] Jimmy: We're here. [Jimmy puts his ear to the wall to hear if there are no voices behind it. When he hears nothing, he declares that the coast is clear. Jimmy then carefully pats the wall to avoid a stud, before drilling a small hole in the wall. The hole is fairly small so hardly anyone would notice it. But the hole is large enough for someone to see through.] Jimmy: Peep this... I got the raw deal. Anderson: I still think this is wrong and we shouldn't be doing it. It's a sin you know. Jimmy: SHHHHH!!! [Jimmy puts away his drill in the tool box and peeps through the hole. He gets excited as ever as Inferna walks into the shower room naked. She turns the faucets and water starts to flow in the pipes and into the shower room. Anderson starts to look up.] Anderson: Forgive us for what we are doing here. Jimmy: SHHH!! Keep it down. [Jimmy is fixated in the hole watching Inferna take a shower. After a while, it becomes too much for Jimmy to watch.] Jimmy: Oh man, this Playboy preview's got me hungrier than a motherfucker. I'm a go grab some nachos. [Jimmy jogs down the passage way and out somewhere leaving Anderson behind. Anderson looks at the hole tempted by 'evil forces' to look through. Anderson shakes his head and closes his eyes.] Anderson: No.'evil forces', I am not going to look through that hole.I am not going to look through that hole. [Anderson then walks closer and closer to the hole. He is desperately trying to fight temptation to commit a sin.] Anderson: Ahhh screw it. I am going to look and see what got Jimmy all hot. [Anderson looks through the hole and immediately is appalled and disgusted by what he sees. It's not Inferna taking a shower.it's STEVE SHARP!! Anderson immediately backs away from the hole in the wall and takes a few steps backwards. Anderson is shocked by what he sees and immediately falls to his knees. He pulls out the crucifix from his neck and begins to pray.] Anderson: Madre de Dios, please tell me Jimmy is not turning gay. [Fade out.] [We see Caleb Sanders standing in the locker room. He is very close to the curtain as he is pacing back and forth waiting for his music to hit and he can make his way out to the ring. Caleb paces back and forth a few times before pausing and looking over into the corner of the room. He pauses for a second and then walks over and grabs a steel chair. He folds it up and walks over to the curtain waiting for his music to hit.] [Fade in on the Sharp’s dressing room, where we find the lovely Inferna polishing her World Title in the mirror… She looks at it, running her fingers seductively over the reflective surface as it hangs slung low on her hips…] Sharp: Careful… You’ll go blind. [The fiery vixen turns to see her handsome husband leaning just inside the doorway to the room, seemingly enjoying the view. He smiles as their eyes meet over her shoulder.] Inferna: Hey, babe… Where’d you run off to? Sharp: Well, I was talking with one of the techies about something, killing time ‘til I could track down Chaz and pester him for a tune up match before my XJPW Title match at King of Violence… Something sprung up, and I got side tracked. [She turns around, and slinks towards him, pressing herself against his muscular frame.] Inferna: Sidetracked, hmm? Sharp: Yeah, you know how it is… You’re minding your own business, and then, well… Bananas. [She leans her head back a bit, a quizzical expression plastered on her beautiful face…] Inferna: “Bananas?” Sharp: …yeah. Yellow fruits. Grow on trees in the tropics. Inferna: Yeah, yeah, I know what they are, but… what about “bananas?” Sharp: You’re asking me? You brought them up. I was just telling you about my day. Inferna: Stephen… Sharp: Yeah? Inferna: What about “bananas?” What aren’t you telling me? You look like Sheridan does when I catch her throwing things at Ese. [Sharp backs away a bit, cocking an eyebrow…] Sharp: Now wait a minute… don’t go trying to turn this around on me! I was just telling you what I was up to, and now you’re asking me all these weird questions… What was up with you and the belt when I came in, huh? You were lookin’ awfully friendly there! Inferna: I missed you… You were gone for an awful long time, you know… Sharp: Barely fifteen minutes, and already you’re shacking up with an inanimate object… this one doesn’t even have batteries!! How easily I’m replaced… Inferna: Not so much “replaced”, as “filling in for you”… Sharp: “Filling in?” Oh really now… You need some filling in? [She smiles, and lays a feathery kiss on his neck as her leg slides up to his hip, and she seems ready to climb right up him where he stands…] Sharp: Whoa, whoa, whoa… Business before pleasure, doll… I still gotta set up that match. Can I get a rain check for about ten minutes from now? [Reluctantly, she drops down off of her man, pouting melodramatically.] Inferna: Hmph… When YOU were champion, I never denied you. Sharp: Who’s denying? I just gotta remind folks I’m still here… You might wanna do the same thing!! [She waes him off, going back to the mirror and the belt…] Sharp: That’s what I thought… You can keep yourself entertained while I’m away. Inferna: So long as you don’t run into any more “bananas”… Sharp: You and your bananas… Drop it, will ya? Bananas… sheesh… [The camera goes to the hallway, picking up as Sharp steps out, chuckling a bit and closing the door. He rounds a corner to see Ryan Fuller, enjoying the aforementioned phallic fruit that has gained so much notoriety this evening… Sharp releases a startled shriek, then slaps Fuller, breaking the banana and knocking the chunk in his mouth out…] Sharp: Jesus, even the guys!! Why am I so sexy?!? [And with that, the Certified Icon makes his way off hurriedly, shaking off the disgust, and leaving a bewildered Fuller to look back and forth, then throw the last bit of banana on the floor before storming off himself.] Padre, Matt Logan, Karma, Karl Taylor vs. Ian, Caleb Sanders, Remi Bonneau, GM Kellogg Tim: Well...that was interesting. Jeff: Always knew that Fuller was a fruity one, but I never knew he could do that sort of thing to a banana! Tim: He was just eating it for God's sake! What is WITH you and Steve? Gah, well in any event, it's time for the main event! This will be an 8 ma--excuse me, 7 man, 1 woman battle royal in the first round of our King of Violence tournament! Jeff: Stairwell To Hell, two teams, one ring! This is gonna rock the casba, Timmy boy! [The lights go out in the arena and "Down With the Sickness" by Disturbed begins to fill the PA system.] # Can You Fell That
[The song begins to pick up and a strobe light fills the arena as Caleb Sanders comes through the curtain. The crowd musters up a moderate pop for the new HWF star, and the pop gets louder as coming through the curtain behind him are his teamates in Ian, GM Kellog and Remi Bonneau. He runs to the right of the stage and throws his arms in the air showing everyone in the audience the steel chair to a slight response, as Ian and Remi make their way down to the ring discussing match tactics. GM Kellog opts to strut down to the ring, playing to the fans who seem relatively excited at this...new face. Sanders then runs to the other side and looks throughout the arena before making his way down the aisle after his team mates. Once down to the ring Caleb walks around to the apron before throwing the chair in and rolling into the ring, Ian and Remi sliding in and Kellog pulling himself up onto the apron and entering through the ropes. Once in the ring Sanders walks up to a ring posts, climbs to the second rope, and puts his arms high in the air as he gets a small pop from the crowd. GM Kellogg runs to the ropes and hops onto them, playing to the crowd as Ian and Remi simply raise their fists into the air. Sanders gets down from the rope the same time as Kellog, and picks the chair up before walking into the corner of the ring.] Tim: Sanders and his team now in the ring, awaiting their opponents and the start of the match... [The lights go out and red-strobes start to flicker with "Clubfoot" blaring on the PA. Matt steps out from behind the curtain and the lights come on, standing alongside Karma, Padre and Taylor. He throws the North American title over his shoulder and strolls down to the ring, Karma making her way down next to him with an icy glare in her eyes towards the men in the ring. Padre and Taylor follow behind, Padre warming up as Taylor simply stares into the ring, a slight smirk on his face. Matt walks around the ring and hands his belt to the time-keeper before climbing onto the ring apron and then the top rope. Karma slides into the ring as Padre climbs the steps and Taylor pulls himself up onto the apron as well. Matt stands tall before leaping back with a backflip and lands on his feet in the ring, as Karma stands and Padre gets in, Taylor cracking his neck a little before stepping between the ropes and entering the ring as well.] Jeff: And there's the Matt and his team! This match is going to be intense! Tim: I'll say, I-- Jeff: Just look at GM Kellog! He's about ready to ram some cereal down someone's throat! [The bell rings as the two teams circle the ring, eyes glancing everywhere. No one makes a move right away, and because of this Karma gets fed up and charges forward, spearing Remi to the mat! The Yamachtia is quick to grab for Remi's arm, attempting to twist it as the fans erupt into cheers, both teams now charging headlong for each other! Ian pulls Karma off his partner, only to have his legs taken out from under him by Logan! Off to the side, GM Kellog is beating the piss out of Padre and backing him dangerously close to the ropes. Sanders kicks Taylor's stomach, hitting a few quick clubbing forarms to his back and taking him down to the mat, slapping on a quick anklelock shortly thereafter!] Tim: Karma with a spear, and Ian pulls them apart as an all-out war ensues in the ring! Down goes Ian! Kellog's punching away at Padre, and now Sanders slaps on an anklelock! Jeff: They're like rabid dogs in there! I think I see foam in Karma's mouth! Or is that...? Tim: JEFF! [GM Kellog hits several quick knees to the gut of Padre, pushing him against the ropes and attempting to get him over! Padre struggles, doing his best to fight him off, but Kellog hits yet another knee--this time to the groin! Padre's eyes cross as he goes limp just enough for Kellog to push him onto the top rope, and send him toppling over to the outside!] Tim: And Padre is the first to be eliminated! GM Kellog making short work of him, and--whoah! Remi knocks into him, and over he goes! [Kellog briefly celebrates, only to have his own partner Remi get shoved into him by Karma! Kellog topples over the ropes but holds on, as Karma starts hitting clubbing forearms to the face of Remi, staying on her toes and dodging any attempted strikes from Remi, doing her best to be a step ahead of him. Remi finally shoots his arm out in a blind attempt to push Karma back and regain himself, but Karma moves out of the way and grabs his arm, tucking it under her own and sending a boot into his gut! She hops into the air and wraps her legs around Remi, letting go of his arm and falling to the side, sending Remi flying with a standing headscissors!] Jeff: Karma's on fire in there! Remi just got sent flying! [Ian's back up by now and quickly locks up with Logan, who applies a wristlock. Ian rolls foreward and nips up before applying a wristlock of his own. Matt rolls foreward but Ian quickly reapplies the wristlock. Matt rolls foreward again and runs towards the ropes. He hops on the middle rope and springboards off with a quebrada; landing on his feet. Matt reapplies his wristlock on Ian who rolls foreward, runs towards the ropes, hops on the top rope with a split-legged moonsault and lands on his feet before applying a headlock and taking him down. Matt quickly hooks in a head scissors to break the hold. Ian breaks the hold and they scramble to their feet in a stalemate.] Tim: Neither Ian nor Matt can seem to get the upper hand over the other! Jeff: But Sanders sure as hell is getting the upper hand on Taylor! He's bitching him around the ring like nothing! [Sanders keeps laying in the assault on Taylor, backing him towards a corner of the ring and pressing him into it, before pulling him out and sending him running with an irish whip! Sanders charges in for Taylor, who uses the ropes for support and lifts himself up and over Sanders, pushing away and landing on his feet behind him! Sanders stops himself in the corner and turns, catching Taylor's attempted back kick. Sanders yanks Taylor's leg towards him, forcing Taylor off balance and causing him to the fall to the mat! Sanders tucks Taylor's leg under his arm and reaches down, quickly lifting up Taylor's other leg before he can fight back and setting Taylor up in a wheelbarrow position. Sanders yanks Taylor up off the mat, struggling a little but managing to land in a sitout position, hitting a sitout facebuster on Taylor!] Tim: Wheelbarrow facebuster, and now Kellog is re-entering the ring! Jeff: He was never eliminated, that's right! And--whoah, where the hell is he going? Tim: Kellog's going for the ladder, Jeff! We may finally see the aspects of this match utilized soon enough! [GM Kellog rolls into the ring, only to roll right back out! Unable to be eliminated by exiting under the bottom rope, Kellog happily makes his way around the ring and over to the ladder laying on the outside. He lifts it up and looks up to the singapore cane above the ring, nodding his head a little and lifting the ladder up above his head, calling out to the fans...] Tim: Remi's in trouble, Kellog had better watch out! [Back in the ring, Karma's got Remi in a bad spot on the top rope, looking to set him up for a superplex...but Remi fights back! He manages to break free of Karma's hold, the both of them standing on the top rope quickly losing balance as they duke it out through it all! Just as Remi gets a good shot in on Karma though and sends her falling back...she pushes her leg out and kicks him in the knee! Remi instantly loses balance, falling to the side to the outside of the ring and crashing on top of GM Kellog, sending the ladder clattering to the side as Karma hits the mat on her back in the ring!] Tim: Karma falls off the top, but manages to land a kick into Remi that sends him flying to the outside, and...OH! Jeff: Oh noes! He landed on Kellog! Tim: There goes the ladder! [Ducking a shot from Logan, Ian whips Logan to the ropes, Logan rebounds and baseball slides between his legs and takes him down with a single-leg trip before scissoring his legs and locking in an STF. Just a few feet away from the two, Sanders has pulled Taylor back up to his feet, only to be shoved back and promptly NAILED under the chin with a quick superkick! Sanders tumbles back towards the ropes, rebounding off of them and falling towards Taylor, who takes him down with a clothesline! Falling with Sanders, Taylor then quickly gets him in a side headlock and starts punching away at the top of Sanders' head!] Tim: Taylor now has the advantage over Sanders, and Logan has an advantage over Ian! Looks like Logan's team is gaining momentum! Jeff: And now Karma's going to the outside after Kellog! [Karma ducks to the mat and rolls out of the ring, making her way over to the downed GM Kellog and the ladder. She lifts the ladder and promptly slides it long-ways into the ring, before lifting Kellog up to his feet and making her way over to the end of the ladder still sticking out of the ring with him, SMASHING him face first into it! Kellog falls back clutching at his face in pain as Karma picks him up once again, rolling him into the ring. She slides in after and pulls the ladder in the rest of the way, standing up with it and leaning it into the corner...] Tim: Oof, WHAT a shot to the face by Karma! She's slid Kellog into the ring along with the ladder now...she's setting it up in the corner, lord knows what she has planned here... Jeff: Whatever it is, it won't be good for Kellog! Tim: Right you are Jeff, and right next to them, Ian is trying to fight out of Matthew's STF! [Ian struggles in the hold, doing his best to try and get to the ropes as Matthew continues to work the move the best he can, making sure Ian hardly makes any leeway in it! Just as the pain starts to get to be too much, however...Taylor comes crashing into the two, inadvertantly breaking the hold up as Sanders shoves him off! Sanders scrambles to his feet as Logan and Taylor both struggle away from each other in shock, Ian left crawling to get out of the way. Sanders motions for Taylor and Logan to bring it on, respectively, and that they do. Taylor comes charging in first, getting dropped with a drop toehold as Logan steps in as well, only to have Sanders reach out and grab his ankle, pulling it out from under him!] Tim: My word, Sanders just shoved Taylor into the both of them! Sanders now standing as Logan and Taylor struggle their way back up... Jeff: Ha! Ian's trying to make his escape! Tim: Not only that, Sanders is literally challenging both Taylor and Logan to take him on! [Karma grabs GM Kellog and shoves him back against the ladder, before backing up a little and charging in for an avalanche! Kellog falls out of the way just in time however, and Karma quickly manages to plant her feet firmly on a rung and grab the edges of the ladder for balance, the fans erupting into cheers! Karma balances herself and grabs ahold of the rungs, climbing the ladder quickly and getting a third of the way up, not wanting the ladder to tip from it's slanted position. She turns on the ladder and looks out at the celebrating GM Kellog, a smirk on her face. Kellog turns, expecting to see her down on the mat...only to look up and see her on the ladder! It's at this instant that she leaps off, catching Kellog completely off guard and hitting a missile dropkick off the ladder INTO HIS FACE!] Tim: Karma setting Kellog up for an avalanche--NO! Kellog moves out of the way! Jeff: But Karma catches herself! She's climbing the ladder...oh shit, Kellog's about to have his face rearranged! Tim: MY GOD! Dropkick off the ladder to the face, Karma could have very well broken Kellog's nose there! He's dropped to the mat and is thrashing about like a damn fish out of water! [Kellog falls like a ton of bricks, rolling away and clutching at his face, shouting in pain as blood begins to trickle through his fingers, his nose obviously taking the brunt of impact from the move as Karma hits the mat and rolls to a knee, looking out around the ring.] Jeff: I think she broke his nose there, Timbo! And now Karma's just looking around like nothing even happened! Tim: And now Sanders is holding his own against Logan and Taylor! He'd better be careful though, Karma could turn this into a three on one at any moment! [Sanders reaches his feet about the same time as Taylor, who turns right into a boot to the gut! He doubles over and Sanders quickly locks in a 3/4 Neckbreaker, dropping Taylor with his newest move--'The Sand Blaster'! Taylor rolls away in pain as Sanders stands, looking over to the rising Logan and stepping forward, catching him unaware with a shot to the back of the head, dazing him, before pulling him up the rest of the way. Sanders doubles Logan over with a boot to the gut before applying a standing head scissors. Caleb attempts to lift Logan up for a piledriver but Matt resists. Matt attempts to lift Caleb up for an Air Raid Crash but Caleb stops it with a forearm to the back. Caleb lands on his feet as Matt drops him. Caleb swings with a haymaker and Matt catches his arm in a standing armbar. Matt pulls Caleb's head down into a front facelock. Matt swings into an inverted facelock and lets go before locking in a gutwrench and rolls foreward into a sunset flip.] Tim: Remember folks, pinfalls count just as much as over-the-top eliminations do! [One...] [Two..KICKOUT!] Jeff: Yeah, they just don't work as well! [Matt and Caleb roll away from each other, standing and squaring off once again! Ian's made his way back up and looks to go and help out Caleb, but just as he takes a step forward he's cut off by an oncoming Karma, who absolutely FLOORS him with a headbutt to the face! Ian drops and grabs at his face in pain as Karma holds her own head, dazed a little but nevertheless able to shake it off much faster then Ian can. She pulls him up to his face and shoves him back, dropping him to one knee with a quick kick to his other knee! She backs up to give herself just enough room, before running forward and stepping up onto Ian's knee, pushing off and twirling in midair, sending the same foot she used to step off his knee with flying right into his face, hitting the 'Ayzahen Phenomore'!] Tim: Ian is OUT! Karma nailed the Ayzahen Phenomore dead on the mark! Jeff: And now Caleb's looking to fight back against Logan...but no! Logan ain't letting it happen! [Caleb whips Logan into the corner and goes to follow up with a clothesline but Matt ducks under with a half-nelson into a reverse facelock. Matt swings Caleb into a 3/4 facelock before running up the corner with a wall flip and dropping him with a layout reverse DDT.] Tim: What athleticism by Matthew Logan! Caleb Sanders is DOWN! Jeff: And in a matter of seconds, Ian's going to be OUT! [Karma lifts the limp and unconcious Ian up, dragging him towards the ropes and unceremoniously dumping him over the top to the outside, eliminating him! Across the ring, GM Kellog has finally reached his feet once again, staggering a little and holding at his nose in pain. He turns to look over at the slowly rising Taylor, seeing an opportunity for a quick elimination as he slings the blood off his fingers, ignoring the additional blood coming from his nose and waiting for Taylor to stand up fully. Kellog quickly runs in, looking to shove Taylor over...but Taylor drops and grabs the ropes, sending Kellog tumbling to the outside!] Tim: Karma tosses Ian over the top, and GM Kellog is back up to his feet...uh oh! Taylor had better watch out! Jeff: He runs in and--OOOOOH! Well that plan flopped faster then about half of my pick-up lines... Tim: Taylor eliminates Kellog! Caleb Sanders is left along in the ring to take on three people! [Sanders fights his way back up, struggling through the pain to shove Logan out of his way. He takes a quick look around the ring and realizes that he's out-numbered 3 to 1, his eyes widening at the concept. Karma ccomes running in and Sanders throws himself at her, spearing her to the mat! Not wasting time, Sanders stands and catches the oncoming Matthew Logan, pulling him up and flipping him over with a beautiful powerslam reversal! The fans begin to rally behind the underdog Sanders, who then catches the oncoming Taylor with a tiltawhirl backbreaker!] Tim: My God, he's doing it! He's actually doing it, Sanders is gaining the upperhand!! Jeff: God knows how long the guy can keep it up though, it's a friggin' three on one in there! Tim: He's not stopping, Jeff! Down goes Karma again! [Sanders sees Karma standing out of the corner of his eye and throws out a superkick, flooring her back down to the mat and then spinning around on the same foot, clocking the rising Logan in the side of the head and sending him staggering. Sanders lowers his leg and lunges forward, sending Logan flipping with a brutal clothesline! Taylor's slowly made his way up as Sanders lets out a primal scream to the fans, adrenaline pumping as he grabs Taylor by his hair and SMASHES his forehead into Taylor's face! Taylor staggers back into the ropes, yelling out in pain and clutching at his nose...and gets clothesline over the top by Sanders!] Tim: And Taylor is eliminated! Sanders is a house on fire in that ring, he could very well pull this off despite impossible odds! [Not wasting any time, Sanders drops the rising Karma with a punch, and then does the same to Logan! The fans continue to rally behind him, but the numbers game quickly comes into play as both Karma and Logan stand at the same time. Logan is floored first, only to have Karma take Sanders down from behind with a bulldog, dropping him hard! However, the adrenaline rush proves beneficial for Sanders, who simply stands right back up, running for Karma! Just when it looks like Karma's about to be taken out however, Logan is right back up and spears Sanders from the side, taking him down!] Tim: Oof, down goes Sanders once again! The numbers are proving to be too much for him now... Jeff: I dunno man, the crazy sonofabitch is fighting back up again! Tim: You're right! And...wait, where is Karma going? [Karma makes her way over to the ladder in the corner, pulling it to the center of the ring and setting it up. As she climbs, Logan begins punching away at Sanders, trying to daze him enough to subdue him...but Sanders simply shoves him away! Both men scramble to their feet and begin brawling, backing each other around the ring while dead center in the ring, Karma reaches the top of the ladder and grabs the singapore cane, pulling it down and making her way down the ladder...] Tim: Karma has that singapore cane, and Logan desperately needs help taking the crazed Caleb Sanders out! Jeff: The guy's gone mental! [Sanders takes Logan down with a quick clothesline, only to have Logan pop right back up. Sanders goes for another one, but Logan ducks under and slaps on a reverse waistlock. Before he can lift him, however, Sanders lands a few back elbows to the face, sending Logan staggering back. Sanders turns to take Logan down, only to feel the stinging shot of the singapore cane cracking against his back! The fans 'OOOOOOOOOH' at the shot, as Sanders staggers forward a little and turns, gritting his teeth in pain...only to catch yet another shot to the throat! His eyes widen as he starts coughing, backing up and clutching at his throat in pain...] Tim: WHAT a shot to the back! Sanders just had his momentum stopped dead, and now Karma... Jeff: HOLY SHIT!!! Tim: MY GOD, A SHOT TO THE THROAT WITH THE SINGAPORE CANE! Jeff: Oh he is DONE! [Logan sees Sanders stumbling back and drops to the mat, pulling the top rope down as Karma stepps forward and winds up, landing a SOLID shot to the chest and sending Sanders stumbling back further, and right over the top rope! The bell rings as “To Kill A Priest” by The Mayan Factor kicks up over the PA system, the fans in attendance bursting into cheers as Logan stands and smirks, nodding towards his last remaining partner. The two lock eyes for a brief moment before going over to seperate corners of the ring, climbing up them and lifting their arms up to the fans.] Tim: They've done it! Despite the brief comeback by Caleb Sanders, Matthew Logan and Karma have survived the match, and continue onward in the King of Violence tournament! Jeff: And if Karma keeps up the fight like that, she could very well be our first QUEEN of Violence! Tim: Undoubtedly! Yet the same goes for Logan, he could just as easily continue his winning streak and go on to win King of Violence too! Right now, it's anyone's game! Jeff: No shit! This tournament's shaping up to be one of the best that we've had, and it's only one round in! [The cameras remain on the two celebrating in the ring, as on the outside Sanders looks on absolutely shocked as his loss, before we...] [Fade to copyrights.] ©1998-2005 HWF / Hardcore Productions. All rights reserved. |