[Darkness...] [A metalic creak as an industrialized metalic HWF symbol rotates slowly into view in a slight bit of light...] #Reach out and touch faith... [Marilyn Manson's cover of Depsche Mode's classic "Personal Jesus" errupts as scenes of classic HWF matches and personalities come into view... Turning to face the camera, lit by a pale blue light in the darkness...] #Your own... [Sharp...] #personal... [Fuller...] #Jesus... [Trey...] #Reach out and touch faith! [O'Riley...] #Faith!! [Pericolo, Jett, Cross, Logan...] #Someone who's there, someone who cares... [Newcomers Hawava, Azure, Reed...] #Pick up the receiver, I'll make you a believer... [Fischer, Tyrell, Champion, Collins... Chair shots, body locks, suplexes... Champions and contenders flash on the screen... And then the fireworks go off as we find ourselves in the jam packed American Airlines Arena!!!] Tim: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and WELCOME to HWF's MONDAY NIGHT SUIDCIDE!!! I'm your host, Tim Miller, and with me as always is Jeff… Jeff: “In the interest of servicing my wiener, I sought the services of a professional pipe cleaner… In Atlanta I found one, but I was struck dumb: if her face was a bulldog, it couldn’t be meaner!!” [The crowd cheers for a moment, but then realizes they’ve been insulted… and keeps cheering anyway, because people from Georgia are stupid.] Jeff: …ROBINSON! Tim: And we’ve got a GREAT show lined up for you tonight!! In our MAIN Event, we’ll see North American Champion Dylan O’Riley in a non-title altercation with the dastardly Scott Anderson!!! Jeff: There’ll also be a SUPER cool four man CHAIRSHOT SURVIVAL match!! Pericoli Snickets Series of Unfortunate Events vs. Matt Logan vs. Ian vs. EDDIE!!! EDDIE!!! Tim: We’ll also see Paul Duffy in action against Remi Bonneau, and a new tag team taking on a few more newcomers… But what I’m really anxious to see is the OFFICIAL decision on WHO WON the main event at the Supercard!! Jeff: SILKY!! I mean, EDDIE!!! Tim: THEY BOTH GOT PINNED, Jeff… Jeff: Yeah, because of their damn slacker team mates… Tim: Inferna pinned Champion, and Tyrell pinned Sharp!! Jeff: Nonsense… Tim: STAY TUNED, folks!!! [The show cuts backstage where we find Jason Roberts standing by with Jon Fuller. Roberts looks as prepped as ever, albeit slightly missing his cue, where as Mr. Jon-Tastic looks to be far removed from the situation at hand...] Jason Roberts: Jon, it was two weeks ago that you made Scott Anderson an offer... Give you a singles match, and in return, you’ll give him a three-on-two handicap situation for his personal pleasure. Well, last week at the HWF’s fourth Supercard show, that handicap match went down but not without a cost... [Jon puts up his hand, cutting Jason off before he can get any further. With head lowered, he then runs his other hand down and rubs his face as he struggles to find the words. Finally...] Jon Fuller: Please, Jason... There’s no need to say it. Everyone knows by now what went down, the consequences of my offer. Daniel Marshall is on the injured list right now, and yeah... It’s my fault he’s there. [Jon pauses again, shaking his head.] Jon Fuller: But believe me Jason... In fact, I want all of you Fuller Fans to believe me too... I didn’t mean for Daniel to get hurt. I didn’t mean to put him in a position where something like that could happen, and I certainly didn’t mean for him to miss at least two months of action due to that out-right disgusting attack at the hands of Anderson and goons. [The sadness in his eyes is now replaced with anger...] Jon Fuller: But it DID happen, and there is absolutely nothing that I can do now to change it. Now, I’ve got a good idea as to what Anderson thought he was doing with that assault... I’d bet anything that he was trying to play more of his sick little games. Trying to show me what would happen when we finally step in the ring together. Probably trying to cause a little more havoc in my head, ‘cos God only knows how fucked up I’ve been these past four months or so, and I don’t need a quack to tell me that! But, what Scotty fails to realize is, I’m not like all those stereotype nutjobs who’ve been pushed over the brink... On the contrary, I’m quite a sane man with just one goal on his mind. And that goal has only been strengthened after seeing what Anderson did to one of my best friends in all the world, so if he thinks he’s taken another step to breaking me down, you can bet your ass that Anderson is WRONG!! [The crowd can be heard cheering from ringside, as the fire continues to burn behind Jon’s eyes.] Jon Fuller: And it’s with great relief that I can now reveal the date has been set. Scott Anderson’s last stand in the HWF. It’s now been confirmed. Y’see Jason, on December ***, at the final Pay Per View of the year, Eve; I’m going to get my one-on-one match with Scott Anderson and, unlike before, there is going to be nothing to save him this time. Nothing to stop me from getting my revenge for all he’s done to the HWF over the past year, all he’s done to my friends and family, and all that he’s done to ME. [The camera focuses on Fuller’s face...His eyes...] Jon Fuller: They say payback is a bitch, Scott, but they’re wrong... On this occasion, payback will simply be... Jon-Tastic. And trust me when I say that’s a whole lot worse! [With that, Fuller turns and walks off screen as the camera pans back out and the scene fades out...] [The camera now goes deep inside Dylan "The Beast" O'Riley's locker room. This time around we find Dylan standing in front of a full length mirror as he stares at himself while applying the last few strands of tape to his already heavily tapped fists.] Dylan: My mother always told me that if I didn't have anything nice to say about somebody, don't say anything at all. But I'm sure that even my mother would agree that Scott Anderson is the exception to the rule. [Dylan backs away from the mirror, and glances over toward what appears to be a trunk full of usefull hardcore items that very well may come into play during his match against Anderson.] Dylan: See Scott...tonight's the night I get my long over due revenge on your sorry ass. Belive me..I never forgot the fact that you fired me at the start of the year. And before I go any further, I want to appoligize to Jon Fuller. Jon...I'm real sorry that tonight I'm going to hurt Anderson so damn bad that there won't be anything left of him for you to deal with. I know you had your mind set on taking him outside yourself. But I'm just playing the cards that were dealt to me tonight. I can't look a gift horse in the mouth. So if I ruined any of your plans Jon...I'm truely sorry!! [Dylan lets out a sly giggle as he continues to stare at the trunk.] Dylan: Tonight Scott..I can pretty much do anything I damn well please to your sorry ass and get away with it. There will be no mercy for the weak. I'm here to hurt you, and hurt you I shall. See you shortly Scott. [The HWF cameras go backstage where new tag team, Team Crow sits in their locker room seemingly pysched about their match tonight against Machtan Aomori and Thatcher Hart. Jack is dressed in his ring attire and seems very energetic while Padre is still lacing his boots and seems anxious about their upcoming match.] Jack: Are you ready Padre? Padre: I've been ready. Jack: Tonight is the night we begin our legacy Padre so you better not be lying. Padre: Oh, I'm not I'm ready to do this, I'm ready to go out there and win and that is just the way things will be. Jack: Good, stay confident because they could be good. Padre: Why are you trying to be my coach? [Jack stops to think a minute with a humorous expression on his face and then replies.] Jack: Honestly I don't know, maybe because you always mess things up for me. Padre: Yea well, you do the same for me. Jack: True, let's go do this I guess. [Jack and Padre leave the locker room closing the door behind them as we fade to commercials.] Team Crow vs. Aomori Machtan & Thatcher Hart Tim: And up next, our tag match! Both teams must be very excited about this one! ["Stinkfist" By Tool hits the speakers as the crowd cheers for the team of Team Crow. Padre and Jack make their way to the ring and slide in, standing up and raising their arms to a fairly decent pop.] Jeff: ...yeah, real enthusiasm in that entrance. Tim: Uhm...well I...I'm sure Machtan is excited! ["Megalomaniac" By Incubis hits as Machtan steps out onto the rampway, standing there and waiting for his partner.] Jeff: You were saying? Tim: THATCHER! THATCHER HAS A GREAT, EXCITING, WONDEROUS ENTRANCE PREPARED FOR US TONIGHT! [No music, no special lighting, nothing. Thatcher simply walks out and pats Machtan on the shoulder, the two of them walking to the ring.] Jeff: Bahahaha. Tim: Jesus Christ, the LEAST they could have done was maybe write out something flashy for our staff to work with! Thatcher doesn't even have music, it's like he's one of those jobbers from the olden days! Jeff: Or an unlockable legend on a wrestling game. Atleast he doesn't come down in a floating mini-ring though. Tim: Pardon? Jeff: Nothin', and there's the bell! [Thatcher slides into the ring and is instantly met with an elbow drop from Jack! Machtan enters as well just as Padre lifts up Thatcher, chopping him across the FACE!] Jeff: Holy fuck! He just got PIMP SMACKED LIKE A LITTLE BITCH! [Thatcher stumbles away, holding his nose in pain! Padre grins and turns to Jack, only to see Aomori landing a few hard punches to the head, dropping his partner to the mat! Padre goes over and is met with a generic big boot from Aomori, knocking him to the mat as well!] Tim: ...they're wrestling genericly? Whatever happened to movesets? Jeff: Silly Tim! They don't HAVE movesets! [The ref manages to get some control of the match, helping Thatcher over to his corner as he complains about his nose, while Padre crawls over to his corner as Jack and Aomori begin duking it out once again. Machtan catches Jack's punch however and twists him by the wrist, pulling him in and butting heads with him! There's a comical moment as both wrestlers stumble away from each other, shaking their heads in pain, before Aomori turns around and just FLATTENS Jack with a clothesline!] Tim: Oh come on...PLEASE. First no pyrotechnics or fancy entrances, and now no fancy moves?! I can't call this! I'll sound like a fat, confused and lonely BBQ loving man from Oklahoma! Jeff: As if you all ready don't, WAIT! ELBOW TO THE GUT FROM JACK! Tim: What's so exciting about an elbow?! Jeff: I don't know, I just was trying to shut you up. [Aomori stumbles away, holding at his gut as Jack pounces for him, tackling him to the mat and pummeling away! The two roll for a few moments, punching away at each other before the ref physically steps in to break them up. They make their way to their feet as the ref holds them back for a moment before stepping away...and Jack wastes no time!] [KICK!] [WHAM!] [SNAKEDOG STUNNER!!!!!!!!] Jeff: YES! FUCK YES! SNAKEDOG STUNNER! HOSSFUCKMYASSBBQSAUCEOHMYGODSTOPTHEMATCH! Tim: That was...interesting... [Jack dives in for the tag, bringing in Padre who walks over to the convulsing Aomori, lifting him up and whipping him across the ring. Aomori bounces off the ropes and Padre charges, going for a flattening clothesline...but Aomori rolls under! Prepared to fall with Aomori in the move, Padre tries to catch himself from falling flat on his face and stumbles towards the ropes, falling through the middle ropes and catching his leg between the ropes! Aomori takes this time to his advantage, tagging in Thatcher, who enthusaistically comes in to get revenge for his nose!] Tim: And Thatcher looks PISSED about his poor nose! Jeff: I would be too, look at how huge that thing is! I mean damn, I've seen some ugly noses but THAT... Tim: I was talking about when Padre chopped him in the face earlier! Jeff: Oh yeah! Even so though, you have to admit...that's one fucked up schnoz. That's like, the nose from swamp thing. [Thatcher backs up a little and charges across the ring, dropping down and going for a baseball slide to Padre's head! But Padre lifts himself to get untangled from the ropes, and Thatcher instead slides RIGHT out of the ring under him! Tatcher grabs the ropes to keep him from going too far out of the ring, and tries to pull himself up on the apron as Padre wildly flails his arm about, randomly smacking Thatcher in the face.] Tim: I think Padre's confused. Jeff: I'm confused just watching this match, he has no reason to be ashamed. [From all the flailing Padre finally manages to slip free, falling on top of Thatcher as the both of them flop out of the ring. Padre struggles back up to his feet, using Thatcher as a step to get onto the apron again. Thatcher weakly lifts his hand up and grabs the apron as Padre slides in. Aomori shouts words of encouragement to Thatcher, who seems to hulk up and force himself up and into the ring!] Tim: Oh no... [Thatcher stands and Padre punches him square across the face, but Thatcher's eyes bug out of their head! ANOTHER punch, and he starts convulsing! Padre backs away, confused, and goes for a kick to the gut..Thatcher starts running around the ring! Padre swings another punch and Thatcher turns, pointing at Padre, who quickly tags out to Jack and dives out of the ring! Thatcher looks on, confused all of the sudden from the breaking of the pattern as Jack charges in and takes his head off with a clothesline!] Jeff: Well, that was short-lived. [Thatcher bounces back up and ducks another clothesline, diving for Aomori and tagging him in! Jack charges for Aomori, only to be met with a boot to the gut! Aomori, intent on finishing the match all ready, sets him up in a standing headscissors and lifts his lower body up, hooking his legs around Jack's arms and dropping forward with the 'Thy Kreuz'! He rolls through with the move, turning it into a pin as the ref makes the count..] [ONE...TWO...THREE!] [The bell rings as "Megalomaniac" hits the speakers and Aomori stands, celebrating the win!] Tim: Well, THAT was an interesting match... [Thatcher stands as the two celebrate together and Team Crow recoups on the opposite side of the ring. Quickly, however, we fade out to commercials.] [The camera now catches a shot of Dylan standing directly in front of Jon Fullers locker room. He's completely dressed in his wrestling gear, with his NA title wrapped firming around his waist. He knocks a few times on the door until he finally hears a voice from the inside holler out to come on' in. Dylan turns the door knob as instructed and enters.] Dylan: Thanks for seeing me Jon. Fuller: Dylan! Now problem man...What can I do for you? Dylan: It's not what you can do for me, it's what I'm going to do for you. Fuller: I'm not following you. Dylan: First off...Let me just say I'm sorry. Fuller: Sorry for what? Dylan: Sorry that I'm the one who gets to beat the living shit out of Anderson tonight and not you. What he did to Marshall last week was wrong, you should be in this match tonight seeking out revenge on his ass...not me. Fuller: But it is you tonight. So there's no need to apologize. You do what you got to do in the ring tonight. Me and Anderson will tango soon enough. And if you have to put his ass out of commission for a short period of time...so be it. I just want to see his ass suffer for what he did. I feel personally responsible for what happened to Daniel. I should never have put him in such a position. Dylan: Don't think that way Jon. You know Anderson is a scum bag who would've did something like that no matter what. Believe me bro...he's going to pay for it. Fuller: Thanks man! [The two part ways, both smiling. The camera stays focused on them for a moment before we switch elsewhere in the arena!] [Fading into the backstage area, we find our scene beginning in the gym. Dominic Pericolo is training once again, as per the norm for many Suicide viewers. He strikes at the punching bag before him with as much force as he can, before catching it as it swings back and sighing, chuckling a little.] Dominic: Despite the odd welcome, I must say it's good to be back...tonight's going to be great. [And then...the gym door opened. Chris Champion entered the gym, standing in the doorframe. He sees Dom and walks over, stopping next to him.] Chris Champion: Dom? I was hoping to catch you around before this match tonight. You know, I really think your words last week helped me. Hell, you even visited Georgina and that's something I would have never expected from anyone on the HWF roster. Collins hasn't bothered - and i used to consider him my best friend around here. Maybe times have changed. [Chris shrugs his shoulders a little, digging his feet into the ground and continues...] Chris: That's why I'm really pissed that I've got to face you again tonight. It's hard enough having to cope with all this shit without having to wrestle... a friend. And I know that we're not supposed to show loyalties or hold allies in the locker room - but sometimes it's unavoidable. You're the only person that's cared enough to check up her, man. That means a lot. [Dominic turns from the punching bag, looking over at Chris and smiling a little, nodding his head.] Dominic: Hey...it's what a friend does. I know I didn't have to, Chris, and I probably could have even trained for the HWF during the time I spent checking on you. But the fact of the matter is you're a good friend Chris, and I wasn't going to sit around and let you bear all of this alone. God knows when I went through the same I needed all the help I could get. I'm here for you, Chris, I'm here for the both of you. [Dominic crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back slightly against the punching bag.] Dominic: As far as tonight is concerned, I know it's going to be rough. I know it's going to be something neither of us would like to have to do. But...if it's down to just you and me, Chris, I'm not going to follow the stipulations. I'd rather wrestle you in a clean match then take you out with a steel chair. I'm sure Logan's going to be up to no good, and I can't be sure about Ian after his whole little 'Mystery Man' stint, but tonight I've got your back Chris. If you need help out there, I'll be there to cut either of them off. Chris: Thanks. Last week was a fucking nightmare, you know? Tyrell managed to get the best of me yet again, but I don't really care about that anymore. [Champion's head drops as he sighs deeply. He rumages around in his pocket aimlessly for a few seconds before continuing...] Chris: I've been through some of the worst days of my life recently. I mean, fuck. I can't eat, sleep or even function as a human. It sounds really cliché too - but it's the truth. I used to think people just said they couldn't do those things when something affected them in a big way. I guess I was wrong. Either way, I'm headed into a showdown with Sharp at Eve, knowing that I'm not going to be at my best. What's more is that, tonight, I go into a stupid chairshot match unprepared and unfocused... that in itself is potential career suicide. Dominic: And I'll be there to help you out, Chris. Look, a guy like Logan is not a guy to fear your career over. I learned a long time ago that Logan's bark is greater then his bite, he's a challenge in the ring but nothing to worry a career over. Sharp, however...Sharp is, but not for you. Listen Champ...Georgina WILL be fine. And I know you can beat Sharp, I KNOW you can take him out Chris. There's some things that are inevitable, and Sharp can't hold that title forever. He won't be that undefeated champion he hopes to be, and I honestly believe that you can hold your end of the bet and win that title before the year's end. [Dominic runs his fingers through his hair, sighing a little.] Dominic: Look, Chris...this may be a tough time for you but I honestly believe that Georgina will be just fine. And I honestly believe that she'll be good to go before this year's end as well, and that she'll get to watch you accomplish the one thing I couldn't do a month ago. Georgina WILL see you win that world title, Chris...and I know you can win it. For the fans, for me, for her..and for yourself, Chris. I know you can do it, it's just a matter of overcoming your mind to fight with your heart. Chris: I just hope you're right, Dom. I really do. [With one final sigh, Champion pats Pericolo on the shoulder, turns and walks towards the door. Kicking the wooden frame without effort, Chris exists the scene and retreats to his morbid world once more.] Dominic: So do I, Champ... [And on that note, Dominic turns to the punching bag and sighs, staring at it. With a shake of the head Dominic begins going at the punching bag again, a concerned and yet concentrated look on his face as we fade to...] [Commercials.] [Backstage, a pretty lonely place when no one wants to talk to you. This is what it is like to be the guy who makes his comeback. You have no friends here because the ones you knew have left or changed their minds about you. So that is the life of Void sitting alone in a conference room, around the buffet table, waiting to talk with someone, waiting to see if anyone will approach him. Hey who is he kidding, no one wants to go up to the crippled guy who used to wear women’s clothing to make the crowd laugh. As Void sits there more and more he thinks about how much of a clown he had been and the words of The Beast still echo in his head. This my friends is the reason Void is with Ian. Ian, a man who used no last name because he loved to sell himself with his wrestling. No moniker, just hard work and dedication, that is how he likes his wrestling. Ian doesn’t judge people by what they were because he knows what he was. Former Champion, former loser, former punching bag to the stars. He filled each role at some point in his career but now, now is just the time for Ian to do what he loves. Wrestle, and maybe throw in some cheap words to get the fire stoked.] Void: Hey Ian, want to grab me a coffee. Ian: What are your legs broken? [Cheap humor as Ian walks into the shot holding a coffee mug. Ian passes it off to Void and pulls a chair up next to the handicapped hooligan.] Ian: So what is going on back here, sitting with all your friends? Void: Something like that. I’m just thinking, I miss the action of the match. I miss a lot of what I used to be able to do. You realize that you are wrestling in my specialty match? Ian: Yes sir, Chairshot survival. I remember that you had that “KOX” chair of your with the re-enforced steel seat. That fucking thing weighed a ton. Void: This match of yours, be careful bud. Champ and Dom are obviously going to go after you and Logan first then when you guys are out of it, I doubt there will be any more chairs involved. Ian: I know. Dom and I go back though, I actually had the chance to talk to him before hand. I think I am all set. Void: Three on Logan now eh? Ian: never, but I know where he stands and he knows where I stand. This match is going to be a battle, my chance to prove again what I can do. Whether I win or lose will be strictly luck. Luck. [Ian stands up and folds up his chair. He waves it through the air a few times…] Ian: And tonight luck comes in a black steel seat. [With that, we fade to ringside] Paul Duffy vs. Remi Bonneau [The lights begin to slowly flicker, as if the power supply was being drained, as the opening chords to 'The Energy' by AudioVent play methodically to the arena. Purple and red pyros begin shooting out as the fans go into an uproar as the song begins to speed up.] ## Now that you're leaving
Remi Bonneau [...And as the words enter your ears, Remi Bonneau passed through the Curtain and enters the arena. Raising his arms in the air, several golden sparklers shoot out from behind him as he makes his way down the ramp to a loud bang and explosions shooting from the ramp.] ## We are the energy
[Remi slides in through the bottom rope, and crawls up on the second rope, raising his arms in the air to loud cheers.] Tim: Thank God, actual entrances. Jeff: Still shook up about the tag match, huh? Tim: Jeff, he used the fucking Snakedog Stunner. That's like, wrestling blasphemy. [Suddenly the lights dim, whereas on the PA System... The piano keys begin to play, as Amy Lee sets in and begins...] Nigel Rolsten: Introducing... [A _HUGE_ explosion sounds, as do the people in the arena with cheers... Paul Duffy and emerges from the back, as the fans go even more nuts! With the chorus starting, Paul Duffy makes his way to the ring as the Bring Me To Life chorus starts up. Paul reaches the ring, and circles it, one time round, high fiving some of the lucky HWF fans, as Amy, Evanescence's lead vocalist, continues ... The fans are going nuts, as usual, at any HWF event, Paul Duffy climbs up on the apron.... Paul Duffy, rope flips the top rope, as the band hit the chorus one more time... A set of pyro goes of; flaming from the ring posts, as Paul Duffy's boots slam the mat, on landing; to the fans applaud, as the chorus starts up once more. Paul climbs the middle rope, raising one arm... The Ring Announcer, is cued in before, Paul McCoy begins on the music system...] Nigel Rolsten: Paul Duffy!! # All this time I can't believe I couldn't see,
[The music is stopped in sudden pause. As Paul Duffy warms up in the ring...] Jeff: Wait, Remi gets no introduction from the Nige-Man, but Duffy does? Methinks Nigel is a racist. Tim: ...Jeff, please, just stop now. [The bell rings, as the two instantly meet in the middle of the ring for a standard collar-and-elbow tie up. Remi switches it around into a side headlock, rolling through with the move and bringing Duffy to the mat before releasing the hold and rolling to the side, twisting his legs around Duffy's neck in an impressive delivery of moves! Remi rolls forward quickly, putting heavy strain on Duffy's neck before releasing him. Remi kips up as Duffy clutches at his neck, rolling away!] Tim: Nice startoff here, Remi seems to be in control all ready! [Remi walks over to Duffy, going to pick him up when Duffy pulls him into a tight small package!] Tim: Whoah! [ONE...TWO..THRE--NO!] Jeff: Close, but no fuck. Tim: Wait, what? Jeff: REVERSAL FROM REMI! [Remi catches Duffy just as he breaks it, rolling him into a quik pin of his own for a two!] Tim: Seriously, what? Jeff: Shut it Tim. And LOOK OUT! Nice elbow to the head their from Duffy! [Remi rolls away, clutching at his head as Duffy reaches his feet, walking over to Remi and forcing him to his feet. He whips Remi to the ropes and catches him off the rebound, lifting him up briefly into the air and catching him on his shoulders before dropping back with a samoan drop! Duffy bridges himself for yet another cover!] [ONE...TWO...THR--REVERSAL!] [Remi manages to roll to the side, locking his legs tight around Duffy's arm and putting him into a pinning predicament!] [ONE..TW--NO!] Tim: Close again! This is quite a match thus far of pinfalls and reversals! [Both men reach their feet and this time Duffy grabs Remi by the throat, physically THROWING the smaller wrestler into the turnbuckle and charging forward, ramming his elbow into the side of Remi's head! Dufy pulls Remi from the turnbuckle, grappling his arm with Remi's and twisting enough to get Remi up and RIGHT back down onto the mat, keeping his hold on Remi's arm and locking his legs around it, stretching as much as he can in an armlock! Remi quickly grabs the bottom rope with his free arm, breaking the hold before Duffy could truly capitalize off of it, but the damage is done!] Jeff: Duffy just turned Remi into an acrobat with that flip there, and now he's helping him stretch! How sweet, love and wrestling DO mix! Tim: What the hell? [Duffy stands up and lifts Remi up as well...but wait! Remi shoves Duffy away in desperation, inadvertantly causing him to stumble and accidentally knock over the ref! Duffy tries to steady himself from falling onto the ref, turning to check up on him only to get locked into a full nelson! Duffy finds himself being lifted into the air before being dropped RIGHT on his back with a sleeper slam, delivered beautifully from Remi!] Tim: WHOAH! The Unending Exposure on Duffy and this match could be over all ready! [Remi is quick to make the cover as the ref recovers from the fall and makes the count..] [ONE...TWO...THREE!] Jeff: Yep, it's over all right! Tim: I'm sure the fans know this by now, Jeff... Jeff: Fucker, don't be an ass with me. I get enough ass from your sister. [The bell rings as "The Energy" hits once again, the fans in the arena popping loudly! Remi stands and raises his arms into the air, celebrating his victory as Duffy shakes off the cobwebs on the mat! The cameras focus on the celebrating Remi for a few moments before we switch backstage!] [The cameras pan backstage to the side of a station wagon that has just pulled up. Two stage techs step beside the vehicle as the crowd grows silent… a door is opened, and they help out a man in a neck brace-- that man is none other than the official of last week’s raucous Main Event, Mike Phesima!!] Tim: It’s him!! [The crowd cheers loudly for the shaky legged official. He looks about, paranoid and frightened, when suddenly another figure steps into the shot…] Sharp: How you feeling, Mike? [The crowd roars loudly for the HWF champion, Stephen Sharp, who reaches out a hand to the wounded ref.] Phesima: I-I’m ready… just, just keep that psycho away from me! Sharp: I’ll be with you all the way out to the ring. I don’t know what Simon is playing at, but he won’t come near you. All these fans want to hear the OFFICIAL call of what happened last week, and like I said before… If Champion’s team won, then he can get his shot at fulfilling his silly promise… But if NOT, then he can shut his DAMN mouth. Jeff: WOOT!!! Tim: Stay tuned, folks!! We’ll have that announcement after the next match!! Dominic Pericolo vs. Chris Champion vs. Matthew Logan vs. Ian Jeff: Welcome back, fuckers!! Chairshot Survival is NOW! ['Tales of Scorched Earth' hits the PA as Logan steps out wearing a black hooded winter coat and a black bandana over his face. He slides into the ring and takes off his jacket before sitting in his corner and stalking anything that moves.] Tim: Matthew Logan is FOCUSED tonight! Jeff: This will be a groovalicious brawl INDEED! [Poem hits the pa and the fans have a very mixed reaction. As Void rolls out there and some boo’s, some cheers, the cheering however picks up a little as Ian steps out behind Void caring that same steel chair he had backstage. The two make their way to the ring and ian slides under the bottom rope, goes to the corner, unfolds the chair and sits down waiting for the match to begin.] Tim: And look! Ian has even came prepared with his own chair! [The lights in the arena shut off as the crowd starts cheering loudly, awaiting the arrival of Dominic Pericolo. A single silver spotlight shines atop the rampway, the crowd growing in volume as the beginning of "How Can I Live" by Ill Nino hits the speakers. The HWF Tron plays past clips of Dominic Pericolo's matches, hitting his finishers on different opponents. The crowd picks up in volume as fog begins to cover the entrance area, strobe lights flashing across the arena as the spotlight remains on the top of the rampway. The pre-chorus to the song begins to play as suddenly, the strobe lights stop and the single spotlight remains...] 'We make the same mistakes,
[Pyros EXPLODE off the ramp way, as the figure of Dominic Pericolo appears in the fog. The spotlight shuts off as the lights of the arena flash on, the fog slowly beginning to clear as Dominic steps through, dressed in his ring gear. He walks down the ramp way, slapping a few fans hands along the way. He reaches the ring and stares into it, taking a deep breath and sliding in. He stands, taking off his sunglasses and tossing them out to the fans. Dominic turns to the ref and speaks with him for a moment, nodding his head and then walking towards the ropes, staring out at the cheering fans. He smiles a little, raising his arms into the air. He walks across the ring and does the same to the other side of the crowd. He then walks towards the back of the ring and nods towards Tim and Jeff, before raising his arms once more to the fans in attendance on that side. Finally he walks to one of the corners, warming up.] Jeff: Killer Perikoalsky is ready for battle! [An electric sweep of guitar noise sweeps through the PA system as Muse’s “Hysteria” captivates the heart of millions. The crowd rises to their feet, awaiting the entrance of a broken man.] It’s bugging me, Tim: Champion is pitted against Pericolo here. They’re friends nowadays… but we all know of their past. Jeff: Let’s not forget there’s definitely history between Eddie and Logan. It’s like an old boys reunion! Yeah, I’m endlessly … Cause I want it NOW! [Fireworks. Everywhere. Champion arrives on the ramp to a chorus of cheers and a smoke filled walk way. The camera focuses in on his emotionless eyes, seemingly drained of emotion. Slowly but surely, he walks down the ramp and throws a gaze in Logan’s direction. Logan paces around the ring after getting off the turnbuckle, walking closer towards Ian before suddenly shoving Ian off the chair! He grabs the chair and charges at the suprised Champion, who ducks the chair only to get a knee to the gut from Logan! Logan steps back and SMASHES the chair over Champ's back, knocking him to the ground! Champ tries to roll away but gets smacked in the chest with the chair, knocking the wind out of him!] Tim: Once again, Champion does NOT look at the races! Jeff: He’s taking a beating at the hands of Matthew Logan! [Logan continues to stand over Champion’s body, smashing the chair down onto his chest! Matthew shrieks at the referee to check whether Chris is out cold sadistically as the crowd hiss in Matt’s general direction.] Tim: Logan might just have killed off the number one contender for the HWF title right there! Jeff: But wait! What’s this? [BOOM! Pericolo explodes out of nowhere, Dominic wastes no time as the bell rings, barreling across the ring towards Matthew Logan! Logan goes to step to the side but Dominic twists in mid-run, grabbing Logan by the wrist and whipping him chest first into the turnbuckle! Dominic follows through with his momentum, slamming into Matthew and crushing him against the corner even harder! Dominic backs from the corner as Matthew goes to fall back, only to get caught from behind as Dominic sets him up and then smashes him into the mat with a russian legsweep!] Tim: Dominic is really taking it to Logan here... [While that was going on, In the opposite corner Ian has lifted and drug the much smaller Champion into the corner and swings a huge right hand for his head! Champion, being so quick ducks under the punch and Irish whips Ian, Ian reverses and sends Champion into Dom and Logan (who was pulled up by Pericolo). Upon impact Champ and Logan smack heads and Champ falls back and onto his hands and knees. Ian rushes at the quagmire in the corner, steps off from Champions back and splashes Dominic and Logan. Ian’s momentum takes him over the top rope though but he lands on the apron.] Tim: What a splash by Ian, sending himself over the top rope! Jeff: Thanks Tim that one blind guy out there now knows what happened. Fucking putz, I don’t get paid enough to sit next to you. Tim: Fuck off… [Since a splash isn’t really going to end a chairshot survival match anytime soon, Logan regains his composure and quickly knocks Ian in the face with a punch. Ian staggers on the apron and logan hooks him for a suplex back into the ring. Logan lifts Ian up and over, simultaneously Dominic and Champion position themselves perpendicular to Ian and Logan. As Logan falls back with Ian, Dominic lifts up Champion in his own suplex and drops him onto ians stomach as they all land at the same time.] Tim: Some excellent triple teaming on Ian, whether intentional or not! Jeff: I’m doubting Dom and champ are working with Logan. Considering Dom would rather eat out his great grand moth… Tim: EAR MUFFS CHILDREN! [Dominic wastes no time and whips Logan into the far corner. Champion is up quickly too and slides outside the ring and grabs two chairs. Champion returns to the ring and focuses in on Ian, sending one of the chairs crashing down onto ian’s back. On the other side of the ring Dominic sets Logan up onto the top rope and climbs up onto the second rope himself. Logan responds quickly though and fires a few rights and lefts into the stomach of Dominic. Dominic falls backward into the ring and Logan steadies himself on the top rope before leaping off with a leg drop. Champion notices though and throws a chair at Logan who catches it in the face as he lands on Dominic.] Jeff: About fucking time we see a chair shot. [Champion beats down on Ian in the corner to the point where he loses some wind. He takes a few steps back for a run up and Logan takes him down in a wakigatame. Matt pins his arm down before standing up and firmly stepping on Chris's wrist. Matt stands on one leg to lay all his weight on Champ's arm before driving his knee down into Chris's elbow. Matt pulls Champion up to his feet and begins throwing some rights at him. Champion staggers. Meanwhile, Ian grabs a chair and Pericolo is sitting up and starting to get back into this match...] Tim: Ian swings the chair at Dominic's head!! [Dominic ducks under a chairshot from Ian, who winds up smacking Logan in the back with the chair and sending him falling into a belly-to-belly from Chris Champion! Ian spins around to attack Dominic who turns and catches the chair as it sails down for his head, stopping it from hitting! The two struggle with each other for a few moments before Dominic catches movement behind Ian, suddenly letting go and moving to the side quickly as Ian gets dropkicked HARD in the back by Chris Champion!] Jeff: NO FAIR, THEY'RE DOUBLE TEAMING REF!! Tim: What do you expect from those two?! They're friends! And it's a fucking CHAIRSHOT SURVIVAL MATCH! It's a fucking CHAIRSHOT SURVIVAL MATCH! [Champion stands tall over Ian as Logan sneaks behind him and takes him down with a double-leg front trip. Logan floats over into a front chancery and swings on the back of his head with repeated right hands. As Pericolo goes to help Champion, he gets nailed from behind with a chair by Ian (who has since recovered some what). Pericolo falls face first onto the canvas. Ian limps to Pericolo and grabs him by the head to pull him up to his feet.] Tim: Wait a minute! Ian and Logan are DOUBLE teaming Pericolo! Jeff: This one may as well be a tag match! [Sure enough, Ian holds Dominic’s arms as Matthew continues with a hideous onslaught of lefts and rights! Pericolo looks very, very groggy as he’s helpless to defend himself!] Tim: And it looks like this one may boil down to Ian vs Logan here! [Suddenly, the crowd rises with anticipation… as they realise that Champion is once again on his feet! With a shake of the head, Chris finally decides to involve himself in the match up as he spins Logan round and drops him with…] Tim: School’s OUT! School’s OUT! [Ian releases Pericolo from his grip, realising Champion’s resurgence in the match and looks for a cheap clothesline. Chris ducks underneath, nails Ian with a kick to the ribs and hoists his opponent up onto his shoulders with…] Tim: The Final Examination! He made SHARP squeal with that same move last week! Jeff: This doesn’t look good for Ian! [For some reason Logan breaks up the torture rack from Champion with a hit to the back with a chair. Champion drops Ian onto the canvas and falls to his knees. Dominic staggers to his feet, holding his head in pain as Matthew Logan charges from across the ring, steel chair in hand. Ian manages to intersect Logan in mid-ring however, swinging his chair as the two clash together. Logan and Ian begin swinging their chairs at each other wildly, as Champion gets up and charges the both of them. Logan turns sharply and slams his chair into Champion's gut, doubling him over as Ian swings the chair for Logan once more. Logan ducks to the side and the two of them stop by Champion, looking over at each other. They draw back their chairs and wait for Champion to stand back up. Just as he does they both swing at once...] *CLANG!* Jeff: PERICOLATOR MAN TO THE RESCUUUUUUUUEEEEE!! [Metal meets metal as Dominic manages to tackle Champion out of harms way, causing Logan and Ian to drop their chairs and grab at their hands in pain from the impact of the two. Dominic kips up and grabs ahold of a nearby steel chair, standing as Logan turns and throwing it at him. Logan catches the chair, and gets it SPIKED into his face with the decapitation! Ian remains in the corner, wisely staying away from Pericolo as he clutches his hand in pain. Logan falls over, blood pumping down his face from the shot as Pericolo shakes his leg from the impact a little.] Tim: DECAPITATION FROM DOMINIC INTO THE CHAIR! LOGAN'S JUICING!! Jeff: AND NOT IN THE MASSIVE BULK STEROID MAN KIND OF WAY EITHER! [Ian grabs a chair and rams it into Champion’s stomach as Dominic sends Logan through the ropes to the outside. Logan lands against the crowd barrier as Dominic grabs the top rope and propels himself over and onto Logan with a simple but effective splash. Back in the ring Ian smack Champion once more with the chair then unfolds it and sets it near the ropes where Logan and Dominic just went to the outside. Ian turns his attention back to champion, lifts him up onto his shoulder and proceeds to toss Champion to the outside like a lawn dart into Dominic and logan. Ian walks to the far side of the ring and points to his head and twirls his finger like he is crazy as the fans roar knowing what is about to happen. At the peak of the roar Ian takes off across the ring, steps onto the chair, then stepping onto the top rope propels himself forward while doing a back flip, otherwise known as a shooting star press! Ian crashes into the three other men and they all go down like a ton of bricks!] Jeff: Wait for it… Tim: Wai… Jeff: Wait for it…and then the lord said… CROWD: HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! [Ian slowly stands back up and grabs Logan by the head to pull him up to his feet. He drags Ian back to the ring apron and rolls him into the ring. Ian slides underneath the bottom rope and then covers Logan. The referee gets into position and makes the count...] [ONE...TWO...THREE!!] Tim: Logan is ELIMINATED! [And Logan has been eliminated from this match and Ian just may have performed the move of the night. Logan rolls out of the ring and Ian does the same. Only Logan is heading to the back while Ian goes after his next victim. Champion, who is using the barrier, is back up to his feet. Ian walks towards him and throws a punch. Champion staggers backwards. Champion though fights back and throws a punch of his own at Ian. Ian staggers backwards. Champion is fighting back. He is throwing lightning quick rights at Ian. Ian staggers and is groggy. Champion quickly grabs a chair and folds it. He aims it at Ian and smashes Ian's head with the chair. Ian drops onto the floor.] Tim: Oof! Ian takes a hard shot there from Champion, this could be all for him! [Champion grabs Ian by the head and pulls him up to his feet. Champion rolls Ian into the ring. Champion grabs the chair and slides into the ring. Champion waits for Ian to stand up. Ian slowly does and Champion readies the chair to hit Ian...but before he does, “Back in Black” plays and the crowd stands up and stares at the entrance way to see Steve Sharp will appear.] Jeff: Oh fuck!! Tim: Steve Sharp?! What the hell?! [Champion moves to the ropes that face the entrance way and stares at the entrance way, letting his guard down. Ian meanwhile grabs a nearby chair and stands behind Champion. “Back in Black” ceases and a confused Champion turns...*SMACK*...only to get hit in the head by Ian with the chair. Champion falls and lands on his back, knocked out. Ian drops the chair and covers Champion. Referee drops to the mat and makes the count...] Tim: SHARP JUST SCREWED CHAMPION!! [ONE...TWO...THREE!!!] Jeff: IAN ELIMINATES THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDOR! HOLY SHIT!! [Ian has eliminated Champion. Just as Ian gets up to celebrate this upset victory, Pericolo slides back into the ring with the chair and is behind Ian. Ian turns...*SMACK*...and gets nailed in the gut with the steel chair! Ian doubles over as Dominic drops the chair and hoists Ian onto his shoulders, his back resting on them, before letting out a yell and tossing Ian up into the air! Dominic quickly catches Ian by the head and pulls him in, falling to the mat and spiking Ian RIGHT onto the chair head-first with the End of Existence!!!] Tim: HOLY SHIT! END OF EXISTENCE ONTO THE CHAIR! Jeff: DAMN! BASIC PERINOMICS IS GONNA WIN! [Dominic falls onto Ian for the cover, hooking the leg as the referee once again drops to the mat and makes the count...] [ONE...TWO...THREE!!!!] Jeff: Fuck!! [DING DING DING DING DING!] Tim: It is OVER! What a match! Dominic gets yet another win in his second match back and WHAT A WIN IT WAS! Jeff: Yeah yeah, blah blah... Nigel Rolsten: The winner of this contest, DOMINIC PERRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOO!!! Jeff: Loud assed motherfucker... Tim: We will be RIGHT back, ladies and gentlemen! Stay tuned!! [“Back in Black” by AC/DC hits, and the crowd goes nuts as the HWF Champion steps out, the big gold HWF strap slung over his shoulder. Various signs are waved and held aloft, and Sharp pulls the curtain aside to allow Mike Phesima to come out on his cane. Sharp steps aside and claps for the ref, rousing the crowd for him. This puts a smile on the ref’s face, and Sharp leads him to ringside, flanked by techs moving camera wires out of the way and two yellow shirted security guards. Sharp stops and gestures to a “Respect the Ref” sign a fan is holding, and then takes the sign with him to the ring, holding it up with one arm while Nigel Rolsten brings a mic over, and the security guys hold the ropes for Phesima after helping him up the steps.] Tim: Phesima’s in really rough shape; it’s brave of him to come out here after that HEINOUS attack by Simon Tyrell!! Jeff: Well, he’s got nothing to worry about now!! Silky’s out there with him!! Tim: Class act of Sharp to do this as well, and to still be willing to honor his offer of a shot to Chris Champion, depending on Phesima’s official call that we never got to see!! [Rolsten is about to hand the mic over to Phesima, when Sharp steps in, snatches themic, and brings it to his lips…] Sharp: Well, well, well… HOTLANTA, GEORGIA… So we MEET again!! [The crowd roars loudly, and Sharp just nods his head…] Sharp: I’d say this is as good a place as any for this announcement… That the Sharp’s blew Chris Champion and Simon Tyrell out of the water, like Adam Mitchell did to his competition at this past weekend’s Georgia Invitational NCAA qualifiers!! Only difference is that EVERYBODY KNOWS, SWIMMING IS FAKE!!! [The crowd plays into the good hearted catch-phrase jab, and cheers for the young man who is the areas best Olympic hopeful… Sharp nods for a moment, then, seemingly feeling he’s fulfilled his mandatory crowd pop of the night, he gestures for them to quiet down…] Sharp: So, without further ado, let’s hear it for the man of the hour… Hardcore Wrestling Federation Official, Mike Phesima!! [The crowd cheers loudly, and Phesima chuckles a bit and does his best to nod to Sharp, who shakes his hand after handing over the mic and pats him on the back before stepping off to the side… Sharp takes another lap around the ring with the “Respect the Ref” sign.] Phesima: Thank you, thank you… I can’t tell you all how much I appreciate the support. That attack last week was completely unacceptable, and I hope that management will do everything in their power to prevent further mishandlings and disrespect of HWF officials, as they should in ALL sports!! Athletes getting outflank like that, attacking people… It’s UNACCEPTABLE!! This is PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING, not BASKETBALL!!! This…* [Sharp lowers his sign, and steps in, interrupting Phesima…] Sharp: Ahhh… hey, Mike… I know you’re upset and all, but you’re not out here to make a speech… Get to “the winner is”, would ya? I got reservations for two at the Cuddle n’ Bubble!! [The crowd laughs, but Phesima seems a bit perturbed… He turns back to the crowd…] Phesima: Well, the finish of last week’s Supercard Main Event was a confusing one… I had been jostled badly moments prior, and when I looked up, Inferna was pinning HWF Heavyweight Championship #1 contender Chris Champion… But when I prepared to begin the count, Simon Tyrell was pinning HWF Champion Stephen Sharp… Sharp: Mike, MIKE!!! Thanks for the replay-by-play, but the match was on free TV… I’m pretty sure even IW stockholders could afford to have watched it… Get to the point; I don’t have time on my schedule for this, if you catch my drift… Phesima: See!! This is what I’m talking about!! This…* [Suddenly, “Ich Will” by Rammstein cues up, and Phesima jumps, dropping the microphone… Sharp moves to his side, brandishing his World Heavyweight Title like a weapon… The lights rise up and stepping onto the stage, bathed in red is the massive masked figure of Simon Tyrell… Wasting no time, Sharp rolls out onto the floor beside the ring and starts making his way up the ramp cautiously, calling out Tyrell… Tyrell just stands motionless as Phesima trembles in the ring, and Sharp nears the middle of the ramp. The music cuts out, and Tyrell cocks his head to one side in a bizarre, mechanical fashion, then brings it back upright. Sharp rises to his full height, lowering the title somewhat and staring quizzically at Tyrell. Then, inexplicably, Tyrell simply turns and steps back through the curtain…] Tim: What was THAT all about?! Jeff: No idea… That big freak is just getting’ creepier and creepier!! [Suddenly, the arena lights cut out, and a slight crackle of a distant storm is heard. The fans scream, but the playful scream you always here in these situations is nothing compared to the one that comes out a moment later as the lights comeback up, illuminating the ring…] Tim: He’s in the ring!! Tyrell is in the ring, and Phesima doesn’t even know!!! Jeff: How the hell’d he do that?!? [Sharp looks around a bit, then turns to see Phesima, and Tyrell standing directly behind him… Sharp shouts a warning, and Phesima turns, seeing Tyrell and raising his cane feebly in defense, only to have it swatted from his hands before Tyrell snaps him down into a standing head scissors and locks up his arms… Sharp screams “Don’t do it!!”, but before he can even move, before security can slide into the ring, Tyrell has leaped skyward, jerking Phesima nearly vertical before crashing down with enough force to snap off his neck brace!!] Tim: OMS!! OMS!!! Jeff: DEAD REF!!! DEAD REF!!! [Sharp rushes to the ring, and security and Paramedics are already on their way, but Tyrell calmly rises to his feet and drops backward over the top rope just as Sharp rockets across., looking for a clothesline a second too late… He stands on the bottom rope, pointing and yelling at Tyrell, but the masked monster merely laughs, his body shaking with cold mirth as he circles the ring, leaving… The paramedics set upon Phesima, trying to immobilize his neck while they get his unconscious body onto a backboard…] Tim: Good god… I can’t believe this… What now?!? What is Tyrell playing at?! Jeff: How’d he walk through the curtain, then appear in the ring?!? Who built it that way?!? Tim: Stay tuned, folks, we're in for our last commercial break of the night and… Good lord… [The camera stays on Sharp, still pointing and shouting at Tyrell after following him to the far side of the ring, then pans to Tyrell, backing up the ramp, just staring back…] Dylan O'Riley vs. Scott Anderson Tim: Welcome back folks...it's time for the main event but dear lord, that was downright sickening. Folks, for those of you just tuning in you've missed a hell of a show, but you also missed something downright sickening by Simon Tyrell. Jeff: Yeah! REPLAY, BITCH! [A replay is shown of the devastating OMS on Phesima a couple of times, before going off screen.] Tim: As you can see we STILL don't know who the winner of the main event was thanks to Simon Tyrell...and we have no clue why he did that to begin with! Jeff: Either way, on with the show! More violence to come in the MAIN EVENT! TABLE ACTION BIATCH! [The house lights beem brightly,then quickly shut off completely as 'Hurdy Gurdy Man' by Donovan begins to blast through the pa system.As the music reaches it's fever pitch,the house lights once again turn back on and are quickly followed by two short mid-sized explosions on either end of the stage that send small yellow mist smoke clouds into the air.The curtains push open and out from the back he steps and quickly takes center stage as he slowly but steadly raises a yellow boa high into the air. After a few seconds,he lowers the boa back down, then gently tosses it around his neck and shoulders...turns and then rushes towards the ring. Wasting no time at all,he slides under the bottom rope as he reaches the ring, quickly stands once again at attention...turns and makes his way toward the nearest corner where he climbs to the second turnbuckle...salutes the crowd by once again raising the yellow boa high into the air,then sits on the top turnbuckle and waits for the start of the match.] Tim: Dylan O'Riley seems ready and prepared for our main event tonight!! ["Supa Freak Love" hits the speakers as Dylan watches the rampway, awaiting Anderson's entrance...only to get shoved off the turnbuckle! Taken off gaurd, Dylan hits the mat hard as Anderson climbs the steps and hops onto the top turnbuckle Dylan was sitting on, leaping off and catching the rising Irishman with a crossbody splash as the bell rings!] Jeff: HA! Seems he wasn't prepared enough for Anderson! GET'M, SCOTT! [Almost instantly Anderson pulls out a pair of brass knucks from his boot, placing them on and lifting his fist up to deliver a quick shot to the back of Dylan's head, only for Dylan to let out a roar and FORCE Anderson up off of him, sending Anderson toppling to the side! Anderson scrambles up, charging for Dylan and swinging his fist, only for Dylan to duck under and lock Anderon into a reverse waistlock from behind! Dylan lifts Anderson up into the air for a moment, stalling, before SNAPPING back with a bridged German Suplex! The ref counts two before Anderson breaks free, both men rolling to their feet!] Tim: Close call in the early going, Dylan almost had him there!! [In a very quick turn of events, Anderson turns and hits Dylan with a huge spear that sends him crashing hard to the mat. Anderson quickly goes in for the attack by delivering several hard punches to the head of the Beast to daze him, before lifting his knucked hand for the finishing blow! But O'Riley shows both Anderson and the crowd why they call him the beast as he over powers Anderson and overturns Anderson by pulling him down onto the mat. Dylan quickly gets to his feet, and just as quick...Anderson is back on his. And just like that, Anderson turns and runs at O'Riley, who sees is all going down out of the corner of his eye by catching Anderson in dead stride and hitting him with a huge spine buster.] Tim: Right now the action is so fast paced it's getting hard to call all the action. Jeff: Then let a pro call the match! Tim: Do you know one? [Dylan takes a few seconds to catch his breath before continuing his assault on Anderson by picking him up by the hair and Irish whipping him into the corner turnbuckle. Anderson hits hard into the corner as Dylan quickly approaches him and begins laying down brutal open hand chops to Anderson's chest. Anderson hollers out loudly from every blow as the crowd cheers O'Riley on. Dylan suddenly backs off, and makes his way over to the opposite corner as Anderson slumps down in his corner. Dylan lets out a huge growl, then charges forward at Anderson like a rhino and delivers a huge shoulder block directly into the mid section of Scott Anderson. He grabs ahold of Anderson's hand, finally managing to remove his knucks and throw them to the side before hitting him with another VICIOUS shoulder block!] Tim: The beast is on the attack with rage in his eyes. Jeff: Yeah...he's moving so fast out there that the gap in his teeth is creating a whistling sound. [Anderson falls to the mat hard after the shoulder block shot to the mid section. Dylan in the meantime, drops to the mat and slides to the outside. Dylan circles around the back of the ring post and grabs hold of one of Anderson's legs, then quickly grabs hold of the other.] Tim: It doesn't look good for Anderson right now! Jeff: I hope he donated to the clinic before he showed up tonight. Because by the looks of it, he won't be able to produce any man juice after this next move. [Dylan smiles and begins to pull Anderson crotch first into the ring post with all his might. But before he realizes what happens, Anderson returns the favor with a unguarded mule kick to Dylan's upper chest that sends him flying backwards into the outside barricade.] Tim: Huge reversal by Anderson! [Anderson quickly rolls over and jumps to his feet. And just as Dylan begins to move away from the barricade, Anderson strikes once again by leaping over the top rope and crashing hard into a now stunned Dylan. Anderson is now on the offensive as he begins throwing body blow and body blow into the beast. Anderson back to his feet, then quickly grabs Dylan by the hair. Dylan struggles somewhat, but appears to be still stunned from the recent turn of events in the match. Anderson now grabs hold of Dylan and whips him hard into the ringside barricade. Dylan's body hits with a sickening thud and Anderson stands by with a huge smirk. Anderson gains his footing, then charges at Dylan and in quick swift charging motion goes for a hurricanna. Not sure if Dylan was ready for that, or just damn lucky. But Dylan catches him in mid air and nails Anderson with a huge power bomb onto the concrete on the outside of the ring.] Tim: Jesus Christ! There is now way that Anderson was ready to take such a blow. He's laying on the ground right now in pain as I'm sure the spasms are beginning to kick in. Jeff: I'll give credit where credit is due on that one! Tim: And that is? Jeff: Anderson hit the ground perfect. He knew it was coming! Tim: Are you crazy? Jeff: As matter of fact...I am! [Dylan reaches down and grabs a fistful of Anderson's hair, forcing him to his feet and landing a few stiff knees to Anderson's gut, before whipping him headfirst into the ring post! Anderson slumps into the ringpost before listing to the side, as Dylan lifts the ring apron and rummages around for something. After a few moments he manages to pull out a steel chair, walking over to Anderson...] Jeff: Don't TRIP!! Tim: LEGSWEEP FROM ANDERSON!! [Dylan hits the ground, his head smacking into the chair as Anderson grabs a camera cable nearbye and wraps it around the Beast's throat, choking him with it! Anderson pulls back hard as Dylan thrases about, struggling for air as Anderson laughs loudly, smacking the back of Dylan's head a few times!] Tim: NO respect from Anderson, as he chokes the life out of O'Riley while taunting him! [In a last ditch effort to break free, Dylan JERKS his upper body upward, causing Anderson to get thrown a little off balance. However, what REALLY gets the crowd's attention is when Dylan forces the chair out from under him, twisting it in his hands and THROWING it over his head, the very end of teh chair smacking Anderson RIGHT IN THE FACE!] Jeff: Holy FUCK! ["HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT! HOLY SHIT!"] Tim: That was just fucking brutal, my God!!! [Anderson falls over, his nose COMPLETELY busted open! He rolls around, clutching at his nose in agony as out of no where Los Illegales invades the ringside area! Dylan struggles up to his feet as Bagofshit goes about rummaging around the ring for a weapon, while Fantastico and Emanual Labor charge for Dylan! Finally, Bagofshit manages to pull out a table and slide it in the ring as Fantastico and Labor double team Dylan on the outside, stomping away at him to the boo's of the crowd!] Tim: Oh COME ON! This isn't right, it was supposed to be one on one! Jeff: Hardcore match, Timmy, Hardcore match! You NEVER trust an opponent in a hardcore match! [Bagofshit sets the table up in the center of the ring as Labor goes over to help up Anderson, Fantastico throwing Dylan unceremoneuosly into the ring. Anderson grins, wiping the blood away from his nose and the tears from his eyes from the shot, sliding into the ring and standing. Labor lifts the chair that Dylan used on Anderson before, sliding it in as well and shouting a few things in spanish at Anderson!] Jeff: HOLA! HOLA!! Tim: Jeff you idiot, sit down! [The table is setup in the middle of the ring. Anderson pulls Dylan up to his feet and drags him to the table. Anderson throws a few punches to Dylan to weaken him some more. Anderson then lays Dylan onto the table. Anderson then picks up the steel chair and places it over Dylan's chest. Anderson then walks up to the nearest corner and climbs up to the top turnbuckle. Without any hesitation he leaps from the top and hits a flying elbow onto the steel chair. The impact of Anderson's elbow onto the chair weakens Dylan some more as his chest is compressed. The impact also breaks the table, no surprise there. Both men are down as Anderson grabs his elbow in winces in pain and Dylan lays out knocked out.] Tim: JESUS CHRIST! Anderson just sacrificed himself there! Jeff: WOOOOO! GO YOU CRAZY MEXICAN BASTARDS, HELP THE MAN! [Los Illegales go insane outside the ring, jumping around and making 'whooping' noises and shouts of encouragement for Anderson in Spanish. Moments pass with both men still down in the ring as the celebration wears down and the Illegales look at one another, before pounding on the mat and shouting at Anderson to get up in unison! The encouragement has an adverse effect however--SOMEHOW Dylan is starting to get up! Anderson seems to have really injured his elbow on the move there, clutching at it and rolling around in pain. The Illegales slide in to check on Anderson as Dylan sneaks the brass knucks on, staggering up as Labor and Fantastico charge him again! Dylan manages to duck under their double clothesline, stumbling from exhaustion but turning around quick enough to catch Labor with a stiff elbow to the face, sending him stumbling, before clocking Fantastico RIGHT in the head with the knucks, dropping him much to the content of the crowd!] Tim: DYLAN FIGHTING BACK!! Jeff: Shit! He's cheating! KNUCKS REF, KNUCKS! Tim: HARDCORE MATCH JEFF, HARDCORE!! [Emanuel lunges at Dylan, reaching for his knucks only to have Dylan side-step him and throw him into the ropes chest first! Labor stumbles back, turning around and going for Dylan again...only to get clocked in the head as well! Dylan rips off the knucks and lets out a roar, shouting 'WHO'S THE MAN?!" at the cheering crowd!] Tim: O'Riley is on FIRE! He's taken out two thirds of Los Illegales! [Bagofshit seems irate on the other side of the ring however, grabbing ahold of the chair from the wreckage of the table and lifting it up, charging for O'Riley! Dylan turns just in time and side-steps the oncoming Mexican, grabbing him by his head and twisting his paperbag around, blinding him!!] Tim: Ha! Dylan using the paper bag against Bagofshit! Jeff: CHEATER! [Bagoshit has the chair still in his hands and starts swinging it around, blinded by the bag over his head. He hits the turnbuckle hard with the chair and the impact sends the chair bouncing back, hitting Bagoshit in the head. Bagoshit drops the chair and staggers. Dylan, who fought off both Labor and Fantastico, waits for Bagoshit to turn. Bagoshit does and gets nailed by a a Irish spear. But the offense doesn't last as Dylan is hit from behind by both Labor and Fantastico, barely recovered from the knuck-shot!. They soften him up as Anderson stands up and shakes the cobwebs from his head and, in this case, his elbow.] Tim: This isn't right! Dylan just has no chance against these odds! Jeff: This, ladies and gentleman, THIS is entertainment! [Anderson boots Dylan in the gut and places him in a standing headscissors. Fantastico folds up a chair and places it underneath Dylan. Anderson hooks both of Dylan's arms and lifts up and slams Dylan's face onto the chair with the Path to Superstardom (Double Underhook Facebuster). Anderson turns Dylan over and covers him. Referee drops down the makes the count...] [ONE...TWO...THREE!] Tim: And it is OVER, and Anderson picks up a tainted victory over our North American champ!! Jeff: Tainted?! If by tainted you mean Dylan's funk got on him then sure, I'll bite. Tim: You bite ass, Jeff, that's what you bite. Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize for what you've seen tonight...what was supposed to be a one-on-one match has been ruined and changed into a mass slaughter. Jeff: Nothin' wrong with that! It IS the Hardcore Wrestling Federation, and it WAS a hardcore match! What do you expect, Tim, wands and wings and magical things? HA! Tim: Regardless...this just isn't right. [Illegales celebrate in the ring as the crowd boos, with Anderson climbing the turnbuckle and raising his arms into the air, grinning and shouting "WHO'S THE MAN?!" at the crowd in a mocking tone. The fans boo even louder, as the HWF logo fades in on the lower corner of the screen.] Tim: Ladies and gentlemen, we'll see you next week and--ugh, damn illegal bastards... Jeff: TIM! RACIST!! Tim: Oh fuck off, Jeff! You say the sme damn thing about everyone else, the only difference is my statement actually holds truth in it! Folks, from Simon Tyrell's beating of Phesima to this...I apologize for wh-- Jeff: THEY DON'T. FUCKING. CARE. TIM!!! They tune in to see this shit! God, folks, I apologize for the snoody partner of mine's bitching! Have a nice night, fuck your missus or girlfriend. Just hope the condom doesn't break!! Tune in next week, we'll see you then! [Fade to copyrights.] ©1998-2004 HWF / Hardcore Productions. All rights reserved. |