Dominic Pericolo :: The King's Finale

In case I wasn't clear enough, my friend...let me make things simple for you.

Galen: You are a has-been, a legendary drop-out, a man who's fallen so hard from grace that it's a wonder you're even still here today.

You couldn't beat me in my debute because you've become nothing more then a washed up hack, and there's no-one out there who would possibly deny that.

This Thursday's your one shot at redemption Sean, you still have some chance to pull things together and show the world that somehow, someway, the King is not dead. Do I believe you will? No, because I don't think you've matured enough since our last match to be capable of such a thing.

I know you'd like to think, Sean, that if you do manage to win this Thursday I'll just fizzle and die out. I know you'd like to believe that I'll never be a thorn in your side again, never be able to show the world that you are, in fact, a peasant disguised as the king.

Regretfully, I have to inform you that you're wrong. Dead wrong.

You can't stop me, Galen...and even win I suffer my inevitable first loss, Dominic Pericolo will never say die. So long as Suki stays by my side and supports me to the very can knock me off my feet all you want--I'll still have the motivation to stand again.

It's a combined effort, really...Suki is my inspiration and emotion, the fans are my determination and practically family support, and my family and friends are the people I look to when I need guidance.

I've got a veritable army standing ready behind me, Galen...and you've got a fucking stick.

Durst was right, Galen...the king is well and truly dead.

I'm just here to piss all over his grave.