scene two, strength from the heavens

My eyes lifted to the heavens as I said my final prayer. The steps ahead would be tiresome... it would be just under two day's time before I finally reached the top of them. The temple stared at my ominously from the top of the stairs, however... and that was a symbol of all I'd fought so hard for in life.

The emperor had already climbed these stairs... that wise old man sat on his throne awaiting us, awaiting the samurai who would fight one another to stand at his right hand. Deng Tuo and Bei Tai...

God, it's so hard to believe that it's finally came down to this. With the blessing of the heavens... I've been able to climb so very many mountains, topple the greatest of trees, travel through the darkest of caves... and all with the clarity of a God. Not once has doubt entered my mind, ever since I spoke to the heavens that day... ever since they made me their samurai, the one warrior who they hoped could fulfill a prophecy made thousands of years ago.

The world sees me as a mysterious figure, a man who cannot be broken. They see me as a man who defies the ways of the average samurai in favor of a more radical approach, disregarding the ideals of finding a sound body and mind through the shadows. The world does not see what lies within... the fear I hold as I climb these stairs, the faith I hold in the promises of the heavens, the love I have for Mai Xin...

No one understands me, but these people need a hero. These people need a warrior who can not only fight for himself and his dreams... but for them, too.

Deng Tuo has forbidden them to have that... and thus is plunging this world farther into the darkness of shadows, believing it better for all.

He believes me to play the part of a man who I'm not, that I'm simply trying to instill hope into these people by hiding behind a mask-- making myself as false as possible to hide my shortcomings just so they can see me and believe. He honestly believes that the Wandering Samurai is not as he appears to be-- that as he stands before me, I am the demon. That because the people are beginning to support me and not him, I am a villain.

If it were a villain these people wanted... they would have still accepted Deng Tuo long ago. They would not have turned their eyes from his presence after he betrayed them, they would cheer instead of jeer when he began his attempts to climb further up the ladder. All Deng Tuo looks for is his own future... he does not see the adverse effects that has on the land.

I look to the future itself-- my own and everyone else's.

Yet now, as I climb these stairs... I know not what the future holds for me. The heavens long ago promised me that if I remained faithful then I would never fall, but they also told me to beware the samurai of the earth. Now that Deng Tuo weilds the Blade of Gaea... the question of whether or not he was now the Earth Samurai rang clear in my mind. For if he was... I may easily fall into more trouble then I'd forseen with him.

Perhaps the heavens meant that in my darkest of times... where all before me becomes a clouded mess... the earth samurai would stand before me to strike me down? That if I lost my faith due to these unsure circumstances, I would fall to his might?

Deng Tuo... my most powerful adversary yet. Was he... was he truly the one who the heavens warned me of?

Sweat dripped down my brow as I looked down from the stair I rested on, the sheer height of my position making me dizzy. I could no longer see Mai Xin, though I know she wait for me at the base of the temple. She would wait weeks, if needed... even months, for she loved me just as I loved her.

Another reason I cannot fail... I have so much more to live for. If Deng Tuo takes my life away from me, he takes away a future family. He takes away Mai Xin's future husband... and he takes away her future, too. If I fail in these coming days, he also takes away the light of the land... forever casting it into the shadows.

I cannot allow the dreams of the heavens and my own to go unrealized... yet to make sure such a thing does not happen will be the most difficult task of my life.

A single star flies across the sky, catching my attention as I watch it for that brief moment before it finally fades away... and my eyes close softly.

"Mai Xin... thank you so very much for staying with me all this time. If I cannot return to you... do not let my dreams fade away, do not let my legend die with me. Deng Tuo is leaving a legacy, and his legacy is filled with darkness... so let my own legacy shine brighter then the sun-- the very star these people have named me after. Let my legacy insight a change in the people, let my legacy show the way to a better tommorow... so that if I do fail here, I shall indeed realize my dreams through the people of the land."

A gentle breeze picked up, carrying my words down the temple. I looked to the heavens and smiled, thanking them for every blessing they ever granted me. Though my body was tired and my eyes heavy, I began to feel an energy flow through my veins and bring me to my feet, my hand unconciously moving to the handle of my sword. I unsheathed the blade, pointing upwards to the temple and letting out my holy battlecry.


The power of the heavens intermingled with my soul, as a smile spread across my face. If I were to tire... they would lift me up.

Just under a two-day climb to the top left to go? Heh...

By sunrise... I will have scaled these steps. This... I can promise.