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.pieces fit to crumble into obscurity.
act 03: journey to the truth
Truth is hard to grasp sometimes, some people even outright deny it. Others fight it for as long as they can-- sometimes their whole lives-- before finally accepting it. Some people can't handle the truth, others don't want the truth, and some try to embrace it happily, but inevitably let it hurt them.
Dominic Pericolo once thought he knew the truth, but now he wasn't as sure as he'd like to be.
"Metaphorically speaking," came the voice of the son of God, who stood beside Dominic before what appeared to be three winding roads, "You've got three paths to follow."
Dominic looked at each one, deliberating what this all meant to him as Jesus placed his hand on his shoulder and pointed at the road to the left.
"This one goes to grandmother's house, that one leads to the big bad wolf, and that one takes you to a hillbilly community full of pigs."
'What the hell...?' Dominic thought, casting Jesus a strange look as the Messiah looked at him with a smile, laughing to himself.
"Come on now! Lighten up! How are you to receive the truth when you can't even receive my jokes?"
"This is one crazy dream..." Dominic sighed, rubbing at his head.
"Correction kiddo," Jesus spoke, turning entirely to face him, "This is as real as can be. Now sure, your body isn't ACTUALLY standing in front of three paths, and sure... it's actually all within your mind, but in the spiritual realm, all of this is really happening."
"The spiritual realm." Dominic spoke flatly, looking at Christ.
"Of course!" came the reply, "You know, angels... demons... good forces and bad forces intermingling to help try and influence you for better or for worse. You know, the spiritual realm."
Dominic stared at Jesus for a few moments before sighing and turning his head to look over at the road on the left.
"So, seriously... where does that road lead?"
"That road signifies the place you think you're going, Dominic... it signifies hell."
Dominic nodded, going to point to the road in front of him with Jesus continued his thought, interrupting Dominic before he ever had the chance to even speak.
"And there are no Final Solution's in hell-- there's just a wee bit of pain and damnation."
"... right. And the road in front of me?"
"Purgatory." Jesus said, crossing his arms, "Which is the path you've been following, to be honest. I mean occasionally you stray into the other two, but for so much of you're life you've walked down Purgatory."
"Isn't Purgatory our human world, though?" Dominic asked, looking at Jesus in confusion.
"Well... yes and no. See, you can be in Purgatory but walk through heaven's gates... it's a complicated thing, really. The fact is, you've been walking through Purgatory for so long that I finally just had to come down and say 'enough'." Jesus explained, then motioning toward the final road to the right, "And if you didn't figure it out, this road signifies heaven. That's why it's on the right, get it? Because the right path to follow is the one on the right?"
Dominic rolled his eyes as Jesus chuckled and looked over to the road, shaking his head, "You know you'll never learn if you don't lighten up a little."
"I'm sorry, it's just I really never expected the son of God to talk like this." Dominic replied in an almost accusing fashion, bringing Jesus to give him a rather strange look.
"Talk like this? What did I tell you earlier? I'm your intepretation of the son of God. I talk like you do so you can understand me better. Do you want me to treat you like I did my deciples? Talk in parables and leave you to figure them out? You'd give up halfway through and try to make the journey on your own again."
"That's very true." Dominic sighed, lowering his head in defeat. "Alright... so which path are we going down?"
"I'll leave you to decide that, Dominic... but I think you know what choice to make." Christ said in return.
Dominic didn't take much time to think it over before he began walking towards the pathway signifying heaven, and Jesus chuckled to himself as he did so.
"Finally, you're one step closer to realizing the truth my friend."
A beeping sound caught the both of them off guard, as Jesus promptly pulled up the left sleeve of his robe and checked his wrist where, cheesily enough, a miniture sundial was strapped onto it.
"Hmmm... looks like our time is up for now, Dominic." the Messiah spoke, turning to look at him, "Wait for me when next you go to sleep, alright? Don't dismiss this all as never happening either, you're already making good progress."
The land around them dissapeared, and shortly thereafter Jesus did as well, leaving Dominic in the same darkness that brought him to where he was in the first place.
Dominic didn't like the darkness, but he knew he wouldn't be there for long.