1980, a little 4-year-old boy dared to dream of his future. 1990, a 14-year-old teenager was training for that dream that same child heldso dear. 2000... just three years more and that same child, that same teenager... would be the young man who dared to start living that dream.
2006, now a man... not just living the dream, but ascending even higher. A former champion, a future champion... and a hero to the masses. Seemingly, he holds the world in the palm of his hands... belt, or no belt. He has so much power... yet it doesn't go to his head.
Forever will he be who he truly is, forever will he grow and change in time yet still stay that same kind soul: Dominic Pericolo.
And no single person from Frank Merritt to James L. Rockingwell himself will ever strip that away from him.
1976 through 2006 and beyond... the fire still burns; never flickering, never fading.
And, much like the legends of the old... never dying, either.