The darkness rolled over the landscape like a thick blanket, consuming what light was left to shine through like a lion tearing into the flesh of its prey. Tired eyes watched on as this darkness continued sweeping across their view, traveling at an alarming rate of speed.
These tired eyes then shifted over to the land behind them, as their body turned to accommodate their desired glance. There, they were able to see what light was left across the sky, as the setting sun painted the traditional blues with tints of red and orange.
A beautiful setting, soon to be swallowed by the oncoming storm.
Soft voices echoed through the ears beside the eyes, voices speaking fear of the storm out to influence the mind into believing there was a true danger to it all; as if lives were to be lost in what was coming in so quickly.
Tired eyelids close over tired eyes, and lift open once again.
The mouth, which has known these eyes and ears for so long, opens as though to speak its own view out. There's a pause, a silence, and then it decides against this. Instead, it opts to close again and allow a weary tongue to wet its dried lips.
The mind communicates to the rest of the body, requesting movement from this oncoming storm. Now, it too, has been influenced by the voices of those outside its own body. Legs react to this request, moving slowly to shelter, as the figures around them begin to move as well.
There was no reason to fear the storm, yet for some reason... they did. There was never a reason to fear me, yet for some reason... many did. |