No. He's not Alex Jay.
The thick blanket of space that surrounded the spaceship of an intergalactic prince seemed to be teeming with the trillions of stars in the cosmos, painting an incredible picture of the heavens for the prince and his legion.
It had been what felt like years since the last contact their ship had had with another allied one... they had been seperated from the royal spacehub long ago and, ever since, were simply fighting to survive against a seemingly endless onslaught of space pirates and associates of their enemies.
It seemed like, at any time, they could easily be blown from the cosmos and snuffed from existence with the push of a button... and needless to say, that kept the prince and his legion on-edge at all times.
Still, they were there for one another... developing sleeping schedules and working together to prepare themselves for every battle that awaited them.
Yet despite all their work to keep their ship surviving in the dark cosmos that now seemed so unfamiliar to them... they never could have hoped to survive the oncoming onslaught of destruction promised by the single war general of the opposing intergalactic nations to the prince's own kingdom.
Indeed, when his ship appeared as nothing more than a distant blip on their radar... the great prince Alex Jay immediately called for a retreat from their range, knowing well the price that came with standing up against the man now looking to hunt them down.
Still, what the great prince didn't realize was that his enemy's ships were all the more faster, all the more prepared for battle and, despite the experience gained from everything Jay's men had gone through...
... they'd never gone through nearly enough to stand up to Dominic Pericolo in the end.
There's honestly not very many bad things I can say about Alex Jay without pushing the boundaries of a friendship I honestly respect having with the guy. When it comes down to it, he's the one man in this match I'd refuse to lash out against verbally, if only because by now I know that he holds himself above that level of in-fighting among this roster of ours.
Still, even if I soften my tongue against the guy to "Easy E" levels of softness... there are a few choice things I can bring up that put him at a decisive disadvantage. Things like the fact that, first of all, Carmine Vestieri has found a way to bring him an actual, tangible challenge... and if that's what's going on in front of the world today, then I can only assume Chris Champion isn't the only one not to come very far from the days of his past.
Hate to say it Alex, but you're stuck in the dust of today's fast-paced main event scene and, even though I'm seeing enormous improvement in you from the man you came back here as, the fact remains that you're still lightyears away from reaching the level you need to be to recapture the glory you'd had all those years ago.
There was a time when I'd put you as a legit threat to the title, right alongside guys like Champion or Violent A... but, you know something? I've said this before and I'll say it again: times have changed, Alex... and you just haven't changed enough with them.
We're all waited with baited breath for the return of the NLCW's true crown prince, but all you've given us so far is some guppie with a crown striking poses for greatness he doesn't look to be able to achieve.
I guess what I'm saying is... you can do better than this, Alex. You're not on-level with Carmine Vestieri, no matter how much Carmine tries to tell you that you are, and if you'd just get your head out of your ass on the issue surrounding him and actually start looking in front of you, you'd see there's miles of unwalked road ahead of you still waiting to be used.
As it stands? Carmine's holding you back.
And you're fucking letting him.
The Jay I remember wouldn't put up with Carmine's bullshit at all, but the Jay I'm seeing now? He's getting his ass kicked by a gimp in Perry's clothing. I respect you, Alex, I do... but you honestly aren't going to stand a chance to go anywhere big in this match unless you go beyond this shit with Carmine and actually start focusing on that crown you apparently lost a long time ago.
I'm here to encourage you, Alex... I'm here to guide you back to the greatness you'd once so proudly had, but I do have one final thing to stress to you before you go getting your hopes up for the future: you may still be able to reclaim your throne as the crown prince of wrestling, but if you think that shit will get you my title? If you think your little princely ass can step over the head of the NLCW's king?
You wouldn't stand a chance at your best and you definitely don't stand a chance now, so if you have any title dreams going into this, your ass had better guess again.
There's honestly not very many bad things I can say about Alex Jay without pushing the boundaries of a friendship I honestly respect having with the guy. When it comes down to it, he's the one man in this match I'd refuse to lash out against verbally, if only because by now I know that he holds himself above that level of in-fighting among this roster of ours.
Still, even if I soften my tongue against the guy to "Easy E" levels of softness... there are a few choice things I can bring up that put him at a decisive disadvantage. Things like the fact that, first of all, Carmine Vestieri has found a way to bring him an actual, tangible challenge... and if that's what's going on in front of the world today, then I can only assume Chris Champion isn't the only one not to come very far from the days of his past.
Hate to say it Alex, but you're stuck in the dust of today's fast-paced main event scene and, even though I'm seeing enormous improvement in you from the man you came back here as, the fact remains that you're still lightyears away from reaching the level you need to be to recapture the glory you'd had all those years ago.
There was a time when I'd put you as a legit threat to the title, right alongside guys like Champion or Violent A... but, you know something? I've said this before and I'll say it again: times have changed, Alex... and you just haven't changed enough with them.
We're all waited with baited breath for the return of the NLCW's true crown prince, but all you've given us so far is some guppie with a crown striking poses for greatness he doesn't look to be able to achieve.
I guess what I'm saying is... you can do better than this, Alex. You're not on-level with Carmine Vestieri, no matter how much Carmine tries to tell you that you are, and if you'd just get your head out of your ass on the issue surrounding him and actually start looking in front of you, you'd see there's miles of unwalked road ahead of you still waiting to be used.
As it stands? Carmine's holding you back.
And you're fucking letting him.
The Jay I remember wouldn't put up with Carmine's bullshit at all, but the Jay I'm seeing now? He's getting his ass kicked by a gimp in Perry's clothing. I respect you, Alex, I do... but you honestly aren't going to stand a chance to go anywhere big in this match unless you go beyond this shit with Carmine and actually start focusing on that crown you apparently lost a long time ago.
I'm here to encourage you, Alex... I'm here to guide you back to the greatness you'd once so proudly had, but I do have one final thing to stress to you before you go getting your hopes up for the future: you may still be able to reclaim your throne as the crown prince of wrestling, but if you think that shit will get you my title? If you think your little princely ass can step over the head of the NLCW's king?
You wouldn't stand a chance at your best and you definitely don't stand a chance now, so if you have any title dreams going into this, your ass had better guess again.