Of course, when we think of heroes sometimes we think of the ones that are portrayed on TV. Actors playing the parts of great warriors fighting to save their country and win the heart of the girl they loved. Knights in shining armor slaying dragons all in their quest to save the damsel in distress.
I doubt I'd look very flattering in a suit of armor.
I never understood the dramatic portrayal of heroes on TV... why is it that they can only be considered one when someone is in danger? When the world is in a state of peril? Why taunt the viewers by showing them such amazing feats he pulls off, and yet make them know that they could never be like that, never do the things they must do to save the day?
Whatever happened to the real heroes?
The ones that you could be, if you kept trying and being the best person you can. The ones that were always there for their loved ones, always had advice handy for those who needed it, always stuck up for the ones they cared for no matter how troubled the times were?
Enough chopping off dragon heads, going through dungeons or playing with some monster cards on a holographic battlefield. How the hell should we expect that to be the fate of the world?
Heroes aren't always the ones who will save the day, they aren't always the ones who will be there when the world ends to stop it from occurring. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, so why only portray the ones you'll rarely, if ever, see?
The characters portrayed by those actors on the big screen... they are the heroes. Not the actors, but the characters. I suppose that's why I was never too fond of the idea of looking up to someone from a movie as a hero. You're believing in someone that doesn't exist, you're trusting them to lift you up when times get rough and protect you from harm... when you know that in the end they'll be unable to.
Maybe that's why I find it so difficult to believe I'm a hero, too. I mean, to all those fans I'm just another random wrestler on TV, doing his job and trying to bring in ratings for the company so he can get a nice little increase on his paycheck by the end of the month, right?
Yet the truth is I'm just being myself. I don't care about the money... I'm in this business because I love it, and because I'm following my dreams. Sure, the money is a very nice bonus, that keeps me living well and able to do many things that I wouldn't be able to if I wasn't getting paid.
Plus... it's sort of a law that I have to be paid anyway, what with me risking my health out there and drawing them ratings and all.
That's just it though... I want to. I'm not being forced, I'm not doing it just so I can pick up some spare cash... I really, truly, want to wrestle in the NLCW. I want to be the world champion again, to rise up and actually manage to be the figurehead of this company. More then anything, I want to carry the NLCW's flag on into other territories, where we can say that we really are the top corporation in wrestling today.
I want to be a legend... I want to be a welcomed member of the NLCW's hall of fame. I want to do things that others haven't before me, and I'm doing all I can to do that.
I wish people could see what I do, I wish they could realize that I'm not a hero. I'm just me. I'm just Dominic Pericolo, a wrestler wish his head held high in the clouds as he chases his dreams around the nation and, sometimes, even around the world.
And now here I sit, among the superstars of the NLCW...
Among the heroes of the NLCW.
And I still feel like I don't belong, I still don't believe that I'm a hero. Maybe it's just hard-headedness, maybe I'm just being stubborn. Hell, maybe I have low self-esteem even, though you'd think I'd notice that. You've gotta realize though... heroes aren't the only people who've reached this peak. Men like Dillon Durst and Sean Galen-- villains by nature-- have made it to this very spot I sit at now. Others just like them have done the same long ago, and undoubtedly there will be more long after those who stand here today.
I'm not a hero, nor am I a villain. I've said it time and time again but the fact remains true... I am simply Dominic Pericolo. I wish I could say I was more, but...
I can't.
I'm not like many of the people here... I won't lie and say I'm more then what I truly am.