act two: midnight evolution

The Mask of William, probably one of the most talented newcomers to the NLCW game that's been around in awhile. Here's a guy who isn't afraid to slow himself down and enjoy the ride along the way, a future world champion who's getting all he can out of his career before he starts to make the big jump forward. To me, not just a veritable unknown and a wildcard that I'm going to have to watch out for, but a person who in what matches I have been able to see of him, shows incredible talent in that ring to a point that honestly impresses me.

If I did have to ask to face anyone in the NLCW right now, it would have to be the rising stars of the future, the wrestlers who aren't afraid of what's ahead of them in their own careers. I've faced veterans and legends, even heroes and villains of the NLCW alike... but to face the new blood that will one day dominate the NLCW? That's something I always love to do when I've got the opportunity to, because it gives me hope for the future of this company and the hands it's going to be in.

So, that being said... here it is. Here's my opportunity. My big return to the NLCW was marked by a face-off between two NLCW legends, and now my first pay-per-view match back sees me taking on the future of this company, a newcomer and hardcore champion looking to defend his title against the returning veteran. Not only am I going into a pay-per-view that holds significance with me, but I'm going up against a guy who I'll probably face again someday around the world title scene, and not only that, but I'm doing it for a title I've never even held before.

When I came to the NLCW, I had my set goals in mind... but I didn't realize how quickly an opportunity to achieve them would present itself. I guess like all things in my career up until now, nothing can be done slowly, can it? No time for rest when you're on the move I suppose... anyone could tell you that, from "Sugar" Shane Perry, to Rick "The Impact" Majors, to the "Messiah of Metal" Dazz.

William, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't know you. I don't know who you are, I've never heard of you, and I don't know what I can expect out of you but what little I've seen in the videos I've been shown. I'm not saying this as though it's some sort-of insult, nor do I intend to talk down on you just because I can ask "Who?" when someone tells me your name. I am legitimately at a loss here when it comes to who you are. Consider the ball in your court on that one, you've got the edge on me in this match and I hope you use it to your advantage.

Yet consider that the reason why I even gave this history lesson today at all. I want you to know more about me, William, I want you to know where I come from. I'm not trying to save myself from a beating here, I'm welcoming it. I want to be able to face a person who has me scouted because they've studied up on me and know where I'll be coming from. I want a challenge from the man who's earned the right to call himself Hardcore Champion, because even though it's not the World Title... it's an NLCW Title all the same and needs to be given the honor it deserves.

In this game, William, it's all about surpassing expectations, and right now I don't know what to expect of you, but because you're a title-holder, I'm expecting something big. This is going to be my first hardcore match in a long, long time... and it's against the hardcore champion, so you sure as hell had better make me feel it. I don't want an easy match, or a quick match, or even just a "good" match... I want something that people can remember, a match that can help define your career and re-establish mine. I want a challenge, Will, and I'm expecting you to give it to me.

So now when game time comes, William, don't you dare disappoint. Don't let up for a second, don't give up partway through... stick it out to the very end and defend that title with every ounce of strength in your body, because that's exactly what it's going to have to take to stop me.

See you Sunday, kiddo.