act four: what really matters most

You see, kids, no matter what I accomplish from now on in the NLCW... no matter what I do, it will never amount to the things I've done as a person. The birth of my son tops any title reign I've ever or will ever have around here, and my marriage with Suki will always be a day I'll remember well over any NLCW event I've experienced. Those things are what's most important to me, but beyond that... I'm just here to finish my story, and I've decided that Sultan of the Squared Circle will be a pivotal moment in this final chapter of mine.

Sorry to disappoint you, kids... but you're not taking anything home with you come Sunday. You see, for all your accomplishments, for all your talent and for all the respect you've earned along the way... you're still growing. You're each in your own individual developmental stages, and you've each yet to hit the prime of your careers. Some of you think you're in your prime now, some of you might even argue that for a man who's passed his prime, I've no room to talk about such things.

I'd argue differently.

Right now, as the days go on, I feel as though this is my prime. These days with the NLCW, being a free agent and a family man... this is the prime of my career, and the prime of my life. Just two years ago, I felt as though I was in my prime and heading for its end... I never could have guessed nor have the maturity to understand what was left to come. Every life-changing experience, every breath-taking moment... this is my prime, and I'm choosing to live it to its fullest-- from my return, to Sultan, to the days still to come.

And you three honestly think you can keep me from what's rightfully mine?

You're out of your fucking minds.

So it was written, so it shall be. I'm taking this show by fucking storm, and in the end, there's going to be absolutely nothing that any of you can do to stop it. I will not be pinned. I will not submit. I will not stay down. If you hit me with everything you have, I will get back up somehow, and I will keep coming for you. I will not rest at any point in the night until I make it to the very end, and I come out exactly where I belong.

After all the hell I've gone through... and after all the work I've done to make it through to my own personal heaven, this is the only fitting end for my story, and I refuse anything less. So you can come at me, you can threaten me and you can talk me down and you can beat me until your fucking fists break... but I'm not going to lose this. Not here, not now.

You see, this is my story, and it will go the way I want it to... or I'll end it right now.

See you Sunday, kids.