Well, Showdown has passed and it looks like I still got it. That match agains't Gabriel Logan and Stephen Blood pretty much proved it when I got the pin over Gabriel Logan. Why did I pin Logan and not Stephen Blood? Honestly I don't know. I have been asking my self that same question over and over again and yet can't seem to find an answert to it. Maybe I was a little groggy to realize who it was that I was pinning, who knows. The fact is that what is done is done and I pinned Logan and not Blood. Personally I for one hate having to step into the ring again with these first class idiot at Xtreme Battle Zone, but what's worse is the fact that I have to face him yet again one week after I kicked his ass. My upcoming match happens to be a six man tag team match agains't none other than Logan and his little sorry excuse for a team who go by the name of the Illuminati, or whatever. It's just great what Dr. Evil has set here, it's just great. He is so sick and tired of watching me beat the living life out of his superstars that he has to put me in a tag team match agains't these idiots and two jobbers on my side, Mike C and Joey B. Of all people he goes and chooses these two idiots, that's just fucking great. All well, I guess a loss will be coming in this match for our team, and that's ok. We all know how much of a hardcore superstar Icon I am and the reason we lose is because the referee will have to disqualify me for how bad I am going to be stomping Logan. Logan has pissed me off in such way that he needs to be taught a lesson, he needs to realize that he made a mistake by pissing me off and now he's going to pay for that mistake. I'm not going to guarantee that this match will be won by my self or my team, but I could guarantee something, and mark my words. Logan will not be walking out of Showdown after our match is set and over with. This I will guarantee, by the end of the night people will have realized how much of a sick sadistic individual I can be. I don't care about Silver and that other idiot, Jobbers R us will make them busy while I am hitting Logan with fists of fury. I am going to grab Logans head and I will punch his brainless skull until he gets the message across his head, he can't touch me, he can't fuck with me and most of all, he's not in my league. This is what I will make him understand this Monday night at Showdown. If he doesn't get the message still, then at Xtreme Battle Zone I will have to make it even clearer for him to see it. One way or the other I promise that Logan will learn his lesson soon enough. He walks around thinking he owns the place, he thinks he's the greatest thing ever. Ha, aren't we conceited? Too bad is just a world of lies which he lives in and tells people to make himself feel better about who he is. Deep down Logan knows that he is nothing like he wants to be, or acts as if he is. Logan lives in a world of fears because he knows when the right person comes along he's going to knock him out of cloud nine and slap him back to reality. I am that man who is capeable of doing it; Logan knows this and I know Logan doesn't want to come and face me ever again. Look at past events, he usually comes out and flaps his gums about his matches and his opponents, but now look at what happened after I schooled him at last weeks Showdown. He suddenly went silent and has nothing to say. I guess he's not as stupid as he seems, he probably knows that by coming and talking shit like he usually does he'll just be pissing me off and he knows that pissing me off isn't necessarly a good move. Soon the match will come and we will all step into the ring and beat the hell out of eachother. For Joey and Mike C, it will be a bad night, they will get their asses kicked and owned by Silver and that other mexican individual. But for me, for me it will be glorious night. I will destroy whatever is left of Gabriel Logan and if his little buddies try to interferee with the beating then they will suffer the consequences as well. There's no escaping this beating, it's inevitable, and believe me, it's not going to be good. Logan, bitch, your sould may belong to god, but come Showdown, your ass is, one hundred percent mine! This is not just a catch phrase I use because I like how it sounds.Unlike many people I live by what this quote says. If I say I am going to kick someone's ass the way I say I am you better believe it. I don't like rambling on about stuff and when the time comes not actually doing it. I always back up my words with my actions, no matter what it is that I need to do I will do it. Logan needs to understand this, he needs to understand what kind of a star I am, how much better than him I am. He needs to see the light before I have to show it to him my self. I guess he might of already realized this being as how he's been hiding in the back sucking Dr. Evil's you know what trying to avoid me and this match from happening. He probably thought that by adding the other two clowns of his team he would actually stand a chance at stopping the Ultimate Assassin. Well, he guessed wrong big time. He could have an entire army in my way, but when the Ultimate Assassin is as focused as he is going into this match there is no way he could stop me, nor anyone else. I have a goal going into Monday nights Showdown and my goal is not to win the match. My goal is not to pin Logan yet again, my goal is to go into this match and torture Gabriel Logan. My goal is to come into this match and make him remember the night he face the Ultimate Assassin for the second time in his life. I want him to remember this match forever because of all the pain I will put him through. This is my one and only goal for Showdown. I have never had more desire to beat someone so senseless like I am wanting to beat Logan. Maybe Eric Sanders could make him some competion in the way I've hated an individual, but who knows, atleast Sanders had some actual talent. Logan on the other hand is the opposite from having talent. He's disgrace, not only to the Xtreme Wrestling Federation, not only to the entire World of wrestling, but also to mankind. It is people like him that make this world a bad place to live in. And people say that I'm the bad guy. I'm not the one who goes around macking fun and mocking people and their races. Like I said, Gabriel Logan needs to be thought a lesson and that's what he will get. I promise that after Showdown, he will never forget, the Ultimate Assassin...
Scene - Xtreme Wrestling Federation camera's come on to find ourselves inside of a indoor gymnasium. Camera's look around the place until we spot none other than Shaun Cabalar walking by the pool. He is wearing a white tanktop, white sneakers and gray sweat pants. He then goes and sits down on a chair for a second as all of the sudden XWF superstar Shawn Taylor comes into the scene, they then begin talking.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Yo Shaun, what's up mate?
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Hey man. What brings you around here?
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Ah just the usual. I just decided to check out some new gyms whilst I was down here working for some indy's. So, how's it going mate? I noticed you made a big impact on the XWF a few weeks ago..
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Oh, alright. Yeah I know, you should too, I mean, after that talk we had a few weeks after nMw crumbled I decided I should return one day to the only place where I didn't reign supreme due to my short stay. So after thinking about it long and hard I decided it wasnt't over for me yet. I still had something left in the tank you know, so that's why I'm back now.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Fair enough, so what's going down with you and the Illuminati. It looks like you struck a fire up under Logan's ass..
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : I don't know. Honestly, I don't care. I already beat that guy last week, he's nothing, but now I have to deal with him and his stupid little henchmen.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Yeah, I noticed. Aren't you teaming with Mike C and that piece of trash Joey B?
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Yeah.. Dr.Evil doesn't like me, of all people he goes n picks those two jobbers as my team mates, I guess he really has been dying for me to lose a match.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : I guess. Dr. Evil can be a bit of a prick like that from time to time.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Well, he's just wasting his time. I don't care about this match, I don't care who wins it. All I know is that Shaun Cabalar will not be pinned or will tap out on Showdown. However, I probably will end up being disqualified, I am going to beat the holy hell out of that stupid noob, Logan, again. Maybe then he will understand that he can't touch me.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Yeah, he's been running guy's names through the mud for the last few months.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : He actually thought he had a chance, and had the odassity to call me a has been. So if I'm a has been.. then what the hell does that make him? I really hate rookies like him who come up and think they're all great, yet they always end up geatting their asses kicked.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : I mean talk about a cheap bastard, this guy can't even work his way to the top. He's a disgrace to my buddy, Carlos Shotgun, and his promoting firm. A guy who acts like a Professor whilst having a love angle with a girl young enough to be his daughter, it just sounds like he's trying to be some one out of a crappy soap opera or some one from the WWF in the early 1990's! This guy is the perfect example of what's wrong with this federation. Well, him and people like Joey B. Logan has so much potential going for him, yet for some reason he has to ruin it by trying to act like Fred Durst, or some one.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Potential? Ha, what are you on? You have potential, Shiru Vanchiez has potential, Chris Hunter has potential.. Logan can't even be put in the same sentence as any of them.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Well hey, everyone has their own opinions.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Haha.. So I noticed you're in a pretty big match next week..
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Yeah. Well, it's the return of War Games. It's getting everyone hyped up already and I don't exactly want to let any one down like last week. It should be a good match, maybe even a great match. Hopefully this will be the end of the Rebels/XWF business.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : I noticed those clowns, they all think they're all that.. I hope you guys kick their asses for good.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : What I can't understand is that it takes four guys to fight one man's battle, which came about because one half of the XWF's greatest tag teams went back against his word to help the rookie. It's a really lame excuse to try and end the legacy of a federation. It's surprising though, how these guys call them selves "Rebels" yet when you look at their actions, they're not really rebelling against anything. If anything, they show all the signs of being corporate puppets!
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Some people are just idiots man. They are a perfect example of that, just like that Logan fucker and Dr.Evil himself. Why does he even call himself "Dr." ? He's not a fucking doctor.. See what I mean?
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Yeah, very true. I mean, he's a good boss, at times. Hell, he's even a creative genius yet he chooses to use the name of an Austin Powers character. Talk about "originality" eh?
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : You know, I didn't even think about that. That's true, what a fucking dumbass..
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Right, I don't care what he does, I'll never forgive or forget what he did to me in the early days of this season. He's on his last chance with me, by the looks of things, you're on your last chance with him!
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : I don't care. He should be honored to have me give HIM another chance. I mean, I am Shaun Cabalar, the hardcore king, I am the greatest thing he'll ever have. But you know what, if he screws me up again, I'm out man.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : That goes for the both of us, mate.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Yeah, you and I could go off and do our thing in anyother place. So he should watch himself and how he treats the best talent he has.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Yeah, but I have unfinished business here in the XWF. So whether he screws me over yet again really isn't a top priority to me at this moment in time. If it happens, it happens and there's nothing I can do to change that. If he wants to keep me around though then he's going to have to watch his step.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : I hear ya man. Anyway, did you hear about my match with your nMw archrival, Shawn Hardy?
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Yeah, over in some Indy fed' down in Florida right?
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Yeah, you know it. It's going to be world wide televised though.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Nice, what's the deal with that match?
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Well, after nMw shut down Hardy came up to me and he was pissed and said that I screwed him again. He was mad because it was the second time nMw had shut down when he was one match away from facing for the World title. So he pissed me off and then we figured we might as well fight again and end this war there. So we agreed that the loser has to retire.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Damn mate, you sure you want to enter a match with such high risks as that?
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Yeah, sure, why not? Sure we both have a victory over eachother, but I'm pretty confident that I could walk into this match and come out the winner.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Well when's this match going down?
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : It was set to take place on February 19, but due to some circumtances we have postponed it for now. So if it doesn't happen this month it will most likely happen in early March.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Damn. Well man, that's a pretty big risk. Shouldn't you be focusing on Logan, The Illuminati and the XWF?
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Nah, I'm not worried about Logan at all, he's not worthy of me to worry about. Hardy on the other hand, he's worth it. And the other two guys, Silver and Bustamenta or whatever.. I don't care bout them either. They have some issues with Jobbers are us, Mike C and Joey. So if they know their role and don't fuck with me, they won't have to worry about me coming after them and ending their careers.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Fair enough, I guess. Cade seems to have had a sudden out burst of potential as of late.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Cade, I'll give it to you. He is a good wrester, too bad he aligned himself with those to idiots he is with.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Right.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : By the way, you remember Chris Hunter?
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Yeah, what about him?
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : I talked to him, he said he might come down to XWF, depending how shit goes. Maybe we'll get to see Hunter/Taylor 3. *laughs*
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Nice. Now that would be a futureshock for the federation.Yeah, maybe. Meh....
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Yeah, they won't see it coming. It'd be priceless to watch him kick these talentless superstars asses.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Hunter/Clausen, now that would be a MATCH!
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Nah, Chris would waste him just like you are going to next week.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : That's why I'd love to see that match.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Haha, I get cha. Anyway man, we should be talking to those fine chicks over there, wouldn't you agree?
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Yeah, for sure. Well do what you want man, I got to get going. Flight back to England takes off in a few hours. I need to check in and shit.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Alright man. I'll see you at Showdown then.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : For sure, good luck in your match with The Illuminati and such.
' The Ultimate Assassin' Shaun Cabalar : Ha, I won't need it, you should be wishing them luck.. Atleast Logan, he won't be walking out of the arena, that's for sure. Anyway, good look in your match too man.
'The Virus' Shawn Taylor : Thanks mate. Laters dude.
Scene - Taylor and Shaun then shake hands and slightly shoulder block eachother and tap eachother on the back. Taylor then walks away as Shaun looks at some of the girls by the pool and walks over to them. The scene then fades to black.
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