Scene - Our scene opens in Staten Island, New York at a catholic elementary school called Our Lady Queen Of Peace. A few children are still running into the school in an attempt to be on time. But through all this one man stands out. As children scurry about past him, Shaun slowly walks down the sidewalk without a care in the world. Oddly enough, as Shaun continues down the path he turns in towards the entrance of the school. As Shaun reaches the front door we can hear the late bell go off. He then opens the door and walks into the lobby. In the lobby are many secretaries seated at their desks. Shaun approaches the nearest one, as the woman looks up and smiles.
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : Hi there sir, good morning. How can I help you today?
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : I don't think you can help me.
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : Well um, then why are you here? Is there something I can help you with?
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Yea, my car crashed into the lobby of the school, can I use your phone to call a tow?
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : Um sir, you couldn't have crashed into the lobby, because THIS IS the lobby.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : It was a joke...wow I try and be a little humorous and I get stuck with dead wood like yourself.
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : Oh, sir do you have a reason for being here? Because if you don't I am going to have to ask you to leave.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : You know for a catholic school I would have expected a little more respect then this. It figures though, no matter where I go, you're all alike.
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : That's it sir, I am going to ask you to leave one last time, otherwise I am calling security!
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Do what you must woman.
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : John get over here now!
Scene - The security guard from down the hall hears the secretaries scream and comes swiftly jogging down the hallway.
'the security guard' John : What seems to be the problem here?
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : This guy just walked in here for no reason and now he wont leave!
Scene - John then looks at Shaun dead in the eye before speaking.
'the security guard' John : Listen buddy, I am going to ask you nicely to leave and then if you still choose to be stubborn I will remove you myself.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Look at you, you're not ready for a fight. You're hardly ready for life. I have seen you're kind before, the type that could really be something in this world if they weren't so afraid of the repercussions, but worst of all if you weren't so afraid of yourself.
'the security guard' John : What? Hey listen buddy I don't need you to lecture me, you don't know me. Now either you get out or you're gonna make me do something I don't want to do.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Oh I know you, I know you more then you know yourself. You're so afraid of failing in this world that you wont even take the chance. And so you have become a security guard at a lowly elementary school, something even YOU couldn't fail at. Now I dont know what it feels to be a failure but I dont recognize one when I see one,but anyway if you attempt in any way to bring me harm, your limp body wont be a pretty sight for all those children to pass on their way home.
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : Don't just stand there do something!
Scene - The Security Guard just stands there with his head lowered to the floor in shame. Shaun has shown him the truth and it hurts. As the secretary continues to yell at him, Shaun throws a small piece of paper on her desk.
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : What is this?
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Well I don't know, you're a secretary. You read things for a living, try reading it.
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : All it says is Our Lady Queen of Peace Elementary School cordially invites XWF superstar Shaun Cabalar as our special guest speaker on February 11, 2005. What is this all about?
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Put two and two together. How did some as slow as you get this job anyway?...If you haven't realized by now, I am Shaun Cabalar. And Principal Dan Jordan is awaiting my presence. So if you could be as so kindly to show me to his office?
Scene - The secretary frowns at Shaun, she is obviously annoyed with this little game he had played on her. However she reluctantly leads him to Principal Jordan's office. She knocks on the door before entering.
'not a wrestling fan' Lisa : Principal Jordan, A Mr.Cabalar is here to see you.
'the principal' Jordan : Wonderful, thank you Lisa that will be all.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Yea, thank you LISA, you've been a great help.
Scene - Scene - Lisa narrows here eyes at Shaun in a sarcastic remark before leaving. Shaun then seats himself in the chair across from Principal Nevan's desk .
'the principal' Jordan : Well Mr.Cabalar, its great to finally meet you. Did you have any trouble finding the school?
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Nah, it wasn't too hard to find.
'the principal' Jordan : Let me just say, I being a wrestling fan all my life have great respect for your work.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Would that be why you asked me to come here today?
'the principal' Jordan : Actually no, we were kind of hoping to get Christian York or Shawn Taylor down here, you know someone the kids really look up to. But your company said you were the only one that was willing to show up.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Figures...none the less I am here. When can we get this thing over with?
'the principal' Jordan : The students are making there way to the auditorium as we speak, it shouldn't be long now. Follow me, I will show you to the stage.
Scene - Shaun follows Principal Jordan out the door and to the side entrance of the stage of the auditorium. The children are finally all seated and Principal Jordan walks up to the side podium and speaks into the microphone.
'the principal' Jordan : Alright, settle down now my children. Now I bet you are all wondering why you are here today, aren't you? Well today I have something special for you all. Are any of you familiar with the XWF?..[ most students begin cheering ].. I will take that as a yes. Well if you like the XWF then boy are you in for a surprise. Because your Principal went out of his way to have a XWF superstar come and speak to you all about the truth of sin. Please everyone lets give a warm welcome to our special guest speaker for today, XWF's own Shaun Cabalar!
Scene - Many of the students that were cheering soon fall back into the chairs in disappointment, as Shaun actually gets an ovation of boo's from the elementary school. Shaun walks out from behind the side curtain with a steel chair in one hand and a microphone in the other. He quickly walks to center stage, sets up the chair and sits in it. He slouches down as low as possible and stares into the student body. He just sits their with a blank, determined look on his face as they continue to boo him.
'the fourth grader' Johnny : YOU SUCK! WE WANT ROGERIO! YOU SUCK SHAUN!
'the fifth grader' Steven : What are you kidding me!? Get out of here, we don't want to see you! WE WANT LOGAN!
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : You say you want Rogerio Bustamonte, Gabriel Logan, yet they are not here. And if you proceed as such, just remember they wont be here to salvage your pathetic little lifes.
Scene - The auditorium quickly quiets down as Principal Jordan looks on in disbelief to Shaun's words.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Now today I am here to talk to you about sin. And if you want to say anything, and I mean anything, you will wait until I am finished.
'the principal' Jordan : Umm, well uh. Boys and girls, Shaun will be speaking about the wrongs of sin today. And I suppose that he will be taking any wrestling or non wrestling related questions after his speech. So without further interuption, I am going to hand the stage over to him.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : What is sin? What are these immoral acts that we commit, although we know they are wrong? How can one explain this tendency in which we are most inclined to do harm? Unfortunately, I can not define sin. I can speak only of what it looks like. You see, sin is present when humans hurt one another. When one nation destroys another nation with deadly weapons, that is sin. When we destroy with deadly word, that too is sin. Sin comes in all shapes and sizes, it knows no true form. It can fiery hot like war and fighting, or it can be icy cold like ignoring someone in need. Sin can be very complicated, like the tangled web that is lying. Yet it can also be as simple as yelling at a child who wants attention. Sin is an unfounded burst of anger aimed at someone who meant well. Unfortunately, we find sin splashed across our newspapers...Public officials accept bribes, Children gun down other children without cause, Corporations place profits over people and even Drugs destroying young lifes. What has our world come to where a young child can not play out in the streets for fear of his life?...But sin also lies in the dark corners of our country, resulting in homeless persons seeking shelter in the subways beneath our cities our namesless farmworkers receiving inadequate pay for harvesting the fruits and vegetables that we eat. You see sin is all around us. We encounter it every day. We do not know why it exists but we know little of the reasons why it holds such power over us.
Scene - Shaun wipes his face with his hand and stares off for a moment but then continues to speak.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Ancient wisdom often pointed to selfishness as the root of sin. A misguided placing of our own will and desires. However naming the root of sin does not solve its mystery or destroy its power. But their is another way. There is still hope for such innocence as yourselves. I can bring you there...I can show you salvation. I can weed out the moral from the immoral and so I shall be your savior. You may be too young, your minds not intelligent nor coherent enough to make light of my words. Yet one day you shall understand. One day you will realize the truth of which I speak. On our day of judgment you shall be tested on this very prophecy. Take lightly my words, for it makes no difference, I am no longer in control of your life. You shall learn that the only thing standing between you and salvation...is yourself.
Scene - Reverand Jordan begins to applaud as the children reluctantly do the same.
'the principal' Jordan : Boys and girls, lets hear it for Mr.Cabalar That was great, I hope you all learned something today. Now I understand a few of you have a few questions for Shaun so I am sure he won't mind, ask away.
Scene - A few children raise their hands as Reverand Jordan calls on them to speak.
'the sixth grader' Mark : Hey Shaun, why is it that you hate Gabriel and Rogerio so much? I love them, they are some of my favorite wrestlers even though they're mean like you sometimes.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : I can only hope that one day you will realize that this world you live in is fake. The super hero's you watch on television, the loving family you have and people like Logan are all fake. They only tell you what you want to hear. Never will they tell it how it really is. You see people like Logan and his Illumaniti friends and other XWF superstars want you to like them, they want you to cheer for them. They live for it. It gives them a feeling of acceptance and achievement. And to someone whose mind is not able enough to see through their lies and falsehoods, sees something admirable about them. They see success and happiness and hope they can one day be that, to one day have that. Yet they do not see who the true Gabriel Logan or anyone else are, they can not distinguish what is truly right or wrong.
'the sixth grader' Mark : But they are the good guys. They love their fans and are really nice people. I think you're just jealous of them."
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Jealous? You think that I, Shaun Cabalar am even remotely jealous of them? My dear boy, you know nothing. Your adolescence makes you think that way. Yet when you grow older you will see Logan and people like him for who they truly are...heartless...and callous...Words in which we use to describe the lowliest of mankind. And yet the are applauded for it. One day you will realize, one day the whole world will realize...but by then it shall be too late.
'another fifth grader' : You are just jealous because you know you can get your butt kicked by them. You're a sore loser and my dad always told me nobody likes a sore loser.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : First and for most, your father is an idiot. He doesn't know me, you don't know me. Neither of your minds could withstand my anguish. And as for me being upset about they being better than me, you know I think you should stop smoking the really green ones, I mean lets be serious why would I be scared of the Illumaniti? look at them their nothing just like you.And incase you didnt watch Showdown last week I beat the living shit out of Logan, so why dont you think before you say something stupid you dumb shit.
'another fifth grader' : Either way you're still going to get your butt kicked on Showdown by the Illumaniti, your partners suck just like you!
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : You see that is your opinion. I on the other hand, have an opinion of my own. For you see, the odds may be stacked against me, but I won't back down. I won't run or hide from my past or that which awaits me in the near future. This match is more psychological then it is physical. Once a man underestimates his own abilities, it is all down hill from there. But I know no such flaw. My mind is set and set on one thing...the complete anihilation of the parasite those are Rogerio Bustamonet and Gabriel Logan and obvious Cade Silver now.
'another fifth grader' : Yea, yea whatever. I bet once match time comes you won't even step foot in the ring because you'll be so scared.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Scared? As in the type of fear that you have of the dark?
'another fifth grader' : I..I..I am not afraid of the dark. Wha..What are you talking about?
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Sure you're not. Just as I do not fear the Illumaniti. My whole life I have been laughed at and mocked by people like them, all of your little favorite wrestlers. They beat me up, they stole from me, they called me names. And each time...I let them. When they pounded their fists into my face, their were times I could have done something, there were times I could have fought back...but I didn't. My childhood was filled with nothingness, broken promises and hardship after hardship. And sometimes I just felt that is what better to feel something, then nothing...However it was because of people like them that I had to resort to such a lifestyle.
'the principal' Jordan : I think that's about enough!Boys and girls, I am sorry but Mr.Cabalar must be leaving now. The XWF requests him back immediately. So let's give a warm round of applause for our guest speaker.
Scene - Some students clap,while others show no reaction at all. Reverand Jordan grabs Shaun by the shoulder as they both leave the stage.
'the principal' Jordan : What in the hell was that?!?!
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : What was what?
'the principal' Jordan : Those horrible, completely and utterly horrible things you were trying to teach those kids out there!
Scene - Shaun sighs and looks down at the floor without replying to the principal.
'the principal' Jordan : Well, aren't you going to answer me damn it!
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : I was speaking the truth and you know it. Show me a world of complete normalcy and perfectness and I will retract my words...but you can't and so I won't.
'the principal' Jordan : They are just kids! None of them more then ten years old. Their parents don't need you filling their heads with that crap.
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : No of course not, you would much rather they grow up in a world where everything is supposed to be righteous. You fill a youths mind with such lies and the first immoral act upon them that they feel or see, will scar them for life. I did not do anything wrong out there. I tried to show them how the world really is, instead of trying to blanket them with false hope like yourself.
'the principal' Jordan : I don't believe you! Get out of my school! Get out now! And I can assure you that the XWF administration will be hearing about this!
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Do what you must, for it shall not change the very thought you just can't erase from your mind can it? The fact that I may have reached some of those youths and changed their lifestyle forever is playing with your conscience isn't it?
'the principal' Jordan : Get the fuck out now!
' the ultimate assassin ' Shaun Cabalar : Ha, and I thought the clergy wasn't supposed to swear, fair enough though...say goodbye to the children for me.
Scene - Shaun then leaves the office the as he is going out he cracks up, the scene then ends.
Would you look at that, I just got basically kicked out of a catholic school for speaking the truth to young kids.. Ha, I definately didn't see that coming. I guess some people are just not prepared to face the truth. Some people just believe what they want to believe and only hear what their minds want to hear. Which brings me to my next point, The Illumaniti. Would you look at that, it looks as if Gabriel Logan has finally decided to come out from where he was hiding and show his face. Quite shocking isn't it? Yes, yes it is. I didn't honestly think he'd have the balls to come out and say anything, hell I sure as hell didn't expect it. But I did expect something, I expected to Logan to think of every single excuse in the book and use it as to why I beat him on last weeks Showdown. Just like I expected him to, he's way too predictable. And Logan, buddy. A loss is a loss, and deep down as much as you try to deny it you know it hurt you when I beat you especially after all that trash talking you did. You know that deep inside of you it ate you alive knowing the fact that you couldn't kick out of the Overdose. You know that you do fear me, you know it deep in your heart. You know that you are terrified at the fact that you have to face me againt at the Xtreme Battle Zone pay per view. You say I have no place to hide? Well, lets check back a minute there bucko. Who was the one who hid under Cade Silver all week long? it sure as hell wasnt me there buddy. You were the one who hid like the little bitch that you truly are. You know I'm right man, you need to wake up and get off your denial mode. You want people to realize that your in ring ability cannot be match? well, you're pretty much right, hell I mean even Mike C has already beaten you. So it may not be matched, but it sure as hell can be surpassed. It's funny how you say that I'm not a factor in this match, I mean, hell if someone beat me I sure as hell would count them as factors in upcoming matches. And what's this about not showing my face? What are you that stupid? have you confused yourself with me again? Stupid idiot. I'm glad that you told your friends to let you and me go at it. Because I want you inside of that ring buddy, I want to tear you limb from limb and once again defeat you just like I did last week. At first I didn't care about winning, but now. Now I want to win this match, I want to pin you again and show you just how much better than you I am. That's exactly what I want to do and what I will do. You just can't stop the inevitable Logan, you and your little team are going to get your asses beat at Showdown and that's a fact. Logan, you better continue to hit the gym, because believe me, you will need to be your A game into this match. I swear that if you don't I will rip you apart even easier than I said I would. Logan, at Showdown I am going to beat some respect into you. I am going to grab your head after the match is over with, after I hit the Overdose on you yet again and pin you. After I do that I am going to grab your hopeless head and I am going to pound you until my hand gets tired, I will pound you until they have to bring the entire roster to try and stop me from semi-killing you. Think of this as a threat, if you want, a joke, or whatever the hell you feel like taking this as, I dont really care, but just know this Logan, your soul may belong to god, but at Showdown, your ass is one hundred percent mine!
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